![]() SecretsA Stage Play by Caroline Grace![]() The play follows the senior year of eight high school students. It deals with some very dark topics including abuse, bulimia, suicide, and sexuality.![]() Curtains 8 principal characters are seated facing teacher ’s desk. LUCAS: (Hooting) Senior year baby! (High fives Everett over Aria’s shoulder) ARIA: Finally! I can’t wait to get out of here! (Lucas’s hold on her shoulder tightens) Students chatter excitedly to each other, and then fall completely silent when Brooke enters. She tries to catch their eyes, but they avoid her gaze. She parks her wheelchair on downstage right (the back of the classroom) at a desk with no chair, and opens a binder to study. Aria leaves Lucas and Everett to join Melanie, Celia and Ashlynn at their seats at the front of the room. MELANIE : Should we go over? ASHLYNN: What are we supposed to say? Oh hey Brooke. How are you doing? Sorry none of us came to visit you in the hospital all summer. Or returned your phone calls. Or facebook messages. Or tweets. ARIA: Wait, none of us visited? I thought for sure you said you were going Celia! CELIA: I was busy! I coached soccer camp all summer, I thought you guys were going to go visit once she was moved out of ICU. Girls look at each other. CELIA: S**t. Jayme enters stage right and spots Brooke. She crosses to meet her, ignoring the insults coming from Lucas. LUCAS: (Cough) Dyke. (When he sees that she was not affected, he glares pointedly at Aria. She sticks her foot out, and Jayme trips. ARIA: Oops. Sorry. Jayme stares at Celia, who looks away. Ashlynn and Melanie giggle. J straightens up, and walks over to Brooke. Jamie takes a seat at the desk next to Brooke, and leans over to talk to her. JAYME: Hey Brooke, I heard about your accident. I’m so sorry, I can’t even imagine how awful it must be. BROOKE: Scoffs. You think? JAYME: (Purses her lips) Did you need any help today, with books or whatever? Or getting to your next class? BROOKE: (Whirls around to face Jayme) I’m not completely incapable you know. Just leave me alone. Jayme turns, and straightens up in her seat. Lucas chucks a piece of crumpled up paper at her, which she ignores. Teacher enters.
TEACHER: So class, this is it. The beginning of your final year of high school. STUDENTS: Cheering, high-fiving etc. TEACHER: Unfortunately that doesn’t mean this year is going to be anything less than stressful, and challenging. STUDENTS: Groan , murmuring “of course.” TEACHER: You’ll have university applications, scholarship letters, not to mention all of your courses, extra-curriculars and mandatory volunteer hours. But, I can promise that this year is going to fly by, and this time next year when you’ve graduated and are in university, or out working, or sitting at home playing video games in your parents basement, you’re going to wish it hadn’t gone by so fast. Now, that being said- enjoy yourselves, this is your last year to be kids. BELL TEACHER: Before you go, I’m supposed to remind you about the way the senior time capsule works. The room will be open all year for you to go in and film your mandatory segment, so I suggest waiting until you have a story to tell- and believe me, you’ll have many before this year is over. After graduation the time capsule will be buried, and then opened again in fifty years time. Consider carefully what you’re going to say. Have a great year everyone. (Students begin to exit) Brooke? Can I see you for a moment please. Brooke wheels the chair to teacher’s desk as the other students quickly exit. Teacher: I just wanted to know how you’re doing with your first day back. Is there anything the administration can provide you with to make your year easier? BROOKE: Well for starters you could get me a new spinal cord. Or better yet, a time machine so I could go back to that night and take Noah’s keys before we ever got in that damn car. Teacher: (Beat) I was thinking more along the lines of a student volunteer to stay with you during the day for the first few weeks as you’re getting used to things. BROOKE: Good luck finding someone to spend all day with me. Even my own friends are avoiding me like I have the plague. Teacher: Oh I’m sure that’s not… BROOKE: Look, thanks for your help, but I’ll be fine. Wheels to center stage. Spotlight on Brooke. BROOKE’S TIME CAPSULE SEGMENT BROOKE: I know they said we had all year to do this, but I don’t know if I’m going to last here that long so I figured I’d get it over with. So, hi. I’m Brooke Sawyer. Um, this note here (lifts it up) says we’re supposed to talk about us, and what our lives are like so that people in 2063 will know what it was like when their grandparents generation were teenagers. (Laughs) Well, at the moment my life is a mess. This summer my boyfriend Noah and I were at this party, we were pretty wasted but I had to be home by 1am or my mom would ground me. I was way worse off than he was, so I gave him my keys. He said he was fine. He said he’d only had one drink. (Lets out a sob) It all happened so fast, he was speeding to get me home in time, and it was dark, and he didn’t notice the curve in the road. Beat. I remember screaming, and then feeling the most intense pain… and then, nothing. I woke up in the hospital, and the doctor told me that my life was basically over. My back was broken, I would never be able to walk again. Noah was charged and is serving a year in juvenile detention. I was one of the most popular girls in this school, and now no one will even look at me. You want to know what life is like in 2013? It’s precious, and fragile. And it can be taken away from you in an instant. BLACKOUT
