Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 96

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 96

A Chapter by Yosh

Zephryn and Celestyn pick Sotsona up to get her wedding dressed designed. Who does she encounter after the appointment unexpectadly?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 96:

The day is June 16th 2024. It’s a Sunday.

Celestyn and Zephryn pick up Sotsona so that a specialist can start designing her dream wedding dress.

They drive to a wedding tailor site, heading into the building.

The tailor takes Sotsona’s measurements.

They gather around, sharing ideas on how they would like to dress to be.

The tailor sketches out some designs, and they review them all together.

Zephryn looks at the designs skeptically.


Line 1) So, you’re really committed to doing a Renaissance-themed wedding*?

*Refer back to episode 88, line 101, episode 89, line 7.

Sotsona gets hit with a wave of embarrassment from Zephryn’s remark.


Line 2) U-Uh. Yeah. Imir and I agreed that it’s something we’d like to do, rather than a traditional wedding.

Celestyn speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 3) I think it’s nice. And as a guest, it’s much more appealing rather than a traditional white-themed wedding.

Sotsona looks pleasantly surprised by Celestyn’s input.


Line 4) That’s a relief to hear. Imir thought others might think it’s too weird*.

*Refer back to episode 89, line 4.

Celestyn passionately justifies herself.


Line 5) I think it suits you guys*. And it’s a great way to make the day much more memorable.

*Refer back to episode 89, line 5.

Zephryn speaks in a curious tone.


Line 6) So, which design do you like best, Sotsona?

Sotsona looks through the options and chooses the one that piques her interest the most.

The outfit has a whimsical theme, including intricate decor around the dress with bright colors like blue, pink, green, and yellow, along with incorporated jewels to make the dress look more regal.


Line 7) I like all of them. But I think this one is the most captivating one compared to the rest. What do you guys think?

Celestyn and Zephryn examine the dress design intently and nod their heads in agreement.

Sotsona savors their reactions touchingly, feeling happy that they approve of her option.

Zephryn speaks in a tone of delight.


Line 8) It’s very fancy. I think it’ll look great on you.

Celestyn speaks in a dedicated manner.


Line 9) This one caught my eye too. I think it’s THE dress.

Sotsona beams at them.

The tailor beams at the rest of them as well, feeling satisfied by Sotsona’s choice.

The tailor speaks in a inspiring manner.


Line 10) This is a marvelous choice! I’ll make sure that it blows your expectations off the roof!

Zephryn speaks in a suggestive tone.


Line 11) We could always switch things up again once it's actually made if you’d like to continue tweaking the dress.


Line 12) For now, let’s wait till then.

They wrap up the designing process, leaving the tailor shop.

All of them walk out, feeling satisfied.

Zephryn speaks in a thrilling manner.


Line 13) Doesn’t this make you all excited for the wedding, Sotsona?

Sotsona beams, speaking in a cheerful tone.


Line 14) It does! I can’t wait to see how the dress will actually look like when it comes to life!

Celestyn speaks in a curious tone.


Line 15) Just what will Casimir wear?


Line 16) Hopefully, nothing with tights. That’s a scary sight to even imagine.

They all laugh together.

Zephryn speaks in a certain voice.


Line 17) I’m sure he knows just the thing to wear. He has a good eye.

They walk to where Zephryn’s car is parked, with various people in the streets surrounding them.

Sotsona keeps her gaze focused ahead of her, with her eyes accidentally meeting a lady’s.

Sotsona looks away, not intending to make eye contact with a stranger.

Upon making eye contact, Sotsona gets hit with a familiar feeling creeping into her stomach.

Line 18) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: For some reason, that person looks familiar.

Sotsona glances back at them, locking eyes with none other than her mother.

Her mother stops in her tracks in shock, looking at Sotsona in disbelief. 

Sotsona tries to process that fact that she’s looking at her mother.

An expression of surprised confusion comes along her face.

Line 19) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: … That’s mom. But… what is she doing here?

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 20) It’s been months since I’ve spoken to or have seen the rest of my family.

Line 21) I didn’t consider the potential occurrence of me spotting them in public like this at all.

A daunting expression engulfs Sotsona’s face.

Line 22) What do I do?

Line 23) I don’t want to approach her, but ignoring her doesn’t seem like the right thing to do either.

Line 24) And if I pretend like I don’t recognize her, then that would be just rude.

