

A Story by Yulma



Chapter 1

Today was the day I met the most wonder full man in the world his name is
 Christopher R. Phil he was my age and he was rely nice to every one
in addition, he was hansom. The family and I wear in the market-buying surplice
 when Mr. Johnson bumps, I in accident and I drop everything down to the floor.
’’ Can I help you?” he asked.
I said, “thank you sir.”
When I look up, I saw the most wonderful chestnut brown eyes I have ever seen
 in my life.
“Hello my name is Christopher Phil but every
one calls me Chris and what’s your name?”
’’ Marilyn Aries’’ I responded.
” Nice to meet you Marilyn Aries hope to see you again” he said I hope so I said to my self. The whole day I couldn’t get him out f my head .During training my mother asked me if I was okay she said that I was acting weird since we came back from the market place. I told her that I was okay but she did not looked convince. However, how can I tell her the I saw a wonderful young man? Maybe because our kind wear not allowed having any relation ship with any one that is not have a heritage of a witch.
Chapter 2
The last couple of days have been hard with the lots of Uncle James. When someone passes away, we have to do a ritual before the third day of their death or else the spirit will not rest in harmony. Joshua my younger brother wanted to stay up with us but my father
said no that he was little in addition, had to rest like a normal eight year old should get.
When papa sent him off I asked him why he could not stay up like the rest of the family he responded that he does not have the age to know the family secret it is only on an Aries 13th birthday that they can know what will change their life forever. I really didn’t understand but I was excided tomorrow we where going to go to the market place and I hoped to see Chris I cannot stop thinking of him. My mother told me that there was a new family moving in to town that was sent from Salem.
I started to worry who they were mama said that there was a boy my age, another Joshua’s age and two younger. We where to have dinner with them tomorrow night she said I had to wear the gown that we used for ritual in addition, make three extra beds for the younger boy’s.
We went to the market early in the morning to get the supplies we need to get for to night. I did not see Chris we went home and mama notice that I was
depressed she asked, “Are you okay sweetie”
“Yes mama I’m fine nothings wrong with
me I’m just nervous about tonight and about the new family and if they are nice and all.” I said.
“Okay but you have been acting strange lately” mama said.
We went home and prepared the beds and I helped mama with dinner. It was almost time and I was just getting dressed when I remembered why am
 I getting my hopes up if I cannot have any relation ship with Chris because he is normal I’m a witch and I’m suppose to marry someone that is the same? Therefore, I got him out of my head. I was sow excided I was not going to be the only one my age as a witch. They arrived and the first thing I notice he was standing right there the boy from the market “Chris”.
Chapter 3
During dinner every one was talking the young boys and Joshua were playing
 like always. Joshua never has a problem making friends. Chris didn’t say a word and he kept on staring at me he help me clean up after dinner and he said to me,” I told you that we were going to see each other again”
“Yes you did and I’m glad to see you again,” I said.
“I am glad, I have a question, how advance are you?” he said.
“I’ve barley learn the ritual of the death and you?” I said.
“I learned that a year ago. How does this sound. After we clean up we go out and walk around?” he said.
“Yes I would love to go but we have to come back
in an hour” I said.
We went and told my parents that we where going out. We walk around in addition, talk.
“How old are you? “He asked.
“I am 14 years old and you?”
“The same I have a confession to make “
“What is it “
“Since the market place I haven’t been able to sleep, you are in my mine all day I was thinking if you were a witch and I prayed that you were and it came true I want to get to know you more and maybe make a commitment with you. I believe I have fallen in love with you with the first sight of you.’’ I stayed quiet for a while and I got nervous again. I did not know what to tell him.
“I’ve been thinking of you too I have had you in my dreams and I didn’t care
 if you were a witch or not I had fallen in love with you and no one is
going to change my mind.”
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
“Yes you may”
My first kiss I cannot believe this I am  in love with him, as I have never imagined. He made me feel safe with that kiss. We went back inside the boys were in bed and we proceeded with the families uniting ritual. They stayed in the guest room right next to mine. I could not sleep he was in my mind all night. The next
