Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 95

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 95

A Chapter by Yosh

Celestyn opens up to Sotsona about her side of the story while they go on a walk together.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 95: 

Sotsona asks Celestyn for her side of the story on her distant relationship with Casimir as they walk home with each other after their yoga session.

Celestyn looks intrigued at Sotsona.


Line 1) You want to know my side of the story?

Sotsona reassures Celestyn.


Line 2) Of course. There are always two sides to everything. I want to get a better understanding of you if you don’t mind telling me.

Celestyn sighs before diving into the conversation.


Line 3) Casimir and I weren’t necessarily best friends before our father’s passing, but we got around with each other.


Line 4) You know how siblings are. There’s always this hidden rivalry between the two of you.


Line 5) Actually, I don’t. I’m an only child.

Celestyn thinks to herself, trying to find a way to explain the situation to Sotsona.


Line 5) Hmm. The best way I’d explain it is that you’re not exactly friends, just related by blood. So, you’re forced to have a friendship with them.


Line 6) On top of that, Casimir was always by our father’s side*.

*Refer back to episode 80, line 69.


Line 7) He stuck to him like glue. And it was obvious they had a better relationship than I could ever have with dad.

A wistful expression comes along Celestyn’s face.


Line 8) I guess I’m still jealous after all these years that they were closer to each other when he was still alive.


Line 9) But that’s more my fault. I stayed stagnant rather than making any advances to get closer to dad.

Sotsona halts in her tracks, turning to face Celestyn.

Celestyn looks at Sotsona in confusion.

Sotsona assertively places her hands on Celestyn’s shoulder, looking at her sentimentally.

Celestyn is caught off-guard by this gesture.

Sotsona speaks in a passionate manner.


Line 10) That’s not your fault, Celestyn.


Line 11) Don’t blame yourself for that.


Line 12) Your father was a busy person, which is why you never got the full attention you deserved.


Line 13) You were just a kid, Celestyn. Cut yourself some slack.

Celestyn lets out a relieving sigh.

They continue walking together.


Line 14) You scared me, grabbing me like that out of the blue.

Sotsona speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 15) Sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I just wanted to make sure that you’re okay.

Celestyn smiles at Sotsona appreciatively.

Sotsona speaks sympathetically.


Line 16) I’m sorry you had to deal with that. You are worthy of the best.

Celestyn continues to explain herself.


Line 17) Other than that, there’s more to our strained relationship.


Line 18) Although I was jealous of Casimir because of his bond with dad, I still tried to be there for him, putting up this front that I was doing okay.

An expression of melancholy forms on Celestyn’s face as she speaks in a wistful manner.


Line 19) When, in reality, each day got worse, and it was harder to contain my envy.


Line 20) Casimir would always talk about dad, and it would get on my nerves.


Line 21) Around middle school is when dad became really busy with work.


Line 22) Which resulted in Casimir blabbering about dad tenfold and how he wished they could hang out some more.


Line 23) This rubbed me the wrong way because I felt like I deserved any spare time that dad had left in his busy schedule rather than Casimir since they already established a good bond with each other.


Line 24) In actuality, neither of us was able to get any spare time from him because he was just that busy.


Line 25) I think that’s when we started drifting away from each other, caught up in our own lives.


Line 26) When dad passed away, it was the final blow.


Line 27) I would never be able to get any sort of attention from him ever again.


Line 28) I put the blame on Casimir for that, thinking that he was at fault for hogging our dad all our lives, and now I’d never be able to spend time with him.

Sotsona looks at Celestyn sympathetically.


Line 29) Because of the way I felt, I completely distanced myself from Casimir.


Line 30) I feel guilty for doing that because I should’ve been there for him since all of us were mourning our father.


Line 31) However, I continued to instill our dynamics with each other, rather than doing anything about it.


Line 32) Again, I was still jealous. I know it was petty for me to think that way, but I couldn’t help it.


Line 33) Suddenly, when Casimir took my title as successor since he saved our company from bankruptcy, becoming CEO*…

*Refer back to episode 85, line 78.


Line 34) All that envy I had bottled up within me exploded into rage, and I started acting cold towards him.


Line 35) I feel iffy interacting with him this way since it’s been many years, but it’s habitual at this point, and I still hold a grudge against him; I can’t help it.

Sotsona stops them in their tracks again; however, this time around, she turns to hug Celestyn.

Celestyn looks caught off-guard, but hugs Sotsona back.

They pull back from each other, with Celestyn looks back at Sotsona judgingly.

She speaks in a smug manner.


Line 36) People like you are sly. You always make us confess to things we didn't intend to.

Sotsona looks at Celestyn consolingly.


Line 37) I hate confrontation and vulnerability. It makes me feel weak.

They continue walking with each other.

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 38) You shouldn’t feel weak opening up about yourself. Try to get into the habit of embracing that. Trust me when I assure you that I’ll continue interacting with you the way we have been.

Celestyn looks at Sotsona appreciatively.


Line 39) I want you to be comfortable. Your decision to open up to me wasn't a mistake.

Sotsona speaks in an encouraging manner.


Line 40) Take a bit more pride in being the COO. You still hold a prestigious title for our company. 

Celestyn rolls her eyes in annoyance.


Line 41) Sure, I may be the COO, but I wasn’t good enough to be the CEO.

