Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 105

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 105

A Chapter by Yosh

Everyone gathered at work listens to big announcements.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 105: 

The day is July 29, 2024. It’s Monday Morning. 

Around one month has passed since Casimir told Celestyn that he wants her to become CEO in his stead.

Everyone is at work, and Celestyn gets the attention of everyone from her division (along with Casimir) to listen to her announcement.


Line 1) Gather around everybody. I have some big news to announce. 

All of the staff intently listen to what Celestyn is about to say.


Line 2) I’m sure you all have probably noticed by now that I’ve been getting trained for a new position.


Line 3) Casimir is stepping down from his role as CEO, letting me have a chance at claiming the title.

All of the staff gasp in surprise, glancing at Casimir for reassurance (Sostona, Casimir, and Yuvin stay silent).

Casimir nods his head agreeably.


Line 4) He will be gone for some time, and during his leave, I have to prove that I’m able to run Adair just the way he has been doing.


Line 5) If all goes well with me taking control, Casimir will officially be revoking his title, letting me become CEO.


Line 6) We’ll see from then if I make it through the cut.

Celestyn speaks in an appreciative manner.


Line 7) I appreciate every one of you guys for doing your jobs properly and collaborating as a team.

Celestyn speaks in a hopeful tone.


Line 8) It has been an honor working with all of you guys as COO. I hope that I’m able to fulfill our company's needs as CEO.

Celestyn speaks in an encouraging manner.


Line 9) Let’s keep up the good work.


Line 10) Besides that, I want to give all of you guys a chance to work your way up to the COO role, filling in for me.


Line 11) Each of you has until Casimir comes back from his trip to show off your skills.


Line 12) From there, we’ll see who else will make the cut as well.

Celestyn speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 13) I wish all of you guys the best of luck.


Line 14) Adair wouldn't be where it is today if it weren't for you all.


Line 15) Thank you for letting me speak. Now, we have an announcement from Sotsona.

All of them clap at Celestyn’s announcement, and she sits down, letting Sotsona take the spotlight.

All eyes are on Sotsona as she hesitantly stands up.

Casimir glances at her reassuringly.

Sotsona speaks in a nervous manner, feeling pressured.


Line 16) H-Hey everyone. I know that the majority of you are not expecting me to speak, but I have something very important to announce.

Sotsona speaks in an apprehensive manner.


Line 17) I have around 1 week left to work at Adair.

All of the staff gasp in shock, except for Casimir, Celestyn, and Yuvin (they’re aware of Sotsona’s plans).


Line 18) I put my notice in around a week ago, but I promise I have a good reason.

Sotsona speaks in a sentimental manner.


Line 19) Getting the chance to work for such a prestigious company has been an utter honor.


Line 20) Not only have I learned so much, but I wouldn’t have gained such important experience if it weren’t for this supportive team.


Line 21) I used to work as a waitress and that job was very tiresome and lonely.


Line 22) I had little to no one by my side, and working here has made me realize how important it is to establish a great working atmosphere.

Sotsona speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 23) Every day I come here, I have the privilege of working alongside my amazing friends.


Line 24) Every one of you has instilled such happy memories within me, and I am ever so grateful to have gotten the chance to know all of you guys.


Line 25) Just know that I am leaving this company because of me, not because I have a vendetta against you all.

Sotsona speaks in an uplifting manner.


Line 26) Working here has opened my eyes to a whole new world of hard work and inspiration.


Line 27) Unlike the rest of you, I didn't go to university or college because I was dealing with personal things.


Line 28) However, with the encouragement of my family*, I’ve been thinking of starting things up of my own.

*Sotsona is not only referring to her parents, but Casimir and his family too.


Line 29) I’ve found an interest in culinary, and I’ve grounded some plans that my fiance and I would like to enact together once we get married*.

*Refer back to episode 102, line 55.


Line 30) The reason I’m taking my leave is to spend more time with my fiance, as he has expressed his need for a break from work.


Line 31) I’m sure you guys are quick to note that the timing of my leave seems to match up with Mr. Casimir’s…

Sotsona heavily gulps.

Casimir glances at her reassuringly, motioning with his hands for Sotsona to finish her statement.

Sotsona speaks in a flustered manner.


Line 32) That timing is not a coincidence because Casimir is my fiance.

All of the staff gasp in shock, except for Casimir, Celestyn, and Yuvin (Celestyn, Yuvin, and Zephryn were given a heads-up and abided by Sotsona and Casimir’s choice to reveal their engagement).

Casimir stands alongside Sotsona, proudly glancing at everyone, feeling satisfied by the reveal.

Sotsona awkwardly stands next to Casimir, feeling embarrassed.

Casimir speaks in a passionate manner.


Line 33) Long story short, we have been engaged before Sotsona got hired for Adair.


