Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 85

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 85

A Chapter by Yosh

How did Casimir become CEO? What fueled the rivalry between him and Celestyn?


TW: This episode includes sensitive and distressing material related to death. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 85: 

Around 4 years go by ever since Adairius Ingram’s death (Casimir and Celestyn’s father, Zephryn’s husband).

Zephryn gets ready to visit Adairius’ grave with Casimir and Celestyn.

She looks at herself in her bedroom mirror, taking in her reflection.

Zephryn’s narration:

Line 1) The day has finally come of your birthday once again.

Line 2) This day has never been the same ever since you’ve passed away.

Line 3) Do we celebrate? It’s all very confusing. 

Line 4) All I know is that I still feel like I haven’t progressed mentally ever since that night.

Line 5) It’s like time stopped, and everyone around me got ahead while I was still tied to the past.

Line 6) And then suddenly, our kids have been growing in a flash.

Line 7) Casimir is now 17, and Celestyn is 20.

Line 8) You make your verdict of whether or not I did a good job of raising them these past couple of years. I’m not confident enough to proclaim such a thing myself.

The day is June 22nd, 2015. It’s nighttime on a Monday.

Celestyn, Zephryn, and Casimir arrive at Adairius’ grave.

They bring over flowers, sitting around the grave to celebrate their dad’s birthday in a melancholy mood.

Zephryn smiles bittersweetly as she observes her children gathered around.


Line 9) Did I ever mention to you guys that your dad wanted to go to China for our trip*? 

*Refer back to episode 82, line 64.

Celestyn and Casimir glance at their mother wistfully.


Line 10) That would’ve been fun, right?

Casimir sadly smirks, drooping his head to the ground.

Celestyn nods her head, diverting her gaze to the sky.

Zephryn switches the topic, sensing her children’s mood.


Line 11) Have you decided which major your want to go into, Casimir? Graduation is just around the corner.

Casimir shrugs.

Casimir speaks in a dull tone.


Line 12) If I’m being honest, everything sounds super boring.


Line 13) At the moment, I chose business just to follow in Celestyn’s and dad’s footsteps. I don’t know which field in particular yet. I’m thinking economics since Celestyn is doing business administration.

Zephryn smiles, feeling touched.


Line 14) I’m happy to hear that. Just don’t feel pressured into studying something that’s not meant for you. I want you all to follow your dreams.


Line 15) But, if that’s the case at the moment, then both of you guys can help me run Adair.


Line 16) I’m not getting any younger, and being CEO and founder at the same time is hard. I don’t know how Adairius did it all this time.


Line 17) I need one of you guys to take the lead while I sit back and claim my title as just the founder.


Line 18) How does that sound to you guys?

Celestyn and Casimir nod their heads at their mom.

Celestyn speaks in a timid voice.


Line 19) I’m becoming CEO once I get my degree, right?

Zephryn speaks in a reassuring voice.


Line 20) Well, it’s only fair. You are the oldest, after all. That’s how things typically work with succession.


Line 21) But I can’t promise that it’s an easy job. You’ll have to try it out for yourself to see how things go. I’ll be there to help you.


Line 22) But you’ll have to learn how to operate things on your own. I can only help so much. If Casimir is certain about his business major, I’ll have him help you out as well. He can be the COO.


Line 23) The company will rest in both of your hands. I’ll step down. I'm counting on you guys, so try not to screw things up. I don't want our business to be in jeopardy.

Zephryn bursts out laughing.

Celestyn and Casimir nervously smile at their mother.

Zephryn speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 24) I’m just kidding. I don’t doubt you guys for a second. I know that both of you are more than capable of taking that responsibility on.


Line 25) I’ll make sure to be the best mentor possible.

Zephryn speaks in an encouraging voice.


Line 26) Again, you two don’t feel pressured into working for our company.


Line 27) I don’t want to push you all into doing something you don’t want to do.


Line 28) Don’t feel obligated to work for Adair just because it’s our family’s business. I want you guys to pursue whatever your hearts desire.