Celestyn speaks in a tone of disdain.


Line 42) There’s nothing prestigious about me.

Sotsona passionately defends Celestyn.


Line 43) Oh, come on. You heard what Imir said during dinner, right?


Line 44) He wouldn’t be able to operate Adair if it weren’t for you and the head staff*.

*Refer back to episode 92, line 47.

Sotsona speaks in a sentimental manner.


Line 45) Trust me when I say that he needs you and that you play an important part.

Celestyn speaks in a hopeless tone.


Line 46) Still, I feel like a failure. On top of Casimir simply getting everything handed to him in life…

Celestyn releases her anger, shouting in the middle of the streets.


Line 47) He’s also getting married earlier than me!


Line 48) He has everything I don’t! Even a successful love life!


Line 49) I can barely make a simple relationship last!

Sotsona tries to console Celestyn, calming her down.


Line 50) I think the issue is that you keep comparing yourself to him.


Line 51) You have to realize that you’re two completely different people.


Line 52) People are on different wavelengths. Different paths. Different levels.


Line 53) Just because someone is “ahead of you,” doesn’t mean they’re better.


Line 54) The only person you should be comparing yourself to is yourself.


Line 55) Are you growing into the person you want to become?

Sotsona speaks in a manner of saccharine.


Line 56) For the longest time, I’ve been waiting to become the person I’ve always wanted to be.


Line 57) That wasn’t until I took matters into my own hands that something actually happened.


Line 58) I was so sick of waiting for a miracle to occur.


Line 59) I had to get up and realize that I was worth getting what I deserved.


Line 60) If I didn’t realize that then, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Sotsona speaks in a grateful tone.


Line 61) Of course, I have it easier compared to others who are on this journey.

Sotsona speaks in a stubborn tone.


Line 62) But, I’m keeping myself humble by not letting myself enjoy things I didn’t work to get.


Line 63) I must discipline myself one way or another, and this is how I’m doing it.


Line 64) So, I suggest that you focus on yourself too.


Line 65) Obviously, something like that is easier said than done.


Line 66) But, with hard work and patience, I’m certain everything will pay off.


Line 67) It may seem like Casimir had everything in life handed to him, but in my opinion, I disagree.


Line 68) He worked hard to become CEO and was able to save the company at the end of the day.


Line 69) Imagine how much pressure he had to endure taking up such a big title and having the fate of the company lie on his shoulders.


Line 70) That’s not an easy thing to do at all. But, he preserved.

Celestyn playfully rolls her eyes.


Line 71) I knew you’d take his side.

Sotsona chuckles, sensing Celestyn’s joke.


Line 72) I’m just kidding. I know what you mean.

Celestyn sighs, speaking in a contemplative manner.


Line 73) You’ve brought up something that I have been putting aside for a while. 


Line 74) I guess I needed some sign from the universe to push me.


Line 75) And since you brought it up so naturally, I guess that’s my wake-up call to reality.

Celestyn releases an exhausting sigh.

She speaks in a genuine tone.


Line 76) I’m gonna try and mend my relationship with Casimir.


Line 77) It’s not his fault that he got everything I wanted.


Line 78) He earned his spot and I shouldn’t resent him for that.

Celestyn smiles at Sotsona, feeling thankful.


Line 79) Thank you for bringing it up.


Line 80) You should be thanking yourself. It's you who’ll be putting in effort.


Line 81) That too, but you brought it up.


Line 82) You’re really patching things up in our family.

Celestyn speaks in a considerate tone.


Line 83) Thank you for that. We’ve been in need for someone for so long.

Sotsona smiles, feeling flattered.


Line 84) You give me way too much credit.

The finally arrive home.

Celestyn bids her goodbyes with Sotsona before she walks into Casimir’s place.


Line 85) That walk went by quicker than I thought it would.

Sotsona speaks in a thoughtful manner.


Line 86) I’m glad you decided to walk with me.


Line 87) I had a good time talking with you.


Line 88) We should do this more often.

Sotsona speaks in a cheerful manner.


Line 89) I’d love that.

Celestyn speaks in a playful tone.


Line 90) I’m pretty sure short man is mad that I kept you out of the house for so long, so I'll make haste.


Line 91) Have a goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow.


Line 92) Alright, boss. See you tomorrow.

They wave each other off.

Sotsona enters the house.

Casimir pounces on her, embracing her in a tight hug.

Sotsona is caught off-guard by this gesture.

Casimir speaks in a yearnful tone.


Line 93) You were gone for so long. Please don’t make that a recurring habit.


Line 94) Alright, I won’t. What were you doing when I was gone?

Casimir looks at Sotsona with puppy dog eyes.


Line 95) Waiting till you got back.


Line 96) You sound like a puppy. Busy yourself with something.


Line 97) I can’t. Everything I do reminds me of you.

Sotsona playfully rolls her eyes and hugs Casimir.

Line 98) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I really hope that Celestyn and Casimir can become great siblings to each other.

Line 99) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m sure they’ll realize sooner or later how much they need each other.

Line 100) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Maybe Celestyn will bounce back and reclaim her title as CEO?

Line 101) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: After all, it is her rightful placement.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

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Added on August 29, 2024
Last Updated on August 29, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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