Old poems from 2010

Old poems from 2010

A Poem by Ashley Marie Montgomery

Old poems from 2010. Thought it would be fun to post some of my old writing. As I write these I might make a few changes to them but usually I wont to much. Review, read, message(: Thanks!(:


We talk,

We cuddle,

I think about you,

Night and day,

Rain or shine,

I wonder if you think of me?

You say you love me though,

When I say it,

I mean it,

I really do love you,

I don't want to lose you,

I really don't,

People say stuff about me,

About you,

About us,

But I don't listen because,

All I worry about is you and what you truly think about me.

                      -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 18th, 2010


I look at you,

You look at me,

I want to smile,

But something holds me back,

Because every time I look at you,

I know I hurt you,

I loved you,


I think about you,

Wondering if I should change things or leave them the same,

I don't think either would help any,

I messed up,

Really bad,

I am sorry,

I hope you forgive me,

Maybe not now,

But someday,

Someday soon,

To my love,

I'm so sorry.

                  -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 18th, 2010


We talk,

We laugh,

We listen to each other,

We laugh more than anyone,

We go places together,

We go to each others houses,

We joke around,

Your my best friend,

When I'm blue and all alone,

I can tell you anything and know that my secret is safe with you,

I trust you,

You are kind of a sister I never had,

If I had to pick anyone to my sister,

It would be you,

Your the best,

You are my true best friend,

Thank you.

                     -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 18th, 2010


I sit and think of my day,

Wishing I was with you,

But sadly I'm not,

Makes me wonder,

What your doing right now?

Where your at?

Are you sleeping?

Are you up?

If you are sleeping,

Are you dreaming about us?

Because when I sleep,

I dream about you,

Not every night,

But some nights,

Right now,

I'm thinking about what happened on Monday,

Plays in my head over and over,

And all I can say is I hope it happens again real soon.

                         -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 18th, 2010


I sit and think about what is going to happen,




I hope everything goes right,

I can't stop thinking about you,

Your in my head,

Day and night,

Night and day,

I wonder how much you think of me,

When I look in your eyes,

My heart melts and I know I am in love with you,

I hope we are together for a long time,

Because if we break up,

My heart is going to heart,

I don't want to get hurt again,

I hope you never hurt me.

                       -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 19th, 2010


You say that your not going to talk to me,

But you always do,

When you say something,

I usually laugh,

Why you ask?

Because your really funny,


I gave you a hug the other day,

Did it mean anything to you,

Because it meant something to me,

I don't like that you say your not my friend,

Because we all know you are,

Your my best friend,

We not really,

Yeah you are,

Who am I kidding,

I don't want to say it though because you might think I like you,

But I don't.

                         -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 19th, 2010


I think about you,

Missing you like crazy,

All I want to do is talk about you,

But no one is with me right now,

All I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out,

Because I'm not with you,

I just miss you,

I saw you not to long ago,

still though.. I miss you,

So happy that we are together,

You are everything I want in a person and lots more,

You are mine and I hope it stays that way,

For at least a while,

A week,



I don't care,

I just want to be with you,

That's all I'm asking for.

                       -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 20th, 2010 @ 1:13 am


I sit and wait for your phone call,

Hours pass,

Minutes pass,



Haven't heard the phone ring all night,

Finally the phone rings,

I look on the phone,

But it doesn't read you name,

I get a little sad inside,

I get over it though,

I don't care anymore,

That you didn't call,

Because I know you still like me and I hope you think about me tonight,

Because I know your going to be on my mind all night,

I love and miss you.

                    -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 21rst, 2010


I never go the safe seat in your room,

Because your never mean,

I never went to the buddy room,

In your class room either because your the best teacher,

You are never in a bad mood,

Your always happy,

Your funny and I enjoy my time in your class,

That is why,

I never go to the safe seat or buddy room in your class.

               -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 21rst, 2010


I sit and think about my day,

People made me laugh,

That was a good thing,

I had a good day,

I ate lunch again,

For the first time in a long time,

My stomach is hurting though,

I don't feel so good,


I sit and write this poem and feel that Dr. Pepper drink go right down my throat,

It feels so good,

I'm really thirsty I guess,

It's almost bed time,

I need some sleep,

I guess I am kind of tired now,

Can't wait till tomorrow,

To see him,

Hope he makes me laugh.

