![]() Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 56A Chapter by Yosh![]() What goes on between Přemysl and Theo as they confront each other?![]() TW: This story includes sensitive, distressing, and traumatizing themes related to violence, rough upbringings, and uncomfortable subjects. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised. Only One For Me by Yosh ____________________________________________________________ Reading key: Anything to the side in bold is narration. Anything to the side with a "character's name:” are inner thoughts. Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions. Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track. Anything () is extra information. ____________________________________________________________ Episode 56: The day is January 15th, 2005. It’s a very late Saturday night. Přemysl anxiously waits for Theo to arrive at his place, pacing around his living room with thoughts of doubt flooding his mind. Line 1) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: Why would he bother driving to see me so late at night if it were to say that he disapproves of my vampirism? Line 2) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: One would only make such an effort to show their approval, which means that Theo’s verdict must be that he’ll accept me as I am, right? That is the promise he made to me, after all*. *Refer back to episode 45, lines 32"41, etc. Přemysl stops pacing around his house, rubbing his head in distress. Line 3) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: I guess we’ll just have to wait. Running various potential outcomes through my mind won’t do me any good. He sits himself on his living room couch, nervously bouncing his leg to shake off his jitters. Přemysl lets out a hopeless sigh. Line 4) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: This is all out of my control now. Time to face reality and accept what’s to inevitably come. After some more time goes by, Theo rings Přemysl’s doorbell. Přemysl stands up hesitantly, making his way over to his door nervously. He peeps through the door’s peephole, confirming that Theo is waiting for him. A wave of relief washes over Přemysl as he observes Theo’s face. Theo’s face looks in distress, making Přemysl feel guilty. Přemysl’s eyebrows furrow as he glances at Theo in shame. Line 5) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: Just what have I done to him? Our relationship? Our future? Our potential? Přemysl slowly opens his door for Theo, with the two of them looking at each other in surprise from their first interaction after confessing to their secrets. A couple of seconds of awkward silence pass between them. Přemysl notices Theo slightly shivering despite the warm coat he has on. He initiates conversation welcomingly, notes of uncertainty apparent in his voice. Přemysl Line 6) Come in. You seem cold. Přemysl fully opens the door for Theo, extending his hands out to the entrance of his home for Theo to head inside. Theo hesitantly enters Přemysl’s place, stomping his feet on his doormat to get any excess snow off of his shoes. Přemysl closes his door, scared to look Theo in the eye. Theo questions Přemysl timidly, not knowing how to interact with him. Theo Line 7) Were you just about to head to bed? Přemysl gives Theo some awkward reassurance. Přemysl Line 8) Yes, but I can put off sleep. It’s not like I have anywhere to be tomorrow. Luckily, I can sleep in since it’ll still be the weekend. Theo nods his head comprehendingly. He takes his shoes off, leaving them at the entryway of Přemysl’s house. He then removes his coat, hanging it on Přemysl’s coat rack somewhat nonchalantly. Přemysl observes Theo in confusion from his supposed “relaxed” demeanor. Theo still finds himself cold in Přemysl’s house, anxiously making a strange request, with a switch of comfort turning on inside him. Theo Line 9) … Mind fetching me a blanket? Přemysl glances at Theo in shock, his eyebrows furrowing disconcertedly. Theo adds onto his statement. Theo Line 10) … And brewing a hot cup of tea? Please? Theo scratches his head awkwardly, speaking timidly. Theo Line 11) I might be here a while… Přemysl speaks in a manner of concern, disapproval etched all over his face. Přemysl Line 12) You shouldn’t. Your parents