Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 20

Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 20

A Chapter by Yosh

With Oumou calling Ambrož over to her place, feeling concerned by her allergic reaction, Ambrož swiftly makes his way over, worried about her condition.


TW: This story includes sensitive, distressing, and traumatizing themes related to violence, rough upbringings, and uncomfortable subjects. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised.

Only One For Me by Yosh


Reading key:

Anything to the side in bold is narration.

Anything to the side with a "character's name:” are inner thoughts.

Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions.

Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track.

Anything () is extra information.


Episode 20:

The day is October 20th, 2004. It's an early Wednesday morning. Around 2:00 AM.

After getting an alarming call from Oumou that she’s not feeling well, Ambrož swiftly drives to her apartment, leaving a note and text message for Přemysl.

Ambrož frantically arrives at Oumou’s place, quickly getting out of his car to knock on her entrance door.

Oumou opens the door for Ambrož, letting him in.

Ambrož enters worrisomely, glancing at Oumou in concern.

He notices the rash on her lips look even more swollen than before.

He speaks in a tone of concern.


Line 1) Hey. What’s going on?

Oumou speaks in an apprehensive manner.


Line 2) Hey. I’m not sure if I should go to the hospital or not.

Ambrož’s eyebrows furrow in distress.


Line 3) How are you feeling?

Oumou rubs her temples while wincing.


Line 4) Dizzy. Not only has the rash on my lips gotten worse, but my throat and tongue feel really itchy.

Oumou places her hand on her chest, wincing in pain.


Line 5) My chest feels slightly tight too.

Ambrož speaks in a nervous manner.


Line 6) Does your throat feel swollen?


Line 7) I’m not sure. I took more allergy relief pills earlier, but the symptoms don’t seem to be subsiding.

Oumou looks at Ambrož hesitantly.


Line 8) Do you think I’m overreacting?

Ambrož speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 9) Not at all. It’s better to be safer than sorry.


Line 10) So, what should I do? I don’t feel like paying a hefty hospital fee by visiting the ER.

Ambrož speaks in an urgent tone.


Line 11) Don’t worry about the payments. I’ll handle everything.

Oumou speaks in an insistent manner.


Line 12) Not this again. You’ve already done so many favors for me.

Ambrož speaks in a stern manner.


Line 13) Now’s not the time to wiggle yourself out of this situation. You need help as soon as possible.

Oumou lets out an exhausting sigh.

An idea comes across Ambrož’s head.


Line 14) Actually, before we go, why don’t you try out one last “treatment”?

Oumou speaks in a tone of relief.


Line 15) Of course! Anything that you think will work.


Line 16) It’s kind of like a home remedy. Do you mind if I make it in your kitchen?

Oumou speaks in an insistent manner.


Line 17) By all means, go ahead. Are you sure I have the necessary ingredients?

Ambrož speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 18) Don’t worry. I’ll find something that’ll manage.


Line 19) Hang tight. I’ll be done in a jiffy.

Oumou speaks in an appreciative manner.


Line 20) Sounds good. You’re the best!

Ambrož makes his way to Oumou’s kitchen, finding her electric kettle and filling it up with water.

Line 21) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Since she doesn’t want to go to the hospital, she leads me with no other choice.

Ambrož prepares tea for Oumou, checking her cupboards for a knife.

Once he finds a knife, he slices the palm of his hand, allowing his blood to drip into the tea*.

*Remember that vampire blood has healing abilities (refer back to episode 2, line 18, etc).

Ambrož finishes preparing the tea, making his way over to Oumou, resting on her living room couch, with the tea cup steaming as he brings it over to her.

Oumou smiles at Ambrož in relief.

Ambrož hesitates, observing Oumou’s current condition, getting hit with a wave of guilt.

Line 22) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Is it okay to let her drink this? She’s not aware that my blood is in it.

Line 23) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: I remember how traumatized I was when I found out I consumed blood*.

*Refer back to episode 2, lines 65 and 66 (When Přemysl fed Ambrož his blood to save his life).

Ambrož shakes his head no and retracts from Oumou.

Line 24) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: This isn’t right. I should just take her to the hospital.

Oumou speaks in confusion about Ambrož’s drawback.


Line 25) What’s wrong?

Ambrož speaks in a tone of remorse.


Line 26) I can’t give this to you.

Oumou speaks in a curious manner.


Line 27) Why? What’s in it?

Line 28) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: If you knew the truth, you’d understand.

