![]() Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 29A Chapter by Yosh![]() Getting ready for their date, Ambrož and Oumou see each other in their outing attire, their stomachs' butterflies fluttering in excitement.![]() TW: This story includes sensitive, distressing, and traumatizing themes related to violence, rough upbringings, and uncomfortable subjects. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised. Only One For Me by Yosh ____________________________________________________________ Reading key: Anything to the side in bold is narration. Anything to the side with a "character's name:” are inner thoughts. Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions. Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track. Anything () is extra information. ____________________________________________________________ Episode 29: The day is October 24th, 2004. It's a Sunday. Ambrož and Oumou get ready to spend the day together. Ambrož exits the bathroom, fully dressed and prepared for the day. He’s wearing a white polo shirt with a brown v-neck pullover sweater, paired with black dress pants and a grey belt, along with some black combat boots. He glances around the living room, searching for Oumou and noticing that she’s not around. Ambrož sits himself on the living room couch. Line 1) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: She’s probably still getting ready. I’ll just wait for her then. Ambrož bites his nails, contemplating things in his head. Line 2) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: I hope that I’ll be charming enough today. I don’t want to act awkward like I usually am. I want to be smooth. Oumou makes her way to the living room, spotting Ambrož waiting for her on the couch. She speaks in a timid tone, approaching Ambrož from behind as he sits. Oumou Line 3) Did I make you wait too long? Ambrož’s body flinches, not expecting Oumou to sneak up behind him. He swiftly turns around, glancing at her in surprise. He gets caught in a trance-like state, observing her attire, finding it glamorous. She’s wearing a black turtleneck sweater, paired with a corduroy mini skirt and brown belt, along with some dark-red leggings and knee-high black boots, along with the trench coat that Ambrož gifted her*. *Refer back to episode 14, lines 68-76, etc. She pairs her outfit with golden jewelry (hoop earrings, bracelet, necklace). Ambrož’s drools on Oumou. Line 4) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Wow! She looks great! Line 5) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: She’s so pretty~ I can’t believe that we’re going out together~ Oumou tucks one of her curly strands of hair behind her ear, glancing at Ambrož shyly, awaiting his response. Ambrož’s eyebrows melt in adoration. Oumou gives him a puzzling look, wondering why he’s keeping silent. Line 6) Oumou’s inner thoughts: Why isn’t he saying anything back to me? Oumou blushes, feeling flustered by Ambrož’s flirtatious gaze. Line 7) Oumou’s inner thoughts: And why is he staring at me like that? I’m feeling flushed. Oumou speaks in a flustering voice. Oumou Line 8) Uhh… is everything okay? Did I overdress? Ambrož snaps out of his trance, glancing at Oumou in embarrassment. He speaks in a frantic manner, hoping to clarify his awkward silence. Ambrož Line 9) E-Everything IS okay. You’re dressed perfectly fine. Oumou responds awkwardly. Oumou Line 10) O-Okay… I hope I didn’t keep you waiting. Ambrož speaks in a frantically reassuring manner. Ambrož Line 11) Not at all. I just finished getting ready myself. Ambrož bites his lips in disappointment. Line 12) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: So much for trying to act slick, I’ve already made a fool of myself to her. Ambrož remembers a remark Oumou made, his face melting into a tender expression. Line 13) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: She did tell me to be myself*. I guess I just can’t help it when I’m around her. Everything just comes out so naturally. *Refer back to episode 28, line 89. Line 14) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Might as well scratch my “cool guy plan” and just be my usual dorky self. Ambrož joyfully smirks at Oumou. Ambrož Line 15) You