Line 29) But if you guys DO want to work for our company, I won’t go easy just because you’re my children.


Line 30) We have priorities. Cutting slack won’t help you guys learn what it’s truly like to run a successful business.


Line 31) I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but I’m being blunt for honesty. You guys have to make the cut if you want to claim your titles.

Zephryn speaks in a comforting manner.


Line 32) Just food for thought. I hope saying that won’t stress you guys out too much. You have plenty of time until those duties come up.

Casimir and Celestyn glance at each other, competitiveness blazing in their eyes.

4 more years go by.

Zephryn’s narration:

Line 33) It didn't occur to me how much impact a few simple words could have.

Line 34) Although, I didn’t intend to put Celestyn and Casimir up against each other…

Line 35) I must've accidentally alluded to that pedestal subconsciously.

Line 36) Whoever made the cut as the better CEO or COO, was the one who would be given that title.

Line 37) I didn’t think that both of them would be striving for the position of CEO. I should’ve known better that nobody would want second best. People aim for the main target.

Line 38) But the competition began, unfortunately, and there was no taking back what I said.

Celestyn is being mentored for the COO position as a starter for when she takes on the role of CEO (she has been interning at Adair working other positions, but recently started mentoring for the COO position after getting her master's degree).

During her mentorship, Celestyn slams some documents on her mother’s desk one day frustratingly.

Zephryn speaks in an apprehensive tone.


Line 39) What’s this?

Zephryn takes a look at the documents, noticing a graph for the current stocks of their company.

The graph is decreasing abundantly. 

Zephryn looks at the documents disappointingly, speaking in a concerned voice.


Line 40) Celestyn. What went wrong?

Celestyn speaks in an irritated manner.


Line 41) You tell me. Why is being a COO so hard?

Zephryn gives Celestyn a worried look.


Line 42) I thought that giving you a somewhat entry-level position as a head staff employee would help you get familiarized with what to expect when becoming a CEO. After all, you’ve had other positions at Adair.


Line 43) Sorry to put things bluntly, dear. You’re still missing the mark substantially.

Celestyn looks at the documents in annoyance.

Zephryn looks at Celestyn empathetically, noticing her exhausted demeanor and bloodshot eyes.


Line 44) You’re overworking yourself. Don’t burn out.

Celestyn speaks in a defensive tone, pushing herself to her limits.


Line 45) How else am I supposed to fulfill my role as a successor? You said yourself that you wouldn’t cut us any slack just because we’re your children; therefore, I'm working my a*s off*.

*Refer back to lines 29, 30, 31, etc of this episode.

Celestyn speaks in a passionate tone.


Line 46) I’m supposed to become the CEO of Adair.

Zephryn persists her justification.


Line 47) You just got your master's degree. I want you to take it easy on yourself. I don’t expect you to be naturally good at this stuff. It took me years of practice.


Line 48) But, unfortunately, we’re in need of someone who can pull this kind of stuff off without any trouble right now more than ever. I’d love to take my time mentoring you some more, but our business can’t spare that.

Zephryn speaks in an apprehensive tone.


Line 49) I’m afraid that you’re just not cut out for this kind of thing right now, Celestyn.

Celestyn stomps her feet in fury.

Zephryn is caught off-guard by this action.

She tries to justify herself, desperately speaking to Celestyn.


Line 50) Sweetie. I know that you’re upset-

Celestyn storms out of Zephryn’s office, bumping into Casimir.

She gives him the death stare and walks away abruptly.

Casimir looks at her in shock as she walks away with a bunch of reports in his hands.

Casimir walks into Zephryn’s office.


Line 51) Hey, mom. I got the reports completed for you.

Casimir speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 52) Sorry it took me so long. I’ve been packed with assignments for uni.

Zephryn releases a distressing sigh.


Line 53) That’s fine. I’m just glad you’re done with it.

Casimir observes his mother’s overwhelmed demeanor.