BELL Lights rise up on stage right as Lucas and Aria enter. ARIA: Oh my god Lucas, what is all this? LUCAS: It’s our one-month anniversary. I wanted to do something special for you. Aria laughs, and gives him a hug. ARIA: It’s perfect, thank you. (Lucas and Aria kiss) LUCAS: One more thing. (He takes a jewellery box out of his pocket and hands it to her) ARIA: Oh my god Luke, you shouldn’t have! (Opens it and holds up a necklace with an “L” on it.) ARIA: Oh! An L for… LUCAS: For Lucas. So everyone knows you ’re mine. ARIA: It’s gorgeous, I love it. (Stuffs it in her purse) LUCAS: You’re not going to put it on? ARIA: Well, not right now but… LUCAS: What, you don’t want people to know we’re together? ARIA: Luke, don’t be ridiculous. I just… LUCAS: Ridiculous? Now I’m being ridiculous? ARIA: For wanting people to think that you own me? Yeah, a little bit! LUCAS: You b***h. (Slaps her. Aria gasps.) Get out of my house! Aria runs offstage right. Lucas freezes for a few beats, and then looks down at his hands in shock. Blackout. Lights up on centerstage. Celia is sitting on a chair reading a book when Jayme enters. CELIA: Hey! What are you doing here? JAYME: Why aren’t you and your friends speaking to Brooke? CELIA: What? JAYME: She used to be one of your best friends, and now you won’t even look at her? CELIA: Why are you attacking me about this? JAYME: Because she needs you guys! She was alone all day today. She lost a lot this summer- her boyfriend, the ability to walk, her plans for the future, do you really think she wants to lose her friends too? CELIA: Look, we just… No one knows what to say to her. JAYME: You don’t need to say anything to her. Just let her know that you’re there for her. CELIA: Okay, what is this really about, because if I remember correctly, you hated Brooke. (Beat). Are you mad about Aria tripping you or something? Because it was probably an accident. JAYME: Right. An accident. Look, I’m not mad that that snotty b***h has zero respect for anyone but her boyfriend, and thinks it’s okay to bully people for being different. I’m mad because my girlfriend didn’t stand up for me when I needed her to. (Celia flinches) JAYME: See! You can’t even hear the word girlfriend without acting repulsed. CELIA: (Grabs Jayme’s hands) It doesn’t repulse me. I just haven’t gotten used to it yet. I just need some time. JAYME: How long am I supposed to wait Celia? I don’t want to keep sneaking around, I want to be able to walk down the hall holding your hand. CELIA: I want that too, believe me. But… I just… I’m the captain of the girl’s soccer team. I’m a leader in our school, and a lot of people look up to me. I just need to wait until soccer season over and I can think about all of this. JAYME: All of this. Right, okay. Well I’m going to go and leave you to think about all of this- (Celia jumps up and grabs her hand) CELIA: I love you Jayme, and I’m not ashamed of that. (The two embrace as lights go down) Lights come up on downstage left. Aria is standing on top of a chair singing Mama Who Bore Me. Everett enters. EVERETT: What the hell are you doing? ASHLYNN: (Clears throat) Practicing. I only have six months to become amazing before my audition at the National Theatre School. EVERETT: Come on, are you kidding me? You’re the best actress at our school, and you’ve gotten the lead in the fall musical every year since we were freshmen. ASHLYNN: We live in a small town Ev. I’m going to be competing against girls from Toronto, and Montreal who’ve had professional experience. I’ll be a little fish in a big pond. EVERETT: Yeah right, you’re the biggest diva I know Ash. ASHLYNN: Yeah, I guess you’re right. So how’s basketball going? EVERETT: Oh you know, same as ever. ASHLYNN: Lucas is being unbearable isn’t he? EVERETT: Yeah, pretty much. God, what Aria sees in him I will never know. ASHLYNN: That’s an interesting thing to say. Last time I checked, he was your best friend. EVERETT: Doesn’t mean I always like him. Most of the time he’s just a d****e. Anyway, I just came to drop off our Biology homework, you missed last period. ASHLYNN: Oh, yeah I was in the theatre and lost track of time. EVERETT: On the first day of school? ASHLYNN: You know me, I had to get back onstage… Besides, I figured since it was the first day I wouldn’t miss much. EVERETT: Right… Well anyway, if you need help text me. I’ll let you get back to (mimics arm movements from Mama Who Bore Me) ASHLYNN: (Throws a pillow at him) Oh get out! As he exits, sings Mama Who Bore Me over exaggerated and very off-key. Lights dim. One desk and two chairs are turned around at center stage to face the audience. Melanie enters, and sits at the desk doing homework. Mother enters, and sits in the empty chair. MOTHER: Hey sweetie, how was your first day back? MELANIE: Well, I have a full schedule of advanced classes in math, English, and science to cope with this semester. MOTHER: I know it’s going to be hard, but just think of how great your transcript will look to those university admissions officials. MELANIE: I know Mom. MOTHER: There’s something I need to talk to you about sweetie. I hate to do this to you because I know how much stress you’re under but you need to know. The money your father and I had set aside for your college fund is, well it’s no longer there. MELANIE: What do you mean no longer there? MOTHER: When your father left, it seems that he emptied it, and took the money. MELANIE: He stole my college fund? MOTHER: I’m so sorry sweetie. MELANIE: How am I going to afford tuition then? MOTHER: I wish there was something I could do to help, but you’re right. We can’t afford it. Your only option is a full scholarship unless you were willing to take a gap year to save up. MELANIE: So I either have to be one of the four students that the university offers a full ride to or I delay my education for a year to work at a fast food chain. MOTHER: Mel, I am so sorry. This is not what I wanted for you. Things just got tough after your father left… I’m trying to do what’s best for you. MELANIE: What’s best for me? You know the typical average of someone who receives a full ride to university? 97 percent! I can’t.. I can’t handle that Mom! MOTHER: You’re going to have to sweetie. I believe in you. MELANIE: Just get out Mom. I can’t hear this right now. (Mother exits. Melanie begins to sob as lights go down.) Lights come up on stage right with Aria sitting on the ground, as Lucas enters. LUCAS: (offstage) Thanks Mrs. Hale! (He enters stage right) LUCAS: Aria? ARIA: Go away. LUCAS: I just need to… ARIA: Get away from me! LUCAS: (slowly enters the room) Babe, I am so sorry. I just lost my temper for a second. I ’ve been really stressed lately, and I guess I just (beat) snapped. (He sits next to her on the floor) It will never happen again. Please believe me. ARIA: Luke… LUCAS: I love you Aria. ARIA: (Beat) What? LUCAS: I am so in love with you. You ’re the most beautiful girl on this planet. