![]() Only One For Me By Yosh Episode 5A Chapter by Yosh![]() What is the aftermath of Ambrož's transformation?![]() TW: This story includes sensitive, distressing, and traumatizing themes related to violence, rough upbringings, and uncomfortable subjects. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised. Only One For Me by Yosh ____________________________________________________________ Reading key: Anything to the side in bold is narration. Anything to the side with a "character's name:” are inner thoughts. Anything in bold italics and regular italics are stage directions. Lines are numbered for the reader to keep track. Anything () is extra information. ____________________________________________________________ Episode 5: The day is August 21st, 1860. It’s very early Tuesday morning. Přemysl suggests he go into the sun once it comes up to prove to Ambrož’s parents that he is a vampire. Ambrož speaks in a tone of objection. Ambrož Line 1) Přemysl, you’ve hurt yourself enough. Don’t do that. Přemysl speaks in an assertive manner. Přemysl Line 2) It’s the most definitive way I can prove to your parents that we’re vampires. Ambrož speaks in a manner of regret. Ambrož Line 3) This was a bad idea. Přemysl speaks in a snarky tone. Přemysl Line 4) Then, enlighten me on what would have been a better idea. Přemysl speaks in a suggestive manner. Přemysl Line 5) Keeping this a secret? Přemysl Line 6) Let’s be real. That would have eaten you alive. Přemysl Line 7) They would have found out instantly either way, knowing that you’re unable to go into the sun. Ambrož speaks in a competitive tone. Ambrož Line 8) You’ve been keeping this a secret from the world*. I’m sure I would have been able to pull that off too. *Refer back to episode 3, line 74. Přemysl speaks in a stubborn manner. Přemysl Line 9) This is family we’re talking about. Přemysl Line 10) If I had family to share this news about, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Moments of silence pass between all of them. Ambrož speaks in an apologetic manner. Ambrož Line 11) Mom and Dad… sorry to have kept you guys up. Ambrož's parents glance at him in pitiful confusion. Ambrož speaks in a manner of desperation. Ambrož Line 12) Please take the day off from work since the both of you weren’t able to get any sleep. Ambrož Line 13) You should go home, Přemysl. Přemysl speaks in an arrogant tone. Přemysl Line 14) That’s it? This is how you’re going to leave things? Ambrož speaks in a dismissive manner. Ambrož Line 15) Just go home, Přemysl. Přemysl speaks in a tone of annoyance. Přemysl Line 16) It’s the morning, genius. I can’t leave when the sun’s out. Ambrož gets hit with a wave of realization. Ambrož Line 17) Right. Mom and Dad? Can Přemysl stay with us until it gets dark? Ambrož's parents sit in silence. Ambrož's father speaks in a tone of apprehension. Ambrož’s father Line 18) Are we to understand that you can’t go outside when it’s day too? Ambrož hesitantly nods his head upsettingly. Ambrož's mother speaks in a tone of confusion. Ambrož’s mother Line 19) So… you really are a vampire? Ambrož speaks in a manner of confusion. Ambrož Line 20) Yeah, but I thought you guys didn’t believe us. Ambrož's mother speaks in a somber tone. Ambrož’s mother Line 21) I was concerned at first, thinking your fever was making you act this way*. *Refer back to episode 4, line 85. Ambrož’s mother Line 22) But this charade has dragged on for the whole entire night. Ambrož’s mother Line 23) You wouldn’t go that far, no matter what state you’re in. Ambrož’s mother Line 24) Nor would your friend, volunteering to put themselves in danger just to prove a point. Ambrož's father speaks in a tone of anguish, trying to contain his composure. Ambrož’s father Line 25) If what you’re saying is true, does that mean you really died*, Amby? *Refer back to episode 4, line 84. Ambrož’s lips quiver from the clarification, trying his best to hold back his tears. He sadly nods his head. Ambrož's parents look at each other in disbelief, their expressions engulfing grief. Ambrož's mother speaks in a tone of remorse. Ambrož’s mother Line 26) All because you were so exhausted from work. Ambrož’s mother Line 27) We shouldn’t have let it get to that point. Ambrož's mother breaks down into tears. Ambrož swiftly gets up to hug her, letting his tears flow down his cheeks, as he embraces his mother into a tight hug. Ambrož's father hugs the both of them consolingly, trying his best to let them lean on him. Přemysl glances at the family in a melancholy manner. He gets up from the dining table to excuse himself, letting the family have a moment. Přemysl makes his way over to Ambrož's family’s bedroom. He seats himself on the floor, next to their bed, staring at the wall, trying to process everything that’s happened today. He leans his head back on the wall in exhaustion, letting out a sigh of distress. Line 28) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: I wish I had done more to save Ambrož. Line 29) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: How could I burden his family this way? Line 30) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: I clearly didn’t learn my lesson when I lost my family due to the same reasons. Line 31) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: Perhaps all of this is happening to haunt me for