Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 106

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 106

A Chapter by Yosh

The big day comes. How does it go?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 106: 

The day is June 7th, 2025*. It’s a Saturday.

*This is the day of the wedding (refer back to episode 105, line 38).

Everyone who’s been invited to the wedding shows up to the antique Italian Villa venue*, wearing the proper attire and complimentary elf ears*. 

*Refer back to episode 69, line 21.

*Refer back to episode 105, line 40.

Indazita, Hridyanshu, Zeren and his girlfriend*, and Yuvin check up on Casimir.

*Refer back to episode 105, line 66.

 Nakari, Celestyn, Zephryn, and Sotsona’s parents check up on Sotsona in her getting ready room.

Sotsona is getting her appearance touched up by a makeup artist before she walks down the aisle.

She fidgets with her fingers, feeling antsy.

Sotsona’s mom reassuringly massages her shoulders.

She speaks in a comforting tone.

Sotsona’s mom

Line 1) Take deep breaths, dear. Everything is going to be alright.

Sotsona speaks in a tone of concern.


Line 2) I just don’t being the center of attention. I’m scared I’ll forget the vows I worked so hard to memorize.

Sotsona’s father speaks in a consoling tone.

Sotsona’s dad

Line 3) Everything is going to be okay, sweetie. Just try to divert your attention to Casimir.

Sotsona stands up from her chair, glancing at herself in the mirror for reassurance*.

*She tends to do this when she’s feeling antsy (refer back to episode 87, line 2).


Line 4) How do I look?

Sotsona is wearing her designer wedding dress. The outfit has a whimsical theme, including intricate decor around the dress with bright colors like blue, pink, green, and yellow, along with incorporated jewels to make the dress look more regal (refer back to episode 96, details in between lines 6 and 7).

Sotsona’s hair is curled, and she’s wearing a crowned veil that goes along with her outfit, along with elegant shoes and elf ears.

She holds her bouquet of Bougainvillea (her favorite flowers. Refer back to episode 77, line 41).

Sotsona’s parents glance at her emotionally, speaking in genuine manners.

Sotsona’s mom

Line 5) You look beautiful.

Sotsona’s dad

Line 6) Absolutely stunning.

Sotsona looks touched from her parents’ flattery.


Line 7) Thank you guys. It means a lot.

She embraces them into a tight hug.

They hug her back lovingly.

Nakari, Celestyn, and Zephryn enter Sotsona’s room.

They look at her in pleasant surprise.

Zephryn beams.


Line 8) My, Sotsona! You look gorgeous!

Sotsona speaks in an appreciative manner.


Line 9) Thank you, Ms. Adair. 

Nakari speaks in a tender tone.


Line 10) We just wanted to check up on you before we see Casimir. You look amazing.

Celestyn speaks in a compassionate manner.


Line 11) I’ll be sure to stand beside you proudly as your maid of honor*. You’re looking great.

*Refer back to episode 79, line 39 (Celestyn and Sotsona agreed to be each other’s maid of honors).

Sotsona looks at everyone touchingly, speaking in a tone of consideration.


Line 12) Thank you all for your sweet words. I appreciate them immensely.

Zephryn approaches Sotsona, placing her hands on her shoulders assertively.


Line 13) How are you feeling? Tell me the truth.

Sotsona speaks in an authentic tone.


Line 14) I won’t deny that I’m feeling nervous. But it’s more lenient on nervous in a good way.


Line 15) The butterflies in my stomach are fluttering immensely.


Line 16) It’s exciting, but definitely very nerve-wracking.

Zephryn speaks in a comforting manner.


Line 17) I felt the same way when I was marrying Adairius*.

*Casimir’s father.


Line 18) It’s completely normal to feel this way. After all, it’s your big day. Of course, you’re going to be worrying.

Zephryn speaks in a supportive manner.


Line 19) Just know that everyone is cheering for you guys.


Line 20) Everyone came here to support you. Trust me when I say that they wish you and Casimir nothing but the best.

Sotsona smiles at Zephryn happily.

Sotsona speaks in a tone of disbelief.


Line 21) This all just feels so unreal. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that this whole extravaganza was set in place for me and Casimir.


Line 22) My heart is filled with so much gratitude. But it’s honestly overwhelming.

Zephryn caresses Sotsona’s face, speaking in a loving manner.


Line 23) You deserve this. Savor every bit of it.

Sotsona nods her head understandably.

Zephryn speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 24) Anyways. We’ll go check up on your future husband. Good luck.

Nakari and Zephryn wish Sotsona good luck, making their way over to Casimir’s getting ready room.

They enter the room, spotting Hridyanshu, Indazita, Zeren and his girlfriend, and Yuvin. 

Casimir notices Nakari, Zephryn, and Celestyn entering.


Line 25) How’re you holding up, Cas?

Casimir speaks in a tone of exhilaration.


Line 26) I’m excited! Just getting the finishing touches on.

