![]() Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 90A Chapter by Yosh![]() Sotsona arrives to the biking spot, greeting everyone as they arrive on their own time. However, what important thing did Sotsona forget to mention to Celestyn?![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 90: The day is June 9th, 2024. It’s a Sunday. One by one, all of the coworkers arrive at the biking spot. Sotsona arrives from her taxi and spots some of her coworkers who have already arrived. She exits the taxi, and Zeren* helps Sotsona unload her bike. *One of the many other head staff of Adair hair products that work alongside Celestyn (COO) and Sotsona (refer back to episode 29, line 101). Sotsona speaks in an appreciative voice. Sotsona Line 1) Thank you so much for helping. Zeren Line 2) It’s my pleasure. Sotsona walks over to the rest of them. They all get their items situated and wait for the rest to come. Hridyanshu, Nakari and Zeren are the only ones there so far*. *Again, the coworkers that work for the main staff of Adair hair products (refer back to episode 29, lines 98 and 100). Sotsona Line 3) Hey, guys. Good to see you all again. Hridyanshu Line 4) Oh, yeah. Celestyn mentioned you were coming. Sotsona Line 5) Am I early? Nakari speaks in an annoyed tone. Nakari Line 6) You’re right on time. Everyone else is running late. Zeren speaks in a reassuring voice. Zeren Line 7) It’s always like this. Don’t worry. Sotsona Line 8) Who are we missing? Nakari Line 9) Indazita, Celestyn, and Yuvin. Line 10) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Nakari didn’t mention Casimir. I wonder if they’re aware he’s coming. Line 11) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: In that case, should I mention that Casimir will be accompanying us? Sotsona Line 12) Did anyone tell you that an extra person would be coming along? Zeren, Nakari, and Hridyanshu look at Sotsona in confusion. Sotsona looks at them nervously, getting hit with a wave of realization that she forgot to do something. Line 13) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I forgot to tell Celestyn that Casimir is coming. Zeren speaks in a curious tone. Zeren Line 14) Is someone else coming? Sotsona nods her head nervously. Hridyanshu looks at Sotsona, feeling interested. Hridyanshu Line 15) Who is it? An expression of confusion engulfs Nakari’s face. Nakari Line 16) Yeah, that doesn’t make sense. Who could it be? Indazita arrives and comes by them his items*. *Another coworker for the main staff of Adair (refer back to episode 29, line 99). Indazita speaks in an apologetic tone. Indazita Line 17) Sorry that I’m late, guys. Traffic was terrible. Nakari speaks in a skeptical tone. Nakari Line 18) You always say that. Hridyanshu Line 19) Inda? Were you aware that someone else would be joining our trip? Indazita tilts his head to the side in curiosity. Indazita Line 20) Celestyn mentioned Sotsona, but that’s pretty much it. Indazita waves at Sotsona, and she nervously waves back at him. Zeren Line 21) Sotsona just said that someone else is coming. Indazita tries to count everyone he knows who is coming on the trip. He looks at his hands in confusion when he counts an odd number out. Indazita Line 22) Do we know an 8th person? Nakari Line 23) Can you tell us who’s coming Sotsona? Sotsona comes up with an excuse, not wanting the tell everyone that Casimir is coming. Sotsona Line 24) Let’s just see if they’ll come in the first place. Line 25) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Maybe Casimir shouldn’t come. It doesn’t look like they’re thrilled to be anticipating an 8th person. Little do they know that this person is their boss. Sotsona rubs her head in distress. Zeren Line 26) You’re going to make us wait? Sotsona glances at Zeren nervously. Celestyn arrives and spots the squad. She approaches them with her belongings. Celestyn Line 27) Sorry for being late. Let me be honest and just say that I slept through my alarm. Nakari speaks in a questionable tone. Nakari Line 28) Celestyn, did you invite another person to our biking trip? Celestyn Line 29) Yeah, Sotsona. Celestyn points at Sotsona, with Sotsona looking back at her nervously. Hridyanshu Line 30) Sotsona mentioned that an 8th person is coming. Celestyn looks at Sotsona in confusion. Line 31) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: 8th person? What are they talking about? Celestyn gets hit with a wave of realization on who the 8th person might be and gives Sotsona the death stare. Zeren observes her demeanor. Zeren Line 32) Do you remember? Celestyn releases an exhausting