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. ARIA: I forgive you, but Luke… it can’t happen again. LUCAS: It won’t, I swear. (Kisses her) ARIA: And Luke? I love you too. (Music begins and lights dim as Lucas stands up and holds out a hand which Aria takes as the lights fade to black.) 3 MONTHS LATER (Spotlight on center stage) ARIA: Hi, my name is Aria Hale, and it is December 21st, 2012. So, I‘m doing my video now, to get across a point. You know that cliché, never judge a book by it‘s cover? I want you to look around your school today, and look at the people whose lives seem to be all figured out. Maybe they’re on the cheerleading squad, or the football team, or have the nicest clothes, or are the most popular. Today when you pass them in the halls, I want you to take a second look. Try and see behind that wall of perfection they put up, because none of us are perfect. (Scoffs) Take me for example. I’m your typical popular cheerleader. I‘m dating the captain of the basketball team. Sounds like a dream, right? Except for the fact that my boyfriend hits me. The first time it happened he promised it would never happen again. And it did. And again. And again. And again. Now he doesn’t even bother apologizing. (Starts to tear up) God… I… I wish I was stronger. Strong enough to leave him for good but, I’m so scared of what he would do if I tried. (Breaks down crying) Lights dim as stage is turned into a school cafeteria. Desks are pushed together to form three tables. Melanie, Ashlynn, and Celia are sitting at the center table. Jayme is sitting at the stage left table. Lights up. ASHLYNN: So I asked my director if I could have the script early so that I could learn lines over the break and he refused! Some crap about me relaxing over the holidays. Because learning some lines is sooo strenuous. MELANIE: (flipping through notes quickly) Yep. CELIA: (staring at Jayme) That sucks. ASHLYNN: You know what will be strenuous? Learning all of my lines while attending school. That is strenuous. MELANIE: (Still reading notes) That sucks. CELIA: (Still staring at Jayme) Yep. ASHLYNN: (Narrowing her eyes at them) Are you two listening to me? MELANIE AND CELIA: Yes/No (Celia finally looks away from Jayme) CELIA: Hey, where’s your lunch? ASHLYNN: Oh, I, uh, forgot it. CELIA: Again? You forgot it yesterday too, Ash. ASHLYNN: I mean, I have it, it’s in my locker. I’m just not very hungry. (Celia tries to speak but Ashlynn quickly interrupts her.) ASHLYNN: What are you working on Mel? MELANIE: I have a chemistry quiz next period that I forgot to study for. I was up until 2am working on my English essay, and I was just too exhausted to stay up any longer. ASHLYNN: You are way too concerned with your schoolwork Mel. Honestly, like you’re gonna make yourself sick! MELANIE: I have no choice, it’s either make myself sick and be exhausted or stay in this town working for a year, while the rest of you are at university. ASHLYNN: Good point. Carry on. (Notices Celia staring at Jayme) What are you looking at? CELIA: (resumes eating her lunch) Nothing. Aria enters with Lucas from stage left, she tries to go and sit with her girlfriends, he tightens his grip on her, and leads her over to the remaining free table at stage right. MELANIE: Something’s going on with those two. ASHLYNN: What do you mean? MELANIE: Well, look! (The three turn to look- Aria looks miserable, Lucas is chatting with Everett) He wouldn’t let her sit with us. She’s avoiding me in the halls. She won’t answer my texts. I’m worried about her. Brooke enters the cafeteria, she looks dramatically different from he last time we saw her. Black clothes, hair down in her face, dark makeup. Goes to table with Jayme. ASHLYNN: What the h- (bell rings) (As A, C, M, E, L and Ar exit- J stays and talks to B) JAYME: Extreme makeover much? What happened to the designer clothes and high pony? BROOKE: I’m a loner now, might as well look the part. JAYME: God, would you stop with the pity party! BROOKE: Excuse me? JAYME: Every day I listen to you mope about being alone, and not having any friends and losing your pom-poms, but not once have I seen you try and speak to your old friends. BROOKE: They don’t want to talk to me! JAYME: How would you know? It’s December, and you haven’t spoken to them once! BROOKE: (Scoffs) Forget it. I don’t need this. JAYME: You’re scared! You’re scared of it not being the same as it was if you start hanging out with them. So you think it’s easier to complain about having to be alone than actually try and fix things. (Brooke freezes, turns around, faces Jayme. They stare in silence, then Jayme exits. Lights down on Brooke.) Lights up on center stage. ASHLYNN: Hey everyone, I’m Ashlynn Davis and I am in twelfth grade, and in six months I’ll be a graduate. Thank God. So, I guess the easiest way to describe me would be a theatre-freak. I spend pretty much every second of my free time onstage, now more than ever. I have an audition in three months for the National Theatre School. It’s the most prestigious, and competitive program in the country, and they’ve had dozens of students go on to Broadway. I’m definitely nervous, I mean I might be a star here, but who knows how I’m going to measure up to the rest of the people auditioning. I’ve watched videos of their performances hundreds of times- and they’re perfect. Their singing, their dancing, their acting. They’re all tiny, and gorgeous, and, they’re stars. So not only have I had to work day and night to improve my talent, I’ve had to practically starve myself to lose weight. They want perfect students, and I have to give them that. Lights fade to black Lights up on stage right- Lucas and Everett. Lucas is on his phone, waiting for Aria to text him. LUCAS: It’s been an hour! EVERETT: Dude, chill out. You sound like a chick. LUCAS: She thinks she can get away with ignoring me? EVERETT: You were with her all day at school. You need to be texting her all night too? LUCAS: If she’s texting me, then I know she’s not doing something she’s not supposed to. EVERETT : What, you mean like shoplifting or putting eggs in people’s mailboxes? LUCAS : She’s a skanky cheerleader Everett. What do you think she does best? EVERETT : (Beat) Aria