Ambrož speaks in an apprehensive manner.


Line 29) … I-I can’t tell you.

Oumou speaks in a dismissive tone.


Line 30) That’s fine. If it’s some secret home remedy recipe that you want to keep under wraps, then you don’t have to tell me.

Ambrož releases a smile from Oumou’s innocence, finding her thoughts amusing.


Line 31) It’s worse than that. Let me just take you to the hospital.

Oumou speaks in an inquisitive manner.


Line 32) Are you scared I won’t like it? It’s a home remedy. I don’t expect it to taste good.

Ambrož speaks in a tone of guilt.


Line 33) … It’s not that.

Oumou speaks in a playfully impatient manner.


Line 34) Stop being so cryptic and just give it to me. I really don’t want to go to the hospital, Glyn.

Ambrož tries to think of a way to wiggle himself out of the situation.


Line 35) Before I do, do you remember when I mentioned there’s some things I won’t be able to open up to you about on our first date because it has to do with my complicated past*?

*Refer back to episode 10, lines 68-71. 

Oumou speaks in a puzzling tone.


Line 36) Of course, I remember. Why are you bringing that up right now?

Ambrož speaks hesitantly.


Line 37) I know this sounds really confusing, but this tea I’m about to hand to you has to do with that. Sorry that I can’t elaborate any further.

Ambrož stares at the ground in disappointment.

Line 38) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: I sound like such an idiot. Of course, someone who’s only known me for a couple of days would never agree to drink a random concoction I stirred up for her.

Oumou speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 39) Glyn. I already told you that I’m okay with you not opening up about that stuff with me*.

*Refer back to episode 10, lines 72-78, etc.

Oumou speaks in an understanding tone.


Line 40) If you’re making such a huge fuss over giving me tea, I’m sure you have a good reason.

Oumou speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 41) I trust you, Glyn. 

Ambrož’s heart flutters, with a pinkish hue developing on his cheeks. 

He speaks in a bashful manner.


Line 42) … W-Why do you trust me?

Oumou smiles, speaking in a tone of amusement.


Line 43) I just do. If you had bad intentions, you would have already shown a red flag by now, but you’re in the clear.

Ambrož speaks in a tone of confusion. 


Line 44) That’s because we’ve only known each other for a few days.

Oumou speaks in a confident manner.


Line 45) So what? Intuition never lies.


Line 46) You’ve done a plethora of things to earn my trust.

Ambrož speaks in a tone of worry.


Line 47) If your trust is so easily earned, that’s very concerning.

Oumou speaks in a playful manner.


Line 48) That’s not for you to be the judge of. I’m the one dispersing my trust, after all.

Oumou speaks in a curious tone.


Line 49) Are you being so inquisitive because YOU don’t trust me?

Ambrož speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 50) Of course not. I trust you without any hesitation.

Oumou blushes, speaking in a satisfied manner.


Line 51) Is that so?

Ambrož nods his head reassuringly.


Line 52) Then why are you so concerned about me trusting you?

Ambrož droops his head, speaking in a manner of guilt.


Line 53) I just don’t think I deserve your trust.

Oumou speaks in a dismissive tone.


Line 54) Nonsense! Quit being so hard to get.

Oumou speaks in a playfully demanding manner.


Line 55) I trust you, and that’s final. Now, hand me over the tea before it gets warm. I like my tea hot.

Ambrož hesitates again.

Oumou lets out a sigh of annoyance. 


Line 56) What is it this time?

Ambrož speaks in a tone of disbelief.


Line 57) Are you really going to drink something secretive from a guy you’ve known for less than a week?

Oumou clicks her tongue in irritation.


Line 58) Not this again. I already told you yes.

Oumou speaks with trustworthiness.


Line 59) You’re not that kind of guy, Glyn. Hand the damn tea over!

Ambrož hands Oumou the tea, with her quickly chugging it.


Line 60) Tastes regular. I hope it’ll help.

Ambrož speaks in a hopeful manner.


Line 61) I hope it’ll help too. Rest for now.


Line 62) I’ll try to.

Ambrož heads over to Oumou’s exit door, putting on his coat that was hung on her coat rack.


Line 63) Alright then. Call me if something comes up.

Oumou speaks in a demanding tone.


Line 64) Where do you think you’re going?

Ambrož speaks in a tone of confusion.


Line 65) I’m heading home. 

Oumou speaks in an offended manner.