Sotsona’s mother hesitantly approaches Sotsona, continuing to glance at her shock.

Celestyn and Zephryn look at the lady in confusion.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in a manner of disbelief.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 25) Sotsona. It’s you.

Zephryn speaks in a tone of concern.


Line 26) Do you know this person, Sotsona?

Sotsona hesitantly nods her head yes.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in a tone of confusion.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 27) Where have you been all this time?

Celestyn speaks in a worrisome manner.


Line 28) What’s going on?

Sotsona freezes in her stance, unable to say or do anything from shock.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in a desperate tone

Sotsona’s mother

Line 29) Why haven’t you picked up any of my calls? It’s been months.

Sotsona’s mother looks at her in a somber manner.

Line 30) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t just sit here and do nothing.

Sotsona speaks in an assertive tone. 


Line 31) You guys can get going home.

Zephryn feels worried about Sotsona.


Line 32) What about you? What will we tell Casimir?

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 33) I’ll find my own way home. You don’t have to worry about me.


Line 34) As for Imir. Please tell him that I ran into someone and will be coming home a little later than usual.

Celestyn puts her hands on Sotsona’s shoulders assertively, wanting to get an official confirmation out of her.


Line 35) Are you sure we can just leave you? Who is this person?

Sotsona looks at Celestyn with certainty.


Line 36) You can leave me. I’ll be okay. 

Celestyn looks disconcerted.

Line 37) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: She looks shaken up. I don’t feel comfortable leaving her here.


Line 38) Do you remember what you mentioned earlier in the week? How you've been putting something off for a while*?

*Refer back to episode 95, line 73.

Celestyn nods her head.


Line 39) I’ve also been putting something to the side for a while.


Line 40) I have to sort it out right now with this person.


Line 41) So, be on your merry way, and don’t worry about me.

Sotsona speaks in a promising tone.


Line 42) I can assure you that I’m okay.

Celestyn nods her head, feeling assured by Sotsona’s response.


Line 43) Let’s get going then, mom.

Zephryn nods her head, sensing the mood, and the both of them get into the car.

They bid their goodbyes with Sotsona, waving each other off.

Sotsona follows their car with her eyes as it fades away in the distance.

Sotsona clenches her fist in contemplation, feeling intimidated by her mother’s sudden presence.

Line 44) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir always tells me to rip the bandaid off*.

*Refer back to episode 15, line 91.

Line 45) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This situation isn’t any different.

Line 46) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Besides, I’m not the same person I was before I left. What my parents say won’t sway anything in my life anymore.

Sotsona’s mother hugs Sotsona abruptly.

Sotsona is heavily caught off-guard by this unexpected action.

Line 47) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: She’s…? Hugging me?

Sotsona keeps her arms down, not hugging her mother back.

Sotsona thinks in disconcertion, an uneasy expression engulfing her face.

Line 48) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But why? That seems so out of character.

Line 49) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Based on my recollection, we didn’t end things on good terms*. So why is she hugging me?

*Refer back to all of episode 16.

Sotsona’s mother starts crying while she embraces Sotsona.

Sotsona can hear her mother crying, feeling the wetness of her tears accumulating on her clothes.

Line 50) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: She’s…? Crying now too?

Line 51) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Now, I just feel awkward, especially since we’re in the middle of the streets.

Sotsona unbinds her mother from herself forcibly.

She speaks in a desperate voice.


Line 52) Enough. We’re in public.


Line 53) Let’s move away from the streets. We’re blocking people’s way, and some are watching us.

They walk to a more secluded area.

Sotsona spots a bench and they sit on it together.

Sotsona’s mother continues to cry, unable to contain her tears.

Sotsona crosses her arms, awaiting an explanation from her mother.

Sotsona speaks in an impatient manner.


Line 54) I wish you didn’t stop me on the streets, especially when I was with important people.


Line 55) Can you tell me all you need to so we can be over with this?

Sotsona’s mother speaks in a desperate manner, pleading her reasons.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 56) Sotsona. I haven’t seen you in months. Did you expect me not to approach you?

Sotsona’s mother

Line 57) It’s not like I can easily contact you through our phones. You haven’t been picking up, which leads me to assume that you've blocked me or are just ignoring me.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in a miserable voice.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 58) Where have you been? Your father and I have been worried sick.