 day he asked my father if he could take me out to walk and a horse ride papa accepted.
Chapter 4
Mother has been all week nothing we did have tried has helped, she has been drinking remedies that the doctor has given her. Her fever went down for a little while and papa has not left her side since yesterday no one wants to tell us what is wrong with mother if she was going to get better.
Our Aunt Gabriela and Cousin Wendy came to help. My aunt was my father oldest sister and she was full of life just like grandma. Cousin Wendy was another story she and I were not alike in anyway. Every time we went to the market, everyone said “their goes the crazy sisters.”
              “Marilyn have you heard?” she asked.
           “Heard what?”
            “About the new family that moved from Salem.”
           “Yes, they were over for dinner last week. Why did you ask me if I heard?”
          “They say that a young boy our age came with them and tat him is very handsome”
         “You mean Chris, he is extremely hansom and he is the oldest of the    family.”
         “Have you talked to him?”
“Yes I have and something else happened …”        “What happened?”
“We umm kissed”
“What! You are lying”
 “No I’m not lying I spent all day with him last Wednesday”
            She wanted to know everything. In addition, kept on telling me how lucky I was that I found a young cute witch.
    “When are you going to see him again?” she asked.
   “Actually I have been seeing him all week; his mom has been training us both.” I said.
    “Does Uncle Ben know?”
   “Yes he does and he is really jealous”
 “My father has been acting weird too the same with Edward and Mark“
   “Your brothers are weird and everyone knows that”
  “Yes I know but more than usual”
     After Aunt Gabriela and Wendy, left I went to training. Chris was ill today so I didn’t see him, it was only his mother and me. She kept on telling me that that I am going to learn all this again tomorrow because of Chris. Before I left William, the second youngest gave me a letter that Chris had sent me. The letter said:
                      Dear Marilyn,
I’m sorry I got sick today hope mother wasn’t rude to you to you I wanted to spend today with you to talk as we do every day. How is your mother? Hope that she is getting better because I want to see your lovely smile that warms my heart well I hope to see you tomorrow.
I love you
                        Christopher R. Phil
P.S. the only thing good about your mother being ill is that I spent more time with you…just kidding hope she gets better.
I put the letter in my box and I went to bed. My dreams told me that every thing was going to change. However, I did not understand. Mother was better, she was up real y early this morning making breakfast and waking every one up. Papa got his smile back and was acting like a child again.
 Joshua told mama, “don’t leave me with Marilyn again.”
Crazy boy he just was worried. Mother told me that today I was not going to Mrs. Phil house today. She sent me to give her a letter. I saw some thing sad a carriage killed an innocent kitty and I had to burry him and do a quick ritual. I had to hurry because if some one saw me I would be executed.
When I got there, Chris was waiting for me at the fence.
              “I mist you,” he said.
“It was only one day “I said.       
“Yes but I have to see you every day“
“You are crazy. Mother better and I am not going to come tonight”
“Well let’s tell mother “
“Okay lets go “
“I have an idea “
“What is it?”
‘’no I am not telling”
He would not tell me what his plan was. When we got to the door, his mother was reading a book.
“Mother, Marilyn is here,” he said.
“Hello Marilyn, how are you today?”
   “I’m fine Mrs. Phil”
“And your mother how’s her health?”
“Its better, she send me to thank you and to tell you I’m not coming tonight.”
Well tell her it was nothing it was nothing I was happy to help,” she said.
”Mother can I ask you a question?” he asked.
“Yes Chris what is it?”
“Can I go tonight and study with Marilyn?”
    I was shock of what he asked his mother. He never let anyone teach him anything.
“Yes, but only if Mrs. Aries says its okay with her go and ask her “        
      We went to ask mother. He held my hand all the way over there and told me
“I will never let go, my heart belongs to you and like I said I need to you every day.”
     His words made me happy inside. I did not know what to say so I stayed quite for a while and only told him one thing, “I love you “and I kissed him. He looked like he wanted to tell me some thing else, but he did not .When we got to my house papa was waiting for me at the door and did not like the idea of Chris holding my hand. Mother was in the study room and I asked her if Chris could study with us. Mother said that it was okay.

