Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 49

Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 49

A Chapter by Yosh

How do Přemysl and Theo go about their secrets being out in the open?


TW: This story includes sensitive, distressing, and traumatizing themes related to violence, rough upbringings, and uncomfortable subjects. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised.

Only One For Me by Yosh


Reading key:

Anything to the side in bold is narration.

Anything to the side with a "character's name:” are inner thoughts.

Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions.

Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track.

Anything () is extra information.


Episode 49:

The day is January 14th, 2005. By now, it’s a Friday evening.

While Ambrož and Oumou enjoy their time together by the campfire in their apartment complex, Přemysl and Theo stare at each other in confusion after revealing their secrets, not expecting to hear what each other just said.

Theo speaks in a hesitant manner, trying to process what Přemysl just said.


Line 1) I-I’m sorry. You’re a what now?

Přemysl’s eyes bulge in shock, regret encompassing his face after revealing his secret.

Line 2) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: I wasn’t expecting Theo to come out to me. I thought he would either reveal that he’s a vampire or something else minuscule that he thinks is big, but this IS huge. 

Line 3) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: How do I go about this situation now? The truth is, I cannot retract what I’ve just said, but how do I go about explaining this to him, especially after he revealed something personal about himself?

Přemysl gulps hard, glancing at Theo apprehensively.

Přemysl mumbles his statement.


Line 4) … I’m a vampire.

Theo glances at Přemysl in disbelief.

He speaks in a tone of confusion.


Line 5) What? Are you a part of an association of some kind? Perhaps “vampire” is an acronym for something? 

Přemysl responds apprehensively.


Line 6) N-No. I’m not a part of an association, nor does “vampire” stand for anything.

Theo replies sarcastically.


Line 7) So, you’re trying to tell me that you’re a “REAL” vampire?

Přemysl nods his head ashamedly.

Theo speaks in a doubtful manner.


Line 8) The supernatural beings that originated from Transylvania, are connected to Count Dracula, feast on blood, are superhumanly agile, and can’t be in the sun kind of vampire?

Přemysl answers anxiously.


Line 9) … Not all of that is correct, but you get the gist. I’m a supernatural being.

Theo’s face morphs into an expression of betrayal.

His lips quiver upsettingly.


Line 10) I-Is this some kind of a joke? Some sort of alter ego persona that I’m supposed to feed into?

Přemysl speaks in a truthful manner, his eyebrows furrowing in distress.


Line 11) I would never joke about something like this. I’m telling you the truth, though it sounds unbelievable.

Přemysl speaks in an explanatory voice.


Line 12) My name isn’t Orlin Ourman*. It’s Přemysl Vašek Kajetán. I’m from the Kingdom of Bohemia, also known as the Czech Republic nowadays…

*Refer back to episode 15, line 71.


Line 13) I was turned into a vampire because I was on the brink of death*. My brother is my sire. I was 15 years old when it happened. The year was 1857, which was around 148 years ago…

*Remember that Přemysl’s brother turned him into a vampire to save him (refer back to episode 5, lines 107�"109, etc).


Line 14) I’m 163 years old, and I’ve dedicated a large portion of my life to finding the cure for vampirism.

Theo’s eyes curve into an expression of sadness, not believing Přemysl’s explanations.

He speaks in a tone of betrayal, feeling unconsidered after coming out to Přemysl.


Line 15) You’re delusional. You need help.

Přemysl looks at Theo in treachery.

Theo speaks in a tone of disgust.


Line 16) I literally just revealed to you the most vulnerable thing about myself, and you have the audacity to make up a bunch of lies just to know about my secret?!

Theo speaks hostilely, clenching his fists in rage.


Line 17) I can’t believe the first person I come out to is a lunatic jerk like you! I should have never trusted you! How could you do something like this to me?!

Přemysl speaks in an honest manner.


Line 18) I’m not lying to you. I would never make something up just to hear your secret. What do you take me for?

Theo abruptly parts ways with Přemysl, stomping over to his car.

He speaks upsettingly.


Line 19) Stay the hell away from me! Find your own way home!

Přemysl tails Theo, speaking at him desperately.


Line 20) What do I have to do to convince you?

Theo responds aggressively, staring at Přemysl in distaste.


Line 21) Get away from me before I punch you in the face!

Přemysl speaks in an eager manner.


Line 22) Theo… don’t do this. Allow me to show you proof.