would never cheat on you dude. She’s not like that. LUCAS : (Laughs) Right. EVERETT : She’s a great girl Luke. LUCAS: And how would you know that? EVERETT: We used to be friends. LUCAS : And what happened exactly? EVERETT : (Beat) Nothing. It was awhile ago. LUCAS : You son of a b***h. (Shoves him) EVERETT : Dude, what the hell? LUCAS : You slept with her? You’re my best friend! EVERETT : Are you kidding me? LUCAS : Well then, what happened between you two? EVERETT : You did! LUCAS : What? EVERETT : You told her you’d break-up with her if she stayed friends with any guys. LUCAS : Because she’s a sneaky tramp! I can’t trust her! EVERETT : Well then why are you with her? LUCAS: (Shoves him to the floor) Get out of my house! EVERETT : She’s too good for you Lucas. I know you know it, and one day she’ll wake up and realize it too. And she will leave your sorry a*s for good. (Exits) LUCAS : I’d like to see her try. (Lights fade) (Lights up on Ashlynn and Celia on opposite ends of the stage talking to each other on the phone) ASHLYNN : Hey pretty lady! CELIA : Hey Ash, what’s up? ASHLYNN : Watching A Chorus Line, what else? CELIA : Is theatre all you ever think about? ASHLYNN: Pretty much, yeah. CELIA: So, I was thinking, maybe we should go visit Brooke tomorrow. ASHLYNN: On Christmas Eve? CELIA: Well, yeah. I mean, in the spirit of the season and everything I thought it might be nice. ASHLYNN: Honestly? If I was her I would slam the door in our faces. We haven’t spoken to her since June, it’s been six months, Celia. We were her best friends who dropped off the face of the earth when she needed us the most. I’m not proud of it, but that’s what happened. Do you honestly think she could forgive us? CELIA: Maybe not, but don’t we owe it to her to try? ASHLYNN: I’m sorry, Celia. I’m singing in my church tomorrow night anyway, I really need to practice. (Silence) Look, Brooke is not Brooke anymore. She’s some depressed, gothic, loner girl. The Brooke we knew and loved is gone. She was gone when she lost the ability to walk, and we both know that’s the reason we never went to visit her. CELIA: Good luck with your solo Ash. (Hangs up) Ashlynn exits. Jayme enters and goes to Celia at centerstage CELIA: Hey! What are you doing here? JAYME: Well, I hadn’t seen you since school let out, and I wanted to drop of your present. CELIA: Well, you have perfect timing. How would you like to go visit Brooke with me? JAYME: Seriously? CELIA: I think it’s time I started to fix everything I’ve screwed up. Starting with Brooke. JAYME: (Picks up her coat, and starts putting it on) Then let’s go. (Celia grabs her hand, and they exit offstage) (Brooke enters, parks wheelchair upstage, reads a book) (Knock on door) BROOKE: Mom! Can you get that? (Beat) Mom?! Ugh. (Wheels chair downstage where Jayme and Brooke are waiting) You’ve got to be kidding me. CELIA: Hey Brooke. How are you? BROOKE: How am I? You haven’t spoken to me in six months, and all you can say is “how are you?” CELIA: Brooke, I am so sorry. I was a total b***h for not being there for you. But, I’m here now to apologize. BROOKE: You know when I woke up after my surgery you were the first one I asked for? I might have been closer to Ashlynn during grade 11, but I knew that as sympathetic as she would be, she still wouldn’t make me feel like everything was still the same. I knew that you would make me feel like I was still normal. Like everything could go back to being the way it was. I wasn’t surprised when Ashlynn didn’t talk to me. I wasn’t even surprised that Aria didn’t talk to me. What surprised me the most is that you didn’t. CELIA: Brooke, I… BROOKE: I honestly thought you were better than that Celia. CELIA: I know, I did too. I don’t deserve for you to forgive me, but I wanted to try. BROOKE: What’s she doing here? JAYME: Moral support. CELIA: (Beat) She’s my girlfriend. BROOKE: Wait, girlfriend? As in a friend that’s a girl or… CELIA: No, she’s much more than a friend. BROOKE: Wow. Didn’t see that coming. CELIA : Yeah, me neither. BROOKE: Do you want to come in? CELIA: Yeah, sure. (Brooke turns around and wheels towards her room) BROOKE: We had to change around the whole house after my accident. My bedroom is downstairs now. (Celia and Jayme sit somewhat awkwardly on two chairs, Brooke parks her wheelchair next to them) BROOKE: Soo… how is everyone? CELIA: Um, to be honest I haven’t seen much of anyone lately. Aria never leaves Lucas’s side. Ashlynn never leaves the theatre. Melanie has her face buried in her books every time I see her, she’s trying to get a full scholarship to university. BROOKE: You know the funny thing about being invisible is that you’re in the loop on all the best gossip. Seriously, we should have tried this trick like, years ago. CELIA: What are you talking about? BROOKE: Just that when no one pays attention to you, you learn a lot. CELIA: What do you know? BROOKE: Well, you know the handicapped bathroom on the third floor that no one uses? I mean, except for me I guess. CELIA: Yeah… BROOKE: Well everyday after lunch a certain somewhere wearing either a pair of sparkly ballet flats, or her jazz shoes is in there crouched over the toilet puking her guts out. CELIA: Ashlynn? No way, she doesn’t even have a boyfriend. JAYME: That we know about. Maybe he’s older and she doesn’t want anyone finding out? Has she gained any weight? CELIA: No, not that I’ve noticed, but… BROOKE: Now, as for my old best friend Aria, she’s turned the bathroom into her own personal makeup studio. At least twice a day she goes in and smothers her face with concealer. CELIA : I don’t get it. BROOKE: What is she covering up? She spends five minutes or more applying it, and I’m talking face, forehead, neck, even down on her chest. Aria has great skin, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her get so much as a pimple. So what’s up with the sudden interest in Cover Girl Natureluxe concealer? CELIA: You think she’s hiding something? Lights dim. Brooke, Celia, and Jayme exits. Ashlynn enters centerstage, she is practicing for her audition- singing and dancing to OUT TONIGHT from RENT. EVERETT: Um, Ashlynn? ASHLYNN: Oops. EVERETT: What was that? ASHLYNN: Just an idea I was thinking about for my audition. EVERETT: You’re going to audition