Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 87

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 87

A Chapter by Yosh

Sotsona gets set on wedding dress shopping, but what does she confess to Casimir before that?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 87:

The day is June 8th, 2024. It’s a Saturday.

Zephryn and Celestyn are making their way over to Casimir’s place to pick Sotsona up for wedding dress shopping.

Sotsona puts her shoes on, getting ready to walk out the door.

Casimir waits by the door to see Sotsona off.

Sotsona gives herself one last glance in the mirror (near the exit) before heading off, feeling nervous.

Casimir speaks in a reassuring voice.


Line 1) You look amazing, sweetie. Always.

Sotsona happily smiles at Casimir, blushing from the sweet remark. 


Line 2) Thank you… I tend to get like this when I’m antsy.

Casimir speaks in a comforting voice.


Line 3) There’s nothing to be antsy about. Don’t stress yourself out.

Sotsona speaks in an uncertain manner.


Line 4) I just don’t have the best eye when it comes to scavenging clothes. 


Line 5) I don’t want to pick out a bad dress.


Line 6) It has to be the most perfect one for our wedding day.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona, bringing himself closer to her, caressing her face.

He speaks in an uplifting tone.


Line 7) I know you’ll pick the perfect dress.


Line 8) The fact that you’re worried right now shows you care.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir touchingly.

She melts into his embrace, speaking in a hesitant tone.


Line 9) This isn’t the right time to confess to you about something I’ve just realized, but would you like to know either way?


Line 10) Don’t feel the need to be hesitant about bringing anything up with me. You can tell me whatever you want, whenever you want to.

Sotsona sighs deeply before delving into the conversation.


Line 11) When you mentioned you wanted us to date seriously during our vacation because you felt I was crushing on you based on our bet when we got dinner together at the end of our trip*…

*Refer back to episode 35, line 92, etc, episode 56, lines 101 and 102, and all of episode 57.

Sotsona speaks in a shameful manner.


Line 12) The only reason I agreed to date you was because I didn’t want to lose you.


Line 13) Not necessarily because I wanted to marry you*.

*Refer back to episode 58, details starting on line 34, etc.

Sotsona looks at Casimir’s face nervously to see his reaction.

She notices Casimir looking back at her understandingly.

Sotsona continues to justify herself, feeling the need to owe Casimir an explanation.


Line 14) I only knew you for 2 weeks at the time, so making a decision to be with you, knowing that we’d have to get married one way or another, still felt too rash for me.


Line 15) But I agreed anyway because I assumed our wedding would take a while to plan, which turned out to be true, so we would have enough time to expand our relationship until we'd have to tie the knot.

Sotsona speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 16) I’m sorry for telling you this now only because I’ve realized it recently…


Line 17) But I want you to know that I don’t feel that way anymore*.

*Refer back to episode 86, line 100.

Sotsona speaks in a genuine tone, gazing into Casimir’s eyes lovingly.


Line 18) I don’t have any second thoughts about marrying you at all.


Line 19) I want to do this with you more than anything in the world.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in a guilty manner.


Line 20) I’m sorry that I didn’t make that clear until now.


Line 21) I feel so ashamed of myself. 


Line 22) You deserve better. I’m so sorry for the way I’ve been going about our relationship. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona, feeling touched.

He leans in to kiss her, offering her reassurance.

Sotsona looks back at Casimir in confusion.

Casimir speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 23) Thank you for being honest with me. But you should know that I figured everything out before you told me.

Sotsona speaks in a surprised tone.


Line 24) Really? I should’ve known. You’re very perceptive.

Casimir speaks in a forgiving tone.


Line 25) Don’t be so harsh on yourself. I don’t blame you for being uncertain about delving into a relationship with me. There’s nothing to be sorry about.

Casimir speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 26) In fact, I should apologize for putting you in that sort of position.

Casimir kisses Sotsona’s hands.


Line 27) You didn’t deserve that. I’ll promise to do better.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir sentimentally.


Line 28) Please. I should be the one promising to do better.

Casimir leans in to kiss Sotsona.

They hold onto each other affectionately, letting their lips softly touch each other, bending into a form in which they can move it in a steady rhythm, passionately engulfing themselves in the tender sensation of a kiss.

Sotsona roams her hands around Casimir's body, gently caressing her shoulders while keeping her eyes gently closed as her eyebrows loosen in satisfaction.

Casimir holds Sotsona’s waist with one hand, bringing his other hand onto her head as he strokes her fingers through her long and thick hair, keeping his eyes closed delicately.

