Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 99

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 99

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona is left with meeting her parents the next day. How is she feeling about this situation?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 99: 

The day is June 22nd 2024. It’s a Saturday.

Sotsona, Casimir, Zephryn, and Celestyn are all gathered around Adairus’ grave, celebrating his birthday.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 1) We all ate some cake and hung out with each other, then ended the night by doing one last thing.

Line 2) I brought some leftover herbs that we had bought from Palau to burn at the grave*.

*Refer back to episode 42, details in between lines 58 and 59.

Sotsona places her hand on her heart and closes her eyes, letting her nose engulf the scent of sage.

Line 3) As the herbs burned, I prayed for Casimir’s father. 

Line 4) I thought about all the good fortunes that I wish to bless his family with.

Line 5) I prayed for his afterlife care and protection.

Zephryn drives all of them back to their place.

Sotsona stares out the window, deep in thought.

Line 6) I felt good leaving the place, knowing that I had been honored enough to visit my fiance’s father’s grave.

Line 7) Knowing that they found it obligatory to let me know about something so personal makes me feel closer to all of them.

Line 8) I only wish for us to continue down this path of embracing each other further and further.

Line 9) Which is why a part of me recoiled at the thought of the plans I had made with my parents the next day*.

*Refer back to episode 98, line 26.

Line 10) When I first got into my relationship with Casimir, I felt an ominous pit of doubt in my stomach.

Line 11) I thought that in time, the doubt would dissipate, and it did, but it’s abruptly back, just like Casimir concluded around a week ago*.

*Refer back to episode 97, line 91.

Line 12) Him pointing it out felt like a dagger to my heart.

Line 13) The moment he pointed it out, it lingered in my brain persistently.

Line 14) I just have a feeling in my gut that when my parents ask about where I’ve been and I tell them I’m getting married, they’ll be against it.

Line 15) I don’t know how that’ll make me feel after they make their feelings clear…

Line 16) it just doesn’t feel like my doubts will be leaving anytime soon.

Line 17) Which is very frustrating to me because I had just recently told Casimir that I’m no longer feeling doubtful about our marriage*.

*Refer back to episode 87, details starting on line 13, etc.

Line 18) I don’t want to disappoint him he seemed bummed out enough when I didn’t factor in the way he would feel about the trajectory of our relationship.

Sotsona rubs her head in distress.

Line 19) How did things get so complicated?

Line 20) Is it all in my head? Am I the problem?

Line 21) Before I ever dated anyone, I always found it repetitive that in movies and shows, whenever they’d showcase a couple, there would always be some sort of issue between them, spurring arguments.

Line 22) I always thought to myself, “What issues could they possibly be dealing with?”

Line 23) “Is it ever THAT serious?”

Line 24) But now I know that it’s realistic to portray those kinds of things in media.

Line 25) No matter how perfect a couple may be for each other…

Line 26) Life will constantly throw hurdles their way. 

Line 27) It’s inevitable. It is a risk people have to consider taking before getting into relationships.

Line 28) So, what’s the solution?

Line 29) I don’t know how to go about this situation.

Line 30) Whatever the case may be, dealing with this is such a headache.

Casimir and Sotsona finally arrive home and unwind.

Casimir and Sotsona lay next to each other in bed before falling asleep.

Casimir can sense that Sotsona is feeling antsy.

Casimir caresses her face to console her.

Sotsona makes eye contact with him, gazing into his eyes wistfully.

Casimir speaks in a caring tone.


Line 31) I know that you’re not necessarily looking forward to tomorrow, but I am certain you’ll get through it.


Line 32) Just stand on business. Defend yourself.

Sotsona nods her head.


Line 33) You don’t have to worry about anything they’ll say to you.


Line 34) You said yourself that you won’t let anything they say dictate your life anymore*.

*Refer back to episode 96, line 99, episode 97, line 99.


Line 35) Don’t you still feel the same way?

Sotsona looks at Casimir with uncertainty.

Casimir speaks in a tone of concern.


Line 36) What’s the matter?

Sotsona speaks in a pressured manner, feeling distressed.


Line 37) I just still feel like their eyes are watching my every move.


Line 38) I was raised by their principles, and although I don’t agree with them if I go against them, I’ll still feel horrible.


Line 39) It’s like I’m brainwashed.


Line 40) Although, I’m not in their possession anymore…


Line 41) I still feel trapped.


Line 42) My consciousness is telling me to do one thing…


Line 43) While my subconsciousness is telling me to do another.

Sotsona’s eyebrows furrow in irritation.


Line 44) And I can’t control that.


Line 45) I’m still feeling very doubtful, even though I don’t want to.


Line 46) I just have to rip off the bandaid like you always say to*.

*Refer back to episode 15, line 91.


Line 47) But this time around, I don’t know if the bleeding is over.


Line 48) I guess we’ll just have to see for ourselves what happens.


Line 49) But I just have this feeling in my gut that things won’t go my way, and it’s extremely intimidating.

Casimir nods his head to reassure Sotsona.

Deep down, he feels frightened by her words.

Line 50) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Her words are scaring me.

Line 51) Casimir’s inner thoughts: What will happen if her parents disapprove of our marriage?

Line 52) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I thought we’ve grown from her relying on their decisions?

Line 53) Casimir’s inner thoughts: It seems like we’re back to square one.

Sotsona speaks in a shameful manner.


Line 54) You’re probably wondering why I’m suddenly becoming a coward, right?

