![]() Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 25A Chapter by Yosh![]() Setting Ambrož up for confrontation in person by luring him in, Oumou continues trying to convince Ambrož that it is okay for them to be in a relationship together.![]() TW: This story includes sensitive, distressing, and traumatizing themes related to violence, rough upbringings, and uncomfortable subjects. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised. Only One For Me by Yosh ____________________________________________________________ Reading key: Anything to the side in bold is narration. Anything to the side with a "character's name:” are inner thoughts. Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions. Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track. Anything () is extra information. ____________________________________________________________ Episode 25: The day is October 23rd, 2004. It's a Saturday afternoon. Oumou questions why her relationship with Ambrož isn’t working out the way she wanted it to. Ambrož swallows hard, finding it difficult to say anything back to Oumou. He observes her in shock, taken aback by her direct attitude. Oumou glances at Ambrož timidly, blushing from the flustering question. She speaks in an affectionate manner. Oumou Line 1) I know you advised me not to reach out to you*, but I simply couldn’t resist. *Refer back to episode 23, line 29. Oumou speaks sentimentally. Oumou Line 2) Ever since the last time we saw each other, I just couldn’t stop thinking about you. Oumou Line 3) Sure, you’ve done some suspicious things, and I’m not letting you off the hook with that, but I don’t want to cease our connection. Oumou speaks in a yearnful manner. Oumou Line 4) Please give what we’ve got going on with each other another shot. Oumou speaks confidently. Oumou Line 5) Give me a week to convince you that it's fine to be with me. Oumou speaks in an encouraging tone, anticipating an agreeable response from Ambrož. Oumou Line 6) What do you say? Can I give it a shot? Ambrož continues looking at Oumou in shock. He takes a moment to think things through, glancing at Oumou assertively. He speaks in an apologetic manner. Ambrož Line 7) I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline. Ambrož speaks in a stubborn tone. Ambrož Line 8) Why would I voluntarily allow you to convince me of something that I’m certain is wrong? Ambrož speaks in a manner of guilt. Ambrož Line 9) Listen, I’m sorry to have wasted your time this week with us trying to maneuver our relationship… Ambrož Line 10) But now that I know for certain I can’t do this properly, I don’t see why I should continue. Ambrož Line 11) As I mentioned earlier, you know where I stand, and my stance won’t change*. *Refer back to episode 24, line 18. Ambrož speaks in a tone of surprise. Ambrož Line 12) Also, I really wasn’t expecting for you to bring this up again. Ambrož Line 13) I didn’t think that you would lure me in by saying you needed help assembling your recording booth to bring this up anyway, even though I had already expressed through the phone how I felt about this circumstance. Oumou speaks in a manner of desperation. Oumou Line 14) You wouldn’t have come if I didn’t lure you in*. What other choice did I have? Besides, I already apologized. Let’s just call it even. *Refer back to episode 24, line 99. Oumou speaks in a persistent tone. Oumou Line 15) I know it’s not fair to do this to you when you’ve already explained your side countless times over, but I still didn’t feel like giving up. Oumou speaks in a hopeful manner. Oumou Line 16) I thought that maybe if you saw me in person, things could change. Oumou speaks in a sentimental tone. Oumou Line 17) Now that I’m in front of you, and I am well aware of how you feel about this, tell me whether or not there's a smidge of interest within you to continue this with me. Ambrož speaks in a manner of remorse. Ambrož Line 18) Isn’t obvious that there is*? Either way, what does that feeling change? *Refer back to episode 23, line 21. Ambrož speaks sternly. Ambrož Line 19) I have to think rationally. I can’t cave into my reckless emotions. Ambrož Line 20) My mind is telling me to cease our connection. Oumou speaks in a touching manner. Oumou Line 21) And what about your heart? Oumou speaks in a reminiscent tone. Oumou Line 22) If I had listened to my mind all my life, I wouldn’t have quit school to pursue my dreams of becoming a singer. Oumou speaks proudly. Oumou Line 23) Isn’t it a good thing that I didn’t listen to my mind? Here I am, doing what I’ve always wanted to do, and though I’m just starting to get things established, there’s this beaming feeling of fulfillment burning inside of me that’s glad I listened to my heart. Ambrož speaks dismissively. Ambrož Line 24) That’s