look fantastic~ You look splendid in the coat I gifted you~ Oumou blushes, timidly smiling at Ambrož. Ambrož wholesomely observes Oumou’s glistening eyes, finding them adorable. Ambrož Line 16) Your eyes shimmer so beautifully~ They’re utterly captivating! Oumou’s eyebrows furrow, feeling overwhelmed by Ambrož’s flattery. Line 17) Oumou’s inner thoughts: I feel like someone just shot an arrow through my heart! Oumou speaks in an affectionate tone, slightly stammering at her words from feeling so flustered. Oumou Line 18) T-Thank you. You’re too sweet~ Oumou speaks compassionately. Oumou Line 19) You’re looking pretty spiffy yourself, Ambrož. I love it when men dress elegantly. This style suits you well! Ambrož blushes, speaking in a bashful manner. Ambrož Line 20) Thanks. I’m glad you like it~ Ambrož happily smiles at Oumou. Oumou’s eyes sparkle, feeling sentimental sensations evoked inside of her from Ambrož’s smile. She speaks in a tender tone. Oumou Line 21) Your smile is just so precious~ What a sight for sore eyes! Ambrož’s face flushes red. Oumou notices the pigment of Ambrož’s face change after her remark. She lets out a chuckle, finding the flustering tension between them amusing. Oumou Line 22) You’re too cute~ Let’s get going shall we? Ambrož responds in a flustering tone. Ambrož Line 23) Y-Yeah… The both of them head over to Ambrož’s car, getting settled in. Oumou speaks in a curious manner. Oumou Line 24) So, have you decided where we should go first*? It’s still a bit early for dinner. *Refer back to episode 28, lines 98-100. Ambrož speaks suggestively. Ambrož Line 25) I was thinking we could go to a botanical garden. How does that sound to you? Oumou speaks in a tone of excitement. Oumou Line 26) That sounds magnificent! Let’s do it! Ambrož happily smiles at Oumou, driving them to the botanical garden site. They arrive at the garden, the both of them getting out of Ambrož’s car, and checking into the site. They get handed wristbands to wear after purchasing their tickets. Ambrož easily puts his wristband on, noticing Oumou having trouble with hers. He gets closer to her, placing his hands on her wrist. He speaks in a welcoming manner, offering his help. Ambrož Line 27) Allow me~ Oumou blushes, finding Ambrož’s gesture charming. He successfully puts the wristband on her wrist, interlocking his hand with hers. Oumou glances at Ambrož in confusion. He cheerfully glances back at her, speaking in a joyful manner. Ambrož Line 28) Where should we head first? Oumou’s eyebrows melt from Ambrož’s compassionate demeanor. She gently grips his hand back affectionately, leading the way to where they should go. Oumou Line 29) Let’s visit the floral section! Ambrož agreeably trails after Oumou. They make their way to the entrance of the floral section of the botanical garden. Oumou and Ambrož observe the floral plants displayed on the garden's ground, hand in hand. Ambrož speaks in a manner of curiosity, as they walk around the area, enjoying the views of the displays. Ambrož Line 30) What are your favorite kinds of flowers? Oumou thinks to herself, feeling stumped on her answer. Oumou Line 31) I’m not sure. There’s just so much to choose from. Oumou speaks passionately. Oumou Line 32) I feel like all flowers are just so beautiful. There’s no way I could choose a favorite. Oumou speaks in a curious tone. Oumou Line 33) What about you? Ambrož speaks in a mutual manner. Ambrož Line 34) Couldn’t tell you. There’s just such a wide variety of selections, each flower so unique in its own way. Oumou speaks enthusiastically. Oumou Line 35) It’s fascinating, right? Our world has so much to offer! Oumou Line 36) It’s just mind-boggling that such things exist. Nature is truly wonderful! Oumou speaks in a tone of determination. Oumou Line 37) Things like this just make me want to go on all sorts of adventures. Oumou Line 38) There’s so much to explore. I want to do it all! Ambrož happily smiles at Oumou. Ambrož Line 39) You’re right! Our world really is astounding! Ambrož and Oumou make their way all around the floral section, savoring the scenic displays with Oumou taking pictures of all sorts of flowers she finds awesome. They make their way to a different section, glancing around