must be worried sick. Did you sneak out*? *Refer back to episode 55, line 97. Theo speaks reassuringly. Theo Line 13) I didn’t. My mom let me go because I explained that I had an emergency and needed to see you. Přemysl spurts into deeper concern. Přemysl Line 14) Why would you say something like that to her? Did you wake her up to ask since it’s so late at night? She must be so worried. Theo speaks in a tone of offense. Theo Line 15) I can’t believe you’d think that I would go out of my way to wake someone who's sleeping up. My mother’s a night owl, so luckily, she was awake when I asked. Theo speaks reassuringly. Theo Line 16) I told her it was nothing serious. She knows that I’m not up to any trouble. She trusts me wholeheartedly. Přemysl folds his arms sassily, squinting as he questions Theo in a manner of suspicion. Přemysl Line 17) “Emergency,” huh? What kind of emergency entails you getting cozied up in a blanket and me brewing you a cup of tea? Theo answers shyly, feeling put on the spot. Theo Line 18) … This one… Přemysl scoffs, rolling his eyes in frustration. Přemysl Line 19) You’re unbelievable. Přemysl walks over to his kitchen and fills a kettle up with water, placing it on his stove to boil for Theo's tea. A slight smile curls Přemysl's lips as he thinks about how he’s somewhat comfortably interacting with Theo. He hides his smile, continuing on with his serious front. Přemysl Line 20) What flavor would you like? Theo answers in uncertain delight, awkwardly smiling from Přemysl's polite consideration. Theo Line 21) Peppermint, please. Přemysl nods his head, tearing a peppermint packet of tea into a mug for Theo. Once the kettle whistles ready for Theo’s tea and Přemysl brings him one of his blankets, Theo gets all cozied up on his couch, enjoying his tea and getting warmed up. Přemysl folds his arms at Theo in disbelief, watching him act as if nothing happened between the two of them. Přemysl speaks his thoughts out loud, trying to make progress in their confrontation. Přemysl Line 22) I take it that you don’t entirely distrust me if you’ve made yourself comfy in such a manner. Přemysl Line 23) You’re also drinking tea that I brewed for you. I could’ve done something to it, yet you don’t seem on edge. Or have you not even fathomed such a thought? Theo speaks in a sincere tone. Theo Line 24) You wouldn’t dare. Přemysl questions Theo inquisitively. Přemysl Line 25) Why? What makes you so sure that I wouldn’t dare? Theo stays silent. Přemysl gets to the point, speaking boldly. Přemysl Line 26) You said you wanted to tell me your verdict to my face*. That’s the entire intention of this “urgent” arrival. *Refer back to episode 55, line 99. Přemysl speaks in a tone of confusion, wondering why Theo is acting the way he is. Přemysl Line 27) Here we are. Face-to-face, yet all you’re doing is fiddling around with your feet as you slouch on my couch, avoiding a much-needed conversation between the two of us. Přemysl takes in a deep breath, speaking upsettingly, notes of betrayment notable in his voice. Přemysl Line 28) Do you know how antsy I’ve been all day? Přemysl Line 29) You're the first person I've revealed my true identity to after more than 100 years. Přemysl speaks impatiently. Přemysl Line 30) Can we please get this over with? As of right now, it seems like I’m a joke to you. Theo answers offendedly. Theo Line 31) Why haven’t you considered how antsy I’ve been feeling all day? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re not the only one. Theo elaborates frustratedly. Theo Line 32) You’re the first person I’ve ever come out to in my entire life*, and on the same day that I decided to be vulnerable with you because I thought you were on the same boat as me*, you decided to drop the bomb of revealing the fact that you’re a vampire. *Refer back to episode 49, lines 16 and 17. *Refer back to episode 47, lines 73 and 74. Theo speaks honestly, feeling misunderstood. Theo Line 33) So, sorry for not acting the way you expected me to, but I just don’t know how to be. Přemysl questions Theo in confusion, coming to a conclusion based on his reaction just now. Přemysl Line 34) It seems like you haven’t processed this enough. I told you to come back to me when you were ready to speak*. Why are you here then? *Refer back to