Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 104

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 104

A Chapter by Yosh

What huge news does Casimir reveal to Celestyn?


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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 104: 

The day is June 24th 2024. It’s a Monday Morning.

Casimir and Sotsona get ready to head to work.

They eat breakfast with each other at the dining table.

Casimir locks gazes with Sotsona, shyly smiling at her.

Sotsona playfully glances at Casimir.


Line 1) What are you being so bashful for?

Casimir blushes at Sotsona, speaking in a timid manner.


Line 2) The party you threw for me last night was really fun. I had a great time dancing with you*.

*Refer back to episode 103, line 99.

Casimir speaks in an appreciative manner.


Line 3) Thank you for doing that. It really helped cheer me up.

Sotsona speaks in a happy manner.


Line 4) I’m glad to hear that I fulfilled my goal of cheering you up.

The both of them glance at each other affectionately.


Line 5) About that hurdle we had. I’ll promise to do better.

Casimir glances at Sotsona reassuringly.


Line 6) You got that point across yesterday. I know you will. And I promise to do better as well.

The both of them offer each other a genuine smile.


Line 7) Anyway. We should get to work. We wouldn’t want to be late.

Casimir looks at Sotsona sadly.

He contemplates.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 8) I told myself that Sotsona comes before work*.

*Refer back to episode 70, line 29.

Line 9) Since we had such a great weekend together, I don’t want to be separated from her just to do work.

Line 10) Especially after we talked about traveling and hobbies we want to do*. My mind’s stuck on that.

*Refer back to episode 103, lines 89 and 90, etc.

Line 11) I wish I called today off.

Line 12) I understand that I have responsibilities to uphold because I’m a CEO, but this routine is tiring.

Line 13) I’m not as passionate as I once was for this job.

Line 14) But if I don’t fulfill my duties, I’ll let mom down. This is our precious family’s business.

Line 15) How can I maneuver myself out of this situation?

An idea comes across Casimir’s mind.

His eyes spark from the sudden realization.

Sotsona observes Casimir’s very apparent demeanor.


Line 16) What is it? Is everything okay?

Casimir explains his thoughts to Sotsona.

The both of them arrive at work, going their separate ways to make it look like they didn't arrive at the same time.

Casimir looks around the place for Celestyn.

He spots her near her division and approaches her.

Celestyn raises her eyebrows in confusion, wondering why Casimir is approaching her.

Casimir speaks in a secretive tone.


Line 17) Meet me in my office.

He then swiftly walks away.

The rest of the staff that work in the same division* “ooh” at Celestyn getting called up.

*Refer back to episode 29, details starting on line 97, etc.

Celestyn rolls her eyes in annoyance, making her way over to Casimir’s office.

Hridyanshu speaks in a tone of curiosity.


Line 18) Do you think she’s in trouble?

Zeren speaks in a dismissive manner.


Line 19) Of course not. They’re siblings.


Line 20) So what? We’re at work right now. Why else would he have called her?

Nakari speaks in a skeptical manner.


Line 21) This is something else. I can tell from the way Casimir looks.

The rest of them look at Nakari in confusion.

Hridyanshu speaks in a tone of curiosity.


Line 22) How do you know?

Nakari speaks in a perceptive manner.


Line 23) He didn’t have the demeanor of someone ready to scold someone.


Line 24) Rather, he looked happy to see Celestyn.

Sotsona tries not to look impressed by Nakari's observation even though she’s spot on.

Line 25) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: She really hit the nail on the head with that. No wonder she’s one of the top employees in our division.

Sotsona tries to glance inside of Casimir’s office.

She spots Celestyn and Casimir talking to each other.

Sotsona smiles.

Line 26) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I bet she’ll be really happy to hear the news.

*Shot cuts to Casimir in his office, speaking with Celestyn.

Celestyn looks at Casimir in confusion.


Line 27) What do you need me for?

Casimir speaks in a polite manner.


Line 28) Please sit. This will probably be a lengthy conversation.

