Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 53

Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 53

A Chapter by Yosh

With the trio wrapping up dinner, Přemysl makes the intention to apologize to Oumou, easing into their conversation.


TW: This story includes sensitive, distressing, and traumatizing themes related to violence, rough upbringings, and uncomfortable subjects. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised.

Only One For Me by Yosh


Reading key:

Anything to the side in bold is narration.

Anything to the side with a "character's name:” are inner thoughts.

Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions.

Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track.

Anything () is extra information.


Episode 53:

The day is January 15th, 2005. It’s a Saturday nighttime.

Oumou and Ambrož are still at Přemysl’s place, wrapping up dinner.

Oumou wipes her face with her napkin, smiling at Přemysl happily in appreciation.


Line 1) That was some delicious food. Thank you again for hosting dinner today, Přemysl.

Přemysl answers in a flattered manner.


Line 2) It’s my pleasure. I appreciate you guys taking time out of your weekend to visit me. It means a lot.

Oumou speaks in a welcoming tone.


Line 3) Feel free to contact us whenever you like. We’re always looking forward to meeting you!

Ambrož stands up from the dinner table, grabbing everyone’s empty plates.

Přemysl speaks in an insistent manner, not wanting Ambrož to help him clean up.


Line 4) Allow me. Don’t trouble yourself with wrapping things up. As the host, that’s my duty.

Ambrož explains his reasoning passionately, unrelenting not to offer help.


Line 5) Since you’re the host, this is exactly why I’m offering to help. You were kind enough to prepare dinner for us, so allow me to clean everything up. It’s the least I could do after everything you did for us.

Přemysl stands up from the dinner table, stubbornly blocking Ambrož’s way to the kitchen.

He speaks determinedly, desperate for Ambrož not to help.


Line 6) I’m sure you’re already exhausted enough. The night coming in so soon, mixed in with the cold weather outside, only makes it natural for you to be tired. I, on the contrary, feel energized after eating. Allow me to wrap things up.

Ambrož moves Přemysl out of his way, bringing over the empty dinner plates to the kitchen sink, ignoring Přemysl’s reasoning.

Přemysl trails after Ambrož to further attempt to convince him not to help.

He speaks in a low tone so as for Oumou not to overhear, with a thought coming to his mind to perhaps explain Ambrož’s action.


Line 7) Are you trying to impress Oumou by showing off your gentlemanly efforts?

Ambrož’s eyes light up from the question, causing his determination to fuel.

A smile curls his lips from the great idea.


Line 8) Those weren’t my initial intentions, but now that you bring it up, sure.

Přemysl speaks inquisitively.


Line 9) Besides that, why are you bothering yourself with these chores?

Ambrož speaks reassuringly.


Line 10) Helping out isn’t a hassle for me, Přem, so there's no need to be so insistent. Let me show you how appreciative I am of your efforts today.

Ambrož speaks alluringly.


Line 11) While I handle this, I encourage you to take this time to converse with Oumou so more. One-on-one, if you’re up for it.

Přemysl speaks in a reluctant manner, thinking that Oumou might not be up for the idea.


Line 12) Oh, I see. Are you sure she isn’t too tired for that?

Ambrož elaborates to Přemysl in excitement, finding Oumou's “quirk” cute.


Line 13) When it comes to staying up on the weekends, that’s Oumou’s specialty*. Trust me when I tell you that she’s as hyper as can be. Speaking with you will be a breeze.

*Refer back to episode 27, line 53, and episode 51, line 78.

Přemysl scratches his head, feeling stumped.


Line 14) What things should I even ask her? I struggled enough trying to come up with things to say during dinner.

Ambrož speaks reassuringly.


Line 15) I think she’ll take the wheel on that. After all, she thinks you’re a kid, so I’m sure she’ll feel obligated to prompt topics of conversation with you, being “older”.

Přemysl nods his head understandingly.


Line 16) I guess you’re right. It doesn’t hurt to see what’s up.


Line 17) Exactly. So, go ahead while I take the cake of tidying things up. Don’t worry ♡

Ambrož speaks in a thankful manner.


Line 18) I genuinely appreciate you allowing me to visit today. You’ve been excellent!

Ambrož speaks reminiscently.


Line 19) Though I hadn’t lived in this house for long before leaving, I’m relieved to see it intact. 

Přemysl’s eyebrows slant in shame.

He speaks in a tone of guilt.


