Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 57

Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 57

A Chapter by Yosh

How does Theo react to knowing Přemysl's entire background? What surprising extra confession does he reveal to him as they are truthful towards each other?


TW: This story includes sensitive, distressing, and traumatizing themes related to violence, rough upbringings, and uncomfortable subjects. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised.

Only One For Me by Yosh


Reading key:

Anything to the side in bold is narration.

Anything to the side with a "character's name:” are inner thoughts.

Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions.

Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track.

Anything () is extra information.


Episode 57:

The day is January 15th, 2005. It’s a very late Saturday night.

After Přemysl explains almost everything to Theo about his background, he zones out in disbelief, trying to process all that Přemysl has been through for the past century and more.

Přemysl waves his hand over Theo’s face, having no reaction come out of him as he continues to zone out.

Přemysl questions Theo with a tone of concern.


Line 1) Hey. You still hanging in there?

A moment of silence goes by as Theo continues dazing off.

Přemysl speaks to him anxiously.


Line 2) Earth to Theo?

Theo snaps out of his daze, gazing into Přemysl’s eyes sadly.

Přemysl speaks informatively, notes of awkwardness present in his voice.


Line 3) I think I caught you up on just about everything. Then again, I kind of have the memory of a goldfish.

Přemysl speaks with unease, trying his best to reassure Theo.


Line 4) If anything comes back to me, you’ll be the first person to know. Does that sound like a plan?

Theo’s eyebrows slant upsettingly.

Přemysl observes Theo in guilt.


Line 5) You’re the one who wanted to know what I’ve been through.* You brought this upon yourself. It might have been better if you had just accepted no explanation.

*Refer back to episode 56, line 66.

Přemysl speaks tensely.


Line 6) But, then again, I felt like I owed you one regardless.

Theo answers unsettlingly.


Line 7) Y-yeah. I knew what I was getting myself into, I guess.

Theo speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 8) Besides, no matter how hard it is to hear, I want to know everything about you, Přemysl.

Přemysl gets hit with a flustering feeling as Theo addresses him by his real name.

Theo speaks in a tone of despair, deep sorrow apparent in his voice.


Line 9) I just am so incredibly sorry. 

Theo scrunches the blanket Přemysl lent to him in anger.


Line 10) You truly have been through so much. I would have never known.

Přemysl responds awkwardly, feeling unsettled by Theo’s unfamiliar anger.


Line 11) Don’t go looking at me any differently. I’m still the same old Přemysl. Literally.

Theo explains himself in an honest manner.


Line 12) I can’t help but look at you differently now that I know a lot more. What did you expect?

He speaks curiously, a tone of dislike heavy in his voice as he imagines Theo's assumptions about him.


Line 13) How do you see me then? A pitiful guy?

Theo speaks in a manner of anguish, his eyebrows furrowing in heartache.


Line 14) I see you as one who endured a lot of adversity. I wish there was a way I could get rid of all the hardship you went through.

Theo speaks apologetically, thinking that he’s not saying the most ideal words Přemysl “wants” to hear from him.


Line 15) I feel for you. I’m sorry if I'm not saying the right words you wish to hear right now.

Přemysl speaks understandingly.


Line 16) I don’t expect anything out of you, Theo. Whichever way you react is valid enough to me.

Přemysl speaks in a manner of discomfort.


Line 17) However, I will admit that I feel uneasy seeing you feel so bad for me.

Theo speaks sympathetically.


Line 18) I’ve always looked at you this way ever since you mentioned to me that you lost your family.*

*Refer back to episode 38, lines 60�"67, etc.


Line 19) These upsetting sensations are multiplied now that I know the full story.

Přemysl tries to find a way to wrap their conversation up, feeling like they’ve been staying up for hours.

Přemysl checks the time, realizing how late the both of them have stayed up for.

Přemysl speaks in a manner of concern.


Line 20) Jeez. It’s around 3:00 AM. You should really head home, Theo. Sorry to send you back on such a low note.

Theo clarifies himself, a yearnful voice notable in his tone for them to continue speaking with each other.


Line 21) I know I should probably head home, but our conversation is far from complete. There are still so many things I’m curious about and things I need to get off my chest as well.

Přemysl answers worrisomely.


Line 22) We could always continue our conversation another time. It won’t suddenly grow legs and run away.


Line 23) Plus, I’m really worried about your parents. There's no way they're okay with you staying at my place this late.