 Chapter 5
I am excised today is my 15th birthday. My family will determent if I am ready to live my life as a witch. Between I am the youngest girl in our family anything can happen. Papa has been hoping that I won’t be ready yet he wants me around forever.
 Mother looked suspicious all day she kept on telling me how happy she was acting like if she was having a great day but it didn’t make any sense. She was getting weird. She was getting weird. Between what she told me she kept n sending Joshua out with messages.
“Joshua where are you going?” I said.
      “I can’t tell you “he said.
“Mother told me that I can’t tell you I am going to Mrs. Phil house. “
“Okay thank you for telling me. “
“Hey wait! “
“Go on do what mother asked.”
 I wonder what Mrs. Phil and mother is sending messages for? Chris had told me that after he turned 15 his mother was acting weird. Our mothers are to something. I wasn’t going to see him today because it s a day of the family.
Papa came to my room and asked me,
            “Do you love that boy?”
“What boy?
“Christopher Phil do you love him?”
“Yes papa I do.”
“Does he love you?”
“He tells me that every day.”
“Okay my child that’s all I wanted to know.”
Papa did not like the idea of me loving some one or someone loving me. The same thing happened when Samantha got married that he asked the million questions. When Richard and Thomas wear getting married, he did not say a word. Why did he ask does question?
I am not getting married. I am not ready I still want to finish my studies and I want to be older when I get married.
            My brothers should up drunk again they look like they don’t care about a thing. Their wife’s stayed home with their children and those to drunk. I went up stairs to my bedroom because I can’t stand those two. My older brothers are not my favorite part of my family. Joshua has always been scared of them they wear rude and cruel to us, the only one of the five mother has had was my sister Samantha with her first child was to be born soon. Thomas and Richard were scared of her because at her house she was in charge not her husband.
 Papa was proud of her because no one controls her.
Samantha came up to my room and asked me if I was alright.
“Marilyn are you okay”
“Yes I am fine I just don’t want to deal with those two”
“They are drunk again”
“I know; do you know what mama is up too?”
“Why do you say that?”
“She has been acting weird all day and sending messages back and forth with Mrs. Phil.”
“I don’t know but don’t worry about it.”
“But I have too, because papa has been acting weird too.”
“Remember before you got married, papa asked you if you loved Jonathan”
 “Yes I remember he asked me that question for a month. Has papa asked you that question?”
“Yes, he has”
“You know papa does not like the idea of a boy putting their interest in us. And maybe that is the reason why Papa is asking those questions about Chris and you.
“Maybe, but can I ask you for a favor?”
“Go ahead what’s the favor”
“Can you leave me alone for know Sam is it okay with you.”
 “Yes and don’t worry Papa will go back to normal soon”
“Thank you”
Parents who would understand them but I know that they mean well. I was excited this morning but not anymore. At dinner I had to have a smile when I did not want to smile. After dinner my family gave me the news I was waiting for all day.
“You are ready to live your life as what you are a beautiful and smart witch Marilyn Aries” papa said with a smile.
I walked out side for some air and to think of what papa had told me. I was ready but was I really ready to follow my ancestor’s foot steps as a witch. That question stayed with me for awhile that night. Am I really prepared and can someone give me a hint to see if my father is right. Smart? I couldn’t memorize our ancestors name and accomplishment. Papa believes in me I should believe in myself too.
The answer I was looking for was closer than I thought. An evil was around me that night I started to walk to see what that evil presents was but I could not find it. When it found me I remember was its eyes those eyes that looked like blood. The evil presents attacked me that night and left me unconscious. I woke up days later after what happened that night. I only notice one thing very special and I smiled to see that person sleeping holding my hand next to me. I close my eye for him to not notice I was awake. He woke up a few moments after I was falling back to sleep.
“Marilyn please I beg of you come back to us. Don’t leave me I love you and I cant live with out you” Chris asked me while I listen and made him believe that I was unconscious.
                             Chapter 6
No one knew what happened that night. The questioning lasted a week after I woke up. I told them what I saw and felt that night. Mother and father wear worried because I couldn’t get up and move around the house or my room. Wendy my cousin and Aunt Gabriela did not leave my side. After a few day I would start telling them to leave me alone that I was fine.

© 2009 Yulma

Author's Note

NOt finish

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Added on February 6, 2009



Salinas, CA

Well what can i tell you about myself. i am a young person that wants to make writing my future i know i have problems with spelling and grammar but i do plan to fix that. more..