Casimir looks at Sotsona in confusion, wondering how she knew how he was feeling.


Line 55) Why I’m suddenly back where I started?


Line 56) I thought I came far from this.


Line 57) But, since it has come back to me, I realized I haven’t changed that much when it comes to family.

Sotsona speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 58) I’m sorry if I’m not making sense right now.


Line 59) I’m sorry if I’m making you feel confused.


Line 60) I just don’t know how else to go about this situation.

Sotsona speaks in a desperate tone.


Line 61) So, just bear with me, I guess?

Sotsona glances at him, anticipating for him to say something back to her.

Casimir makes serious eye contact with Sotsona, speaking in an assertive manner.


Line 62) I will bear with it.

Casimir speaks in a hopeful tone.


Line 63) I hope things turn out well.

Sotsona gives Casimir an uncertain smile.


Line 64) I’ll try my best to make sure they do.

Casimir offers Sotsona a forced smile to, and they head to bed.

The next day rolls around, and Sotsona gets ready to go to her parent's place.

The day is June 23rd 2024. It’s a Sunday.

Sotsona bids her goodbyes with Casimir, deciding to walk to their house instead of having him drive her there.

An expression of concern etches onto Sotsona’s face.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 65) I still remember the path home like the back of my hands.

Line 66) I just didn’t anticipate to be walking down it once again.

Line 67) All those memories, flooding right back to me.

Line 68) But I’m over them. I just need to deal with this situation maturely

Line 69) I need to get my parents off my back and go right back to how things are going between me and Casimir.

Line 70) I like the way things are. And I like where they’re heading too between us.

Line 71) However, I need to sort out myself before including anyone else in the equation.

Line 72) I still have unfinished business to tend to.

Sotsona finally makes it to the destination, hesitantly knocking on her door.

She looks immensely nervous, fidgeting with her hands.

Her father opens the door for her, with tears streaming down his eyes, unable to contain them.

His voice trembles from being so emotional.

Sotsona’s dad

Line 73) It’s really you.

Sotsona’s father hugs Sotsona while she stands in her stagnant position, refraining from touching her father back.

He cries, grasping onto her tightly, while releasing deep sobs of regret.

Sotsona’s mother joins the hug, grasping onto Sotsona and crying in relief.

Sotsona uncomfortably processes the situation.

Line 74) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s really tempting to hug them back, but I don’t owe it to them.

Line 75) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m not here to forgive them.

Line 76) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I just came to see how things were going.

They let Sotsona into the house, leading her to the dining table with tea prepared.

Sotsona looks around the place, feeling uneasy.

Line 77) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Everything is still the same.

Line 78) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Of course, it’s only been 4 months, but seeing this place again just the way I left it is definitely unsettling.

Line 79) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is the cubicle I was placed in, feeling all my loneliness.

Line 80) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m just glad I’m not that lonely girl anymore that locked herself in her room.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in a welcoming manner.

Sotsona’s mom

Line 81) Would you like some tea, Sotsona?

Sotsona looks at her mother in confusion.

Her mother smiles at her, anticipating an answer.

Line 82) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I wanted nothing more than for me and my parents to be on good terms.

Line 83) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m not sure if I feel the same way anymore, even though the opportunity is right in front of my face.

Line 84) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t believe she’s smiling at me while offering me some tea.

Line 85) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If my younger self saw this, she’d think that I’m in some alternate universe where my parents are nice.

Line 86) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Not much has happened yet, but I can feel their change.

Line 87) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I feel it in my gut that they’re not the same as they used to be.

Line 88) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But why did they only change the moment I left their lives? If I had stayed, I’m certain things would have been the same, and that's not fair to me.

Sotsona replies in an unfriendly tone.


Line 89) No thank you.

Sotsona’s mother frowns.

Sotsona’s mom

Line 90) Please, have some. Your father and I recently bought some nice tea, and I think you’d like it.

Sotsona’s eyebrows furrow in confusion.

Line 91) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: She thinks I’d like it? What does she know about me?

Sotsona speaks in a forgiving tone.


Line 92) If you insist.

Sotsona’s mother makes the tea, offering it to all of them.

All of them seat themselves around the table, ready to delve into the conversation.

Sotsona glances at her mother and father at the table, remembering an unwanted memory.

Line 93) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: The last time we were gathered around the table like this, they told me they couldn't afford the school I wanted to go to*.

*Refer back to episode 1, details starting on line 16, etc.

Line 94) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s crazy how the circumstances this time around are vastly different.

Sotsona’s father smiles at Sotsona.

Sotsona looks at her father skeptically.

Line 95) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Between the both of my parents, I was the most scared of my father.

Line 96) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Seeing him smile now is ironic since any time we made eye contact with each other in the past, he'd look at me in annoyance.

Sotsona’s dad speaks in a genuine tone.

Sotsona’s dad

Line 97) Thank you for coming today. We’re so glad to see your face again.

Sotsona stays silent, keeping her eyes on the ground.

Sotsona’s dad speaks in a tone of disbelief.

Sotsona’s dad

Line 98) You look so different.

Sotsona’s dad

Line 99) What have you been up to all this time?

Sotsona’s mother places her hand on Sotsona’s father’s shoulder.

She looks at him and he nods his head.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in an apologetic manner.

Sotsona’s mom

Line 100) Before we get into that, we’d just like to say that we’re sorry.

Sotsona looks at her parents in shock.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 30, 2024
Last Updated on August 30, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