Theo speaks reassuringly, a desperate expression etched on his face.


Line 24) I texted my mom, saying that I would be staying a little longer, and she said it’s not a problem.

Přemysl speaks in a manner of surprise.


Line 25) I’m surprised by how lenient your parents are. I’d expect you to have a curfew of some sort. I guess they really do trust you wholeheartedly.*

*Refer back to episode 56, line 16.

Theo speaks reasonably.


Line 26) Of course, they’re being lenient with me right now. I told them this was an emergency.* They understand more than ever.

*Refer back to episode 56, line 13.


Line 27) Plus, you’re the one who said you could put sleep off.* I can do that too, you know.

*Refer back to episode 56, line 8.

Theo picks at his nails nervously, a daunting sensation engulfing him.


Line 28) If we don’t continue our conversation, I might not say the things I want to say to you ever.

Theo gets hit with a wave of realization, prompting him to stop convincing Přemysl to continue their conversation.

He speaks in a hasty manner.


Line 29) Sorry. You said you were just about to head to bed before I called you, right?* How intrusive of me. You’re right. I really should get going.

*Refer back to episode 56, lines 7 and 8.

Theo stands up to leave, but Přemysl quickly gets up to hold him back.

Přemysl speaks reassuringly.


Line 30) I really meant what I said about holding off sleep. You can’t just say you have some things to get off your chest and then change your mind.

Přemysl speaks in a deeply considerate tone.


Line 31) I elaborated on my confession. I bet you're dying to do the same.

Theo’s lips quiver in sadness, feeling very vulnerable.

He tries to hold back his tears, mumbling under his breath.


Line 32) I’m not going to cry in front of you. There’s just no way.

Přemysl speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 33) If you feel like crying, cry. Don’t hold that in.

Theo bursts into tears, covering his face as he sobs.

Přemysl pulls Theo towards him, embracing him in a comforting hug.

He pats his back, consoling him as he cries on his shoulder.

He speaks in a deeply apologetic tone, his eyebrows furrowing in guilt.


Line 34) I’m so incredibly sorry about everything, Theo.

Přemysl speaks in a manner of disappointment.


Line 35) I didn’t do my best navigating my way through this situation.

Přemysl speaks in a tone of remorse.


Line 36) I should’ve been more considerate regarding your feelings.


Line 37) This entire time, I’ve acted like garbage towards you.


Line 38) I pursued this friendship, knowing that you weren’t aware of such a huge part of me.


Line 39) Worst of all, I kept justifying my actions, convincing myself that no one would be affected, yet here we are.

Přemysl speaks ashamedly.


Line 40) I can’t believe I used to think that way. This plan of mine to forever conceal my identity from you was never going to work from the start.*

*Refer back to episode 44, lines 103 and 104. 

Přemysl speaks in a slight manner of relief.


Line 41) But, for some reason, I’m kind of glad things didn’t work out. Coming clean was inevitable. I’m just glad you were the one I decided to confide in.*

*Refer back to episode 56, line 107.

Přemysl speaks in a tone of sorrow.


Line 42) I’m lucky to have a friend like you. I’m sorry for putting your feelings in jeopardy* over something so selfish.

*Refer back to episode 44, line 97.


Line 43) I took advantage of your ignorance,* thinking it would get me somewhere with my progress on finding the cure.*

*Refer back to episode 44, line 95.

*Remember, the entire reason Přemysl decided to go to school was that he wanted to see if he could get any leads on the cure to vampirism through his classmates, curating a safe environment for them to open up about things, but not being their actual friends, which fell through in the end because of Theo (refer back to episode 8, lines 46�"71, etc.).

Přemysl speaks in a manner of guilt.


Line 44) I was using you. And I’m so ashamed of myself.


Line 45) On top of that, I’m ashamed that I wasn’t kinder to you.

Přemysl’s eyebrows furrow in disappointment, continuing to hold Theo in his arms as he rests on him for solace.


Line 46) For someone who welcomed me into their lives with open arms, I should have been ever so appreciative, yet I projected my frustrations with humans onto you.


Line 47) Just because I went through a traumatic experience due to humans,* doesn’t mean that all humans are bad. I know that more than ever because of you and Oumou. I had no right to treat you two with such disdain.

*Přemysl is referring to his family being slaughtered.

Přemysl speaks in a resentful tone.