               -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 22nd, 2010


I write these poems,

Because it helps me get out everything that hides away from the world,

I don't really like writing in a diary,

I mean this is kind of one but to me its not the same,

This is a poem book,

I love writing these poems,

I might not be good at them but at least I try,

At least I put the effort in to them,

Not a lot of people do this,

Some people don't like writing or even poems,

But every since,

My teacher taught me how to write a poem,

I have loved to write,

Thanks to you,

Thanks to the greatest teacher ever,

Mr. Swanson.

                -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 22nd, 2010


I told you I liked you,

I did,

I know you liked me two,

I told you I loved you,

Was I lying,

Yes and no,

Not as much as I said,

I know I made you sad,


But I couldn't go on,

Acting like I loved you,

I'm sorry,

You can do way better anyway,

I am just not the one for you,

I am right for someone else,

I'm sorry I broke your pretty little heart in two.

             -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 23, 2010


According to you,

You call me a b***h,

According to him,

He calls me his,

According to you,

Your not jealous,

But according to me,

I think you are and according to him your jealous,

You can say your not but we call can see it,

You are and your still in love with me,

Or at least like me,

I don't care because I don't want you anymore,

Sorry to say that but I don't,

I got what I want,

Oh and just saying,

That isn't you.

           -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 23rd, 2010


Remember that day,

You came up to me at recess,

You came up to me and we talked,

You told me I needed to be happy,

You made me laugh,

Right then I knew,

I liked you,

Not just for what you did,

Not how you treated me,

I just knew you were for me,

Just when we started talking,

I knew I was going to fall,

For them eyes,

No joke,

Every time I look in your eyes,

I see something,

I cant explain it,

But I am falling for you.

           -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 23, 2010


It seems like I try and sometimes its not good enough,

I try and try,

Just to make you happy,

I would never want you to be unhappy with me,

Every time you get mad,

I get mad inside,

I don't know what to do,

Sometimes I wish I was gone,

Not here on earth,

Not even in this house,

Surround by nothing but love,

I would never want to disappoint you,

Because I love you,

I hope you know that,

Do you know that?

I don't think you do...

Do you know..?

         -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 23rd, 2010


I sit here listening to this song,

It makes me think of you,

It is "Two is better than one",

I don't know why but right now I am thinking of you,

Those eyes,

That amazing smile,

That laugh,

Oh my god that laugh,

I think of you,

Missing you like crazy,

Wish I was with you but I'm not sadly,

I am glad I see you,

In the halls,

Only if it is for a sec,

It is nice to see you and them eyes,

God them eyes.

            -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 24th, 2010


Laughing like crazy is a good thing for you,

Crying like crazy is a bad thing for you,

I laugh when I cry,

I cry when I laugh,

Some times I laugh because I want to hide all the pain that I feel,

Some times I cry because I can't keep it in anymore,

Wish I could stop,

I hate crying,

I hate feeling like nothing and I hate having to put on a fake as smile,

But sometime I do laugh,

Don't know why but I do,

Sometimes then I cry because I laugh to much,

I guess I cant get mad,

I'd rather have a confusing time with my feelings right now and write about them then to keep them and not know what to say later on.

              -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 24th, 2010


You laugh,

You laugh more than anyone,

You are never mad,

If you are you don't show it,

Well at school that is,

You are crazy,


When you call my house,

I laugh my a*s off every time,

When you get off I laugh more,

You are always nice,

Then you can be a butt,

But That's okay,

Because you are my best friend and its okay because lets face it we don't care.

                -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 24th, 2010


I sit and write this poem,

Thinking about how much fun I had on Friday,


Then today,

Glad that I got to have Jenna over,

We laughed like crazy,

All night,

Also we found out two things,

My aunt is going to die soon,

Which really bothers me a lot,

Then I know who I want,

I don't have to say it,

Write it,

Tell it,

Because that person already knows,

God I love you.

