only those will suffer in love, who takes it through their soul,place someone at the peak of their life and sacrifice and feel silently and unconditionally.otherwise player will always plan and throw a meaningful smile that haunts you rest of your life for your true dedication.
a beautiful poem
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
A really wise observation, mou!
Thank you, I truly appreciate your take on this piece ☺
to some it is just a game...and to others who want the real thing not a game of Clue or Chance...they wish to not just throw dice and count on luck...they want to play with a true heart on the other side.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Always two sides of the picture, yes. Thank you so much for your insight here, Jacob. As always, app.. read moreAlways two sides of the picture, yes. Thank you so much for your insight here, Jacob. As always, appreciated.
There is a fierce pulse that breathes through your words, a vision, a canvas of love tainted in painful streaks and scars. It is an aching glimpse of what happens to love when it hides from its true self. The rhythmic questions of your thoughts just stun the senses.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you so much, Craig for the appreciation. I am much humbled by your kind words. 😊
Love can be merely a tool to play with our hearts, though, when blossomed in honesty and beauty, love can be one of the greatest things that keeps two people together, whether romantically or not. Then again, I've never experienced true love and I'm not sure how that will go in the future... XD I don't have much of a stand to speak positive on it, but the reality of love can often be cruel, forcing people to never feel the emotion again. I've met someone who had been through heartbreak over 20 times and she never let their names escape her mind. It just... Ate away at her. I was a young teen back then, so I hardly understood... Until I got older and realized how destructive we can make love. If it's in the rights hands, love can be such a beautiful thing. Anyways, well done on this!
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I feel the same having never experienced it truly but obse.. read moreThank you for sharing your thoughts here. I feel the same having never experienced it truly but observed enough to know that it can be a blessing as well as a curse.
I appreciate your take on this 😊
Well, Yumna,
You've certainly skillfully, emotionally, and with great passion, addressed one aspect of love … the game portion, and "Yes, love can all too often be a hurtful game."
In my experiences, and there have been literally hundreds over my years of searching and trying, lured by and entered into with hope, lust, you name it … for, there is no end to that which is entered into and undertaken in the name of "love".
There is one thing I know for certain, Yumna, "The heart has a mind all its own, that no one can tell it how to feel, whom to chose and feel it with, how long it will last, and in whatever form it will appear when it does, etc; on and on.
One may fall in-love by virtue of a plan, it may develop bit-by-bit over time, hit us when least expected, sparked in a rush of fiery, irresistible lust … love and its various forms is literally endless.
It may even brim the heart to overflowing with tears of sweetness from looking into the eyes of an infant or innocent child, or the or those of one's lover after sated love-making, or while watching the playful sweetness of a kitten, etc; there just is no end to love and its effects on the heart, mind, spirit, and emotions.
So many questions you've asked, so much is written between your lines, and so many of us will relate to the brilliant discourse of your deeply meaningful words … such unfortunate hurt I can feel emanating from them the pain is almost palpable, but such is the power of well-struck poetry upon my sensitive soul.
Perhaps, this poem I once wrote on love, not so long ago, will express something about it we all might be able to agree on.
Thank you, Dear Yumna, for blessing us with another of your amazingly captivating pieces! ⁓ Richard
(to all seekers)
shall seek not....
but for its own satisfaction
and will not be easily swayed
from its course.
It will....
bend and twist you
and shine and dim upon you
while holding onto those within its grip.
they become pliant and giving
trusting and alive
with its genuine and crystal-clear vision.
It will know you....
even though
you do not know yourself
and until you do.
It cannot....
be captured
and will not be controlled
by anything other than love itself.
It shall not....
be fooled
nor can it be substituted
or replaced.
Love is sufficient unto Love
and can be known only
to itself.
Nothing known can destroy genuine Love.
will warmly embrace you
but only upon finding you worthy
to its demanding task.