Celestyn rolls her eyes in annoyance, abiding to Casimir’s suggestion.

She seats herself in an extra chair near his desk.

Casimir seats himself on his office chair, releasing a sigh before delving into the conversation.

He clears his throat.

Celestyn pierces her gaze onto Casimir assertively.


Line 29) 4 years ago*. I think that’s when I became CEO.

*Refer back to episode 85, details in between lines 32 and 33.

Celestyn looks at Casimir in frustration, speaking in a tone of annoyance.


Line 30) Are you here to flaunt your success? We get it. You’re a young CEO.

Casimir smirks at Celestyn.

She looks away from him in jealously.

Casimir speaks in a jokey manner.


Line 31) You were 24 when I took that title away from you, right?

Celestyn gives Casimir the death stare.


Line 32) Are you gathering these statistics to boost your ego?

Casimir justifies himself innocently. 


Line 33) I’m just fact-checking that I’m up to date on that stuff.

Celestyn speaks in a tone of confusion.


Line 34) Why? It was 4 years ago. Get over it.

Casimir speaks in a smug manner.


Line 35) Are you over it?

Celestyn looks at Casimir in fury.


Line 36) You’ve got a lot of nerve saying that.

Casimir continues to tease Celestyn.


Line 37) So obviously not.

Celestyn abruptly stands up, making her way out of Casimir’s office.

Casimir speaks in a desperate tone.


Line 38) Wait. Come back. I was just teasing you.

*Shot cuts to Sotsona eavesdropping on them, continuing to observe the siblings in Casimir’s office.

Sotsona’s playfully shakes her head.

Line 39) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: She must’ve had enough of his teasing.

Celestyn speaks in an assertive manner.


Line 40) Stop wasting my time.

Casimir speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 41) Fine. I’ll get to the point. I want to make you CEO.

Celestyn halts in her stance, her back facing Casimir.

She slowly turns, looking at him in disbelief.


Line 42) You better not be joking right now.

Casimir speaks in a tone of honesty.


Line 43) I’m not. Please sit.

Celestyn hesitantly approaches her chair, sitting in it once again.

Casimir speaks in a playful manner.


Line 44) I was just playing around with you earlier. You’re always so serious. Lighten up.

Celestyn speaks in a cold manner.


Line 45) We’re at work. Do you expect me to be happy-go-lucky?

Celestyn speaks in an impatient tone.


Line 46) Cut to the chase. You’re making me get my hopes up.

Casimir begins to explain himself.


Line 47) It’s always been your rightful title to be CEO.


Line 48) You’re the older sibling. Therefore, you’re the successor.


Line 49) I’m sure it’s well ingrained in your brain that I took over to save our business*.

*Refer back to episode 85, line 78, and episode 95, line 33.

Casimir feels ashamed.


Line 50) After our business was saved, I should’ve stepped aside so that you could have a chance at running Adair.


Line 51) Sorry, that realization hit me quite late. I guess I was just caught up in trying to fulfill my duties.


Line 52) However, I want you to know that I’ve officially run out of battery.


Line 53) Which is why I want you to take over.

Casimir speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 54) I can’t imagine how you felt all these years, knowing I stole your place. It must’ve been miserable.


Line 55) My intention was never to hurt you, but I crushed your dreams. You must've been looking forward to becoming CEO for forever. 


Line 56) Dad would’ve wanted it that way too.


Line 57) I don’t know what I can do to mend things between us, but I just want you to know that I’m incredibly sorry.


Line 58) You deserve this position more than anyone.

Celestyn continues to look at Casimir in disbelief.


Line 59) Are you seriously letting me become CEO?

Casimir happily nods his head.

Celestyn covers her mouth in shock.

Casimir slides in a smug remark.


Line 60) Only if you can handle it, though.


Line 61) Sotsona and I are going to be out on vacation for a while. 


Line 62) You have that time to prove yourself.


Line 63) If you’re able to manage everything perfectly when I’m gone, then you shall be declared as the official CEO of Adair.