Line 48) I tried pushing you away, but I just couldn’t help but want to be around you, Theo.*

*Refer back to episode 44, lines 98, etc.


Line 49) I was rude to you. I wanted you to back out of this relationship on your own because I couldn’t bring myself to walk away from you.

Přemysl speaks in an appreciative manner.


Line 50) You brought out such a sense of support that I just uncontrollably opened up to you. I couldn’t restrain myself, no matter how hard I tried.*

*Refer back to episode 42, lines 50�"83, and episode 44, lines 98�"102.

Přemysl speaks in a grateful tone.


Line 51) Although I’d be so angry at myself for not getting a grip if I had to open up to anyone, I’m glad it was you.


Line 52) I apologize from the bottom of my heart.

Přemysl speaks in a desperate manner, his eyebrows slanting yearnfully.


Line 53) I don’t want to lose you, Theo. Please, let me make things right with you. How can I get you to forgive me?

Theo answers confidently, providing Přemysl with sincere reassurance.


Line 54) I said that I would accept you no matter what,* Přemysl.

*Refer back to episode 45, lines 32�"41, etc.

Theo speaks understandingly.


Line 55) What else were you supposed to do? Keeping your secret hidden was a completely reasonable thing to do.

Theo speaks empathetically.


Line 56) So, don’t blame yourself because if I were you, I’d do the same thing.


Line 57) You weren’t being inconsiderate.* In fact, you were thinking about my feelings this entire time. What else would explain your guilt? You were afraid of hurting my feelings.

*Refer back to line 36 of this episode.

Theo speaks upsettingly, validating Přemysl’s feelings.


Line 58) It’s utterly valid for you to hate humans after what they did to you and your beloved family.


Line 59) You didn’t use me, Přemysl.* You were just trying to help yourself. Nobody was harmed.

*Refer back to line 44 of this episode.


Line 60) I’m not hurt by you at all. Rather, I’m hurting for you.

Theo holds onto Přemysl tenderly, further burying his head into his shoulder.

He speaks in a manner of anguish.


Line 61) You didn’t deserve any of your misfortune. Get that through your head more than anything.


Line 62) You’re worthy of so much better.

Přemysl holds Theo tighter, feeling accepted by his touching words.

Theo speaks in a deeply apologetic manner, an expression of guilt engulfing his face.


Line 63) I’m so sorry for leaving you abruptly yesterday.*

*Remember that Theo freaked out and left Přemysl at the park by himself after being informed about his vampirism (refer back to episode 49, lines 76�"78, etc).

Theo speaks empathetically, immersing himself in Přemysl’s shoes.


Line 64) You must’ve felt so betrayed. 


Line 65) I feel so guilty for leaving you. I felt awful. 


Line 66) I usually feel pretty sad when we part ways after we hang out,* but yesterday was even worse.

*Refer back to episode 47, lines 43�"57, etc.

Theo speaks in a tone of regret.


Line 67) Because I went through so many emotions yesterday, I didn't react in the best manner.

Theo mumbles his next statement, speaking timidly.


Line 68) … I guess a part of me was a bit disappointed about our confessions.

Theo speaks apprehensively.


Line 69) There’s something you should know.


Line 70) The whole reason I procrastinated before delving into our conversation* was because I would eventually have to open up about what I’m going to tell you now.

*Refer back to episode 56, lines 37�"41, etc.


Line 71) Remember how I said I thought you were hiding the same secret as me?*

*Refer back to episode 47, lines 73 and 74, and episode 56, line 32.

Theo speaks hesitantly.


Line 72) I am surprised you haven’t mentioned that. Haven’t you put the puzzle pieces together yet?

Theo pulls away from Přemysl, observing the analytical look on his face as he tries to think.

Přemysl speaks his mind in confusion.


Line 73) I honestly thought you were going to admit to me that you were a vampire as well.* I thought we were hiding the same secrets which is why I revealed to you that I’m a vampire.

*Refer back to episode 49, lines 2 and 3.

Přemysl speaks apologetically.


Line 74) I didn’t expect you to come out. I’m sorry for not being prepared and not saying the things I should’ve.

Theo speaks anxiously.


Line 75) That’s nothing to apologize for… We were in similar situations, just different confessions. I thought you were going to come out to me, too, Přemysl.

Theo speaks nervously, thinking he has offended Přemysl for coming to that assumption.