in front of a bunch of professionals with a strip dance? ASHLYNN: It’s not a strip dance. It’s Mimi’s solo from Rent. EVERETT: Her name is Mimi? She’s definitely a prostitute. ASHLYNN: She’s not a prostitute. She’s an… exotic dancer. EVERETT: She’s a stripper. ASHLYNN: She also has AIDS, and a heroine addiction. EVERETT: Yeah, I’m gonna say that doing a song by a drug addict, stripper, who has AIDS is probably a bad idea. ASHLYNN: Whatever. Why are you here anyway? EVERETT: I need to talk to you about something. ASHLYNN: Okay… EVERETT: I know. ASHLYNN: You… what? How? EVERETT: It’s kind of obvious, Ash. ASHLYNN: Look, it’s not what it looks like, okay? EVERETT: Ashlynn, I saw him! I saw it happen! How can you say it’s not what it looks like? ASHLYNN: Wait, what? EVERETT: What? ASHLYNN: We’re not talking about me? EVERETT: No… I was talking about Aria and Lucas. ASHLYNN: What about Aria and Lucas? EVERETT: Oh s**t, I thought you knew. ASHLYNN: No, I thought you meant… never mind. What’s going on? EVERETT: Have you been around Aria lately? ASHLYNN: No… she’s always with Lucas. EVERETT: Yeah, that’s what I thought. (Beat) He’s been beating her, Ash. ASHLYNN: (Beat) What? EVERETT: I saw him do it. I went over to his house to give him back a video game, and I heard shouting from his room when I got to the top of the stairs. The door was half open, so I looked in. He had her on the bed with half her clothes stripped off, she was screaming, and he just, hit her. ASHLYNN: Oh my God. (Starts to cry) EVERETT: Ashlynn, you need to talk to her. You need to help her get away from him before something happens. ASHLYNN: What am I supposed to do? She’s just going to deny it, or get mad at me for suggesting it in the first place. EVERETT: She could try, but she has bruises everywhere, and if you spent any time with her at all you’d realize that she’s not even the same person anymore. ASHLYNN: Why can’t you talk to her? You two were best friends when we were kids. EVERETT: I would, but if it came from me she would just be too embarrassed. It needs to come from you, Ash. ASHLYNN: (Starts to cry again) I can’t do it, Ev. EVERETT: You have to. (Puts his arm around her as she cries. Lights slowly go down.) Lights up on Jayme and Celia sitting on the floor CELIA: So what do you think about all of this? JAYME: I think that it’s time to forget about all of that for a while because frankly I’m getting super depressed. CELIA: Okay, what did you have in mind? JAYME: Well… you could open your Christmas gift. CELIA: Ooh, okay! (Jayme hands her a wrapped box that she rips the paper off of) CELIA: Oh my god, you did not. JAYME: I did. CELIA: How did you get these? Tickets to City and Color were sold out months ago! JAYME: Oh you know, my dad knows a person who knows a person. CELIA: You are amazing. JAYME: Yeah, I know. CELIA: Wow, my gift feels kind of insignificant now. JAYME: Don’t feel bad, no one can ever top my gifts. CELIA: Hey! JAYME: I’m kidding! I’m sure whatever it is, I’ll love it. Or at least I’ll pretend to for your sake. CELIA: Or, I could just keep it. JAYME: Nope! (Snatches the box out of Celia’s hands, and rips off the paper) JAYME: Aw, is this the picture of us from the Halloween dance? CELIA: Yeah, I just enlarged and framed it. JAYME: It’s perfect. I love it. CELIA: I thought you might. (They hug) JAYME: Well, I should be getting home. Merry Christmas Celia. CELIA: I love you. JAYME: (Beat) I love you too. Blackout.
(Scene shifts to Aria’s bedroom. Aria is on the floor sleeping with a blanket draped over her, Melanie walks in) MELANIE: Hey! Aria? (Walks over to her, puts her hand on Aria’s shoulder) Aria? (Aria awakes with a jolt, and shrieks) ARIA: Get away from me! MELANIE: Aria! It’s me! It’s just me! ARIA: Mel? MELANIE: Aria… (kneels down next to her) what is going on? ARIA: Oh God, I’m sorry. I was watching “The Walking Dead” before I went to sleep and I must have had a nightmare. MELANIE: It’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Why did you go to bed? ARIA: I’ve just been really tired lately. MELANIE: How did you get the bruise on your face, Aria? ARIA: (Beat) I hit it off the railing. I tripped up the stairs yesterday. Why are you interrogating me? MELANIE: We’re worried about you! ARIA: Well don’t be, I’m fine. MELANIE: No, you’re not. ARIA: Leave me alone Melanie. (Turns around, and goes back to sleep. Melanie stares at her for a few seconds, and then exits) (Scene change- Ashlynn goes stage left and sits on a chair reading the Spring Awakening script. Celia enters) CELIA: Hey. ASHLYNN: (In surprise) Hey… CELIA: I went and saw Brooke. ASHLYNN: And you don’t have a black eye, or a broken nose? Wow, I’m impressed. CELIA: She told me something about you. ASHLYNN: What? CELIA: I just wish you would have told me! We’re supposed to be friends, you’re supposed to be able to talk to me about anything. ASHLYNN: It’s complicated. CELIA: I mean, I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend! ASHLYNN: Um, I don’t. CELIA: You expect me to believe you’re like, the next Virgin Mary? That this is just Immaculate Conception? ASHLYNN: You think I’m… Oh my god. (Starts laughing) CELIA: What’s so funny? ASHLYNN: Celia, I’m not pregnant. CELIA: Brooke said you’ve been in the bathroom throwing up every day for the past two weeks. You don‘t have the flu. If it’s not morning sickness then what’s going on? ASHLYNN: I, uh… CELIA: Oh my God. That’s why you haven’t been eating. Ashlynn, what are you doing to yourself? ASHLYNN: Look, I wanted to lose a couple pounds for my audition, so I just tried it for a couple of weeks, it’s over now okay? CELIA: Ashlynn, do you have any idea how dangerous that is? ASHLYNN: Just, drop it Celia. It’s done with. I’m fine now. CELIA: You need to get help. If what you think you’re seeing in the mirror is causing you to harm your body to try and fix it, you have a serious problem. ASHLYNN: Celia! Just, go! I don’t need a lecture right now! CELIA: If you don’t let me help you, I swear to God, our friendship is over. ASHLYNN: Get out. CELIA: You know when people talked crap about you, and said how conceited you were, I would always defend you and say that you just don’t open up to people, and you keep all your feelings hidden. But now I know. You’re