Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 102

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 102

A Chapter by Yosh

After talking things through with her parents, how does Casimir receive things on the other end?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 102: Sotsona 

The day is June 23rd 2024. It’s a Sunday.

Sotsona’s parents bring up her going back to school, and Sotsona thinks about the offer. 

Sotsona’s parents smile at her, feeling glad about her consideration.

Sotsona’s dad

Line 1) We’re glad to hear that’s on the table.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in a suggestive manner.

Sotsona’s mom

Line 2) Talk it over with Casimir. See what he thinks.

Sotsona’s dad

Line 3) We’d also like to meet him along with the rest of his family as well.

Sotsona smiles.

They wrap up their conversation, and Sotsona makes her way to the door to leave.

Sotsona’s father speaks in a manner of relief.

Sotsona’s dad

Line 4) Thank you for coming again, Sotsona. 

Sotsona’s mother speaks in a thankful tone.

Sotsona’s mom

Line 5) The both of us are very grateful that you decided to hear us out.

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring voice.


Line 6) I’m glad I came and got to talk things over between all of us.


Line 7) I still need some time to think things over, but I’m glad that you guys apologized to me.

Sotsona speaks in a hopeful manner.


Line 8) I’m looking to mend things between us, step by step.


Line 9) For now, I’ll continue down the road I paved for myself.


Line 10) I thank you guys for understanding.

Sotsona’s parents look at her sentimentally.

She waves them off, making her way back home by walking again.

Sotsona lets out a sigh of relief.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 11) I feel a lot better after our interaction.

Line 12) I got to talk about everything I wanted to, and it seems like they’re supportive of my decisions for a change.

Line 13) They brought up a good point about looking into education again.

Line 14) I’ll see what Casimir says about that. I really need his advice because I’m not sure what I should do.

Sotsona happily glances at the sky.

Line 15) They said they are supportive of our relationship*.

*Refer back to episode 101, line 66.

Line 16) Although they’re not fully onboard with the marriage*, we still have plenty of time to convince them.

*Refer back to episode 101, line 64.

Line 17) I’m so grateful that things went my way.

Line 18) I feel my doubts diminished once again.

Line 19) I was starting to feel hopeless that they wouldn’t leave, but now they’re gone.

Line 20) And I hope they’re gone for good too. I don’t like feeling extremely anxious about situations, especially when important matters are on the line.

Line 21) I got into the habit of being so indecisive and uncertain about things that I let my parents my whole life take the initiative in making serious choices for me.

Line 22) Since I’ve lived with that influence my whole life, I felt the need for them to do that again since they seemed to have changed for the better.

Line 23) And hearing that I somewhat have their blessing makes me happy.

Line 24) It makes me know for sure that I made the right choice in deciding to marry Casimir.

Line 25) I hope I didn’t stress him out too much after feeling iffy these past few days.

Line 26) My mind finally feels at peace hearing their verdict.

Line 27) Now, we just have to let time take its course in mending my relationship with my parents.

Sotsona arrives home, spotting Casimir in the living room.

She swiftly approaches him, embracing him in a tight hug.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in surprise, not expecting her to do something like that.

He hugs her back tightly, speaking in a tone of concern.


Line 28) Is everything okay?

Sotsona pulls back, offering Casimir a genuine smile.

Casimir looks at her in confusion, not expecting a smile from her.

Sotsona speaks in a cheerful tone.


Line 29) Everything is great.

Sotsona explains how things went down with her family to Casimir.

He attentively listens to all the details.

They sit beside each other on their couch, having a conversation.


Line 30) My parents brought up rekindling going to school again*.

*Refer back to episode 101, line 77.


Line 31) They said if I’m up for it, I should get a degree or something.

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 32) Don’t get the wrong idea, I’m more than content with my job at Adair…


Line 33) But venturing out and starting a career of my own kind of sounds thrilling.


Line 34) Working at Adair has taught and inspired me that it pays off to start your own business.


Line 35) I don’t know exactly what I want to do, but I want to build my profession from the ground up, just like your parents did. 


Line 36) My dad even had the idea in mind of me going to the dream school I've wanted to my whole life*.

*Refer back to episode 101, line 98.

Sotsona speaks in a sentimental manner.