sigh. Line 33) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: I can’t mention that Sotsona invited Casimir because that’ll make her look suspicious to the rest of them. Line 34) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: Why couldn’t she convince him not to come? He’s gonna ruin all the fun. Sotsona smiles at Celestyn nervously, hoping she’ll back her up. Celestyn rolls her eyes in annoyance, getting the memo. Celestyn Line 35) I mentioned the biking trip to them, but I didn’t necessarily invite this person to come. They kind of just invited themselves. Everyone else besides Sotsona looks at Celestyn in confusion. Celestyn Line 36) Just promise not be mad at me when they come. Celestyn Line 37) They’re the one that insisted on coming. Nakari thinks to herself, feeling stumped. Nakari Line 38) Who could that be? Hridyanshu ponders to himself, feeling stumped as well. Hridyanshu Line 39) I’m not sure, it’s not like we know another person that would come along with us. Indazita speaks in a reassuring voice. Indazita Line 40) Relax, you guys. Why does it matter so much? Anyone is allowed to bike with us. Zeren Line 41) But if we can’t think of who it could be then who is it? Casimir’s car arrives at the spot. The whole group diverts their attention to the car, looking at it in shock. Zeren beams. Zeren Line 42) Whoever this guy is, he must be loaded because his car’s out of this world! Casimir sets foot out of his car. He smiles at everyone, greeting them warmly. Casimir Line 43) Hey everybody! It’s me! Everyone besides Sotsona and Celestyn gives Casimir a ghastly look. Casimir gets all his stuff out of the car along with his bike. He speaks in a cheerful tone, trying to lighten up the mood. Casimir Line 44) How is everyone doing on this fine Sunday morning? Casimir Line 45) I hope you all don’t mind me tagging along. The whole group, besides Sotsona, pull Celestyn to the side for a chat. Nakari speaks in a nervous manner. Nakari Line 46) E-Excuse us for one moment. Sotsona stands awkwardly, glancing at Casimir shyly. Casimir winks at her, giving her a playful look. Sotsona can’t help but smile back at Casimir. *We get diverted to the group huddled up to speak with Celestyn. Nakari speaks in a shocked tone. Nakari Line 47) Are you crazy? Why did you invite the CEO, Celestyn? Celestyn justifies herself, feeling annoyed by the situation. Celestyn Line 48) First of all, he’s my brother, and second of all, I already told you that I didn’t invite him. Celestyn Line 49) I just mentioned this trip to him and he suddenly wanted to come. Celestyn Line 50) I couldn’t exactly say no. Hridyanshu and Zeren look extremely nervous. Hridyanshu Line 51) How exactly are we going to interact with him? Zeren Line 52) It’s like he’s from a different world. Indazita scoffs at them. Indazita Line 53) Could you guys be more dramatic. Hridyanshu thanks of an excuse. Hridyanshu Line 54) Suddenly my stomach hurts. I think I’m going to have to bail. Zeren goes along with Hridyanshu’s charade. Zeren Line 55) I just remembered I urgently planned to walk my mother’s dog. Gotta blast! Hridyanshu and Zeren try to skedaddle away, but Indazita stops them. Indazita Line 56) Where do you guys think you’re going? Indazita lectures them. Indazita Line 57) Bailing while the CEO just got here. Unacceptable. Obviously your parents never taught you guys manners. Indazita speaks passionately. Indazita Line 58) As the oldest member of the staff along with the one with the most experience in the company, this is an opportunity we must take advantage of. Indazita Line 59) We rarely get to brush shoulders with THE CEO of our company. Indazita Line 60) Therefore, this is a perfect moment for us to showcase how good we are as employees. Indazita tries to bribe them. Indazita Line 61) Who knows, if we wow him, perhaps we can get a raise or benefit of some sort. Indazita Line 62) And also, we shouldn’t be afraid of him at the end of the day; he’s just another human being like us. Indazita Line 63) We should establish a good connection with him to showcase our respect. Indazita Line 64) Instead of leaving and taking the easy way out, show him that he didn’t make a mistake in hiring us. Indazita Line 65) Like Celestyn always says, we’re all replaceable*. *Refer back to episode 30, line 53 (Celestyn says this phrase to scare them, but she never actually means it. She hates to admit it, but he coworkers are her best friends). Indazita Line 66) If we were able to become such good friends with Celestyn even though she’s our boss… Indazita speaks in an encouraging tone. Indazita Line 