Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 91

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 91

A Chapter by Yosh

How does the biking trip go for all of them?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 91: 

The day is June 9th, 2024. It’s a Sunday.

After all of them bike on a lengthy trail that Indazita led them on, they stop somewhere to take a break.

All of them sit on boulders around the biking trail, gathered around each other, sweating profusely in exhaustion.

Nakari looks at Indazita in frustration.

She smacks his shoulder lightly in annoyance.

She speaks in an irritated tone.


Line 1) What kind of a path was that?

Indazita questions Nakari’s actions.


Line 2) What’s with you?

Zeren jumps into the conversation, speaking in ruffled tone.


Line 3) Thanks a lot, Inda. I’m gonna be all sore tomorrow because of you.

Hridyanshu jumps into the conversation as well, speaking in disconcertion from the biking trail path.


Line 4) Seriously! What’d you make us do that for?

Indazita looks at all of them in confusion.

He speaks in a cocky tone, passionately defending the trail he led.


Line 5) You weaklings have obviously never been led by a true leader.


Line 6) What’s wrong with a challenge every now and then?

Nakari justifies herself.


Line 7) First of all, you’ve always led our bike trails, and they’ve never been this rigorous...


Line 8) Second of all, that wasn’t a challenge; it was pure torture.


Line 9) Third of all, why of all days would you make us do something like this today?

Indazita rolls his eyes.


Line 10) So I switched things up a bit, big deal…


Line 11) I only did it to impress the CEO.

Zeren speaks in an annoyed tone.


Line 12) Jeez. You’re such a people pleaser.


Line 13) I’m sure he probably didn’t even enjoy that himself.

Nakari speaks in a snappy tone.


Line 14) Are you idiots forgetting that Casimir is not the only new person we brought along today?


Line 15) This is Sotsona’s first time too. Talk about a bad first impression. They’re never going to want to bike with us again.

Indazita speaks in a dismissive tone.


Line 16) I’m sure all of them are doing just fine.

Indazita, Nakari, Hridyanshu, and Zeren try to locate the rest of them (Sotsona, Casimir, Celestyn and Yuvin).

They spot them huddled up with the rest of them resting at their spots and doing well.

They observe Casimir in shock.


Line 17) It’s like he didn’t even break a sweat!


Line 18) He looks completely fine!


Line 19) Jeez! He must be a maniac at the gym if he’s completely fine after doing something as strenuous as this!

Indazita speaks in a boastful manner.


Line 20) See? What’d I tell you guys? And Sotsona seems to be doing fine too.

Sotsona tries to contain her cool composure when she’s very exhausted on the inside.

Line 21) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m so beat! I didn’t think they’d go this hardcore on me, especially since it’s my first time biking with them.

Sotsona looks around, noticing that everyone seems to be enjoying their time.

She smiles.

Line 22) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: At least everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. I’m glad they seem to be chill around Casimir.

Sotsona looks back on the trail they went on.

A daunting expression engulfs her face.

Line 23) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But how exactly are we going to get back?

Indazita, Hridyanshu, Zeren, and Nakari approach Celestyn, Sotsona, Yuvin, and Casimir at their spots.

Indazita speaks in a warm tone.


Line 24) How are you guys holding up?

Casimir warmly smiles at them.


Line 25) Doing well, Captain. How are you guys?

Indazita, Zeren, Hridyanshu, and Nakari put up a front that they’re doing well and nod their heads, giving Casimir a thumbs up when they’re feeling the opposite.


Line 26) If you guys are all rested up, then why don’t we head on back and grab some lunch afterwards?

They nod their heads in assurance, nervously swallowing due to contemplation of not wanting to bike anymore.


Line 27) I’m running low on energy, so why don’t you lead us down the trail this time, Casimir?

Casimir looks pleasantly surprised by Indazita’s suggestion.

He beams.


Line 28) If you don’t mind, I’d love to!

Everyone else looks at Casimir nervously.

Zeren whispers to Hridyanshu, speaking in a doomful manner.


Line 29) We’re so cooked.

Hridyanshu whines.


Line 30) I know.

All of them get on their bikes to start biking again.

Casimir is the line leader, and he looks back at all of them, making sure they’re ready to go.


Line 31) Get ready, guys!

Casimir starts the trail and they follow him.

After some time, they finally arrive at their initial spot, looking exhausted, except for Casimir.

Casimir looks back at all of them, noticing them catching their breaths.

Hridyanshu and Zeren lie on the ground in defeat.

Casimir looms over them, speaking in a tone of concern.


Line 32) Are you guys doing okay?

Zeren mentions something jokingly.


Line 33) Can we take tomorrow off?

Hridyanshu elbows Zeren, nervously smiling at Casimir.


Line 34) He’s obviously not in his right mind to be mentioning something like that. Maybe it’s from all the biking.

Casimir laughs.

Zeren and Hridyanshu look at each other nervously.

Casimir speaks in a cheerful manner.


