I walked into a world I've been in before
with my chest sliced open
and my heart exposed for what it is
weak, feable, dependant..
Last time it burnt, but this time I gave more
hoping, hoping, hoping to somehow outrun fate.
Yet no matter how I tried
you wouldn't see me, only what others showed you.
An emporer proudly clothed in his new outfit,
you scurried from my life.
I have to believe you're more afraid of what could be
of the beautiful opportunities that could be..
of the depth of the emotions that could be..
of the strength in bond that could be..
that you'd rather part now,
than give it the chance we see infront of us..
my heart has been trampled..
and I slowly bend to pick the pieces,
dust them off
and place them into the cavity of my center
which I protect with my very being...
it does not beat with the same rhythm ..
not after you,
not ever again.
but I'll never regret it.
I'll never forget it.