at all the plants they have displayed. Ambrož speaks in a curious tone. Ambrož Line 40) What’s your favorite kind of plant? Oumou speaks in a smug manner. Oumou Line 41) This time, I actually have a favorite. I’d have to be any kind of cactus. Oumou speaks in an alluring voice. Oumou Line 42) Did you know that the cacti you usually see in deserts are hundreds of years old? Ambrož speaks in a manner of shock. Ambrož Line 43) I had no clue! That’s incredible! Oumou speaks in an engaging tone. Oumou Line 44) Right? Each of their arms is also hundreds of years old. They’re so interesting! Ambrož speaks inquisitively. Ambrož Line 45) What draws you to them? Oumou speaks in a manner of adoration. Oumou Line 46) They just look so cute for some reason. Oumou speaks reminiscently. Oumou Line 47) I had a small cactus plant once that died, unfortunately, due to my negligence. Oumou Line 48) I was away for a trip for a while, so was unable to water it properly. Oumou Line 49) When I came back, my cactus had developed peculiar dark spots. To poke the spots, I had to grab a pencil and noticed that the surface seemed awfully squishy. Oumou Line 50) Next thing I knew, I had accidentally poked a hole in my cactus. Oumou speaks intriguingly. Oumou Line 51) Guess how the inside looked? Ambrož attentively nudges his head for Oumou to proceed with her answer. Oumou Line 52) Like mashed potatoes. Ambrož raises his eyebrows in surprise. Oumou Line 53) Seems like it became rotten when I was away. Ambrož speaks in a sympathetic tone. Ambrož Line 54) That’s unfortunate. Did you ever name your cactus? Oumou smirks, speaking nostalgically. Oumou Line 55) Yeah. I named it prickly. Ambrož lets out a chuckle, finding Oumou’s answer amusing. Ambrož Line 56) That’s adorable~ Oumou Line 57) It had a little pink flower on top, too. I’m not too bummed out that it died because it’s just a plant, but it’d be really cool to have it around. Oumou speaks in a curious tone. Oumou Line 58) What about you? What’s your favorite kind of plant? Ambrož Line 59) I like bonsai trees. They’re so cute. It’s funny how they look like someone used a shrinkerator on a tree. Oumou lets out a chuckle, nodding her head in agreement. They continue making their way around the botanical garden, exploring every portion of it happily, and taking all sorts of pictures. Ambrož Line 60) That seems to be all of it. Want to head to the gift shop? Oumou nods her head agreeably. Ambrož and Oumou make their way to the gift shop, looking around the store together. Ambrož observes Oumou’s captivating demeanor, distracted in her search, finding the perfect time to separate from her. He makes his way over to the cactus section of the gift shop, browsing his options. He finds the perfect cactus, grabbing a hold of it to purchase in secret. He makes his way back to Oumou, spotting her continue to browse the gift shop. Ambrož Line 61) Find anything you like? Oumou Line 62) Bunch of things, but I don’t feel like buying any of them. Oumou glances at Ambrož’s shopping bag, noticing that he made a purchase. She speaks in a curious tone. Oumou Line 63) Did you buy something? Ambrož speaks in a smug manner. Ambrož Line 64) I got you a little gift~ Oumou speaks in a tone of delight. Oumou Line 65) You shouldn’t have. What’d you get? Ambrož hands his bag over to Oumou, and she opens it to find a cactus. She speaks in a manner of surprise. Oumou Line 66) How considerate of you! You really didn’t have to, though. Ambrož speaks charismatically. Ambrož Line 67) I just wanted to get it for you. There’s no way I’d pass a cactus and not feel like buying it when I now know that it’s your favorite plant~ Ambrož Line 68) Make sure to water it this time, okay? Oumou speaks in a tone of determination. Oumou Line 69) Of course! I’ll make sure to do my best! Ambrož speaks in an informative manner. Ambrož Line 70) It seems like the previous cactus you bought was an “Old Lady Pincushion”. They sell loads of them in the cacti section. Ambrož Line 71) But I felt like getting you a different kind of cactus, and when my eyes landed on this one called the “Star Cactus”, I couldn’t resist. Ambrož speaks in a supportive tone. Ambrož Line 72) After all, I believe you’re going to