obviously different, Oumou. Oumou speaks passionately, continuing to defend her claim relentlessly. Oumou Line 25) Not really. Think about it. What did I sacrifice to be here? My hometown, my family, my “friends”, my education, my time, my commitment, my efforts, my money, etc. Oumou Line 26) That’s a lot on the line, wouldn’t you say so? Ambrož sadly glances at Oumou, nodding his head hesitantly. Oumou speaks in a tone of fulfillment. Oumou Line 27) But what am I getting in return? A fresh start, progression with my dreams, indulging in my passions, a sense of belonging, gratification, the list goes on and on. Oumou speaks pridefully. Oumou Line 28) I gave up a lot to do this, and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. It’s completely worth it! Oumou speaks optimistically. Oumou Line 29) So, why don’t you let your heart think for your mind occasionally? Notes of encouragement twinkle in Oumou’s words. Oumou Line 30) I’m telling you right here right now that sure, it’s a leap of faith, but it’s a leap of faith that you’ll never regret! Oumou Line 31) The bottom line is, what will make you happy, Ambrož? Ambrož speaks in a somber tone. Ambrož Line 32) Hurting you certainly won’t make me happy. Oumou speaks in a curious manner. Oumou Line 33) Why are you so certain that you’ll hurt me? Ambrož speaks apprehensively. Ambrož Line 34) I’ve watched this movie before, Oumou. I know it doesn’t have a happy ending. Oumou speaks in a tone of determination. Oumou Line 35) I beg to differ. Oumou speaks in a sentimental manner. Oumou Line 36) Let’s say things don’t work out between us; do you think the time we shared would have been a waste? Oumou Line 37) Everything I opened up to you about, everything you opened up to me about… Oumou speaks in a tone of betrayment. Oumou Line 38) Are you telling me all our efforts would have been for nothing? Everything just gets washed down the drain? Her eyebrows furrow in sadness. Oumou Line 39) Why do you view it like that? Oumou speaks devotedly. Oumou Line 40) Seeking and experiencing happiness is never a waste! Oumou Line 41) You were happy in the moment, weren’t you? Oumou Line 42) So, look back fondly even if things didn’t turn out the way you had anticipated. Oumou Line 43) What’s there to resent if you had an enjoyable time? Ambrož glances at Oumou bittersweetly. He speaks in an upsetting manner, his eyebrows furrowing in regret. Ambrož Line 44) I can’t do this right now. And I don’t want to keep you waiting either. Oumou speaks encouragingly. Oumou Line 45) So, then, don’t keep me waiting. Oumou speaks in a forgiving tone. Oumou Line 46) If you’re afraid that you’ll hurt me, then hurt me. I’m telling you that it’s okay. Oumou speaks in a resilient manner. Oumou Line 47) Whatever it is that’s holding you back, don’t let it take over. Oumou Line 48) I know you want this, so let yourself have it. Oumou Line 49) At least we know we tried, right*? *Ambrož gets a flashback to when he said the same thing to Přemysl. This was when Přemysl opened up about feeling burnt-out from chasing the cure to vampirism after Ambrož went on his first date with Oumou (refer back to episode 11, lines 37 and 38). Ambrož glances at Oumou sentimentally, his body jolting from the memory swiftly coming back to him, knocking him to his senses. Line 50) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Here I am, standing in front of someone who’s willing to give it their all in this relationship. Line 51) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Wouldn’t it be rude to turn her down? Line 52) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: There’s a lot that's on the line going into something like this… Line 53) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Our inevitabilities will come to us, whether I’m a vampire or not. Line 54) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: I’ve warned her enough, and yet she still persists like a bulldozer. Line 55) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: If that’s not a sign from the universe that I shouldn’t give up on this, what is? Ambrož speaks precautious manner. Ambrož Line 56) Dabbling into trouble is a dangerous thing to do… Ambrož Line 57) Are you sure your words won’t backfire? Oumou smiles at Ambrož in relief, knowing that his words indirectly mean he’s willing to give their relationship another go. She speaks in a tone of satisfaction. Oumou Line 58) Even if they do, that’s on me, isn’t it? Oumou speaks courageously. Oumou Line 59) I’ll take responsibility. Oumou Line 60) But, do you think I’d go into this, thinking things are going to backfire on me? Oumou Line 61) If I think that way, then won’t things obviously backfire? Oumou Line 62) That’s why I’m not going to think that. I’m going into this knowing that