Line 35) You guys are so funny. I feel ashamed that I didn’t think of hanging out with you all any sooner.

Casimir speaks in a shameful tone.


Line 36) I missed out on a lot.


Line 37) If you feel like taking tomorrow off, I won’t count that against you.

Zeren and Hridyanshu beam at each other.


Line 38) Seriously?!

Casimir smiles, extending his hands out for the both of them to grab onto to stand up.

Casimir speaks in a genuine tone.


Line 39) Seriously.

Hridyanshu and Zeren grab Casimir’s hands and get up.

*Shot cuts to Sotsona finally arriving after all of them with her bike.

She’s slightly wobbles on her bike, attempting to get off.

Sotsona trips on a stick while she parks her bike for a break.

Zeren notices Sotsona about to fall and catches her before she does.

Sotsona falls into Zeren arms.

Casimir’s eyes widen in envy as he notices her fall down, unable to catch her earlier than Zeren.

Sotsona peers her eyes open, after wincing them closed, to spot Zeren looming over her.

Zeren speaks in a tone of worry.


Line 40) Are you okay?

Sotsona looks at Zeren in embarrassment.

Zeren blushes noticing Sotsona’s flustered demeanor.

He swiftly takes his hands off of her.

Sotsona speaks in an awkwardly appreciative tone.


Line 41) I’m fine. Thanks for catching me.


Line 42) Sorry. I’m just feeling a bit lightheaded.

Zeren speaks in a reassuring voice.


Line 43) Don’t worry. That’s completely understandable.

He speaks in an encouraging manner.


Line 44) Try and watch your step.

Zeren pats Sotsona’s head before he walks away.

Sotsona tries to wrap her head around the situation in confusion.

*Shot cuts to Zeren gushing over his encounter with Sotsona.

Line 45) Zeren’s inner thoughts: It’s like it was straight out of a movie.

Line 46) Zeren’s inner thoughts: She just so conveniently fell into my direction.

Line 47) Zeren’s inner thoughts: And then I patted her head afterward.

Line 48) Zeren’s inner thoughts: I’m so flirtatious, gosh I’m making myself feel all ticklish.

Zeren tries to keep himself in check.

Line 49) Zeren’s inner thoughts: I suck, I shouldn’t be feeling this way. Sotsona’s engaged, after all*.

*Celestyn mentioned that Sotsona is getting married (refer back to episode 30, line 43); however, she never clarified to whom.

Line 50) Zeren’s inner thoughts: But I just can’t help but have a crush on her.

*Shot cuts back to Casimir furiously looking at Zeren walk away.

He grips his bike handle tightly, with his eyebrows twitching in frustration.

Line 51) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Did he just lay his hands on her head?!

Line 52) Casimir’s inner thoughts: How dare he?! I should’ve been the one to catch her! Why did his tall a*s step in before me?!

Line 53) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Zeren! You crossed a line!

Line 54) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Screw not coming to work tomorrow! You’re coming alright!

Line 55) Casimir’s inner thoughts: And I’m gonna give you so much work to do!

Hridyanhsu notices Casimir’s demeanor.

He speaks in an apprehensive tone.


Line 56) A-Are you okay, boss? I mean, Casimir? 

Casimir snaps out of his furious daze, looking at Hridyanshu warmly.


Line 57) I’m alright. I just remembered I left something important at home. That’s all.

Hridyanshu nods his head nervously.

Line 58) Hridyanshu’s inner thoughts: I guess that must be really pissing him off if he looks this mad.

All of them gather around.


Line 59) If we’re done here, are you guys ready to have lunch?

Casimir looks at the sky, noticing it becoming darker.


Line 60) Shall I say dinner instead? Where would you guys like to go?

Casimir observes about exhausted everyone looks.

Nakari speaks in a nervous tone.


Line 61) With all due respect, Casimir, is it okay if we head home first to unwind a bit?


Line 62) I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say that this trip has been quite tiring.

Casimir speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 63) Oh. Of course. Sorry for not factoring that in. You guys can take all the time you need.


Line 64) What do you guys think about meeting back at around 8:00 PM?

All of them nod their heads in agreement.

Casimir smiles.


Line 65) Alright, then. 8:00 PM it is! I’ll message you guys the deets.


Line 66) Dress nicely. I want to take you guys somewhere fancy. My treat.

They all nod their heads.


Line 67) We’ll see you then.


Line 68) Toodles for now.

They all bid their goodbyes, going their separate ways.

Yuvin, Celestyn, Sotsona, and Casimir exit in the same direction.

Yuvin approaches Casimir in fury.


Line 69) Just what were you thinking today?

Casimir looks at Yuvin in confusion.


Line 70) What are you so pissed off about?

Yuvin sighs in frustration.


Line 71) Why did you come?


Line 72) Didn’t you hear what I said earlier? I’m trying to get closer with my workers*.

*Refer back to episode 90, line 74.

Yuvin speaks in a demanding tone.