nothing but a selfish little brat, who can’t open her eyes wide enough to realize that there are more important things in life than you. ASHLYNN: And you’re nothing but a scared little girl who’s too afraid of what people are going to think of you when they find out you have a girlfriend. It’s pathetic Celia. CELIA: You b***h. (Exits, door slamming sound effect) March TIME CAPSULE Lights up on Jayme sitting on a chair at centerstage JAYME: Hi, all of you people in 2063. I’m Jayme McCray, and I am seventeen years old. It is March 23rd, three months until graduation. I decided to do my video today for a couple of reasons- first because I wanted to show off this. (Holds up acceptance letter to McGill.) I got accepted to the architecture program at McGill University in Montreal- it’s been my dream to go there ever since I was a kid, and now I finally can. And the second reason was because today is the day that my girlfriend Celia and I are telling her parents about us. They don’t even know that she’s a lesbian, let alone that she’s dating me. I’m nervous, but excited too. No more hiding. We can finally just, come clean. Most of her friends already know, and it’s slowly trickling out into the school. I know it’s going to be hard for her, but we’ll get through it together. My hope for society in 2063 is that any kids who are gay will feel absolutely safe to come out and tell people. No one should be ashamed of who they are, or who they love. I mean, love is love, right? LIGHTS DIM- JAYME AND CELIA SWITCH SPOTS CELIA: Hey, I am Celia Johnson and I am a senior, obviously. I’m captain of the varsity girls soccer team, and basketball team. I’m also a lesbian. (Beat, laughs) I haven’t really gotten used to saying that out loud yet. The truth is, I’ve been a coward about it. I was too nervous to tell everyone who I really was because I knew that everyone’s opinions of me would completely change. Now I’ve realized that if they can’t accept me for who I am, then they just don’t deserve me in the first place. So tonight I’m telling my parents for the first time. And I feel like I’m about to puke to be honest. I just don’t want them to look at me differently. I want them to still see me as their daughter Celia, not as a lesbian. I don’t want to be labelled because I love women, and not men. I’d like to think that in 2063 kids can feel safe to come out to their parents and friends, but if not, then I have some advice. You feel awful about yourself when you’re keeping that secret. By not telling anyone, you’re sending the message that being gay is something you need to be ashamed about. And if anyone turns against you for it, you know they’re not your true friend anyway. (Lights dim) Classrooms scene is set up. All eight kids are seated, Melanie is sleeping. TEACHER : So I have your mid-semester report cards in my hand- make sure to drop off a transcript request form in the guidance office if you‘re headed off to university next year, because for most schools, these are the grades they’ll base their big scholarships off of. Kids chatter excitedly as report cards are handed out. Melanie is still asleep. The teacher reaches her desk last, and shakes her gently. TEACHER: Miss Russell. Late night last night? (Lucas snickers. Melanie raises up her head, and blinks.) MELANIE: Oh my God, I’m so sorry. (Teacher hands Melanie her report card. She stares at it, disappointment showing on her face) Other students high-five etc. and begin to leave until only Melanie, Aria, and Lucas remain. LUCAS: Come on let’s go, they’re gonna run out of pizza at the cafeteria. ARIA: You go ahead, okay? I’m going to talk to Melanie. (Lucas glares at her) I’ll be down in a minute! (He exits reluctantly) ARIA: Mel? MELANIE: 94. ARIA: What? MELANIE: That’s my average . ARIA: Well, Mel, that’s amazing! I mean, I only have an 88. MELANIE: I needed a 97 to be considered for a full scholarship. ARIA: Oh, well, I mean it’s only a 3 point difference. MELANIE: Don’t you get it? I’m going to have stay home and work next year while all of my friends are gone! I can’t afford university without that scholarship! ARIA: Well, I mean at least you’ll get a break, and you never know. I mean you’re involved in a million clubs and you have like, ten times the amount of volunteer hours anyone else does. Maybe it will all balance out. MELANIE: It doesn’t work like that, Aria. Don’t try to sympathize with me! You know your dad can afford for you to go wherever you want- stop pretending like you understand what this feels like for me! ARIA: I’m not trying to- MELANIE: Just drop it! (Exits stage) Students reappear, except for Melanie. They sit down at the same desks, teacher stands at the front of the room reading from Beowulf- then begins to lip-synch as Aria and Celia begin to talk. ARIA: Melanie’s not here. CELIA: That’s weird, she was in third period, right? ARIA: Yeah. She was pretty upset. CELIA: About her grades, right? She didn’t get the 97 she needed? ARIA: 94. CELIA: Oh, God. She must feel awful. ARIA: I had never seen her that upset before. I mean, she was going to crazy. Screaming at me, pushing chairs over. CELIA: Melanie? I didn’t know she even knew how to yell. ARIA: Will you come with me to her house after school? I think she could use some support from someone who doesn’t have rich parents- no offence. CELIA: None taken, yeah I’ll come with you. BELL ARIA: Lucas, hey! LUCAS: What? ARIA: I um, I won’t be able to come over today. Celia and I are going to Melanie’s, she’s really heartbroken over her grades, and she needs us. LUCAS: So you’re choosing her over me? ARIA: (Beat) Yeah. I am. (Exits) LUCAS: Big mistake. (Blackout. Melanie enters stage right into a single spotlight. She stands on the edge, holding a bottle of pills. Crying, she shakes the bottle into her hand and stares at the pills. Wait six beats. Lights dim almost to black. Wait six beats. (Sound effect- door opening?) ARIA: Melanie! (Blackout) Lights up on stage right. Aria is lying on the ground crying. Lucas enters. ARIA: Luke, please go away. I can’t handle this right now. LUCAS: You can’t handle this? I chose you, you know that? Do you know how many girls would love to be with me? Do you know how many girls would die of happiness? But I chose you! Look at