Line 34) The both of us have been keeping things under wraps for obvious reasons.


Line 35) We initially didn’t want to reveal anything until we officially tied the knot. But after coming to an agreement, we felt the need to tell all of you guys about our engagement.


Line 36) You guys have made it abundantly clear that we can trust you. We apologize for not letting you guys in on the deets sooner.

Sotsona chimes in.


Line 37) As promised. All of you guys are invited to our wedding*.

*Refer back to episode 93, line 60.


Line 38) Luckily, all our planning has fallen into a set date, making our wedding date on June 7th, 2025.


Line 39) The wedding will be set in Chicago, Illinois, for our guests' convenience.

Casimir nudges Sotsona with his elbow gently for her to continue announcing details.

Sotsona abides, speaking in a flustered tone.


Line 40) … Though unconventional, our wedding’s theme is Renaissance*, so please dress accordingly. Complementary elf ears will be given by the entrance.

*Refer back to episode 88, line 101, and episode 89, line 7, etc.

Sotsona speaks in a hopeful manner.


Line 41) We all hope you guys can make it there.

Sotsona passes out her and Casimir’s wedding invitations to everyone.

Everyone observes the decked-out invitation, appreciating its beauty.

Hridyanshu speaks in a tone of disbelief.


Line 42) So the big shot you’ve been engaged to all this time has been Casimir*?

*Refer back to episode 93, line 16.

Sotsona nods her head assuringly.


Line 43) That explains why you guys arrive to work during similar times.


Line 44) It also explains the initial Sotsona has on her bracelet of a big fat C*. I guess we were right about it being Casimir, after all.

*Refer back to episode 93, lines 67 and 68.

A daunting look comes across Zeren’s face.

Line 45) Zeren’s inner thoughts: I can’t believe I had a crush on Sotsona* when she’s been with Casimir all this time.

*Refer back to episode 91, line 50.

Sotsona feels put on the spot, responding flusteredly.


Line 46) Looking back, we were quite obvious. Again, we apologize for not revealing things sooner. 

Sotsona speaks in a sympathetic tone.


Line 47) I hope all of you guys can understand where we’re coming from.


Line 48) Anyway. I wouldn’t change my experience here for the world.

Sotsona continues to justify work dynamics.


Line 49) Since Casimir and I are taking our leave, and Mr. Yuvin has been his assistant all this time, he’ll be taking on my position instead of being Celestyn’s assistant.


Line 50) Yuvin ha  important assets that make him a valuable worker at Adair, so he’ll be working with the rest of you guys.


Line 51) As for who Ms. Celestyn’s assistant will be, that position is still open for anyone who wishes to fill in.

Sotsona speaks in a grateful manner.


Line 52) Thank you all so very much for listening to me.


Line 53) Until I leave, let’s all have a good time working together.

Everyone claps at Sotsona’s announcement.

Celestyn makes her way over to the CEO office, tapping Nakari’s shoulder as she walks there.

Nakari looks over at her.

Celestyn shyly speaks.


Line 54) Meet me at my office?

Nakari nods her head.

The both of them head over to the CEO office.

*Shot cuts back to the main staff’s working space.

Hridyanshu sadly responds.


Line 55) We’re going to miss you, Sotsona. You have been a great employee here.

Zeren also sadly responds.


Line 56) I’m still processing the fact that Casimir is your fiance. But yeah. It’s going to be empty around here without you.


Line 57) Although you only worked for a short amount of time, I can’t remember how all of us used to work here without you.

Indazita speaks in a considerate manner.


Line 58) You fit in perfectly. We’re all so glad to have had the chance to work alongside you.

Sotsona glances at all of them bittersweetly.


Line 59) That means a lot to me, you guys.


Line 60) I’m very lucky to call you guys my friends.


Line 61) I’ve longed to have some for a very long time, and I’m more than satisfied with you all.


Line 62) Can you guys promise me that we’ll all hang out together and stay in touch?

They all happily nod their heads.

Indazita speaks in a tone of excitement.


Line 63) We can’t wait to come to your guys’ wedding. My wife and daughter will be thrilled.

An idea comes across Sotsona’s mind.


Line 64) Can your daughter be flower girl, Indazita?

Indazita speaks in a touched tone.


Line 65) Of course. I’m honored you’re considering my daughter.


Line 66) I’m definitely bringing my girlfriend* along as my plus one.

*Zeren and the girl Casimir set him up with eventually started dating (refer back to episode 93, line 74, and episode 92, line 95).

Hridyanshu rolls his eyes in annoyance.


Line 67) There he goes again. I knew you’d be annoying the second you got a girlfriend.

Zeren speaks in a desperate manner.


Line 68) When you throw your bouquet, Sotsona, can you please aim towards her a bit more?

Sotsona joyfully laughs.


Line 69) Of course.