Sotsona sighs before delving into the conversation.


Line 59) You can’t just ask me this in the middle of the day. Lots of things have happened.

Sotsona speaks in a decisive manner.


Line 60) And I don’t owe you any explanations as to what I’ve been up to.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in an earnest tone.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 61) We are your parents. You left without telling us anything.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 62) We’ve been looking for you everywhere.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 63) We even considered filling out a missing person’s report but assumed that you just didn’t want us to locate you.

Sotsona speaks in a relieved tone.


Line 64) You got that right. I’m glad you didn’t do that.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in an eager and curious manner.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 65) Where have you been?

Sotsona’s mother

Line 66) We got input from your work that you quit*.

*Remember, that Sotsona used to be a waiter.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 67) And then you called that one night, and that was the last of it*.

*Refer back to all of episode 16, again.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 68) That was around 4 months ago.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 69) Where have you been all this time?

Sotsona speaks in a dismissive manner.


Line 70) It’s complicated. Why do you want to know?

Sotsona’s mother responds, speaking offendedly.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 71) Did you just ask why?

Sotsona nods her head.

Sotsona’s mother passionately justifies herself.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 72) Sotsona. I am your mother. I care about you. You’re my daughter.

Sotsona lets out a quiet chuckle from the irony of her mother’s words.

She speaks in a sarcastic manner.


Line 73) So suddenly you care about me.


Line 74) That’s really funny because it didn’t really seem that way when I was living with you guys.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in a guilty manner.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 75) We know we haven’t been the best parents, but we always cared about you, no matter what.

Sotsona speaks in an abrupt tone, feeling fed up by her mother’s reasonings. 


Line 76) Stop. I’m done listening to what you have to say.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in an apprehensive tone.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 77) Okay. You don’t have to listen. But that’s how your father and I truly feel.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 78) Won’t you answer anything I ask of you?

Sotsona responds dryly.


Line 79) I don’t feel like it.

They sit in silence for a couple seconds.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 80) Won’t you come home?


Line 81) I don’t see a reason to.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 82) Please, at least visit us just once.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 83) Your father and I want to know what’s been going on in your life.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 84) He’ll be so glad to hear that I’ve finally found you.

Sotsona speaks indifferently,


Line 85) For now, I don’t feel like doing that.

More silence goes on between them.

Sotsona stands up from the bench.


Line 86) If that’s all you have to tell me, I’m leaving.

Sotsona tries to walk away, but her mother reaches for her, grabbing ahold of her arm gently.

Sotsona stops in her tracks.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 87) My sincerest wish is that you tell us everything eventually.

Sotsona’s mother speaks in a desperate manner.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 88) Please. Unblock my number. Call me back some time.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 89) I don’t want this to be the last time I ever see you.

Sotsona releasing an exhausting sigh.

She intently thinks to herself, pondering the request.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 90) This doesn’t seem like the same mother I’ve known my whole life.

Line 91) She genuinely seems upset, and she’s talking to me more lightly.

Line 92) I thought that if the day we’d ever see each other come again, they’d be hostile towards me.

Line 93) But she’s being quite gentle and has spoken softly.

Line 94) She’s not demanding anything out of me, she’s just curious.

Line 95) At the end of the day, she’s my mom through and through.

Line 96) Whether I hate her or not, I suppose she deserves to know everything that’s been going on in my life.

Line 97) I guess I’ll set up some time to tell her. And father too.

Line 98) I won't let their opinions sway me if they have something to say about my life.

Line 99) They can no longer dictate my life and that’s final.


Line 100) I deleted your number and didn’t even bother to memorize the digits.

Sotsona pulls out her phone, passing it to her mother.

Her mother looks at her in pleasant surprise.

She gives Sotsona a relieved smile, speaking in an appreciative tone.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 101) Thank you, Sotsona.

Sotsona’s mother’s smile sends a shiver down her spine, making her feel disturbed.

Her mother types in her digits, saving the contact on Sotsona’s phone.

She hands the phone back to Sotsona.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 102) I’ll be awaiting your phone call. I'm sure you don't want me to pester you with mine.

Sotsona’s mother

Line 103) Please call me.

Sotsona nods her head.

Sotsona walks away.

Her mother watches her fade into the distance, feeling hopeful by their interaction.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 29, 2024
Last Updated on August 29, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
