That's a gorgeous artwork choice you've selected to compliment your brilliantly rendered, Unrhymed, Unmetered Quatrain, with its (1-line each) Intro 'n Envoi.
"Words with No Meaning"? Hah! The metaphoric imagery, alone, is worth twice the price of entry, not to mention your keen admonishment to relax some of the weight of writing an idealistic poetic paragon-ic crème de la crème … lest one were to turn a goal into literary gaol. 🧐
Stunning work, Lady-Poet, as we've become accustomed from You! ⁓ Richard🖌
[wee hint this presentation: omit free spaces above poem to bring first line with offset artwork into closer harmony … won't hurt to give it a look-see]
Think, post, edit, delete. It's always good to write. Can't say that I am in anyway, shape or form a perfectionist :)
I understand and enjoyed your words
'Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all' (Hamlet). Thinking too much about it can inhibit the natural flow. Sometimes we have to throw caution to the winds and go for it... We're friends... let's get naked lol.