episode 49, line 68. Theo swerves his gaze away from Přemysl’s, feeling embarrassed. Theo Line 35) I already told you. I just wanted to see you again*. *Refer back to episode 55, line 100. Přemysl speaks impatiently. Přemysl Line 36) Well, you’ve seen me. If things aren’t going anywhere tonight, I think you should get going already. Theo chimes in adamantly. Theo Line 37) Can you just wait? Why can’t we ease into things? Theo speaks in a disoriented manner, feeling complicated. Theo Line 38) I already know how I feel, I just don't want to delve into it yet. Theo questions Přemysl in desperation. Theo Line 39) Can we just be mellow with each other? Theo speaks distastefully about their situation. Theo Line 40) I don’t like how we’re losing sight of being each other's genuine friends with all this confession stuff getting in our way. Theo glances at Přemysl hopelessly, his eyes glistening in sadness. Theo Line 41) I just want to speak to you as a friend. Přemysl takes Theo’s perspective into consideration. Line 42) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: That’s right. Theo did say that I’m practically his only genuine friend*. It must be hard on him to have this drama spur up between us when he has no one else to lean on. *Refer back to episode 44, lines 65"82, etc. Line 43) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: Especially after telling me something so personal. I’m sure he wants to unpack that before we delve into anything else. I’m being too hasty again*. *Refer back to episode 52, lines 1"4, etc. Přemysl apologizes sincerely. Přemysl Line 44) I’m sorry. You’re right. Theo crosses his arms, pouting his lips out in guilt from Přemysl’s sympathetic reaction to his complaints. Theo Line 45) Now you’re making me feel bad for having an attitude… Přemysl releases a sigh of distress, speaking reassuringly. Přemysl Line 46) Don’t feel bad… How… have you been? Theo answers honestly. Theo Line 47) Disheveled, to say the least. Přemysl speaks curiously. Přemysl Line 48) What have you been up to? Theo responds sarcastically. Theo Line 49) Oh, you know, just questioning everything I’ve ever believed in. What about you? Přemysl eyebrows furrow in remorse. He speaks apprehensively. Přemysl Line 50) Um. I reached out to my older brother, Ambrož*. *Remember that Theo knows who Ambrož is (refer back to episode 49, line 60, etc). Theo looks at Přemysl in disbelief, not expecting him to make such a bold move after feeling uncertain for some time (refer back to episode 38, line 119 and episode 43, line 79). He replies enthusiastically. Theo Line 51) Wow! You made the leap, huh?! Přemysl nods his head. Theo speaks curiously, an expression of keen interest painted all over his face. Theo Line 52) What did he say? Přemysl speaks happily, feeling joy bubble up within him as he shares exciting news with his friend. Přemysl Line 53) It’s a long story, but to summarize, we made up. Přemysl Line 54) Today, I hosted dinner and invited him and his girlfriend, Oumou, over. I got to meet her for the first time, and she's great. Přemysl’s eyebrows slant in sentimentality. Přemysl Line 55) I still have so much to do to make things right between all of us, but Ambrož and Oumou have been gracious enough to forgive me. Přemysl speaks in a manner of determination. Přemysl Line 56) I’m going to try my best to show them that I’ve changed for the better. Theo replies in excitement, feeling truly happy for Přemysl. Theo Line 57) That's amazing, Orlin*! *Remember that Přemysl revealed his true name to Theo (refer back to episode 49, line 12). Theo gets hit with the realization that “Orlin” is not Přemysl's real name. He speaks curiously, eagerly wanting to know how to address Přemysl correctly. Theo Line 58) Um. So, how exactly do we go about addressing that name of yours? Přemysl replies apologetically, speaking in a tone of clarification. Přemysl Line 59) I’m sorry about letting you get accustomed to Orlin when my real name is Přemysl. It’s pronounced SHE-MI-SUL. I deeply apologize for lying about my name. Theo speaks Přemysl’s name, a flustering atmosphere brewing around them. Theo switches into a curious voice. Theo Line 60) SHE-MI-SUL… It honestly suits you. How old did you say you were? Přemysl answers apprehensively. Přemysl Line 61) … 163 years