Line 76) I’m sorry. Does that offend you?

Přemysl speaks reassuringly, apologizing to Theo as well.


Line 77) Not at all. I’m sorry I insinuated to that conclusion.

Theo speaks in a tone of sorrow, drooping his head in shame.


Line 78) I’m the one who’s sorry for assuming.

A moment of silence passes between them.

Theo speaks in a manner that seeks assurance.


Line 79) So, what do you think?

Přemysl speaks reassuringly, smiling at Theo bittersweetly.


Line 80) If you’re gay, you’re gay, Theo. That’s not something you can control.

Přemysl speaks consolingly.


Line 81) We said we would accept each other as we are. That applies to this circumstance, as well. I don’t view you any differently.

Přemysl speaks reasonably.


Line 82) If you accept me as a vampire, the least I can do is accept you for who you are, which I completely do unconditionally.

Přemysl speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 83) You’re my friend, Theo. That’s something that will never change.

Theo responds in dejection, ready to rip his bandaid off.


Line 84) I wouldn’t be so certain about that…

Přemysl speaks in a tone of concern, gazing into Theo’s gaze in worry.


Line 85) Why? What’s wrong?


Line 86) I need to tell you this now, or I’ll bite my tongue forever.* Are you ready to hear it? Even if there’s a possibility that our entire relationship might go down the drain?

*Refer back to line 28 of this episode.

Přemysl places his hand on Theo’s shoulder, speaking supportively.


Line 87) You can tell me, Theo. Nothing will ruin our relationship. I can assure you of that promise.

Theo answers anxiously, swerving his gaze away from Přemysl’s.


Line 88) I realized I was gay because of you, Přemysl.

Theo blushes, speaking in embarrassment.


Line 89) I like you. Y-you’re my crush.

Přemysl looks at Theo in surprise.

He processes Theo’s confession in confusion.


Line 90) Um. Are you sure about that?

Theo nods his head flusteredly.


Line 91) Oh… Well, I guess I’m flattered. Thanks?

Theo looks at Přemysl in confusion, questioning him disconcertedly.


Line 92) What? You’re not weirded out? Disgusted?


Line 93) As I already said, these are feelings you cannot control.* How could I ever feel such distaste towards you? That’s just cruel.

*Refer back to line 80 of this episode.

Theo’s eyes melt in relief.

Přemysl tilts his head to the side puzzlingly.


Line 94) But I honestly don’t get it. Why me?

Přemysl speaks in a manner of concern.


Line 95) One certain thing is you have some horrendous taste.

Theo releases an unexpected chuckle.

He speaks playfully, smiling at Přemysl wholesomely.


Line 96) Don’t make me laugh. I’m trying to be vulnerable here.

Theo releases a sigh of relief, speaking appreciatively.


Line 97) You don't realize just how great you are, Přemysl.*

*Refer back to episode 44, line 74.

Theo speaks affectionately, his face blushing giddily.


Line 98) The gift you got me for New Year’s was really the cherry on top of my feelings for you.*

*Refer back to episode 42, lines 92�"100, etc.

Theo speaks enthusiastically.


Line 99) I don’t know how you found a signed CD of my favorite band! I was thrilled, to say the least!

Přemysl speaks bashfully.


Line 100) I just got lucky at a record store. I knew I had to buy it for you. Anyone would do that if they were in my place.

Theo accolades Přemysl’s efforts appreciatively.


Line 101) I don’t think they would. You went out of your way to do that for me because you knew that I’d love the gift. It’s by far the most considerate thing anyone has ever given me! I feel so special! Thank you.

Přemysl throws Theo’s compliments back to him.


Line 102) You’re the one who was considerate for gifting me a titanium bracelet.* You started this~

*Refer back to episode 38, lines 129�"131, episode 42, lines 76 and 78, and episode 49, line 27.

To be continued...

Copyright ©2025 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

© 2025 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, you all, this is Yosh coming back at you.
Presented here I have my new story, "Only One For Me", a thrilling romance novel that'll take you on a ride of affection.
Since I am a growing writer, if any of you notice mistakes in my story, please bring them to my attention.
Your time and interactions are very much appreciated.
Leave any sorts of comments that you all wish to write.
Thank you all for your efforts.
I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer.♡

*P.S.: This original story is best read in Wattpad's format. The link below will navigate you all to this story on that platform.


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Only One For Me By Yosh



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