Line 37) That dream of mine felt so out of reach because my parents turned the idea down many years ago because we couldn’t afford it.


Line 38) And although I got a job strictly so that I could go to that school one day, my soul felt crushed nonetheless by the rejection.


Line 39) My dreams died because I felt hopeless of ever reaching that point.


Line 40) And with all the time I spent with you, I never thought about pursuing that flame again since I was too focused on us.


Line 41) Knowing that the opportunity is back on the table, should I go for it?


Line 42) There doesn’t necessarily seem to be a point in doing something like that, right?


Line 43) If I gave up on the dream, doesn’t that mean I was never that passionate about pursuing it in the first place?


Line 44) What do you think?

Sotsona glances at Casimir, anticipating his assurance.

Casimir tries to think about Sotsona, pushing back the lingering thought in his mind.


Line 45) It’s never too late to chase your dreams, Sotsona.


Line 46) If your heart yearns to go to that school, there’s no point in suppressing that craving.


Line 47) I’ll be here to support you all the way through your journey.

Sotsona glances at Casimir sentimentally.

She leans in to hug him, snuggling into his chest.


Line 48) Thank you for being by my side.

Casimir speaks in a wistful manner.


Line 49) I want to make your dreams come true.

Sotsona pulls back from Casimir, continuing their conversation.


Line 50) If I’m being honest, I don’t feel a zing to go back to school, even if that school were to be my dream one.


Line 51) I know it’s ideal to have a degree in a field of some sort, but I feel like if I’m already down this road where I’m free to do what I want, I should do something correlating to that rather than educational stigma.


Line 52) I know it would make my parents happy if I went to school, but I’m not sure that’s something I’m meant to do.

Casimir speaks in a curious manner.


Line 53) You mentioned building a profession, and although you don’t know what you want to do at the moment*, is there anything that comes to mind at all?

*Refer back to line 35 of this episode.

Sotsona strongly thinks to herself.

Her eyes widen in interest when her mind comes across an idea.

Sotsona speaks in an enthusiastic tone.


Line 54) Baking. Think about it. You and I took a baking class not too long ago where we learned how to make cookies and cakes*.

*Refer back to all of episode 64. 

Sotsona speaks in a hopeful manner.


Line 55) It was really fun to do that. What if we take some more classes together? Or even enroll in a culinary school? Get all our certifications and whatnot and start a business together? How does that sound?

Casimir can’t help but think about a different thought on his mind.

Line 56) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Sotsona was feeling down these past few days, amusing that her parents would be against our marriage. However, what’s bugging me is that she never clarified what was going to happen to us if they didn’t approve of our marriage.

Line 57) Casimir’s inner thoughts: If that were truly the case, how would Sotsona be talking to me right now? Something is telling me that marriage would be off the table*. I know it’s jerky to bring something like that up now, but it’s eating at me. I need to know where we stand.

*Refer back to episode 97, line 101.

Casimir speaks in a sympathetic tone.


Line 58) Sotsona. I’m very glad that things worked out with you and your family.

Sotsona glances at Casimir happily.


Line 59) All that’s left is for you, Celestyn, and Zephryn to meet them.

Casimir speaks in an apprehensive manner.


Line 60) Don’t take this the wrong way, but can I bring something up that I noticed?

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 61) Of course. Don’t be hesitant about things like that.

Casimir speaks in an anxious tone.


Line 62) I’m just disclaiming that I’m not trying to pick a fight. I just want you to clarify something to me.


Line 63) Ever since the day you met your mother again, you mentioned the doubts you had about our marriage abruptly came back*.

*Refer back to episode 97, line 103.


Line 64) Because of your uncertain feelings, you decided to handle things with your parents swiftly to know their verdict as soon as possible.


Line 65) And wondering where that would lead to, you came to the assumption that based on the way things are between you guys, they would NOT approve of our marriage*.

*Refer back to episode 97, line 97.


Line 66) Even though you alluded to them not dictating* your life if they were against our marriage, you never blatantly told me if that would get in the way of our plans.

*Refer back to episode 97, line 99.


Line 67) To me, it seemed like it would. Sorry for feeling this way, but I constantly need to be reassured of our plans*.

*Casimir mentioned that he has a bad habit of relying on people to constantly reassure him for him to believe what they say (refer back to episode 46, line 53).