my mistakes in the past. Přemysl’s face engulfs an expression of guilt. Line 32) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: Is there a cure? Line 33) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: If so, why is it so out of reach? Line 34) Přemysl’s inner thoughts: What bad have I done to live in such a manner? Some time passes, and Ambrož enters his family’s room, finding Přemysl in a state of shambles. He sits beside him, leaning his head back on the wall in exhaustion as well. Přemysl speaks in a hopeless manner. Přemysl Line 35) What do we do now? Ambrož speaks in a confident tone. Ambrož Line 36) We’re going to move. Přemysl glances at Ambrož in confusion. Přemysl Line 37) I beg your finest pardon? Ambrož speaks in a tone of reassurance. Ambrož Line 38) We’ve been planning to move to America lately*. *Refer back to episode 1, details starting on line 87, etc. Ambrož Line 39) My family and I just had a talk about making the move as soon as possible since we’re currently in this predicament. Ambrož Line 40) I think it’s the right thing to do. All of us will be able to have a fresh start, and I’ll be able to adapt to my vampirism without having to deal with stressors like work getting in my way. Přemysl feels excluded but tries to hide his emotions by being happy for Ambrož. Přemysl Line 41) I agree. It’s the right thing for you guys to do. Přemysl Line 42) In that case, it’s best I explain everything about our species to you so that you’re up to date, huh? Ambrož speaks in a curious tone. Ambrož Line 43) What about you, Přem*? *Refer back to episode 3, line 91 and 92. Přemysl looks at Ambrož with confusion. Ambrož Line 44) Based on what you said earlier*, I’m assuming you don’t have family. *Refer back to line 9 of this episode. Ambrož speaks in a suggestive manner. Ambrož Line 45) So what’s keeping you tethered to Bohemia? You should just come to America with us. Ambrož speaks in a desperate tone. Ambrož Line 46) You said you’d be there for me*. I need you, Přem. You’re my companion. *Refer back to episode 4, line 50. Přemysl speaks in a somber tone. Přemysl Line 47) I do have family here, though, Ambrož. Přemysl Line 48) They may not be alive, but a part of them is still here. Přemysl Line 49) I’ve made so many mistakes in my life, Ambrož. The least I could do for my family is make things right by staying with them until the very end. Ambrož speaks in a sympathetic manner. Ambrož Line 50) You’re stagnant, though, Přem. You’re not progressing. I’m sure your family wouldn’t want you to feel restrained to the past. Ambrož Line 51) I know I can’t speak from an empathetic point of view, but I assure you that they would’ve wanted you to move on. Ambrož Line 52) Of course, it’s easier said than done, but you have to at least try. Přemysl speaks in a tone of remorse. Přemysl Line 53) I’m sure if you knew the full story, you’d think differently. Ambrož speaks in an apprehensive manner. Ambrož Line 54) Then, if you don’t mind, what IS the full story? Přemysl glances at Ambrož in hesitation. He takes a deep breath before delving into his past. Přemysl’s narration: Line 55) I remember the day like it was yesterday. Line 56) My family was blessed enough to have wealth encompass all our lives. Line 57) I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, along with the rest of my family. Line 58) Perhaps, my privileged upbringing led me to my downfall, but I personally don’t believe I deserve what had happened. Line 59) We were never bad people, so why did this tragedy hit our family like a hurricane? Line 60) Three years ago, my eldest brother had come to visit Bohemia to take a break from his studies after a year of studying abroad in Moldavia*. *Moldavia and Wallachia unified to form what is known as Romania nowadays. Line 61) All of us were thoroughly excited to see him, I always admired my brother immensely. Line 62) When he came back though, he was quite the conspiracist. Line 63) He was taking a class centered around the topic of occult, and became deeply infatuated with the topic in general. Line 64) In particular, he was deeply infatuated in vampirism. Line 65) None of us took his aspirations seriously, though. Line 66) Until he came back one night, very much unlike himself. The day is May 9th, 1857*. It’s Saturday nighttime. *Přemysl became a vampire 3 years ago (refer back to episode 3, line 77, etc). Přemysl’s brother knocks on their family’s house front door frantically. Přemysl’s mother opens the door, spotting her eldest son’s mouth covered in blood. Her eyes bulge in shock, as she covers her mouth in concern. Přemysl’s mother Line 67) Are you injured?! Come in quickly! Přemysl’s brother speaks in a reassuring manner. Přemysl’s brother Line 68) I’m completely fine. Sorry for the mess. Přemysl’s mother lets her son into their home. Přemysl’s mother Line 69) Why are you covered in blood? Přemysl’s brother speaks in a tone of excitement. Přemysl’s brother Line 70) I’ve undergone a transition! Přemysl’s mother speaks in a tone of immense confusion. Přemysl’s mother Line 71) What on earth are you talking about? Přemysl’s brother speaks in a boastful manner. Přemysl’s brother Line 72) I uncovered information about a vampire lurking in Bohemia during my research abroad in Moldavia. Přemysl’s brother Line 73) I decided to check the rural town out for