Theo speaks in a tone of abrasive contempt.


Line 23) I won’t repeat myself! Get away from me while I’m asking nicely!

Theo stares at Přemysl sternly.


Line 24) Forget about everything we’ve been through! And don’t you dare blabber about my sexuality to anyone at school! 

Theo continues walking over to his car, with Přemysl letting him go.

Přemysl droops his head down in dejection.

As Theo is inches away from his car, Přemysl superhumanly runs over to face him swiftly, looking as if he teleported to the human eye.

Theo glances at Přemysl in shock.


Line 25) H-How did you�"

Přemysl speaks in a corrective manner.


Line 26) One thing you got right about vampires was that we’re superhumanly agile*. Are you convinced now?

*Refer back to line 8 of this episode.

Theo observes Přemysl in disbelief.

Přemysl continues elaborating, gazing into Theo’s eyes sincerely.


Line 27) Remember how I mentioned I’m allergic to silver*? I’m medically not, but it burns my skin, so the titanium bracelet you got me was indeed a good substitute*. It’s a weakness all vampires have*.

*Refer back to episode 42, line 77.

*Refer back to episode 38, lines 129�"131, and episode 42, lines 76 and 78.

*Refer back to episode 6, line 70.


Line 28) The same goes for garlic*. In order to avoid being compelled by vampires, people who are aware of their existence always keep garlic on them. They usually keep it in a locket necklace*.

*Refer back to episode 4, line 97, and episode 6, line 70.

*Remember how the lady Ambrož met up with at a saloon was wearing garlic in her locket necklace (refer back to episode 32, line 65).

Theo questions Přemysl in disconcertion.


Line 29) C-Compelled? W-What do you mean?

Přemysl speaks in a suggestive and curious manner.


Line 30) I’ll demonstrate. What’s something you hate?

Theo nervously replies, blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.


Line 31) C-Coriander seeds…

Přemysl speaks alluringly.


Line 32) That works. I’m going to compel you to say that you like coriander seeds right now. Is that okay?

Theo hesitantly nods his head.

Přemysl places his hands on Theo’s face to hold him.

Theo blushes, glancing at Přemysl flusteredly from the weird position they’re in.

Přemysl leans into Theo until they’re noses away from each other, gazing into his eyes keenly but sternly as well.

Přemysl speaks in a persuasive manner.


Line 33) Theo, you will say you like coriander seeds, then return back to your original opinion. You are completely and fully aware of the fact that I compelled you to say this.

Přemysl’s compulsion takes into effect, responding agreeably.


Line 34) That’s because I do. Coriander seeds are the best.

Theo glances at Přemysl in disbelief, feeling surprised by the fact that the compulsion worked.

He pulls back from him in shock, his hands trembling in fear.


Line 35) H-How the hell were you able to do that?!

Přemysl speaks in an illustrative tone.


Line 36) Vampirism gives me the ability to manipulate a person’s thoughts.

Theo gulps hard, staring at Přemysl apprehensively.

He questions Přemysl inquisitively.


Line 37) Do you do things like this often?

Přemysl speaks reassuringly.


Line 38) Only when necessary. 

Theo speaks in a tone of offense.


Line 39) How do I know that you haven’t compelled me in the past?

Přemysl’s eyebrows furrow in offense, speaking reassuringly.


Line 40) You don’t, but don’t you know me well enough to conclude that I wouldn’t do such a thing to you?

Theo speaks disagreeably passionately.


Line 41) I clearly don’t know you at all, Orlin…!


Line 42) I mean… W-Whatever your true name really is. I won’t bother butchering the pronunciation.

Přemysl responds in a crushed tone.


Line 43) You’re right. There’s no way I can prove to you that I haven’t done something like that…

Přemysl gets hit with a wave of realization.


Line 44) Actually, there is a way, but it would involve you becoming a vampire.


Line 45) Compulsion only wears off then.

Theo questions Přemysl suspiciously.


Line 46) And you know that how?

Přemysl speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 47) If you’re worried about whether or not I’ve done something like that, rest assured I haven’t.

Přemysl explains himself descriptively.


Line 48) As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been searching for the cure for decades. During that time, I’ve run into various other vampires and people educated upon our existence. From there, I've discovered new things about our species, including the information I just disclosed to you.

Přemysl speaks in a desperate tone.


Line 49) I know all of this might be unbelievable to fathom, but it’s the truth.