it’ll work out for the better. Oumou Line 63) I’m expecting that you’ll do that same thing, okay? Oumou speaks in a tone of confidence. Oumou Line 64) Dinner tomorrow somewhere fancy. Oumou Line 65) You’re the one who said you wanted to take me out somewhere fancy this weekend if I wasn’t busy*. Did you think I’d forget? *Refer back to episode 16, line 84. Ambrož shakes his head no. Oumou speaks in a playful manner. Oumou Line 66) You can’t take that back, okay? That’s like taking candy away from a baby. Oumou speaks in a stern tone. Oumou Line 67) So, it’s a date, okay? Ambrož speaks curiously. Ambrož Line 68) You just said I can’t take my statement back. What other choice do I have other than agreeing with you? Oumou speaks amusingly, smiling at Ambrož cheerfully. Oumou Line 69) That’s like music to my ears~ Oumou Line 70) Does 6:00 PM sound okay with you? Ambrož nods his head agreeably. Oumou Line 71) Perfect! Until then. Let me redeem myself for getting drenched in the rain and showing up late on our first date*. *Refer back to episode 10, line 41. Ambrož’s lips curl into a smile from Oumou’s playfully bossy attitude. He speaks sincerely, glancing at Oumou tastefully. Ambrož Line 72) Have a good rest of your day~ Oumou speaks in a tone of excitement. Oumou Line 73) You too~ I’m looking forward to tomorrow. Ambrož bids Oumou goodbye, driving home after their talk. He happily drives home, trying to absorb the interaction they had just now with each other. Ambrož’s narration: Line 74) Seems like both of us are well aware of what we’re getting ourselves into. Line 75) Though I feel like I’m getting closer to finding the cure*, how certain can I be that I’ll find something that I’m not even sure exists*? *Refer back to episode 23, lines 84 and 85. *Remember that Ambrož and Přemysl started searching for the cure because they overcame the sun; however, they don’t know if the cure is really out there but are willing to spend the rest of their lives searching for answers (refer back to episode 7, lines 97 and 98, and episode 11, line 36). Line 76) I really didn’t expect Oumou to persist with her attempts at swaying my stance. Line 77) If she’s eagerly going through all this trouble despite the red flags I’ve shown, the most adamant one being that I fed her my own blood, then why should I turn her down? Line 78) I don’t know what’s in store for us in the future, but I know for certain that the both of us like each other*. *Refer back to episode 22, lines 78 and 79. Line 79) I’ve never been romantically affiliated with someone in my 162 years of living*. *Refer back to the top of episode 8 for Ambrož’s age. Line 80) The opportunity to do that is waving its hands dramatically to get my attention. Line 81) I’d be a fool to look the other way. Line 82) When will I ever run into someone as dedicated as Oumou? Line 83) I already mentioned how much of a fluke it was to meet her through a dating app*... *Refer back to episode 16, lines 69 and 70. Line 84) I told her I’d savor every moment we’d share together*. *Refer back to episode 16, line 71. Line 85) So what if we don’t work out in the end? Line 86) Right now, that possibility doesn’t matter. Line 87) What matters is that we try. Line 88) She’s willing to give her best shot, and so should I, too. Line 89) I said I want this, so I should have it*... *Refer back to line 48 of this episode. Line 90) Whether it be that I’m a vampire or human. A thought dawns on Ambrož. Line 91) Just how will I explain to Přemysl that I’m back on track with Oumou? Line 92) I was fortunately able to clear the air with her. Line 93) Our situation made me realize that lying will end out badly, one way or another. Line 94) I can’t disregard the things I’ve been doing behind Přemysl’s back. Line 95) So, should I just tell him the truth too? Line 96) That I am willing to be in a serious relationship with Oumou, disregarding our protocol against getting close to humans? Ambrož gets hit with a wave of remorse, his eyebrows furrowing sadly. Line 97) I know it’ll break his heart to hear that I’ve betrayed him… Line 98) But the heart wants what it wants. Line 99) I can be with Oumou and search for the cure to vampirism at the same time. Line 100) And when the day comes, I’ll reveal the WHOLE truth to Oumou. Line 101) Whether or not she accepts me is something only time will tell. Line 102) But what we would have done with each other in that time wouldn't have been wasted. End of episode. Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on December 28, 2024 Last Updated on December 28, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #adventure, #charming, #comforting, #cozy, #deep, #detroit, #enthusiasm, #dedication, #passion, #devotion, #fluff, #wholesome, #friendstolovers, #cleanromance, #originalstory Author