Line 73) You can’t do that when Sotsona’s around.

Casimir responds in a sassy manner.


Line 74) News flash. I just did.


Line 75) It’s too risky. You can get caught.

Casimir speaks in an annoyed and reassuring tone.


Line 76) We didn’t, you Debby downer. Calm down.


Line 77) Either way, don’t make it a recurring habit.


Line 78) Just dinner and that’s the end.

Yuvin gets in his car and drives off.

Casimir speaks in a bitter manner.


Line 79) I swear. That man is never happy.

Celestyn approaches Casimir and Sotsona, speaking in a frustrated manner.


Line 80) Sotsona, I thought I told you to convince Casimir not to come*.

*Refer back to episode 88, line 51.

Sotsona speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 81) Sorry, I didn’t mention that he would be coming before we all got here. At least things ended up fine, although he tagged along, right?


Line 82) Besides us being exhausted, I guess you’re right. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Celestyn speaks in an assertive tone.


Line 83) But this is supposed to be our thing. Don’t include him next time.


Line 84) See you at dinner.

Celestyn drives off.

Sotsona and Casimir catch each other’s gazes.

Sotsona puts her arms around Casimir affectionately.


Line 85) What does everyone have against you?

Casimir playfully shrugs.

Sotsona speaks in a proud tone.


Line 86) You did good today. Keep up the good work.

Casimir speaks in a playful tone.


Line 87) Aren’t we not supposed to even be talking? Why do you have your arms around me?

Sotsona pouts her lips sadly in a playful manner.


Line 88) Nobody is looking.

Casimir smiles, speaking in a reassuring tone.


Line 89) I’m just teasing you. Are you feeling okay?


Line 90) I feel tired and musty, but I’m sure once I take a shower, I’ll be revitalized.

Casimir opens his car door.


Line 91) Let’s go home, then.

They load their bikes on Casimir’s car ramp in the back, gathering their belongings to leave the biking trail.

They arrive home and unwind, getting ready for dinner.

Sotsona meets Casimir in the living room as he waits for her to be finished getting ready.

Casimir spots Sotsona and smiles at her, but then his expression turns grim when he remembers how Zeren was acting around her.

Line 92) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I bet he’ll drool all over her during dinner. Can he just lay off?

Line 93) Casimir’s inner thoughts: He better not cross any lines, not unless he wants a knuckle sandwich.

Sotsona notices Casimir’s demeanor.

She speaks in a tone of concern.


Line 94) Are you okay? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone change their expression that quickly.

Casimir releases an exhausting sigh.


Line 95) Don’t you think Zeren is being too flirtatious with you?

Sotsona looks at Casimir in shock.


Line 96) Not really. He just helped me earlier because I was feeling dizzy.

Sotsona gets hit with a wave of realization.


Line 97) Wait. Are you mad that he stepped in?

Sotsona teases Casimir, noticing him bashfully blush.


Line 98) I’ll admit that I’m feeling jealous. Is that really so bad?

Sotsona hugs Casimir from behind, resting her head on his shoulders.

She speaks in an affectionate manner.


Line 99) It’s not bad. I think it’s cute.

Sotsona reassures Casimir.


Line 100) But don’t worry about him. He just has a flirtatious personality.


Line 101) Besides. He knows I’m getting married. He’s not that kind of guy.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in shock.


Line 102) What?!

Sotsona speaks in a tone of confusion, wondering why Casimir seems so shocked.


Line 103) Yeah. Everyone knows. It’s not like I can hide the big fat engagement ring on my finger that you gave me*.

*Refer back to episode 18, line 87.


Line 104) Since when?!


Line 105) Since forever. Ever since I joined the company*.

*Again, refer back to episode 30, line 43.


Line 106) It just happened. I think Celestyn accidentally mentioned it and couldn’t sweep it under the rugs afterward.

Sotsona continues to console Casimir.


Line 107) But don’t worry. Nobody knows it’s you. And I never clarified who it could be to them.


Line 108) To summarize, they know I’m off limits, so there’s nothing to be worried about.

Casimir looks at Sotsona sadly.

Sotsona notices his sad expression.

She speaks in a worrisome manner.


Line 109) Now, what’s wrong?

Casimir replies in a somber tone.


Line 110) I’m jealous of the guy you’re engaged to.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 111) But that guy is you. You’re jealous of yourself?

Casimir sadly nods his head.

Sotsona hugs him tighter from behind, kissing his cheek.


Line 112) Don’t be upset. I promised I would make it up to you*.

*Refer back to episode 89, line 51.


Line 113) I still can’t figure out how, but I know I eventually will.


Line 114) Let’s get going to dinner.


Line 115) I’m gonna call a cab again*. Just for safe measures.

*Refer back to episode 89, line 40 and 103.

Casimir nods his head in understandment.

Casimir waves Sotsona off as the cab she orders drives off.

He gets his car started to drive to the restaurant as well.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 27, 2024
Last Updated on August 27, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