Line 20) It hurts me to hear you say that…

Ambrož pokes Přemysl’s double chin playfully, smiling at him wholesomely to lift his spirits.

He speaks reassuringly.


Line 21) I’m more than okay, Přem. I missed you a bunch.

Přemysl smiles at Ambrož bittersweetly, speaking appreciatively.


Line 22) Me too. Thank you for your help ♡

Přemysl makes his way back over to the table, noticing Oumou helping take some dishes back.

Oumou smiles at Přemysl in a friendly manner.


Line 23) I can't leave your brother to do all the helping alone.

Ambrož speaks sternly, hinting for Oumou to speak with Přemysl.


Line 24) I can handle it Oumou. Worry not.

Přemysl glances at Oumou anxiously from Ambrož’s arrogance.

He speaks nervously.


Line 25) He’s quite stubborn when it comes to this kind of stuff. There’s no convincing him not to help out, and there’s no way to bud in either.

Oumou lets out a chuckle, finding Přemysl’s accurate description funny.


Line 26) Sounds about right ♡

Přemysl speaks in an anxious manner, trying to come up with something to do while he speaks with Oumou.


Line 27) Um. Would you be up to me showing you around the house?

Oumou speaks in a tone of excitement. 


Line 28) Sure! I’d love that!

Přemysl answers in relief.


Line 29) Come along now then.

Oumou follows Přemysl as he walks around the house.

Ambrož glances at Přemysl for confirmation, giving him a thumbs up of approval.

Přemysl gives Ambrož a thumbs up back.

Přemysl shows Oumou all around the first floor of the house, leading her to the closed-off balcony before taking her upstairs.

He speaks informatively, presenting the balcony to Oumou.


Line 30) Finalizing the first floor, we have the balcony.


Line 31) I would’ve hosted dinner out here in a heartbeat, but the weather’s been so cold in Detroit lately. 

Přemysl speaks suggestively.


Line 32) Perhaps we can hang out here during the summer when it’s warmer.

Oumou glances around the house in fascination.


Line 33) This place is so lavish! It must’ve cost a fortune.

Přemysl questions Oumou inquisitively.


Line 34) You’re probably confused as to why only two people would need such a huge house, huh?

Oumou speaks in an understanding manner.


Line 35) Sort of. But I don’t blame you guys. I would buy myself something like this if I could.

Oumou speaks curiously.


Line 36) About the weather, are you used to the cold?

Přemysl explains himself.


Line 37) Definitely, but even if I am used to the cold, I wouldn’t want to eat outside right now when it’s a lot more pleasant to eat inside the house where it’s warm.

Oumou speaks agreeably, asking Přemysl more questions that come to her mind.


Line 38) You got that right. Do you enjoy warm seasons?

Přemysl speaks in an explanatory manner.


Line 39) Yes. I like any kind of weather, but preferably, I’d like to live in a state that has all 4 seasons. 

Přemysl speaks in a tone of excitement.


Line 40) It’s great Michigan offers that. I can’t wait to see how things will get.

Oumou speaks in a mutual manner.


Line 41) Mean too. I’m sure the climate here is a lot more different than D. C.*. It’s time to get accustomed.

*Remember that Oumou is from Washington D. C. (refer back to episode 10, line 18).


Line 42) Wanna head upstairs?

Oumou nods her head eagerly.

The two of them head upstairs, with Přemysl bringing Oumou to his room.

Přemysl awkwardly shows his room to Oumou.


Line 43) This is my room.

Oumou glances around the place puzzlingly.

Přemysl speaks anxiously.


Line 44) I’m assuming you’re shocked by how boring it looks, right?

Oumou speaks understandingly.


Line 45) I wouldn’t say it’s boring, just simplistic. Then again, you two just moved not too long ago. Rooms take a while to complete in that regard.


Line 46) But, I won’t lie when I say that I was expecting some posters hung up on your wall.

Přemysl explains himself reasonably.


Line 47) I’m honestly not too invested in such things. Maybe I’ll consider it if something piques my interest enough.

Přemysl speaks enthusiastically.


Line 48) I bet your place is decorated with a bunch of music-y stuff, huh?

Oumou speaks in a tone of passion.


Line 49) Spot on! I utterly love decorating things! Whenever you get the chance, you should come by my place and see things for yourself.


Line 50) I guess you could say I’m slightly into interior design. I just can’t help myself when I see a clean canvas. And with me moving into a new place, I made sure to go all out!

