Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 94

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 94

A Chapter by Yosh

One week passes after the dinner. What's going on in Sotsona's life?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 94:

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 1) It’s been one week since all of us got together.

Line 2) After the day off, we went to work as per usual.

Line 3) But work dynamics have changed immensely.

Line 4) Everyone at work is a lot more comfortable around each other.

Line 5) And, just overall, more friendlier.

Line 6) Casimir continues to work in his office as he has to.

Line 7) But, every now and then, when he comes out…

Line 8) Everyone is a lot less tense around him.

Line 9) The change in environment has helped me become less antsy too.

Line 10) I would always be afraid that someone would catch onto what was going on between me and Casimir.

Line 11) But, now that the air has been cleared, everyone is secure that things are alright.

Line 12) I never thought that I’d actually like coming to my job and working.

Line 13) But, ever since I was hired here, I’ve been enjoying work abundantly.

Line 14) It just feels like I get to hang out with my friends all day.

Line 15) Based on what Celestyn and Zephryn planned out after we tried on wedding dresses a week ago…

Line 16) They wanted to start taking yoga lessons with me included*.

*Refer back to episode 87, line 43.

Line 17) However, I decided to exclude Casimir from our sessions because everyone else seemed like they wanted it to be a girl's thing.

Line 18) We decided to have our first ever lesson Thursday of last week.

*Flashback to June 13th, 2024. The day is Thursday. It’s the evening.

Zephryn swings by with her car, having Celestyn in the back, in front of Casimir’s place.

Sotsona gets into the car for them to drive to their yoga session.

They arrive at the yoga place and head inside.

They lay out their mats, getting started with the session.

After the session goes by, Zephryn suggests they grab a bite somewhere, with Celestyn and Sotsona agreeing.

They stop by a sandwich shop, ordering some subs with each other.

They all sit at a table and eat with each other.


Line 19) So, how’d you ladies like our first session?

Sotsona speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 20) It was great. I feel quite limber after all that stretching.

Zephryn speaks in a curious tone.


Line 21) That’s great. Do you feel calmer after our session, Celestyn?

Celestyn shrugs her shoulders, continuing to eat her sub.


Line 22) Then, we’ll just have to keep going so that you get into the habit of associating that place with calmness.

Celestyn looks annoyed.

Zephyr speaks in a sympathetic manner.


Line 23) I know your heart is still recovering after your breakup, but you can’t brood all your life.

Zephryn squeezes Celestyn’s facial cheek playfully.

Celestyn justifies her behavior.


Line 24) I’m not brooding. This is just how I’ve always been.


Line 25) Plus, I’m over my ex. I’ve had my eyes set on someone for a while, and this breakup has helped me divert my attention to them.

Zephryn and Sotsona beam.

Sotsona speaks in an encouraging manner.


Line 26) Good for you, Celestyn! I’m sure they’re the one this time around! You go get them!

Celestyn shrugs.

Zephryn speaks in a manner of concern.


Line 27) What’s the deal? You’re usually more confident when you have interest in someone.

Celestyn speaks in a hopeless manner.


Line 28) I’m not sure I should do anything about it. I think even if I did, I wouldn’t stand a chance.


Line 29) Why not? You haven’t even tried.


Line 30) It’s complicated. We’ve known each other for a while; however, neither of us has crossed the line in becoming more than friends. Also, I don’t know what their sexuality is*.

*Refer back to episode 78, lines 87-89.

Sotsona speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 31) I see. I’m very sorry to hear that.

Zephryn speaks in a confident tone.


Line 32) If you’re not sure, then get to know.


Line 33) You can’t just give up without knowing the full details.


Line 34) Why don’t you just ask them? Get to the point.

Zephryn speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 35) It’s normal to touch base about those kinds of things. 


Line 36) I’m sure they won’t think anything of it.


Line 37) That’s not something I can talk about during work.

Celestyn covers her mouth in shock and glances at Sotsona, not anticipating to blurt that information out.

Sotsona speaks in a curious tone.


Line 38) It’s someone from work?

Celestyn blushes and covers her face.

She speaks in a dismissive manner.


Line 39) Please pretend you didn’t just hear that.

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 40) My lips are sealed. I won’t pry.

Zephryn gets a call from her phone.

She answers it and talks to the other person on the line.

She hangs up and clarifies the call to the girls.


Line 41) Something came up. I have to head out.

Zephryn speaks in a worried tone.


Line 42) Will the two of you be okay if I leave?


Line 43) We’ll be okay. Do what you must.

Sotsona speaks in an appreciate voice.


Line 44) Yes. Thank you for today. Get home safe. I’ll see you this weekend.

Zephryn smiles at the girls and hugs them.

She speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 45) I’ll see you guys soon.

Zephryn drives off, leaving Celestyn and Sotsona with each other.


Line 46) I can call a taxi to take you home?


Line 47) I wouldn’t want to burden you with something like that.

A moment of silence passes between them.


Line 48) Then, what are we gonna do?

Sotsona speaks in a suggestive manner.


Line 49) What if we walk home and talk with each other?

Celestyn speaks in a tone of confusion.


Line 50) Walk home? But Casimir’s place has to be more than an hour away from here.


Line 51) Oh, right. I should’ve asked if you’re busy. Are you?

Celestyn shakes her head no.


Line 52) Then, let’s just walk home. And talk.

Celestyn speaks in a skeptical manner.


Line 53) If you’re pulling this stunt for me to fess up about my crush, it’s not going to happen.

Sotsona justifies herself.