Casimir speaks in worried manner.


Line 68) Before you left today, I was scared that you would come home and say that the marriage was off the table because your parents DID, in fact, disapprove of our relationship.


Line 69) But seeing how things worked out differently, as glad as I am that we’re still on board with the marriage…


Line 70) I can’t help but wonder how things would be between us if you came home and told me the opposite.

Sotsona looks at Casimir upsettingly.

Casimir speaks in a tone of guilt.


Line 71) It seemed like once we touched on that topic, ever since you met your mother again, you looked at me in uncertainty, not knowing whether or not you wanted to marry me.


Line 72) I understand that your parents play a huge influence in your decisions, and it’s ideal to get their blessing for our marriage…


Line 73) But your parents aren’t you, Sotsona. You’re the one that’s marrying me. Not them.


Line 74) I don't blame you for having doubts, but I think you get too swayed by them, and it clouds up the things you actually mean and want to accomplish.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in desperation.


Line 75) So, I’m asking you right here, right now, if you want to marry me.


Line 76) The way I see it is, I feel like if you really meant that you wanted to marry me, things like your parents disapproving wouldn’t get in the way; forgive me, but also considering that you’ve been on bad terms with them for a while.

Sotsona eyebrows melt in guilt.

Casimir speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 77) I’m sorry for making this about me, but to me, it seems like I'm the only one who wants this. I know you’re devoted to us, but I need you to convince me right now.


Line 78) I need to know what would’ve happened between us if you came home with the news that your parents disapproved of our marriage.

Casimir glances at Sotsona eagerly, anticipating an answer out of her.


Line 79) I can’t help but assume that you would’ve wanted us to stop the marriage. Can you change my mind?


Line 80) Of course, I can, Casimir. Though I’ve been feeling iffy lately about our marriage due to my doubts coming back to me again, I wouldn’t have wanted us to stop the marriage.

Casimir doesn’t look convinced from Sotsona’s statement.

Sotsona speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 81) I’m sorry that I made you resort to feeling that way.


Line 82) I’m not going to walk away from this. We’ve been through so much together. I wouldn’t just leave you if my parents disapproved of our marriage.


Line 83) However, they don’t necessarily approve of our marriage. They’re on the fence about things*. Anything can change.

*Refer back to episode 101, line 64.


Line 84) But if things do change, they know my stance about our situation. I’m not gonna drop everything just because I don’t have their approval.


Line 85) I’m sorry I wasn’t able to give you a straight answer before*.

*Refer back to episode 99, line 35.

Casimir glances at Sotsona upsettingly.

Sotsona speaks in a tone of concern.


Line 86) Are we okay with each other?

Casimir speaks in a somber tone.


Line 87) Of course. I just feel let down for some reason. I can’t figure it out.

Sotsona speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 88) It’s because of me. I was worrying you. I’m sorry.

Sotsona justifies herself.


Line 89) You know me; I tend to lean on the more negative aspects of things.


Line 90) I can’t help but think of the worst outcome.


Line 91) I thought I was past feeling that way, but I guess old habits die hard.


Line 92) I want to assure you that I’m not resorting to my old ways.


Line 93) Let me know how I should convince you that I’m still devoted to our relationship.

Casimir speaks in a bummed-out tone.


Line 94) I’m sorry for acting childish.

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 95) Your feelings are valid. On the contrary, I’m relieved you're opening up.


Line 96) If there’s anything else you need to get off your chest, don’t hesitate in letting me know.

Casimir stands up from the couch.

Casimir speaks in a tone of feeling ashamed.


Line 97) I’ll try not to. For now, I need some time to clear my head.


Line 98) Sorry for leaving you hanging, but I need to be alone right now.

Sotsona speaks in a discouraged tone


Line 99) Take all the time you need. 


Line 100) Do what you must. I’ll be right here.

Casimir makes his way to his room.

Sotsona sadly watches him walk away.

Line 101) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir is always the one putting in more effort in our relationship than me.

Line 102) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’ve been trying to find ways to reciprocate his efforts, but they’re just so grandiose that my attempts are futile in comparison.

Line 103) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I need to find a way more than ever.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on September 3, 2024
Last Updated on September 3, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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