Theo questions Přemysl in horror, a grim expression encompassing his face.


Line 50) You have to feast on b-blood?

Přemysl explains himself reassuringly.


Line 51) Yes, but I’ve never feasted on human blood besides my brother's when he turned me into a vampire. But he was already a vampire then, so that doesn’t count.

Theo speaks curiously.


Line 52) So, then, what do you use?

Přemysl speaks in an evaluative manner.


Line 53) Animals. Back in the day, I would hunt animals down myself and consume their blood, but it’s been years since I’ve done that since international markets sell animal blood due to it being a delicacy in various countries*.

*Refer back to episode 31, line 34.

Přemysl continues explaining ashamedly.


Line 54) I may or may not have threatened to hurt people in the past, but I’ve never truly gone through with any of those illogical actions. I can truly testify to the fact that I’ve never harmed a human.

Přemysl speaks in a manner of dejection.


Line 55) Physically… but mentally… I’m not sure I can testify to that.

Přemysl speaks open-mindedly, trying to compensate for hiding his secret from Theo by explaining it.


Line 56) Ask away with anything you’re wondering about. I’ll do the best I can to answer all of your questions.


Line 57) But I’m assuming you believe me by now, right?

Theo speaks in an overwhelmed tone.


Line 58) I’m in shock, and a part of me is still unconvinced.

Questions spur into Theo’s mind with him impulsively asking them.


Line 59) How can you walk in the sun? How can the both of us see your reflection?


Line 60) My “other” brother* named Ambrož and I overcame the sun years ago. It was a long and painful process in which we’d expose our skin to the sun until we gained immunity from it*.

*Refer back to episode 38, line 68.

*Refer back to episode 6, lines 90�"95, etc.

Přemysl speaks in a tone of disbelief.


Line 61) I know that sounds utterly fantastical. I myself don’t understand how that somehow worked, but it did.

Přemysl continues speaking in an explanatory manner.


Line 62) The myth about vampires being unable to see their reflection is untrue, at least according to me, because I’ve never had an issue like that. I think the myth might stem from our weakness of silver. Perhaps other vampires can’t see their reflection, but I can’t say the same.

Theo shakes his head in denial, speaking disorientedly.


Line 63) I don’t know what to take from this.

Přemysl speaks reassuringly.


Line 64) I’m not asking for your understanding. I’m just revealing my true identity to you, Theo.


Line 65) I thought I could keep my secret concealed from you and not feel bad about it, but I do feel bad, which is why I’m telling you everything now.

Přemysl speaks in a tone of honesty.


Line 66) I assure you that this is the only thing I’ve been hiding from you.


Line 67) Everything else about our friendship has been genuine, but it’s up to you whether or not you decide to believe that.

Přemysl speaks in a deeply apologetic manner.


Line 68) Take all the time you need to process this news. I’m sorry to have kept it from you when you deserved to know the truth.


Line 69) But do let me know how you feel when you’ve come to terms with my identity.

Theo takes an earring from one of his ears off, puncturing his finger with it to bleed.

Přemysl speaks in a tone of concern, approaching Theo to stop him.


Line 70) What are you doing?!

Theo approaches Přemysl first, placing his bloody finger under his nose.

Přemysl’s eyebrows furrow in distress.

His veins become adamant on his face, the shade of purple extremely visible.

His eyes turn into a crimson shade of red, widening from the scent of blood.

Theo speaks in a stern manner, glancing at Přemysl in disbelief at his transformation.


Line 71) S-Show me your teeth.

Přemysl opens his mouth, with Theo observing his fangs appearing.

Theo backs away from Přemysl in fear.

Přemysl speaks in a tone of confusion.


Line 72) Why did you just do that?

Theo speaks in a certain manner.


Line 73) I needed more proof. Now I’m fully convinced that you actually are a vampire.

Theo speaks in a tone of repulsion. 


Line 74) Do you want to suck my blood?! Are you restraining yourself from hurting me?!

Přemysl speaks in a relaxed manner, trying to calm Theo down.


Line 75) This is just a vampiric bodily reaction from blood. I don’t want to hurt you, but I can’t control the way my body transforms. Think of it as instinct.

Přemysl’s veins, fangs, and eye color fade away*, his appearance returning to its regular form.

*Remember that this is how a vampire looks when they are about to feast (refer back to episode 1, details after line 102).

Theo glances at Přemysl in fright, excusing himself from the situation anxiously.