be a star one day~ Oumou glances at Ambrož in a touching manner. Ambrož speaks curiously. Ambrož Line 73) What’re you going to name it? Oumou thinks to herself. Oumou Line 74) Buttercup since the flower on top is a light yellow. Ambrož speaks in a tone of excitement. Ambrož Line 75) Sounds great! Oumou speaks appreciatively. Oumou Line 76) Thank you for getting it for me! I really appreciate it! Ambrož responds in a welcoming manner. Ambrož Line 77) Of course! I’m very glad that you like it~ Ambrož speaks in a flirtatious tone. Ambrož Line 78) You said earlier that my smile is precious*, but I feel like yours is even more. *Refer back to line 21 of this episode. Ambrož Line 79) I’ll do all kinds of things to see you smile. It’s just so radiant! Oumou blushes, speaking in a flustering manner. She playfully nudges Ambrož’s chest. Oumou Line 80) I’m only this smiley because of you~ Ambrož and Oumou head out of the botanical garden, driving to a restaurant for dinner. The sky takes in its evening hue, with the city’s lights illuminating all over the place. Ambrož glances over at Oumou happily, watching her enjoy the wind blowing in her face from her side of the window. Line 81) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: We saw all kinds of plants and flowers today, yet she’s still the prettiest one out of the bunch. Line 82) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: She’s too lovely to pick. You just want to watch her from afar, continuing to blossom into the amazing person she is. Oumou catches Ambrož’s gaze, happily glancing at him. Ambrož slightly flinches, embarrassed to have been caught staring, but glances back at Oumou mutually, feeling reassured by her smile. Oumou Line 83) I love this time of day~ Ambrož speaks in an agreeable manner. Ambrož Line 84) Me too. Everything is just so lively~ Oumou speaks passionately. Oumou Line 85) The orangey hue of the evening feels so comforting for some reason. Oumou speaks in a nostalgic tone. Oumou Line 86) Maybe it’s because the fluorescent street lights remind me of my childhood. Oumou Line 87) For some reason, we’d be driving home just like this all the time, and I’d slightly nod off in the back seat. Oumou Line 88) I never liked doing something during car rides like reading or homework… Oumou Line 89) My favorite part of car rides was and still is staring out the window.My favorite part about car rides was and still is staring out the window. Oumou Line 90) As a kid, my eyes would always land on the tall lamps that would emit an orangey flare. Oumou speaks in a melancholic manner. Oumou Line 91) Looking back at everything just feels so nostalgic as an adult. Oumou Line 92) I really wish time would stop. Oumou Line 93) It feels overwhelming going about life knowing that our clocks are ticking. Oumou Line 94) I wish the future could just wait. I don’t get what all the rush is. Ambrož’s narration: Line 95) Here, Oumou is saying that she’d wish time would stop… Line 96) How shocked would she be if she knew that was my case? Line 97) Contrary to her opinion, I wish that my time would continue. Well, at least my time. Line 98) I’m tired of feeling stagnant. I look as young as I have for hundreds of years. Line 99) I want to age, grow, learn, experience… Line 100) I want to live the way I was intended to. Line 101) But, at the same time, I’m so scared. Line 102) I sadly watched Mom and Dad grow old and eventually pass away. Line 103) There’s no life after this one that we know of. Just where did they go? Line 104) If there is a life, I’m not sure if I’m much of a saint to see the pearly gates. Line 105) I don’t know what lies ahead of me, and I’m fearful of the unknown. Line 106) I wish my time hadn’t stopped. If we were all in this together, I’d feel reassured having something to lean on. Line 107) But everything around me is going by, while I’m still here on pause. End of episode. Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on December 29, 2024 Last Updated on December 29, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #adventure, #charming, #comforting, #cozy, #deep, #detroit, #enthusiasm, #dedication, #passion, #devotion, #fluff, #wholesome, #friendstolovers, #cleanromance, #originalstory Author