Soft and delicate.
You lay there, looking as if you didn't
have a care in the world.
As if you could go on laying there
and it wouldn't matter a bit.
And whenever I need you,
you're always right there.
Right where I need you at the time.
You listen carefully,
never telling me I'm crazy
or lying
or over reacting
or being silly
or boring
you just lay there and listen.
And when it's all over
We hug.
The best hugs anyone could
ever expect.
And you know
that a hug says more than
any word ever could.
Then, you go right on laying there,
as if to say
you'll always be here if I ever need you,
and I know you will be.
I've never had a friend treat me so well.
Yet look at you! All tattered and frayed.
How do you put up with me,
when so many others can't.......