Line 76) I-I’m going to head home. Please find another way to get back to your place.

Přemysl speaks in a tone of dejection.


Line 77) Okay… Have a good weekend…

Theo enters his car, passing Přemysl’s backpack to him out of his window.

Theo glances at Přemysl upsettingly.


Line 78) I’m sorry. 

Theo drives off, leaving Přemysl on his own.

Theo grips his steering wheel tightly, his lips trembling sadly from his interaction with Přemysl.

Přemysl digs through his backpack sadly, trying to find his phone.

When his fingers land on the familiar shape, he quickly searches his contacts to find Ambrož’s number, hesitantly glancing at it in uncertainty.

His eyes glisten in dismay.

Line 79) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: Should I call him? Wouldn’t I be burdening him? What if he has plans for the day?

Přemysl contemplates his next steps hopelessly.

Line 80) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: I should just get back on my own, right? Sure, I revealed the truth to Theo, but that doesn’t mean Ambrož has to know.

Přemysl’s eyebrows furrow yearningly.

Line 81) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: But I want to talk to him more than ever right now!

Přemysl tries to weigh his options, feeling indecisive.

Line 82) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: Maybe I should wait until I get a verdict from Theo?

Line 83) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: There’s nothing wrong with giving him a call, though, right? If he’s busy, he’ll just say so.

Line 84) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: Besides, who am I to think that he’ll answer? We haven’t spoken in months. He’ll probably ignore me. I know I'd do that if I were him.

Přemysl calls Ambrož, placing his phone to his ear apprehensively.

*Shot cuts to Ambrož and Oumou, continuing to snuggle up together by the campfire.

Ambrož tilts his head in confusion when his phone unexpectedly rings, feeling confused.


Line 85) I rarely get calls. What’s this about?

Oumou speaks encouragingly.


Line 86) Maybe it’s from work. You should answer. It seems urgent.

Ambrož speaks timidly.


Line 87) Do you mind? 

Oumou responds reassuringly.


Line 88) Not at all. Answer away.

Ambrož fishes his phone out of his pocket, glancing at the call contact of the person calling him.

His facial expression becomes surprised, causing him to freeze in his position from Přemysl's unexpected call.

Oumou observes Ambrož’s reaction, glancing at him in concern.

She speaks in a tone of worry.


Line 89) Is everything okay?


Line 90) My… m-my brother is calling me.

Oumou looks at Ambrož in shock.

Ambrož questions Oumou in a manner of confusion.


Line 91) W-What should I do?

Oumou speaks in a tone of uncertain encouragement.


Line 92) U-Uh. Answer the call. See what’s up.

Ambrož takes a deep breath in, hesitantly reaching for the accept button of the call on his phone.

Oumou speaks in a manner of withdrawal.


Line 93) Want me to leave?

Ambrož responds in a tone of desperation.


Line 94) No. Please stay. I need you here.

Ambrož nervously holds Oumou’s hand, with her caressing it comfortingly.

Ambrož answers the call, holding the phone up to his ear nervously.

A moment of silence passes between them.

Přemysl speaks in a manner of worry.


Line 95) A-Ambrož. Can you hear me?

Ambrož’s eyes glisten in relief, a smile curling his lips, feeling sentimental from the sound of  Přemysl’s familiar voice.


Line 96) Přemysl. You called.

Přemysl’s eyebrows furrow in despair.

His voice trembles as he tries to speak.


Line 97) Ambrož. Are you busy?

Ambrož speaks in a tone of curiosity.


Line 98) I’m kind of occupied right now. What is it that you need?

Přemysl speaks in a manner of retraction.


Line 99) Oh. Forget it, then. I’m sorry for calling.

Ambrož insists in a stern voice.


Line 100) No. Tell me what it is. 

Přemysl answers ashamedly.


Line 101) Do you think you can pick me up? I need to talk to you.

End of episode.

Copyright ©2025 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

© 2025 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, you all, this is Yosh coming back at you.
Presented here I have my new story, "Only One For Me", a thrilling romance novel that'll take you on a ride of affection.
Since I am a growing writer, if any of you notice mistakes in my story, please bring them to my attention.
Your time and interactions are very much appreciated.
Leave any sorts of comments that you all wish to write.
Thank you all for your efforts.
I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer.♡

*P.S.: This original story is best read in Wattpad's format. The link below will navigate you all to this story on that platform.


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Only One For Me By Yosh



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