old*. *Refer back to episode 49, line 14. Theo does some quick calculations in his mind, speaking in a manner of disbelief. Theo Line 62) Jeez! That means you were born 1842?! Přemysl’s eyes widen in pleasant surprise from Theo’s quick math. Přemysl Line 63) Yeah. March 26th, 1842. Theo processes the information Přemysl supplies to him, nodding his head comprehendingly. Theo Line 64) An Aires, huh? Makes a ton of sense. Theo speaks in a shocked tone. Theo Line 65) You’re so old! You’ve seen it all! Various thoughts flood Theo’s mind, prompting him to ask more serious questions. He clears his throat, glancing at Přemysl sternly. Přemysl reads Theo’s serious demeanor, changing his facial expressions and body language accordingly. Theo speaks inquisitively. Theo Line 66) On a more serious note, what have you been through? Přemysl replies in a manner of exhaustion, not wanting to delve into his entire backstory when it’s so late at night. Přemysl Line 67) Last time I checked, you’re an A+ student*. Shouldn’t you know history well? *Refer back to episode 38, lines 29"33, etc. Theo speaks correctively. Theo Line 68) Either way, you’re from the Czech Republic. I’m not aware of your country’s history. Přemysl processes Theo’s statement, realizing that he’s right. He speaks in a tone that seeks reassurance. Přemysl Line 69) Touché. But before we delve into that, I take it that you’re okay with things. Theo answers with avid uncertainty apparent in his voice. His face morphs into an expression of distress. Theo Line 70) Not necessarily. It’s hard to wrap my brain around your existence. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been questioning a lot of things*. Remember the time I told you I don’t believe in supernatural-y stuff*? *Refer back to line 49 of this episode. *Refer back to episode 38, lines 48"52, etc. Přemysl nods his head, reminiscing at the day they conversed about that topic. Theo speaks apologetically. Theo Line 71) Now I understand why you were so serious about asking me those kinds of things. Theo speaks sympathetically, his face filled with anguish. Theo Line 72) I can’t begin to imagine all the things you’ve been through. Theo Line 73) My life in comparison is so miniscule. It's practically meaningless. Přemysl objects sternly. Přemysl Line 74) Don’t say that. Theo elaborates honestly. Theo Line 75) Well, it’s just that I feel like an ant… Theo Line 76) And you’re the big giant that’s about to squash me. Přemysl shakes his head in disapproval. He speaks in a tone of betrayment. Přemysl Line 77) Put yourself in my shoes. Do you think making such an analogy makes me feel good about myself? I know I'm ancient enough as it is. No need to rub it in my face. Theo gets hit with a wave of guilt. Theo Line 78) … G-Good point. Sorry… Přemysl speaks dismissively, knowing Theo’s intentions weren’t to offend him. Přemysl Line 79) It’s fine. Another realization comes to Theo, prompting him to speak truthfully. Theo Line 80) Honestly, what else makes a lot of sense is your personality. Theo speaks playfully, forgetting what Přemysl just told him to consider. Theo Line 81) No wonder you act like an old man. You literally are one. Přemysl clears his throat for Theo to get a clue, piercing a gaze of irritation through him. Theo reads the room, speaking apologetically. Theo Line 82) Sorry. It’s disorienting speaking with you now that I have a lot more context. Theo speaks curiously, putting puzzle pieces together in his mind. Theo Line 83) Speaking of you patching things up with Ambrož, you mentioned that he’s also a vampire, right*? I also remember you mentioning that your New Year’s resolution is to find the solution to all of your problems*. *Refer back to episode 49, line 60 again. *Refer back to episode 43, line 91, etc. Theo Line 84) At the time, I thought it was a weird goal*, but now that I know you’re a real vampire I’m assuming that this “solution” of yours is to find the cure to vampirism, right*? *Refer back to episode 43, lines 92"100, etc. *Refer back to episode 49, line 14 again. Přemysl releases a chuckle of impressment from Theo’s sharp critical thinking skills. Přemysl explains himself. Přemysl Line 85) Ambrož is a vampire. Not only are we the same age, but the both of us are from the Czech Republic. That’s where we met