myself, and low in behold, I found a vampire hidden in an alleyway. Přemysl’s mother looks at her son in concern. Přemysl’s mother Line 74) Are you drunk? What nonsense are you talking about? Přemysl’s brother speaks in a genuine tone. Přemysl’s brother Line 75) I’m being serious, mom. I was able to convince the vampire to turn me into one. A grim expression engulfs Přemysl’s mother's face. Přemysl’s mother Line 76) Are you telling me that you’re a vampire? Přemysl’s brother beams. Přemysl’s brother Line 77) Yes! How shall I prove myself to you? An idea comes across his mind. He quickly leads himself to his mother’s room, grabbing her handheld mirror. He comes back out, bringing the mirror to his face, and showing that he doesn’t have a reflection. Přemysl’s mother looks at her son in disbelief. Přemysl’s mother Line 78) What did you do to my mirror?! Přemysl’s brother Line 79) I didn’t do anything to it. I can’t see my reflection because this mirror is made of silver. Another idea comes across Přemysl’s brother's mind. Přemysl’s brother Line 80) Speaking of silver, hand me your ring, mom. Přemysl’s mother obliges, handing her silver ring over to her son. The moment she places the ring onto his hand, Přemysl’s brother aches in pain, flinching the ring off his hand, having it drop to the ground. He shows the burn mark on his hand to his mother, and she watches how the burn mark quickly heals. A look of worry engulfs her face. Přemysl’s mother Line 81) What did you do to yourself, son?! Přemysl’s brother speaks in an encouraging tone, holding onto his mother’s hands cheerfully. Přemysl’s brother Line 82) Mom! This is a good thing! If all of us become vampires, we won’t die! Přemysl’s mother speaks in a tone of anguish. Přemysl’s mother Line 83) Son! How could you do this to yourself?! Přemysl’s narration continues: Line 84) I could hear mother’s yelling from my room upstairs that night. Line 85) It caused an entire fiasco in our house to occur, with the rest of us being against my brother’s reckless decisions. Line 86) They were less scared of him and more disappointed that he would go out of his way to become a vampire. Line 87) Mom and Dad were heavily upset, knowing that my brother had to die to become a vampire. Line 88) Although we tried our best to keep things under wraps, rumors spread like a wildfire about my brother’s transition in our town. Line 89) I was too young to fully understand our situation, but things started getting very tense when people began infiltrating our house abruptly. Line 90) Our once friendly neighbors greeted us with hostility, saying that my brother was the devil and needed an exorcism. Line 91) As giddy as my brother was in the beginning, he eventually came about regretting becoming a vampire, not realizing the repercussions that a burden such as that would have on our family. Line 92) We would often stay indoors all together, scared of the unwelcoming people we’d run into outside. Line 93) However, our vengeful neighbors had sinister plans up their sleeves. Line 94) As the urban legends say, a stake through the heart kills a vampire. Line 95) The butcher in our town despised my family’s wealthy upbringing, and decided to take matters into his own hands to spite us. Line 96) It was a gloomy night, and my brother innocently suggested sneaking out with me since we would stay home often due to our parents’ paranoia about our safety. Line 97) As we were having fun, prancing around in the woods while we bonded together happily, our parents’ paranoia proved to be right that day. Line 98) We returned to a blood bath crime scene of stakes through our parents’ hearts. Line 99) The butcher had thought that our parents’ were vampires too, when the only vampire in actuality was solely my brother. Line 100) We drowned in anguish, falling to our knees in grief from the horrendous tragedy that unfolded while we were gone. Line 101) We hadn’t realized that the butcher sneakily continued lurking around our home, waiting until we’d come back. Line 102) We didn’t have time to properly mourn as the butcher attacked my brother next, shoving a stake through his heart and stabbing my stomach, missing my heart by accident. Line 103) Although my brother was detrimentally injured, he somehow managed to knock the butcher unconscious. Line 104) We laid next to each other, aching and wincing in pain from affliction. Line 105) My brother mustered up the courage to remove the stake from my stomach. Line 106) The excruciating pain was unbearable, but my brother was insistent on helping me. Line 107) At that moment, he bit his wrist and shoved it into my mouth. Line 108) I was too weak to refuse, and ended up consuming my brother’s blood. Line 109) I didn’t understand what he meant before I fell into my slumber, but he told me to consume blood if I woke up again or I’d die*. *Refer back to episode 4, line 17. Line 110) After many hours, I unexpectedly woke up, glancing to my side and spotting my poor dead brother lying beside me. End of episode. Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on December 14, 2024 Last Updated on December 14, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #adventure, #charming, #comforting, #cozy, #deep, #detroit, #enthusiasm, #dedication, #passion, #devotion, #fluff, #wholesome, #friendstolovers, #cleanromance, #originalstory Author