Oumou speaks reminiscently.


Line 51) I also helped Ambrož decorate his place. He even took the wheel when special occasions or holidays came around*.

*Remember that Ambrož decorated his place when it was Oumou’s birthday (refer back to episode 36, details before line 1, and lines 1�"16).

Přemysl’s face changes into an expression of dejection.

He thinks sentimentally.

Line 52) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: That’s right. Ambrož and I spent the holidays away from each other*...

*Refer back to episode 33, lines 76�"79, etc.

Line 53) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: That makes me feel so crushed, but I’m glad he was able to spend it happily with Oumou.

Přemysl cheers up, wanting to look happy for Oumou.


Line 54) That’s new of him. I can’t recall him even being so interested in decor.


Line 55) Your interests must be rubbing off on him.

Oumou speaks in a manner of pleasant surprise.


Line 56) Funny enough, he said the same thing*.

*Refer back to episode 36, line 15.

Přemysl speaks curiously.


Line 57) Is there anything you recommend I do to my room?

Oumou speaks encouragingly.


Line 58) If I were you, I’d start adding some flare to your room by painting the walls.

Oumou speaks in a bummed-out manner.


Line 59) Because I live in an apartment, I can't paint my place, which is crushing because I would love to do so. I feel like it would be the cherry on top!

Oumou speaks enthusiastically.


Line 60) Choose your favorite color, and go all out!

Oumou speaks reminiscently.


Line 61) My room back in D. C. is a teal shade, and it was such a blast helping my parents paint it.

Přemysl speaks in a manner of suggestion.


Line 62) You seem excited just upon the idea. Would you like to help me out with that sometime soon?

Oumou’s eyes glisten in thrill, answering happily.


Line 63) I’d be delighted to!

Přemysl exits his room, with him and Oumou standing in the hallway, glancing at the door next door.

Přemysl speaks ashamedly.


Line 64) … This was Ambrož’s room. I’m sure he won’t mind me showing it to you, but it’s quite empty.

Přemysl opens the door sadly, with Oumou glancing at the place reluctantly.

She speaks in an apprehensive tone.


Line 65) W-We can skip this room if you’d like to.

Přemysl speaks timidly.


Line 66) Actually, I’d like to say something to you, if you don’t mind.

Oumou glances at Přemysl hesitantly, slightly nodding her head welcomingly.

They enter Ambrož’s room, with the silence of the room’s emptiness echoing. 

The only thing left is a bed and some leftover clothes and clothing items in Ambrož’s drawers and closet.

Přemysl speaks in a manner of regret, his eyebrows slanting in guilt.


Line 67) I… thoroughly messed up by kicking Ambrož out of the house.

Přemysl glances at Oumou ashamedly.


Line 68) I’m sure he somewhat explained my reasoning to you*, knowing that he immediately went to your place the second I kicked him out*.

*Refer back to episode 27, lines 10�"23, etc.

*Refer back to episode 26, details in between and in lines 99�"100.


Line 69) I’m sorry if you feel at fault for my past disapproval of your relationship*, leading me to banish him.

*Refer back to episode 27, line 25.

Přemysl speaks in a reassuring manner, deeply apologetic for making Oumou feel guilty.


Line 70) You’re not to blame at all, Oumou. I’m the one who decided to make such a reckless decision, and I’ll bear that guilt with me for the rest of my life.

Přemysl speaks ashamedly.


Line 71) To be honest, I’m quite disconcerted by your friendliness, especially knowing that you’re fully aware of what I did to Ambrož, affecting you as well.

A melancholic expression forms on Přemysl’s face.


Line 72) Ambrož said you are “the most understanding soul in the world.*” That statement most definitely rings true.

*Refer back to episode 51, line 50.

Přemysl speaks in a tone of remorse.


Line 73) I can’t express how sorry I am for what I did to the two of you. If I could take it all back, I would. I should have never dismissed your relationship with him. I wish I were more accepting and welcoming. It’s not my place to have a say in your guys’ relationship.

Přemysl speaks in an undeserving manner.


Line 74) If I were you, I’d hate me for what I did*, yet here you are, happily accepting my invitation to meet for dinner. Boy, am I spoiled.

*Refer back to episode 51, line 53.

Přemysl’s eyebrows furrow in distress as he continues to express his sorrow.


Line 75) I’m just so sorry for the heartache I brought the two of you.