Celestyn speaks in a curious manner.


Line 64) Who will take over my position*?

*Remember that Celestyn is the COO (refer back to episode 29, line 102)

Casimir speaks in an encouraging manner.


Line 65) You’re the boss. You get to decide.

Celestyn happily smiles.


Line 66) Will Yuvin be my assistant?


Line 67) He’ll be at your beck and call whenever you need him. But if you’d like to switch him out for someone new, don’t hesitate. I’m sure he’ll understand.

Casimir speaks in a playful manner.


Line 68) In fact, he might voluntarily switch himself out. I’m not sure if he’ll want to work for you.


Line 69) Is mom on board with this idea?


Line 70) I haven’t told her yet since I rashly thought of this during breakfast, but I’m sure she’ll be really supportive. 

Celestyn glances at Casimir sentimentally.


Line 71) Now I feel bad.

Casimir chimes in, speaking in a cocky manner.


Line 72) Because you were being rude to me before I revealed everything to you?


Line 73) Well, there’s no need to fakely act nice now. You’ve been like this for years.

Celestyn looks at Casimir in guilt.

She releases an exhausting sigh.


Line 74) If anyone should be sorry, it should be me.

Celestyn speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 75) I’m sorry, Casimir.


Line 76) I’m ashamed of myself for apologizing now, only after hearing the good news from you.


Line 77) Because, in actuality, my apology to you is way overdue.


Line 78) I should’ve said this years ago.


Line 79) I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when dad was getting busy with work*.

*Refer back to episode 95, details starting on line 21, etc.


Line 80) You needed someone to lean on, and even I, your older sister, wasn’t there for you.

Celestyn speaks in a wistful manner.


Line 81) I was being petty. I’ve always been jealous of you, Casimir.


Line 82) When dad passed away, my resentment for you became even worse because the both of you always had a better bond than I could ever*.

*Refer back to episode 95, line 28.


Line 83) You weren’t at fault for me feeling that way. I’m sorry that I blamed you.


Line 84) I should’ve held your hand as the both of us were grieving, but instead, I distanced myself from you*.

*Refer back to episode 95, line 29.


Line 85) When you became CEO, I should’ve been happy with your impressive accomplishment.


Line 86) I should’ve praised you. After all, it showed that you were more prepared than me. I should’ve found that admirable. 


Line 87) My younger brother stepping in to save our business. You're like our hero.


Line 88) It’s like a flip switched within me. I couldn’t control my envy.


Line 89) However, instead of distancing myself from you, I didn’t hold back on my harsh demeanor.


Line 90) You deserved better, Casimir.


Line 91) I’m not sure if I’m worthy of filling in your shoes. Maybe you’d like to choose someone else?

Casimir speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 92) Firstly, thank you for your apology. Secondly, I’m not going to choose anyone else because this is your rightful role.


Line 93) Celestyn. You’re a hard worker. You’ve worked for this position. 


Line 94) Anyone in your standing would’ve acted the same way towards me.


Line 95) Don’t bear the blame. Your reactions are valid. 


Line 96) You’ve had it rough. You have every right to act the way you do.

Casimir speaks in a hopeful tone.


Line 97) But it’s not too late to flip things around.


Line 98) We can start things anew. I want that for us.


Line 99) Just promise me you won’t get too caught up with this job.


Line 100) I can say for myself that it’s easy to do so. Take a step back whenever you need to.

Casimir speaks in an affectionate manner.


Line 101) Sotsona is the reason why I’m quitting work.


Line 102) I want to be there for her.


Line 103) I know that there’s someone you need to be there for too*.

*Refer back to episode 94, line 69 (Casimir is alluding to Nakari since Celestyn has a crush on her).


Line 104) Don’t let her pass by you.

Casimir approaches Celestyn.

He extends his hand out for a hand shake.

Celestyn glances at Casimir admirably.

She shakes his hand gently.

The both of them smile at each other.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on September 3, 2024
Last Updated on September 3, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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