around 145 years ago. Přemysl Line 86) The solution to all of my problems is indeed the cure to vampirism. You’re correct. As you can tell from how many years I’m still standing, I haven’t had much luck in getting to the bottom of it. Theo speaks curiously. Theo Line 87) Do you even know if there’s a cure to vampirism? Přemysl speaks informatively. Přemysl Line 88) No. Not for certain. But I might as well use my immortality to my advantage by making the effort to find it. It’s not like I’m running out of time. Přemysl Line 89) The reason I believe it’s out there is because Ambrož and I overcame our weakness to the sun*. Remember when I mentioned that to you*? Theo nods his head in disbelief. *Refer back to episode 6, lines 90"95, etc. *Refer back to episode 49, line 60 again. Přemysl speaks in a faithful manner. Přemysl Line 90) If we could overcome that, what else can we overcome? Do you get where I’m coming from? Theo nods his head, speaking curiously. Theo Line 91) You already vaguely explained how you became a vampire*. How did it happen to Ambrož? *Refer back to episode 49, line 13. Přemysl speaks apprehensively. Přemysl Line 92) I’m the reason he’s a vampire. I accidentally turned him into one. Theo answers in a tone of shock. Theo Line 93) But you said you’ve never done something like that*? *Refer back to episode 49, lines 39"48, etc. Přemysl explains himself innocently. Přemysl Line 94) Oh, that. I thought you were questioning whether or not I’ve purposefully turned someone into a vampire for their compulsion to wear off. Přemysl speaks ashamedly. Přemysl Line 95) As I’ve mentioned, Ambrož’s transformation was an accident. I’ve never done anything malicious as a vampire, just some threats here and there that I’ve never gone through with but said in a rage. Theo zones out in disbelief, feeling surreal. Theo Line 96) This is really real. Přemysl speaks empathetically. Přemysl Line 97) I don’t blame you for having an existential crisis trying to understand this. I’ve had plenty trying to process my existence as well. Přemysl speaks sentimentally. Přemysl Line 98) But it is what it is. After all this time, some hard pills to swallow have become easier… Přemysl Line 99) And some easy pills have become harder to swallow. Přemysl shakes his head, speaking wistfully. Přemysl Line 100) I’m not making any sense. What I’m trying to get at is that I… couldn’t stop thinking about you all day. Theo glances at Přemysl in surprise, feeling slightly touched. Přemysl speaks in a manner of distress. Přemysl Line 101) So many complex emotions are just coursing through me. I, too, am uncertain about how to go about this situation we have going on*. *Refer back to line 33 of this episode. Přemysl Line 102) I had no idea that revealing my true identity would be this hard. Přemysl Line 103) But I guess truly the harsh reality about all of this is whether or not I’d lose you. Přemysl speaks in a tone of uncertainty, feeling drained. Přemysl Line 104) For some reason, that’s what I’ve been so hung up on. I don’t know why you’ve made such an impact on me, though I’ve been alive for decades. Přemysl glances at Theo wholesomely, speaking in a genuine manner. Přemysl Line 105) I guess making a friend like you was all I needed after all this time. Theo’s eyes glisten from Přemysl’s touching words. Přemysl speaks precautiously. Přemysl Line 106) I'm not sure why I restricted myself so much, but I suppose it was because something like this would eventually unfold. Přemysl speaks acceptingly. Přemysl Line 107) I brought this upon myself. I was going to indulge, sooner or later, so now’s the time I learn my lesson. Přemysl speaks in a manner of determination. Přemysl Line 108) Though I’m not in the mood to get into everything right now*, you deserve to know since you’re already here. Where do I begin? *Refer back to details in between lines 66 and 67 of this episode. Přemysl goes on to explain everything to Theo. End of episode. 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Added on January 26, 2025 Last Updated on January 26, 2025 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #adventure, #comforting, #charming, #cozy, #deep, #enthusiasm, #detroit, #dedication, #fluff, #devotion, #passion, #wholesome, #friendstolovers, #cleanromance, #originalstory Author