Line 76) It’s very adamant how much you hold Ambrož close to your heart. I must’ve hurt you to see him so upset.


Line 77) I’m so very sorry about it all. Including when I ignored you guys at the mall*.

*Refer back to episode 35, details in between lines 72�"73, and lines 74�"85, etc.

Přemysl speaks in a tone of anguish.


Line 78) I deeply regret what I did.


Line 79) My sorrow is not intended to beg for forgiveness or to be believed.


Line 80) Nevertheless, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to put myself right if that’s even possible.

Oumou approaches Přemysl carefully, gently leaning in to hug him.

She closes her eyes, embracing him fondly.

Přemysl’s eyebrows slant touchingly.

Oumou explains herself.


Line 81) I hope you don’t mind a hug. It seemed like you could use one.

Přemysl sentimentally melts himself into Oumou’s arms.

Oumou speaks forgivingly.


Line 82) I don’t know the full story of why you did what you did, Přemysl, but I don’t have to…

Oumou speaks sympathetically.


Line 83) Sure, I didn’t understand why you treated Ambrož the way you did, but I always assumed there was more to it. And whatever the reason was, it was valid.

Oumou speaks in a validative manner.


Line 84) You have every right to feel precautious about who your brother dates.


Line 85) Our relationship progressed quite easily in such a short period, so I don’t blame you for thinking the way you did.


Line 86) There were times when I felt upset about the way you treated Ambrož, but I was never angry.

Oumou speaks in a faithful tone.


Line 87) I knew that you would come around and that it was only a matter of time.

Oumou speaks understandingly.


Line 88) You needed time to yourself, and that’s okay. 


Line 89) Don’t be so hard on yourself for acting the way you did.


Line 90) I know your intentions were good. My gut never lies*.

*Refer back to episode 20, line 45.

Oumou speaks in a manner of appreciation.


Line 91) I appreciate you reaching back out to us immensely ♡


Line 92) Furthermore, you apologized sincerely as well. That takes a lot of courage, yet you did it with such maturity, taking full accountability for everything.

Oumou pulls back from Přemysl, continuing to hold him in her arms.

She boops his nose endearingly.

He glances at her wistfully.


Line 93) Remember that you’re still growing. Things change every second.


Line 94) At times, we do things we don’t mean, say things we don’t mean…

Oumou speaks enthusiastically.


Line 95) That’s all behind us now. We’re ready to turn a new page and continue having our relationship blossom into the beautiful flower that it is!

She further elaborates in excitement.


Line 96) You and Ambrož mean a lot to me, Přemysl. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us!

Oumou speaks encouragingly.


Line 97) More hurdles will inevitably come, so it’s important we have each other’s backs.

She speaks in a trusting manner.


Line 98) I know you’ll be there more than ever this time around.

Přemysl chokes up, trying to retain his composure as they embrace each other.

Line 99) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: I can’t cry in front of her. Hold it together with Přemysl.

Oumou ruffles Přemysl’s hair playfully to cheer him up.

He smiles at her wholesomely.

She speaks in a tone of concern.


Line 100) Are you cold? It felt like I was hugging an icicle just now*.

*Since vampires' organs don't work, blood doesn't pump through their bodies; thus, they're cold to the touch (refer back to episode 2, line 73, etc, episode 19, details in between lines 34 and 35, and episode 34, line 42, etc).

Přemysl speaks reassuringly.


Line 101) I’m fine. Thank you for your concern ♡

Oumou speaks in a manner of amusement, smiling at Přemysl welcomingly.


Line 102) That’s just how you and your brother are, huh? Though, he’s gotten better*.

*Remember that Ambrož is starting to feel warm for an unknown reason (refer back to episode 48, lines 7�"10, etc).

Přemysl lets out a chuckle, nodding his head.


Line 103) Anyway, keep showing me around!

Přemysl continues showing Oumou around the house happily.

End of episode.

Copyright ©2025 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

© 2025 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, you all, this is Yosh coming back at you.
Presented here I have my new story, "Only One For Me", a thrilling romance novel that'll take you on a ride of affection.
Since I am a growing writer, if any of you notice mistakes in my story, please bring them to my attention.
Your time and interactions are very much appreciated.
Leave any sorts of comments that you all wish to write.
Thank you all for your efforts.
I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer.♡

*P.S.: This original story is best read in Wattpad's format. The link below will navigate you all to this story on that platform.


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Only One For Me By Yosh



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