Until that occasion....
you will ever be seekers
of this lustrous gem we call –
Richard, thank you so much for sharing the concept of love through your beautiful poetry. read moreRichard, thank you so much for sharing the concept of love through your beautiful poetry.
You are so right when you say it can not be controlled by anything else. But I think we on the whole are mistaken about what love really is. The only love that I've found is true to the core is that between a mother and child. All else is just desires especially that between a man and woman. But of course this is my opinion. It may seem that I've been betrayed in love due to which I say this but that is not the case. For I find it very hard to really love anyone. I find quite a difference between liking someone and whole-heartedly loving, which is what has, up till now kept me away from altogether feeling it.
I agree, love catches one unaware but that holds true for, as you say, genuine love.
I truly appreciate your comments on this.
8 Years Ago
Love comes in endless form, Yumna, and defining it is a pure waste of time, but we know it when it h.. read moreLove comes in endless form, Yumna, and defining it is a pure waste of time, but we know it when it hits, whether for a moment, a night, or a forever, but one thing I more sure of, almost, than life itself, is that we need it, crave it, seek it, embrace it, whether consciously of sub-consciously … it is a primal need built into each of us, regardless if we realize it, or not, and we will always yearn for it until we find it … some more-so than others.
You are amazing to share with, Yumna ✨ … thank you! ⁓ RJ
8 Years Ago
I can not disagree to that at all.
It's an honour for me that you think me worthy enough to .. read moreI can not disagree to that at all.
It's an honour for me that you think me worthy enough to share your words of wisdom ☺
In my mind and poetic heart, you rise and shine by your own merit, Yumna … you honor an olde bard .. read moreIn my mind and poetic heart, you rise and shine by your own merit, Yumna … you honor an olde bard by listening to his (not always so regarded) discernments, but you make it a distinct pleasure! 😊
only those will suffer in love, who takes it through their soul,place someone at the peak of their life and sacrifice and feel silently and unconditionally.otherwise player will always plan and throw a meaningful smile that haunts you rest of your life for your true dedication.
a beautiful poem
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
A really wise observation, mou!
Thank you, I truly appreciate your take on this piece ☺
It maybe for some... but it may start as a game... then it'll develop as love. Emotions may come out cheap but the experiences that you receive and given either you recognized it or not it is always be there. It maybe a game.. or it maybe not.
Well I think its all about experiences.. Thank you for checking up on this one and for your insight .. read moreWell I think its all about experiences.. Thank you for checking up on this one and for your insight here.. Means a lot ☺
8 Years Ago
a pleasure to review and know this coincidence exist on your account!
Love as a game - while it has been done to death it always comes back to that because perhaps we learned games as children and are still children/rank amateurs in this game.
I was minded of the great furore sparked by the world's greatest A.I. machine lately because it beat the world champion at the uber-compicated game 'GO'.
The same computer would literally blow a gasket if it ever tried to play the game of 'LOVE' - don't you think YumnaKay
Great piece for making the reader think.
Interesting logic, Tony Jordan! I agree with you. Thank you for liking and reviewing. I'm glad it ma.. read moreInteresting logic, Tony Jordan! I agree with you. Thank you for liking and reviewing. I'm glad it made you think☺
8 Years Ago
Thank you. Reading this was a great excuse for a sojourn into my (tiny) grey cells - not that I need.. read moreThank you. Reading this was a great excuse for a sojourn into my (tiny) grey cells - not that I need much prompting lol
Write on dear friend.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment on my work.
I agree with Perdition with respect to love.
Reading though this piece appears to me that the persona has been hurt by what she thought was real love, only to find out it was anything but....
Not everyone that says, 'I love you' means it the way you may perceive it and therein lies the problem...perception... intention...reaction... rejection...
Wishing you well.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
I agree with you on the said aspects. Thank you for the review. I appreciate it It was a pleasure re.. read moreI agree with you on the said aspects. Thank you for the review. I appreciate it It was a pleasure reviewing yours :)