They pull back from each other, keeping their faces nose to nose as they blush immensely.


Line 29) I’ll see you soon. Have fun.

Sotsona looks at Casimir embarrassingly, unable to look him in the eye as she keeps her gaze on the ground.


Line 30) I still want to give you a compromise*. Think of something I can do to make things up to you.

*Refer back to episode 79, line 100, and episode 80, line 1.

Casimir blushes.


Line 31) Then come back home soon.

The both of them blush at each other.

Sotsona exits the place with Zephryn’s car conveniently arriving to pick her up.

Zephryn unlocks the car for Sotsona to get in.

Sotsona open the door, greeting the ladies in a warm manner.


Line 32) Hello, Ms. Adair and Ms. Celestyn. Thank you, guys, for picking me up.

Zephryn happily smiles at Sotsona.


Line 33) Hey there girl-

Zephryn examines Sotsona’s face, noticing her red complexion.

She speaks in a concerned tone.


Line 34) Why are you so red, sweetie?

Sotsona looks flustered, staring at the ground shyly.

She rashly thinks of an excuse, responding nervously.


Line 35) Oh, I was doing y-yoga.

Zeprhyn speaks in a curious tone.


Line 36) Y-Yoga?


Line 37) Y-Yeah. I’ve been kind of tense lately, and I’ve heard that yoga calms your mind and circulates your blood flow.


Line 38) The position I was in required to hang upside down for some time, so the blood must’ve surfaced all over my face.

Sotsona looks at the ground in guilt.

Line 39) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Nice save, idiot.

Zephryn speaks in a proud tone.


Line 40) Look at you prioritizing your health!

Zephryn beams.


Line 41) I didn’t know you were into yoga. You should’ve told me.

Sotsona speaks in a guilty tone.


Line 42) O-Oh. Sorry for not mentioning it any sooner.

Zeprhyn speaks in an encouraging tone.


Line 43) I’m very into yoga myself. Why don’t we all take a class together?


Line 44) It’ll be a great way for all of us to spend some quality time together.

Sotsona beams.


Line 45) That sounds delightful! I’d be honored to do that with all of you!

Sotsona’s face etches into a relieved expression.

Line 46) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Nice how that worked out for the better. I didn’t think I’d be able to bounce back.

Line 47) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Based on the way the mood was between me and Casimir earlier, and then I jumped in offering a compromise, what favor would he want me to do for him? He insisted that I come home soon. Why did that remark have such a flirtatious undertone? 

Sotsona’s face flushes red, letting her mind assume a bunch of things.

Celestyn notices Sotsona’s demeanor, glancing at her disturbingly.

Line 48) Celestyn’s inner thoughts: What a liar!

Celestyn chimes into the conversation, speaking in an impatient tone.


Line 49) Can we stop stalling and get going already?

Zephryn speaks in a playful voice.


Line 50) Yeah~ Just tell us whether or not you’ll be doing yoga with us.

Celestyn scoffs.


Line 51) You’re kidding. Yoga?

Zephryn nods her head.


Line 52) Didn’t you mention last night that you’d like Sotsona to be your maid of honor*?

*Refer back to episode 79, line 39.

Zephryn passionately defends her suggestion.


Line 53) How do you expect to do that when you’ve barely established a connection with her outside of work?


Line 54) Plus, you just got broken up. It’s important to fill your day with tasks to combat any feelings of dismay.


Line 55) You’ll also be able to work on your mental and physical health.


Line 56) It’s always important to prioritize self-care-

Celestyn abruptly cuts Zephryn off.


Line 57) Fine! I’ll go. No need to lecture me any longer.

Celestyn blushes, feeling embarrassed (blushing ≠ romance all the time).

Zephryn happily speaks.


Line 58) Yay! Let’s get going.

Zephryn gets driving to the wedding dress location.

Celestyn directs her question to Sotsona, feeling curious.


Line 59) Casimir won’t be coming to our yoga sessions, right?

Sotsona shrugs, nervously smiling at Celestyn.

They converse with each other during the car ride.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 60) Our association with each other remains the same.

Line 61) The only difference is my perception of them.

Line 62) I’m honored to know that it seems like they like me.

Line 63) They’re very good people, and I only want to get to know them further and further.

Line 64) They’re my in-laws. They’ll be my new family once Casimir and I become official.

Line 65) I feel so lucky to know that they’re looking out for me…

Line 66) And are trying to include me in their day-to-day plans.

Line 67) I’m beyond grateful. I feel so happy.

