God gave Man and Woman dominion over everything but 1 thing, each other. Husbands and Wives Love each other equally because man might be physically strong but it is the woman who empowers the heart. We are built to work with each other, not against one another. Women have a supernatural power and it is the power of Beauty and Love, while Men have the power of Correction and Wisdom. But how is it that a wise Wife builds a strong house? They have an intimate access, humans have always thought that Men were the solution and Women are the problem but no, Woman are the actual solution to Men, because we Men are the Glory of God but Women are the Glory of Men. Glory, that which inspires awe. There is nothing better than the Woman of God that knows how to wield the sword, because it is them who transfer title and power.
Proverbs 31: “The Heart of her Husband does safely trust in Her.”