me! LOOK AT ME! I chose you! ARIA: I just saw my best friend lying on the floor of her bedroom after she tried to kill herself. God I, I was too afraid to leave you before, but I’m done being a coward. Get out of my house right now, or I’m calling the police and having you arrested for trespassing, rape, assault, and a whole list of other things you’ve done to me. LUCAS: You think you’ve got it all figured out, huh? Leaps forward, and tries to pin her to the ground, but Aria fights back. Fight ends by him kicking her in the stomach. ARIA: Careful Lucas. You don’t want to kill your baby. LUCAS: What did you just say? ARIA: Congratulations. You’re going to be a daddy. LUCAS: Like hell I am. (Throws Aria on the floor and pins her by her throat. She starts to gasp, and can’t breathe.) Everett enters running. EVERETT: Aria! (He side tackles Lucas and they roll onto the floor. He punches him in the face. EVERETT: Get out, now. Or I swear to God I will kill you. LUCAS: Is it even my kid, Aria? Everyone knows how easy you are, hell you slept with me before we were even… (Aria slaps him in the face) ARIA: Don’t ever come near me again. (He falls back in surprise, and exits quickly) Aria sits down on a chair, gasping for breath. Everett sits next to her, and puts his arm around her. EVERETT: Are you hurt? ARIA: No. (Beat) Yes. But, not like that. EVERETT: Aria, are you really pregnant? ARIA: Two months now. EVERETT: S**t. What are you going to do? ARIA: I don’t know. I mean, I’ve been accepted to Queens. A baby kind of screws all that up, don’t you think? EVERETT: I think you need to do whatever is best for you. ARIA: So you don’t think I should keep it? EVERETT: It’s not my opinion that matters. ARIA: Yeah, it does. I know that we haven’t talked in a while, but I still think of you as my best friend. I can’t make this decision on my own. EVERETT: In five years, what do you want your life to be like? ARIA: Graduated university, an apartment in Toronto, a job at a fashion magazine, some really good friends to go out with, and a closet full of clothes. EVERETT: I think you just answered your own question. ARIA: I think you’re right. E & A embrace as the lights go down. Lights up on Jayme and Celia, center stage, holding hands. CELIA: When we walked in, she was just lying on the ground. She wasn’t breathing. I saw the pill bottle next to her, and realized what she must have done. I started doing CPR, and Aria called 911. When they got to her house they put her on the stretcher and took over CPR. Aria and I took her car to the hospital, and a nurse came and told us they were able to restart her heart, but they had her intubated, and in the ICU, so we couldn’t see her. JAYME: How are you doing? CELIA: I’m… confused. Upset. Worried. I never thought Melanie would do something like this. JAYME: She was under a lot of pressure. Sometimes people crack. (Celia leans her head on Jayme’s shoulder) Celia’s mom enters. MOTHER: Celia? I… oh. JAYME: Oh, s**t. Celia stands up, brushing the tears out of her eyes. CELIA: Mom, I have something to tell you. Jayme is my girlfriend, and (beat) I’m gay. MOTHER: I know. CELIA: (Beat) What? MOTHER: Celia, you’ve never had a boyfriend. You spend all your time with Jayme. I’ve caught you two kissing more times than I can count. CELIA: But, why didn’t you say anything? MOTHER: I knew this was something you needed to tell me yourself, when you were ready. I had hoped you would know Celia, that your father and I love you. We don’t care whether you love men, or women. We care that you’re happy. Celia and Mother embrace. CELIA: I love you Mom. MOTHER: I love you too sweetie. Ashlynn enters running. ASHLYNN: I just heard, is she.. Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. MOTHER: No, it’s fine, Ashlynn. You girls talk, I’ll be downstairs. (Exits) CELIA: What do you want Ashlynn? ASHLYNN: I heard about Melanie, is she okay? CELIA: Why would you care? You’ve ignored us for the past three months. ASHLYNN: You’re the one who said that you were done with me. CELIA: Because you were being a selfish b***h. I still cared about you. ASHLYNN: I know. I was just being stubborn. CELIA: Yeah, you were. (Beat, and C & A start laughing, and hug.) ASHLYNN: I’m so sorry Celia, I said some awful things. CELIA: So did I. ASHLYNN: No, you were just trying to help me. CELIA: And I should have kept trying. I should never have walked away from you like that. ASHLYNN: I guess I was too proud to tell you before but um, after the holidays were over and I realized that you were right, I told my mom. And she put me in therapy, so I’m a lot better. Not completely normal, but I’ve stopped throwing up, and my mom is making sure that I eat three meals a day. CELIA: That’s great. I’m really proud of you. Hey, you never told me when you’re going for your audition! ASHLYNN: I fly out tomorrow. I was in the theatre practicing when I heard about Melanie, I really should be getting back. You’ll text me if anything changes with her, right? CELIA: Yeah of course, break a leg! (They hug again before Ashlynn exits and lights dim)
JUNE Lights up on centersage where Everett is seated EVERETT: Wait, does the red light mean it’s recording? Is this thing even on? Screw it. Hey, I’m Everett Salling, and this is my time capsule video. Well, I guess I’m supposed to tell you how my year went? Hold onto your seats kids, cause things are about to get intense. So, I started out the year as the sidekick to the biggest d********g our school had ever seen. Lucas, captain of the basketball team. I considered him my best friend, until I saw him beating a girl I have been in love with since we were seven. I stopped talking to him, and he got angry. I made up excuse after excuse as to why I couldn’t hang out or why I quit basketball when I got to the point that I couldn’t even look him in the eye. And then he took all of his anger out on Aria. One day in March I went to her house to tell her that I knew he was abusing her, and I walked in on Lucas trying to choke her. I went kind of crazy, and beat the s**t out of him. Then I found out that Aria was pregnant with Lucas’s kid. After talking to her about it, the next day I went to the abortion clinic with her. The day after that I went to the police station and helped her