Casimir’s outfit is an iridescent blue suit with intricate white detailing around it, correlating to a whimsical theme, with pearly white petals scattered around the suit, along with a pearly and silky white polo shirt below it, with a silky tie and broach on the top. He has a lacy attachment that droops around his body, adding to the elfie theme of his attire.

His locs are parted half-up-half-down with white sparkles trinkled around it. He’s also wearing a crown that matches Sotsona’s. 

Zephryn glances at Casimir sentimentally.

She approaches him, caressing his face affectionately.


Line 27) You look amazing, darling. I wish your father were here to see this.

Casimir speaks in a reassuring voice.


Line 28) He’s watching, mom.

Zephryn pecks Casimir on the cheek lovingly.

Zephryn speaks in a cheerful manner


Line 29) It’s time to get the show on the road. Break a leg, buddy.

Everyone wishes Casimir good luck encouragingly.


Line 30) You got this, Casimir!


Line 31) We believe in you!


Line 32) You’ve got what it takes!


Line 33) We’re here to support you!


Line 34) You’ve got this in the bag!

Zeren’s girlfriend

Line 35) Good luck!


Line 36) I’ll be rooting from beside you*!

*Yuvin is Casimir’s best man.

Casimir looks at everyone happily, feeling immensely touched.


Line 37) Thank you guys.

Casimir makes his way over to the main room of the villa, where all the guests are seated.

They stand up, showing their admiration.

He looks around the room in shock, feeling pleasantly surprised by his surroundings.

He confidently walks himself down the aisle, observing the wedding venue is satisfaction.

Everyone else gets themselves seated in their designated spots, waiting for the bride to come along.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 38) Everything about this day is perfect.

Line 39) The weather is bright and sunny, just the way Sotsona likes it.

Line 40) Everyone we’ve anticipated to come has arrived.

Line 41) I feel so happy. This feeling of delight is coursing through my veins flourishingly.

The wedding ceremony begins with music playing in the background (they hired a live orchestra).

Indazita’s daughter walks down the aisle with a basket of flower petals in hand, throwing them on the aisle’s carpet (refer back to episode 105, line 64).

Indazita and his wife happily watch their daughter confidently strutting the carpet.

She makes it the end, and Sotsona peeks through the entrance, with both her parents by her side, holding onto her affectionately.

All the guests stand up.

Sotsona locks gazes with Casimir, glancing at him lovingly as she walks down the aisle, feeling her worry dissipate.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in complete adoration.

A ticklish sensation of warmth engulfs his chest.

Casimir’s narration continues:

Line 42) There she is. The love of my life.

Line 43) This moment feels unreal. I feel like I’m stuck in a movie.

Line 44) I’m so relieved that this movie is my reality.

Line 45) I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

Line 46) My precious gem. The best thing fate has led me down on.

Sotsona finally makes it down the aisle, glancing around the venue in shock.

Her parents release her, seating themselves on the first row of the wedding ceremony where everyone else is seated. 

She looks at the crowd, seeing her parents, Zephryn, and her friends happily observing the marriage.

Sotsona looks to her side, seeing all her bridesmaids and Celestyn reassuringly glancing at her.

Casimir glances at Yuvin and the groomsmen by his side, happy to see them there.

The wedding officiant begins their speech, speaking in a kind tone.

Wedding Officiant

Line 47) Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to celebrate life’s greatest moments and to cherish the words that unite Casimir and Sotsona in marriage.

Wedding Officiant

Line 48) I welcome and thank you all for assembling here on this beautiful day to witness their marriage ceremony.

Wedding Officiant

Line 49) Today, in the presence of family and friends, Casimir and Sotsona will commit to living their lives together.

Wedding Officiant

Line 50) Your love and unwavering support throughout their lives have allowed them to learn what it means to cherish someone as they enter this new chapter.

Wedding Officiant

Line 51) The bride and groom have a few words to share.

Casimir unveils Sotsona, glancing at her sentimentally.

Casimir and Sotsona holds hands and begin their vows.

Casimir clears his throat, starting his vows first.

He speaks in a fond manner.


Line 52) Do you remember the day you asked me to be myself without the materialistic things that surround me*?

*Refer back to episode 27, line 66.

Sotsona nods her head, reminiscing the memory.

Casimir speaks in a romantic tone.


Line 53) I struggled for a while to find myself and who I am without those things since they have surrounded me my entire life.


Line 54) I was hit with the realization one day when I found out that I love you* that I became myself when you came into my life.

*Refer back to episode 74, line 109.


Line 55) All this time, it felt like there was this empty part of me that couldn't be filled, but the moment I realized you were the one, every inch of me brimmed with your love.


Line 56) You complete me. I’ve discovered the true essence of love because of you.

Casimir speaks in a devoted manner.


Line 57) I promise to love you without condition.


Line 58) I promise to give you my life, my love, and myself fully and completely as I am.


Line 59) The spark I felt when I set my eyes on you for the first time* still gives me chills to this day.

*Refer back to episode 2, line 84.


Line 60) I felt so welcomed and comforted. I knew that you were the one that I’d been looking for my whole life.


Line 61) I promise to stand by your side proudly, to admire and savor all our moments together…


Line 62) To always strive to be the best version of myself for you.