They arrive to the location, making their ways out of the car.

They enter the building and are greeted by the wedding dress sales associates.

The associate speaks in a welcoming manner.


Line 68) Welcome to our dress shop. How can we assist you?

Zephryn takes the lead with the arrangements.


Line 69) Nice to meet you. Right here is my lovely soon to be daughter-in-law.

Zephryn presents Sotsona to the associate.

Sotsona nervously smiles at her.

Zephryn speaks in a high-spirited tone.


Line 70) Her wedding with my son is going to be very extravagant, so we need a jaw-dropping dress to go along with the occasion.


Line 71) Please find her some great dresses to make her look perfect on her wedding day.

The associate beams looking at Sotsona.


Line 72) My, my! You have to be the best person for this kind of work that I’ve ever laid my eyes on!

Sotsona’s body language becomes very timid, feeling shy from the unexpected praise.


Line 73) I know just the dresses that’ll look amazing on you.

The associate hooks her arm with Sotsona’s.


Line 74) Let me get you fitted in some of the dresses that I think you’ll look stunning in.

The associate beams some more.


Line 75) Ah~ Clients like you are the reason I love my job!

The associate strings Sotsona along to their array of dress selections.

Sotsona looks around the place, feeling pleasantly astonished.


Line 76) Jeez. It’s like I walked into B@rbie’s closet.

The associate leads Sotsona to some more dresses arranged and takes multiple out of the hangers.

She hands them to Sotsona, with the amount of dresses piling up in her grasp while they look through their options.

Sotsona processes the situation in shock.

Sotsona laughs, reminiscing on a similar moment.

Line 77) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This reminds me of when Casimir and I went shopping with each other for the first time*.

*Refer back to episode 18, details in between lines 40 and 41.

After the associate adds various dresses onto Sotsona’s grasp, she takes her into a fitting room to try the dresses on.

The associate helps Sotsona puts the dresses on.

One dressed, she walks out to show the dress to Zephryn and Celestyn.

Zephryn and Celestyn examine the dress intently.

Sotsona looks at herself in the mirror, feeling shocked.

Line 78) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: So this is how I look like with a wedding dress on?

Sotsona’s eyes spark in a pleasant surprise.

Line 79) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Wow. I don’t know what to say.

Sotsona’s stomach gets filled with butterflies.

Line 80) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Even though this is just the first dress, I’m filled with those wedding sensations Casimir alluded to*.

*Refer back to episode 86, line 74.

Line 81) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is all so concrete.

Line 82) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m getting married for crying out loud.

Line 83) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Goodness, I can’t wrap my head around this!

Line 84) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Pinch me! I’m dreaming!

Sotsona gets awoken from her daze, with Celestyn intervening.

She speaks in a blunt tone.


Line 85) Please don’t tell me you’re getting emotional just from wearing that rag.

Sotsona looks back at Celestyn and Zephryn.


Line 86) Sotsona, Sotsona. You’re so easy to please.


Line 87) Be nice, Celestyn. If she likes the dress, that’s all that matters.

Celestyn speaks in a manner of disbelief.


Line 88) Mom. You’re committing a crime if you let her walk out of this boutique with that garbage bag on herself.

Zephryn speaks in an apprehensive manner.


Line 89) Alright. If I’m being honest, it’s not the most flattering dress I’ve stumbled upon.


Line 90) It looks a little too old school with the puffy shoulders and undercoat. It’s very traditional. Not very mode right now.

Zephryn speaks in a curious tone.


Line 91) How do you feel about it, Sotsona?

Sotsona observes the dress intently.

Line 92) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: They don’t seem impressed.

Line 93) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: What’s wrong with this dress? It seems fine to me.

Zephryn reassures Sotsona.


Line 94) Don’t get me wrong, sweetie. I’m not criticizing you. I’m just not the biggest fan of the dress.

Sotsona nods her head in understandment.


Line 95) I want it to be something we all mutually agree on, so I’ll try on something else.


Line 96) Let me know if I need to step in and scour a dress for you myself.

Zephryn whispers over to Celestyn, speaking in a manner of shock.


Line 97) The associate seemed like she knew what she was doing. What the hell is this?


Line 98) Do you have any dress variants in mind?


Line 99) Something that’ll pleasantly accentuate your figure.


Line 100) But classy and elegant at the same time. Try looking for something lacey. In my head, that seems to suit you well, so let’s give it a shot.

Sotsona nods her head agreeably, heading back into the dressing room.

She gets dressed in a new dress.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 26, 2024
Last Updated on August 26, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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