Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 88

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 88

A Chapter by Yosh

How does wedding dress shopping for Sotsona go?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 88:

The day is June 8th, 2024. It’s a Saturday.

Sotsona walks out of the changing room with a new dress on to show Celestyn and Zephryn.

They shake their heads no in disapproval, and Sotsona goes back to try on some more.

This cycle repeats until Sotsona tries on all the dresses the sales associate picked out for her.

Sotsona walks over to Celestyn and Zephryn with her regular clothes on.

Zephryn looks at Sotsona in confusion.

Zephryn and Celestyn stand up.


Line 1) Did we tire you out?


Line 2) You’re not feeling up to it anymore, are you?

Sotsona nervously smiles at Zephryn.

She speaks in a reassuring voice.


Line 3) It’s not like that. We just ran out of options based on what the associate picked out.

Celestyn sighs in relief.


Line 4) Finally! It’s so suffocating in here. I want to leave!

Zephryn nudges Celestyn’s chest with her elbow to hang tight.


Line 5) Now, now, Celestyn.

Celestyn justifies herself.


Line 6) Listen, mom. She shouldn’t feel pressured to get anything today. We still have many more months left until the marriage.


Line 7) You never even asked Sotsona what she’s looking for herself.


Line 8) What if she doesn’t even want to buy a dress?


Line 9) What if she wants something custom-made?

A lightbulb turns on for Zephryn.

She beams.


Line 10) Why didn’t you mention that earlier, genius? We could’ve saved so much time.


Line 11) I mean, what are we even doing here?

Zephryn speaks in an encouraging tone.


Line 12) We need to get you something custom made, Sotsona!

Sotsona looks back at them, feeling nervous.

Line 13) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wedding dresses are already as expensive as there are.

A daunting expression engulfs Sotsona’s face.

Line 14) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So, getting something custom-made is probably the price of selling my kidneys.

Sotsona speaks in an appreciative tone.


Line 15) While I appreciate the offer immensely, I don’t think something like that is necessary.


Line 16) There are so many selections out there. There’s bound to be a dress that’ll work out for me.


Line 17) To be honest, I don’t even know what I want. I wouldn’t want to burden you guys with trying to customize my dress.

Zephryn speaks in a reassuring voice.


Line 18) What are you talking about? That’s not a burden, that’s an honor.

Zephryn speaks in a suggestive manner.


Line 19) At least tell us which dress you tried on today that you liked.


Line 20) From there, we can think of some ways to zhuzh it up to your ultimate liking.

Celestyn intervenes, placing her hands on Sotsona’s shoulders assertively.

She speaks in a passionate manner.


Line 21) Listen to me, Sotsona. You don’t have to do a typical wedding.


Line 22) Do whatever your heart desires because this is YOUR special day.


Line 23) If you don’t want to wear a white dress, then don’t.


Line 24) Plan something unconventional.


Line 25) There are no limits.


Line 26) Sleep on it, and then tell us which route we should go on about.

Sotsona looks at Celestyn appreciatively.


Line 27) That’s great advice. Thank you very much.

Celestyn blushes, feeling flustered from the sudden praise.


Line 28) I-It was nothing. I’m just stating the obvious.

Celestyn speaks in an annoyed tone.


Line 29) Let’s get going, then. I’m sick of this place.

They get driving back to Casimir’s place to drop Sotsona off.

Sotsona glances out the window happily.

Sotsona’s narration: 

Line 30) Sure, I didn’t find THE dress today…

Line 31) But today wasn’t a waste.

Line 32) I got to be with them.

Line 33) And I enjoyed every minute of it.

Line 34) I still can’t wrap my head around how amazing it is to be cared for this way.

Line 35) I feel so fulfilled. I’ve gotten everything I’ve ever wished for.

They arrive at Casimir’s place to drop Sotsona off, bidding their goodbyes. 

Sotsona speaks in a grateful tone.


Line 36) Thank you all so much for today. You have no idea how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me.

Zephryn speaks in a cheerful manner.


Line 37) It’s no problem. We love hanging out with you, Sotsona!

Sotsona looks at them touchingly.


Line 38) I love hanging out with you guys too.

Sotsona speaks in a sentimental manner.


Line 39) I feel like I finally have the family I’ve always wanted all my life when I’m with you all.


Line 40) Thank you for caring about me.


Line 41) Don’t mention it. It’s the least we could do for you.

Zephryn speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 42) You have no idea how special you are, Sotsona.


Line 43) We’re all here for you.


Line 44) We’re your family.

Sotsona smiles at them immensely.

They hug each other off.

Celestyn mentions one last thing before Sotsona leaves.


Line 45) If you’re not busy tomorrow, let’s go biking with the gang.


Line 46) All of us seem to be available this time around, so it’s perfect timing*.

*Refer back to episode 69, line 81.


Line 47) So, promise you’ll come if you’re free?

Sotsona happily smiles.


Line 48) That sounds amazing.


Line 49) If you don’t mind, can I bring Imir?

Celestyn rolls her eyes in annoyance.


Line 50) I suppose, but the others might feel awkward around him.


Line 51) When you mention this to him, emphasize how uncomfortable they’ll be in his presence so that he won't want to come.

Sotsona laughs, exiting the car.

She waves them off and they drive home.

Sotsona walks towards the door and knocks on it.

Casimir quickly opens it for her.

She speaks in an excited tone, happy to be back home.