67) Imagine how great it would be to become friends with the CEO of our company. Indazita Line 68) He seems like a nice guy. Let’s give him a chance. The group look at Indazita understandably. Zeren Line 69) You’ve got a point. Hridyanshu Line 70) So then, how do we explain that we’ve huddled up to talk behind his back? Indazita Line 71) You think that the CEO of a prestigious hair company doesn’t have the critical thinking skills to figure something like that out? Indazita Line 72) We’ll just have to explain ourselves to him. Let’s be adults. They turn back to Casimir, and he looks at them happily as he adjusts portions of his bike, while Sotsona sits on a large rock, waiting for them to be done. Casimir tries to explain himself. Casimir Line 73) I’m sure you guys must be tense that I’m here, and I don’t blame you all for that. Casimir Line 74) In fact, the main reason I came here is because I realized I needed to get closer to the rest of you. Yuvin arrives, greeting all of them. Yuvin speaks in a professional tone. Yuvin Line 75) I apologize for being late. I was debating whether I wanted to come to this thing again or not. Yuvin spots Casimir, glancing at him, not being fazed by his presence one bit. Yuvin Line 76) Oh, hey, Casimir. Yuvin gets hit with a wave of realization, and looks back at Casimir in shock. Yuvin Line 77) Casimir?! What are you going here?! Casimir puts his arm around Yuvin, interacting with him in a friendly manner. Casimir Line 78) I’m sure Yuvin can speak for himself when I say that we’re close. Yuvin looks at Casimir disturbingly. Casimir Line 79) And that’s exactly how I’m trying to be with the rest of you guys. Casimir speaks in an enthusiastic tone. Casimir Line 80) So, let’s give it a shot? What do you guys think? Casimir Line 81) There’s no need to feel intimidated think of me as your friend, not your boss. The group nod their heads in understandment. Casimir happily smiles at them, feeling relieved. Casimir Line 82) Then let’s get started, shall we? I’ll even treat you guys to lunch after this. How does that sound? Zeren break character, caving into the lunch suggestion. Zeren Line 83) That sound amazing! Hridyanshu elbows Zeren, putting him in check. Hridyanshu speaks in a formal tone. Hridyanshu Line 84) Thank you for the offer, Sir Casimir. But doing something like that for us is not necessary. Hridyanshu Line 85) We are already honored that you’re gracing us with your presence. Yuvin, Celestyn, Nakari, and Indazita look at each other in shock. They speak like a ventriloquist talking through a puppet, speaking in a low voice through their smile, loud enough for each other to hear but not loud enough for Casimir to hear. Indazita Line 86) Talk about overdoing it. Nakari Line 87) I guess he really wants that raise. Zeren Line 88) And you guys don't? Celestyn Line 89) I’m never going to hang out with you guys ever again. Casimir laughs. The whole group looks at Casimir in shock as he bursts out in laughter. Casimir Line 90) Jeez, Hridyanhsu! You’re hilarious! Hridyanhsu beams at Casimir. Line 91) Hridyanshu’s inner thoughts: He knows my name?! Casimir Line 92) Like I said, think of me as a friend. Casimir speaks in a reassuring voice. Casimir Line 93) There’s no need to be so formal. We’re not working right now. Casimir Line 94) Just call me bro, instead of Sir Casimir. Hridyanshu responds in excitement. Hridyanshu Line 95) Whatever you say, bro! The both of them laugh at each other. The rest of the group observe the two of them as being cringy and feel disturbed, except for Sotsona. Sotsona happily smiles at Casimir. Line 96) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I thought today was going to be chaotic, but it seems like we’re getting warmed up to each other just fine. Line 97) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is a really good way for us to bond. I feel like we’re a whole group of friends. All of them get on their bikes, ready to ride. Casimir Line 98) Who’s leading us? Indazita speaks in an exciting manner. Indazita Line 99) That would be me! Indazita Line 100) I assure you that I’ll lead us down a good path. You can count on me! Indazita smiles at Casimir and he smiles back at him. Casimir Line 101) Lead the way then, Captain. Indazita leads the biking trail, and all of them follow behind him. Sotsona and Casimir become neck-and-neck with each other. Casimir smiles at Sotsona, and she smiles back at him cheerfully. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on August 27, 2024 Last Updated on August 27, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author