          -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Feb 29th, 2010


I cant believe it,

I really cant,

I'm really tired of all this,

My life is really bad right now,

I don't need to add more things,

My aunt is not doing good,

My friends are crazy,

Some of my best friends are not even talking to me anymore,

This guy that use to like me,

We were together,

Still likes me,

A lot,

The that I like really likes me,

He is really nice,

Fun and everything,

I just am worried about,

What is going to happen with the rest of my week.

      -Ashley Montgomery

Date: March 1rst, 2010


I wonder why they like me,

I mean s**t look at me,

I'm not pretty,



But I guess according to him,

I'm all that and more,

But to me I guess I don't understand that,

According to him though,

He misses me,

I feel bad,

I know he loves me,

I know he cares,

I wish that things were different,

Well some things but I am glad to have him.

     -Ashley Montgomery

Date: March 1rst, 2010


My life is great,

There are some bumps though,

Everything is going great,

I have the best boyfriend in the world,

I have the great friends,

I am having a good day,

I cant believe,

He gets to come over to my house,


Cant believe this,

My mom and dad said "yes"

Nothing could go wrong,

I am so happy,

Hope things are okay this way,

At least for a while.

   -Ashley Montgomery

Date: March 7th, 2010


He sits and talks to me,

Makes me laugh harder then ever before,

I love him,

He makes me inspired,

Especially on Saturday,


He talked to me,

He stay up just to talk to me,

I told him to go to bed because he was so tired but he didn't listen to one word,

Never thought he would do that for me,

A guy,

One guy,

Dam I cant believe it,

I never thought one guy could ever make me feel this way about one another,

But I guess he did and all I can say is... Im lucky.

           -Ashley Montgomery

Date: March 7th, 2010


I sit in my living room about to cry my eyes out,

Why you ask,

Lets see its because I'm not with you,

We broke up not to long ago,

When I said I didn't care,

I really did okay,

When you said we were done,

I cried my eyes and I knew I lost you,

I didn't want to,

But I did,

I hate this,

Wish you were here,

Because when I cry,

No one is there to save me or hold me like you use to,

I wish you were here but sadly no,

Your gone,

Never to return again.

     -Ashley Montgomery

Date: April 10th, 2010


I am talk to her,

Its Jenna,

Maybe she can help,

Make me happy,

Well when we are on the phone but other then that she cant make the pain go away,

I miss you so much,

I don't know why,

But something about you makes me want you,

Just have something my heart cant live without,

I miss you,

I feel like crying,

Hear I go,

Why am I crying over you?

I don't know,

But I wish you would give me one last chance,

Please baby,

My call is here,

My last call,

"Will you be mine again?"

    - Ashley Montgomery

Date: April 10th, 2010


You laugh,

You laugh your a*s off,

I sit here crying my a*s off,

You look at me and you think I'm okay,

The truth is,

I'm dieing inside,

I am dieing inside because your nothing to me but a name and memory,

Can you be mine again?

That is the question I want to ask you,

I don't know because I'm to scared,

Scared you will say no to me,

Are you going to say no?

I don't know,

To afraid to ask,

But anyways,

I love you and I miss you,

I want you back as soon as possible baby because honestly,

I don't know how much I can hold on for.

                                  -Ashley Montgomery

Date: April 10th, 2010


Today I got up,

Thinking it would be just another day,

Thinking nothing would happen but today you came into my life,

You told me that you missed me,

I laughed and said,

"No you don't"

You said yes,

So I listened,

Then we played a game,

You told me to guess and I was wrong,

No I wasn't,

You just wanted me,

NO I wasn't,

You just wanted me,

To wrong,

I love you,

I got you back,

Your mine,

Your mine forever,

So glad your mine,

Cant wait to see you at school now.

            -Ashley Montgomery

Date: Aug 10th, 2010



* All done. Hope you like. I know there's a lot but oh well. enjoy. Comment. Message. review. *













© 2013 Ashley Marie Montgomery

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Added on August 13, 2013
Last Updated on August 13, 2013
Tags: old poems 2010, writing, Poems, Happy, review, comment, message, tell me what you think, Always love to hear feed back


Ashley Marie Montgomery
Ashley Marie Montgomery

Lincoln , NE

Heyy its Ashley here. Im 17 years young. I came on this website to write. I use to write a lot when I was younger but I have stopped lately and want to start back up again so that what im going to do... more..