Line 52) I’m back-

Casimir swiftly throws Sotsona over his shoulder, cutting her off.

Sotsona speaks in a shocked manner.


Line 53) Imir! What are you doing?!


Line 54) I was waiting for you to get home.

She speaks in a manner of disconcertion.


Line 55) For what?!


Line 56) The compromise.

Sotsona blushes, feeling extremely flustered.


Line 57) I-I think you got the wrong memo*.

*Refer back to episode 87, line 47.

Casimir reassures Sotsona.


Line 58) I didn’t. It’s not like that.


Line 59) Just wait till I show you what I’ve got planned upstairs.

Casimir steadily walks up the stairs, making his way to his room.

Sotsona recognizes the bedroom door and starts freaking out.

She wiggles in his arms, wanting to get out of his grasp.


Line 60) I-Imir! You didn’t get it!

Casimir sets Sotsona down, showing her the way their room looks.

Casimir constructed a fort with his bed and set up snacks and blankets for them to have a little nook.

Sotsona looks around the room, feeling pleasantly surprised and relieved.

Line 61) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is what he wanted to show me?!

Line 62) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I thought he had other plans.

Sotsona’s face flushes red, steaming from embarrassment.

Casimir notices her demeanor and teases her, speaking in a smug manner.


Line 63) What in the world were you thinking?

Sotsona covers her face, feeling shamed.

She defends herself passionately.


Line 64) Hey! It’s not my fault that it seemed that way!

Casimir leans in on Sotsona, continuing to tease her.

He speaks in a flirtatious and playful tone.


Line 65) I did that on purpose~

Casimir plops himself in bed, situating himself in the blanket fort comfortably.

He pats an area for Sotsona.

Casimir speaks in an exciting voice.


Line 66) Do your routine stuff, and then get back here.


Line 67) We’re going to binge my favorite movie series*. Capeesh?

*Refer back to episode 86, line 26.

Sotsona uncovers her face, looking at Casimir frustratingly and blushing.


Line 68) I see you’re going back to your old ways with all this teasing.

Casimir speaks in a playful tone.


Line 69) I forgot that it’s been a while since I’ve done something like that to you.

Casimir shoos his hand to Sotsona for her to get going.

Sotsona makes her way to the bathroom, sliding down the door, feeling flustered.

She stares at the ceiling, cracking a smile.

Line 70) Sostona’s inner thoughts: Seems like he’s back to his usual self.

Line 71) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m glad that he lost the front he was putting up earlier*.

*Refer back to episode 86, line 35.

Line 72) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That makes me know that Casimir is comfortable around me. It’s fulfilling to feel that way.

Line 73) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: There’s never a dull moment with Casimir.

Line 74) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If things are this way now, just imagine what our lives will be like when we’re married.

Line 75) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I just know for certain that things will be thrilling.

Sotsona does her routine, climbing onto bed with Casimir.

They get cuddled up, starting to watch Casimir’s favorite movie series.

Some time passes, and Casimir glances at Sotsona, observing her reaction to the movie.

Casimir strikes up a conversation with Sotsona, anticipating an agreeable response akin to his.


Line 76) Are you liking it so far?

Sotsona smiles at Casimir.


Line 77) Yeah, I like it a lot.

Sotsona speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 78) But mainly just because you picked it out.


Line 79) If I was watching with anyone else, it wouldn’t hit the same way.

Sotsona speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 80) Ever since we’ve been together, I’ve realized that things really make a difference with the company of the right person.


Line 81) Everything with you is just better.

Casimir looks at Sotsona touchingly.

He kisses her cheek.

Casimir speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 82) About earlier, I’m very sorry if I freaked you out.


Line 83) I hope I didn’t take the joke too far, but if I did, let me know.


Line 84) Don’t hold back when it comes to putting me in check.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir, feeling his consideration.


Line 85) I won’t lie. I was slightly on edge, but deep down, I know that you’re not that kind of person.


Line 86) Thank you for checking on me. It’s okay to joke around like that, I don’t mind.

Casimir speaks in a shameful tone.


Line 87) Man, I suck. I didn’t even ask you how dress shopping went.


Line 88) We didn’t find anything that we all mutually agreed on getting.


Line 89) I want to factor in how your mother and sister feel too. They’re your family, after all.

Casimir speaks in a manner of justification.


Line 90) Don’t listen to them. Wear whatever you want.


Line 91) Actually, I need to listen to them because they’re offering me guidance. I’m so clueless about this world.


Line 92) Celestyn mentioned that we should review the theme of our wedding. She even recommended I get a custom-made dress. Your mother went along with that suggestion*.

*Refer back to lines 9, 12, and 24 of this episode.

Casimir smacks his head, getting hit with a wave of realization.


Line 93) Why didn’t I think of suggesting a custom-made dress?

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.


Line 94) So what theme do you want?


Line 95) Celestyn mentioned we throw an unconventional wedding*.

*Refer back to line 24 of this episode.


Line 96) That piqued my interest.

Casimir speaks in a curious manner.


Line 97) So what do you have in mind?


Line 98) I don’t know, but I feel like a traditional white dress wedding isn’t for us.

Sotsona thinks of some themes.


Line 99) What if we do a halloween themed wedding?


Line 100) Or like a fairytale one?

Casimir snaps his fingers in realization.


Line 101) Get a load of this. What about a Renaissance-themed wedding?

Sotsona beams.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 26, 2024
Last Updated on August 26, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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