They continue to work.

*Shot pans to Celestyn sitting on the CEO's office chair with Nakari standing in front of her.

Nakari speaks in a tone of confusion.


Line 70) Why’d you call me over, boss?

Celestyn blushes and looks down, not being able to look Nakari in the eye.

Nakari senses the mood and awkwardly looks away, blushing as well.


Line 71) H-How’d you like to be my assistant?

Nakari looks at Celestyn in a pleasant surprise.

Celestyn frantically justifies herself.


Line 72) O-Oh, I’m sorry. You’re probably competing with the rest of them for the COO position, right*?

*Refer back to line 10 of this episode.

Nakari responds in a panicky manner, hoping Celestyn doesn’t get the wrong idea.


Line 73) N-No! That’s not how it is.

The both of them look at each other flusteredly.

Nakari hesitates before responding.


Line 74) Look, let’s keep this between you and me, but all of us collectively decided that Indazita is best suited for the COO position, so we’re just going to give it to him without putting up a fight.

Celestyn speaks in an understanding tone.


Line 75) That’s fine. I had him in mind as well, but I wanted to make it fair by giving everyone a chance to shoot their shot.

Nakari speaks in a thoughtful manner.


Line 76) I get it. That’s really nice of you, actually.


Line 77) So, you’re okay with the position you have right now?


Line 78) I’m honored to have the position I have right now…

Celestyn looks at Nakari sadly, not anticipating that response from her.

Nakari speaks in a timid manner.


Line 79) But I’d be even more honored to be your assistant.

Celestyn looks at Nakari in surprise.

Her eyes spark in excitement.


Line 80) Wow! I’m so glad to hear that!

Nakari blushes profusely.


Line 81) It’s my pleasure to accept.

Celestyn hesitates before asking Nakari her next question.


Line 82) Since things have been looking up, would you like to grab dinner with me some time soon?

Nakari blushes.


Line 83) Just the two of us?

Celestyn shyly responds.


Line 84) That would be preferred.

Nakari speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 85) As a date?

Celestyn blushes intensely.


Line 86) I-If that’s what you’re alluding to, then yes.

Nakari looks away from Celestyn, feeling flustered.


Line 87) How does this Saturday at 7:00 PM sound?

Celestyn happily glances at Nakari.


Line 88) Perfect!


Line 89) Then it’s a date. Pick a place you want to go to and let me know.

Celestyn nods her head and Nakari heads out of the office.

Celestyn happily watches Nakari walk away.

Sotsona’s narration: 

Line 90) After we settled things at work, we settled things with Celestyn and Ms. Adair, addressing how we’ve truly been together for 4 months rather than 3 years*.

*Refer back to episode 22, line 98, and episode 103, line 75.

Line 91) They took the reveal surprisingly well. Even coming forward saying that they’ve had their speculations*.

*Refer back to episode 103, line 79, and episode 62, line 16.

Line 92) They’ve come to a consensus that Casimir wouldn’t be able to conceal a secret relationship for 3 years straight.

Line 93) I was afraid that the reveal would hinder the trust I’d built with Casimir’s family, but everything continued sailing smoothly.

Line 94) Casimir and I planned out our traveling schemes, even having Ms. Adair tag along.

Line 95) I kept my parents posted on our traveling plans, and they were on board.

Line 96) Since we’ve been wanting to hit up Sweden* for some time, we planned to travel all around Europe, then all around Asia to scratch off China* from our list too.

*Refer back to episode 43, lines 44 and 50.

Line 97) It has been such a dream to travel all around the world with the people I love the most.

Line 98) Every culture we embraced is so rich and enticing. I’ve learned so much about the world.

Line 99) Knowing that I set foot in these immersive countries and was welcomed by people from all around the world has filled me with precious memories and experiences I’ll never forget.

Line 100) We took our time traveling everywhere, and it never got old switching from one country to the other.

Line 101) The world has so much to offer, and I’m utterly grateful that I’ve been given the chance to explore it.

Line 102) When we got back from our traveling, Celestyn proved that she’s more than capable of handling being the CEO of Adair.

Line 103) Everything in work got settled, and Yuvin’s been filling in for my position with ease.

Line 104) Nakari has been enjoying being Celestyn’s assistant. And they even got together officially.

Line 105) Casimir and his family were eventually able to meet up with my parents.

Line 106) The meeting luckily went smoothly, and everyone was able to leave good impressions on each other.

Line 107) My parents found a liking to Casimir and his family and officially told me that they’re fully on board with our marriage*, which psyched both me and Casimir.

*Refer back to episode 101, line 64.

Line 108) Ever since then, we’ve continued planning the marriage. Making sure that everything will go according to our hearts' desires.

Line 109) Today marks our official wedding day…

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on September 4, 2024
Last Updated on September 4, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