press charges against Lucas. After six long weeks of hearings, and testimonies from both Aria and I, he was convicted and sent to juvenile detention. (Beat) It’s kind of ironic, that I wasn’t afraid to testify against my old best friend, but I can’t tell Aria that I’m hopelessly in love with her. It’s been a crazy senior year, that’s for sure. Lights dim- Everett and Aria’s phone conversation. They are at either end of the stage. EVERETT : So how have you been doing? I didn’t see you at school today. ARIA: I’m okay, I guess. People still stare at me every day in the halls but, it’s getting better. EVERETT: Just think, only one more month before we’re out of here. ARIA: Yeah, I know. (Beat) Everett, I want to go see him. EVERETT: What? ARIA: I want to talk to him. I want him to explain why. I want to hear him apologize. EVERETT: You’ve got to be kidding me. Aria, you’re not going to get an apology out of him! He’s psychotic! ARIA: Maybe, but he wasn’t always. EVERETT: You’re not going. There’s no way I’m letting you get hurt again ARIA: I wasn’t asking for your permission. EVERETT: He beat you! He raped you, and got you pregnant! Why the hell would you want to go have a conversation with him? ARIA: Goodbye Everett. (Hangs up) EVERETT : (Hears dial tone- chucks floor on the ground, and yells in frustration) Lights dim- scene change. Desk is spun around, with two chairs on either side. “Guard” (teacher/mother etc.) brings in Lucas who is wearing handcuffs, and seats him stage left. Aria enters stage right, and sits down. ARIA: Hi. LUCAS: Hey. ARIA: I brought you something. (Digs a video camera out of her purse) You never got to film your segment for the time capsule. LUCAS: Why would I care about filming that? It’s not like I’m graduating. ARIA: Maybe not, but I think you should film one anyway. LUCAS: Why are you here? ARIA: To ask you why. LUCAS: Why what? ARIA: Why you did it. LUCAS: I’m not gonna listen to this. ARIA: I think you film your segment Luke. (Stands up, exits) Lucas pauses, and then takes the video camera. Lights dim as he sets it up. Spotlight on Lucas. LUCAS: Hi, I’m Lucas. I don’t know if this is ever gonna be put in the time capsule, but I’m filming it anyway, because I have a story to tell. Once there was a boy, who had a girlfriend who was perfect. But the boy was sick, not like cancer, but mentally sick. And he started seeing things that weren’t really there. He started thinking that his girlfriend was seeing other guys behind his back. So he bought her a necklace to make sure everyone knew she was taken. And then he hit her when she didn’t want to wear it. Then it happened again, and again, until he stopped feeling bad. Because he thought she deserved it. Then a few months later after this had been going on for awhile, he found out she was pregnant. And he tried to kill her. And now he’s here, in jail, filming this video. I’m sorry Aria, you didn’t deserve any of this. Blackout. Lights up on Melanie, center stage. MELANIE: Hey everyone watching this. My name is Melanie, and it is the week before graduation. I hadn’t expected it to take this long for me to film this, but senior year goes by faster than anyone could guess. A lot has happened to me this year. I found out that my college fund had been stolen by my dad when he left us. I worked my a*s off to get a 97 average, and I ended up with a 94. When I found out, I went home and I tried to kill myself. My friends found me, and I was taken to the hospital. When I was released I was put into counselling, and missed almost a month of school. I thought for a while that I would have to stay home the next year, until my mom gave me an idea. The night before the deadline for the scholarships, I sat down and wrote an essay about what had happened. How the pressure had caused me to become sick enough that I wanted to end my own life over grades. I sent it in, and got this letter in the mail today. Dear Miss Russell, we want to congratulate you on receiving one of our four Warner Bronx scholarships. Your essay won over the scholarship committee, and we could think of no one more deserving of this honour. We cannot wait to see you on campus in the fall. So, I did it. I’m off to university in September. And right now, I couldn’t be happier. Lights dim. Students enter in graduation gowns, talking, very excited) ASHLYNN: Hey! Brooke! (Brooke stops, and spins around) ASHLYNN: Congrats. You’re off to Dalhousie in the fall? BROOKE: Yeah, um, Bachelor of Science. ASHLYNN: That’s great! BROOKE: And I heard that you got into your school. ASHLYNN: Yeah, I did. BROOKE: I knew you would. You’ve been working towards that since were in Elementary School. ASHLYNN: Look, I- I want to apologize to you. I’ve been a terrible person. I feel awful about ignoring you this year. BROOKE: Yeah well, I’ve had worse things happen to me. ASHLYNN: Um, I’d love to hang out sometime this summer if you wanted to? I totally get it if you don’t but… BROOKE: Are you kidding? There’s no way you’re getting rid of me this summer. Besides, I’m the only one with a legit fake ID. ASHLYNN: You haven’t changed much, have you. BROOKE: I might be in a wheel chair, but I can still out-drink you any day. ASHLYNN: Bring it. (B & A hug) Spotlight up on Everett, who is talking to Jayme and Celia. Aria runs over to him. ARIA: Everett! (He turns around) EVERETT: Yeah- what? ARIA: I’m sorry I upset you when I went to go visit Lucas. EVERETT: No, you had every right to go visit him. I was being an a*s. I had no say in whether you could go or not, and I should have been supportive. ARIA: It’s okay, I forgive you. Oh, and one more thing. You know when you asked me what I wanted my life to be like in five years? EVERETT: Yeah… ARIA: I forgot the most important part. It’s you. EVERETT: Took you long enough. (E & A kiss) (Jayme wolf-whistles, girls laugh) Teacher: Okay grads, line up! It’s time! GRADAUTES LINE UP ACROSS THE FRONT OF THE STAGE. VOICE FROM OFF-STAGE. VOICE: Ladies and Gentleman, I give you, the Class of 2013! (KIDS THROW THEIR GRAD CAPS IN THE AIR- BLACKOUT.)
© 2013 Caroline GraceAuthor's Note
Added on February 16, 2013 Last Updated on February 16, 2013 Tags: play, secrets, high school, seniors, abuse, rape, bulimia, eating disorders, suicide, sexuality |