Line 63) I utterly look forward to a lifetime of love, laughter, and growing old together.


Line 64) With every portion of my being, I take you as my wife without any hesitations.


Line 65) My commitment to you is absolute. With these messages from my heart, I bind my life with yours happily.


Line 66) I’m hopelessly yours. Always and forever.

Sotsona glances at Casimir sentimentally, beginning her vows.

She speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 67) I believe that the universe planned for our paths to cross.


Line 68) It's amazing to look back and see how much has changed for the better.


Line 69) You were placed into my life to realize a bunch of things.


Line 70) From the bud I was once in, I've grown and blossomed into something more than I could have ever imagined.


Line 71) I wouldn’t have flourished into the person I am today if it weren’t for you.


Line 72) You bring out the best in me.

Sotsona speaks in a manner of adoration.


Line 73) I’m so proud to be the person I am today because of you.


Line 74) You are my best friend, confidant, and love of my life.


Line 75) Today, surrounded by the people who love us, I choose you, Casimir Adair, to be my partner for life.


Line 76) I join my life with yours, vowing to support, motivate, experience, and love you above all else.

Sotsona speaks in a playful manner.


Line 77) I promise to love you as much as you love shopping*, not holding your obsession against you.

*Refer back to episode 52, line 21. 

Casimir releases a chuckle, along with the guests in the crowd.

Sotsona speaks in an appreciative tone.


Line 78) I’m grateful for the love we share, and I look forward to a lifetime of adventure with you.


Line 79) My promise is to listen open-heartedly and to share my dreams and fears with you courageously.


Line 80) In any other universe, I feel it in my bones that I’ll always choose you. Whether it be that I’m a fox and that you’re an otter*, or that my name is Kiana Nielsen, and yours is Dylan Mckay*.

*Refer back to episode 71, line 45, etc.

*Refer back to episode 44, lines 22 and 25.

Casimir smiles, reminiscing at the memory.


Line 81) I honor the sacred bond we share abundantly for now and for always.


Line 82) I’m hopelessly yours. Always and forever.

The wedding officiant gives Casimir and Sotsona their wedding rings.

Casimir gets ready to place his ring on Sotsona’s finger.

He speaks in a passionate manner.


Line 83) With this ring, I, Casimir Adair, take you, Sotsona Begay to be no other than yourself.


Line 84) Knowing what I know about you and trusting what I don't yet know, I respect your integrity and believe in your abiding love for me…


Line 85) Through all our years, and in all that life may bring us


Line 86) I take you as my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer…


Line 87) In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

Casimir puts Sotsona’s ring on (the ring is a faded red Diamond with a gold band).

Sotsona gets ready to put her ring on Casimir’s finger.

She speaks in a dedicated tone.


Line 88) With this ring, I, Sotsona Begay, take you, Casimir Adair in tenderness and devotion.


Line 89) From this day forward, our lives will be intertwined forever, blessed in faith, filled with compassion, understanding, and love.


Line 90) My life would be incomplete without someone with whom I could climb disorienting heights*, explore incomprehensible depths, and cross turbulent seas.

*Sotsona is referring to when they went skydiving, cliff-diving, ziplining, etc during their vacation in Palau (refer back to all of episodes 50, 51, 52, etc).

Sotsona speaks in a tone of excitement.


Line 91) As I place this ring on your hand, I represent my never-ending excitement of waking up every morning and discovering more adventures with you as my companion for life.


Line 92) I take you as my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer…


Line 93) In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

Wedding officiant

Line 94) Do you, Casimir Adair, take Sotsona Begay as your lawfully wedded wife?

Casimir speaks in a certain manner.


Line 95) I do.

Wedding officiant

Line 96) Do you Sotsona Begay, take Casimir Adair as your lawfully wedded husband?

Sotsona speaks in a confident tone.


Line 97) I do.

The wedding officiant happily speaks.

Wedding officiant

Line 98) By the power of vested and me by the state of Illinois, I pronounce the two of you husband and wife. You may kiss the Bride.

The both of them lean in to kiss each other passionately, letting their lips engulf each other’s mouths.

Casimir holds Sotsona’s body close to him, wrapping his hands around her waist, and closing his eyes to savor the moment.

Sotsona holds Casimir’s head softly with her hands, gently enveloping her lips into his, filling each crevice with the sensation of her kiss, puckering her lips intimately, closing her eyes in fulfillment.

Everyone in the crowd craps, finalizing their wedding.

Casimir glances at Sotsona happily, speaking in an affectionate manner.


Line 99) I love you, Sotsona.

Sotsona speaks in a fond tone.


Line 100) I love you too, Casimir.

The bride, groom, and guests make their way over to the dinner party portion of the wedding venue.

Sotsona throws her bouquet, aiming it at Zeren’s girlfriend*.

*Refer back to episode 105, line 68.

She catches the bouquet graciously, cheerfully celebrating her successful catch.

End of Hopelessly Yours ♡

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on September 5, 2024
Last Updated on September 6, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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