Line 54) What? No! I know our boundaries. I just want to get to know more about my future sister-in-law.


Line 55) Didn’t you say you wanted me to be your maid of honor*?

*Refer back to episode 79, line 39.


Line 56) I wasn’t think-

Sotsona speaks in a cheerful tone.


Line 57) If things work out between you and your crush, then I’ll most definitely do that for you.


Line 58) But maids of honor tend to be really good friends with each other.


Line 59) And I think we’ve barely scratched the surface of what our friendship could blossom into.

Celestyn cringes at Sotsona’s explanation.

Sotsona speaks in a friendly manner.


Line 60) So, let’s walk and talk. What do you think?

Celestyn looks flustered.

She looks away from Sotsona, speaking in a tone of indifference.


Line 61) Fine. We can walk and talk. But don’t blame me if the conversation gets dry. I don’t know how to keep things entertaining.

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 62) Don’t worry. We have plenty to talk about.

They start to walk home together on the sidewalk.


Line 63) So, how did you like the biking and dinner event thingy we did on the weekend?


Line 64) I’m still sore. I guess yoga helped ease my muscles.


Line 65) However, dinner was stressful because of you and Casimir.

Celestyn speaks in a happy tone.


Line 66) But at least I was able to see Nakari in her dress.

Celestyn covers her mouth, glancing at Sotsona nervously from her indirect confession.

Sotsona offers Sotsona a reassuring smile.


Line 67) I just pieced everything together since I remembered Casimir mentioning you should date Nakari when all of us had dinner together*. You confirming that your crush works in the same place as you verified my suspicions*.

*Refer back to episode 78, line 83.

*Refer back to lines 37 and 38 of this episode.

Celestyn speaks in a tone of embarrassment.


Line 68) I don’t know what you’re talking about. You didn’t hear me say anything.

Sotsona speaks in a comforting manner.


Line 69) There’s no hiding it now. It’s normal to have crushes on people. Nakari is a great person; she’ll be a valuable candidate.

Celestyn breaks character, giving into Sotsona’s suspicions.


Line 70) She really is a great person.

Celestyn speaks in a sentimental tone.


Line 71) I’ve actually liked her for many years now, but I’ve never done anything about it.


Line 72) We're such good friends, and I wouldn't want something like coming clear of my feelings for her to affect our relationship.


Line 73) But after my ex dumped me, I’ve been rethinking about coming clear of my feelings. I’m starting to realize that there’s no point in holding back any longer.


Line 74) It’s not like I’m getting any younger.


Line 75) Indazita is only one year older than me*, and he already got married at my age. Now, he’s a father.

*Refer back to episode 29, line 99.

Celestyn speaks in a somber manner.


Line 76) If I don’t do something about the way I feel now, she’ll slip away from me.

Celestyn speaks in a shameful tone.


Line 77) Dad would always tell me to seize whatever opportunity was so blatantly out in front of me.


Line 78) He told me that’s how he got with my mom.


Line 79) I guess his words are just coming back to haunt me after all these years.


Line 80) Speaking of my father, did Casimir tell you yet?

Sotsona looks at Celestyn in sorrow.


Line 81) He did. I know everything that happened.


Line 82) I knew it. You’ve been acting differently.

Sotsona speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 83) I didn’t think I was acting any differently towards you guys. But, if I am, I just can’t help it. Sorry.

Celestyn speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 84) Don’t worry about it. I don’t blame you.


Line 85) It’s just kind of annoying that when people find out, they act softly toward us.

Sotsona speaks sympathetically. 


Line 86) I’m sorry if that irritating. If you don’t mind me asking, who else knows?


Line 87) Yuvin knows.


Line 88) That explains the background check he did on me when I got hired into Adair*.

*Refer back to episode 25, line 107, episode 28, details starting on line 38, etc, episode 29, line 87, episode 31, details in between lines 34, 35, and 53.


Line 89) But how is he soft? He’s always so blunt with Imir.

Celestyn laughs.

She explains Yuvin’s demeanor.


Line 90) That’s his version of being soft. He used to be very laid back, but it’s like he’s always on edge now.


Line 91) He’s very protective over Casimir.


Line 92) He definitely cares about him a lot; he’ll just never show it.

Sotsona condoles Celestyn.


Line 93) Anyway. I just want you to know that I’m incredibly sorry for what you went through.


Line 94) May you feel comfort and peace from the memories you share with your father. I hope you can accept my condolences. Your father touched many lives.


Line 95) I just want you to know that if you ever need to talk to me about it, please don't hesitate.


Line 96) We’ll be family soon, so I’m always here for you.

Celestyn cringes at Sotsona’s remark at the end.


Line 97) You didn’t have to add all that mushy, gushy stuff at the end. That was insufferable to listen to.

Sotsona assures Celestyn.


Line 98) Oh, come on. I’m trying to be sentimental here.

Celestyn reassures Sotsona, speaking in a genuine manner.


Line 99) Thank you…

Sotsona wholesomely smiles at Celestyn.

Sotsona speaks in a hesitant tone.


Line 100) If you don’t mind me asking, since we’re kind of on the subject…


Line 101) Casimir also opened up to me about how you and him became distant after your father’s passing and him taking over Adair.


Line 102) Can you tell me your side of the story?

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 28, 2024
Last Updated on August 28, 2024
Tags: #adventure, #drama, #CEO, #richman, #mentalhealth, #romance, #originalstory, #original, #comedy, #friendstolovers, #fluff, #lovelanguages, #enjoyable, #charming, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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