Line 66) You can’t just leave me after handing me something that may or may not help.

Ambrož speaks in a tone of disbelief.


Line 67) You want me to stay here?

Oumou speaks in an obvious manner.


Line 68) DUH! I’m going through a vulnerable time. I need you by my side as emotional support. 

Ambrož speaks awkwardly.


Line 69) How exactly is that going to work?

Oumou speaks in a direct tone.


Line 70) I’ll take the couch. You take my bed.

Ambrož speaks in a passionate tone of refusal.


Line 71) Absolutely not! How could I possibly sleep in your bed?

Oumou speaks in a dismissive manner.


Line 72) It’s just a bed. It’s not that deep.

Ambrož speaks insistently.


Line 73) Of course, it is! I’d much rather sleep on the ground.

Oumou speaks in a passionate tone of refusal.


Line 74) You’re not sleeping on the ground, mister! Nuh uh! No way!

Oumou folds her arms, speaking in a tone of offense.


Line 75) Sleep on the couch instead, then.

Ambrož looks at Oumou in distress.

She speaks in an encouraging tone, giving him puppy dog eyes.


Line 76) Pretty please?

Ambrož gives into Oumou’s puppy dog eyes, speaking in a tone of disappointment.


Line 77) Fine. I’ll stay.

Oumou speaks in a celebratory manner.


Line 78) Yay! It’s a sleepover!


Line 79) But I’ll have to leave in a couple of hours to drop my brother off at school.

Ambrož speaks in a curious tone.


Line 80) You don’t plan on going to work, right?


Line 81) I’ll have to see how I feel.

Oumou prepares bedding on the living room couch for Ambrož to sleep on.

Before heading to bed, she bids him goodnight.


Line 82) You settling in okay?

Ambrož smiles at Oumou.


Line 83) Sure. How are you feeling?

Oumou speaks in a tone of relief.


Line 84) I honestly feel like the remedy is starting to work. My chest doesn’t feel as tight anymore*.

*Refer back to line 5 of this episode.

Ambrož speaks calmly.


Line 85) That’s a relief. Make sure you get adequate rest. 

Oumou speaks in an appreciative manner.


Line 86) Thank you for coming here so easily when it’s really late~

Ambrož speaks in a welcoming tone.


Line 87) Of course. I’m always at your beck and call.

Oumou speaks affectionately.


Line 88) There’s something really pleasant about having you in the next room~


Line 89) Living alone is not really my thing. Thank you for providing me some company.

Ambrož speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 90) That’s not a problem. Besides, this was an emergency.


Line 91) Anyways, get some zees.


Line 92) You too~ Sweet dreams~

The both of them wave each other off, with Oumou heading into her room.

Ambrož gets himself situated on the couch, tucking himself in.

He shuts his eyes, then gets hit with a realization he didn’t think of earlier.

He opens his eyes abruptly, staring at the ceiling in disbelief.

Line 93) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: If Přemysl gave me blood the night I was dying from worker’s exhaustion and that caused me to turn into a vampire*, could the same happen to Oumou?

*Refer back to episode 4, lines 83 and 84.

Ambrož thinks frantically.

Line 94) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Her symptoms seem to match up with someone on the brink of anaphylactic shock. A reaction like that can be detrimental.

Line 95) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Did I drizzle enough of my blood into her tea to heal her allergic reaction?

Line 96) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Blood has quite a distinctive taste. If she said the tea tasted regularly*, does that mean I didn’t give her enough of my blood?

*Refer back to line 60 of this episode.

Ambrož scrunches his head in distress.

Line 97) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: What have I just done? I just gambled with her life without taking such important things into account.

Line 98) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: If she turns into a vampire, that’s all on me.

Ambrož smacks his head in frustration.

Line 99) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Why didn’t these thoughts come to me beforehand? I’m so stupid!

Line 100) Ambrož’s inner thoughts: Oumou! Please be okay!

End of episode.

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, you all, this is Yosh coming back at you.
Presented here I have my new story, "Only One For Me", a thrilling romance novel that'll take you on a ride of affection.
Since I am a growing writer, if any of you notice mistakes in my story, please bring them to my attention.
Your time and interactions are very much appreciated.
Leave any sorts of comments that you all wish to write.
Thank you all for your efforts.
I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer.♡

*P.S.: This original story is best read in Wattpad's format. The link below will navigate you all to this story on that platform.


Happy Holidays!

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Only One For Me By Yosh



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