He hesitates before asking his mother a question, feeling concerned.


Line 54) … Is everything okay?

Zephryn speaks anxiously.


Line 55) I’m just not sure if Celestyn is cut out to be CEO.


Line 56) She’s not performing well being COO.

Casimir speaks in a reassuring voice.


Line 57) She did just start, after all, but that’s still unfortunate to hear. I think you should give her some time.

Zephryn speaks in a hesitant tone.


Line 58) We don’t have time to spare, Casimir… Do you think you could do any better?

Casimir speaks in a nervous manner.


Line 59) Well… If Celestyn’s not doing so well, I’m sure that means I’m toast too.

Zephryn passes Casimir the documents Celestyn gave to her earlier.

She speaks in a desperate tone.


Line 60) Do you understand what’s on here?

Casimir takes a look at the documents, quickly studying the information.


Line 61) Uh. Yeah. I guess I do.

Zephryn speaks in a curious tone.


Line 62) Do you know where we went wrong?

Casimir thinks to himself, furrowing his eyebrows to focus on trying to figure everything out.


Line 63) It seems like Celestyn decided to sell a stock for profit just because the price of our products increased.


Line 64) That hindered with demand, so less people decided to buy our stuff.


Line 65) Can you think of a solution?

Casiimir looks at the paper stressfully.


Line 66) I presume marketing could step in so more people get exposed to our products, but that’s always hit or miss.


Line 67) As an alternative, we can place an equal number of products on the same security with different brokers to manipulate the market.


Line 68) Whether that works or not is based on how well our team executes the plan.


Line 69) What do you think?

Zephryn looks at Casimir in shock.

Zephryn’s narration:

Line 70) That very moment, I got goosebumps.

Line 71) It like I was listening to Adairius talking.

Line 72) I got so caught up in my day-to-day life that I didn’t give myself time to properly grieve him.

Line 73) I just knew from that moment on that this would be Casimir’s thing.

Line 74) And that proved to be right.

Many weeks go by, and Casimir is in his mother’s office again, handing in a new report of their stock statistics.

Zephryn looks at the paper in relief.


Line 75) Look at how that turned out! I knew you'd pull this off!

Casimir looks at his mother shyly.

Zephryn speaks in an impressed tone.


Line 76) Good job, dear. I’m very proud of you.

Casimir smiles at his mom in appreciation.

Zephryn’s narration:

Line 77) I didn’t realize that Casimir stepping in would cause a rift in his relationship with Celestyn.

Celestyn overhears their conversation, listening in from the door of her mother's office, clenching her fists in frustration.

Line 78) Before I knew it, he took over the company within a flash, pushing Celestyn’s aspirations to the side simply because our business couldn’t risk making her sacrifices.

Line 79) I never wanted rivalry between them, but I caused it one way or another, unable to do something to mend their relationship.

Line 80) I feel like I failed as a mother by simply being a bystander.

Line 81) The only way I saw a loophole was once Sotsona stepped in.

Line 82) Finally, someone new would enter our lives, and she could place a bandaid on our wounds.

Line 83) Ease the tensions between us, restore the bonds that have been broken.

Line 84) Finally, someone would come in to do the very thing that I couldn’t.

Line 85) We must do everything in our power not to let her go.

*Shot cuts back to the present time.

Casimir has fully explained everything to Sotsona. 

The day is June 7th, 2024. It’s a Friday nighttime.

Casimir is laying his head on Sotsona’s chest while she consoles him.

He is still trying to gather his wits after crying from recounting traumatic memories.

Sotsona holds him gently, rubs his back to comfort him.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 86) How do you expect me not to look at you so differently after opening up to me about all of this*?

*Refer back to episode 80, line 60.

Line 87) Of course, I’m not going to look at you the same way.

Line 88) My whole perception of you has changed.

Line 89) But only for the better. 

Line 90) I only want to make you feel more safe within my arms.

Line 91) I want you to lean on me when you need my help.

Line 92) I want to melt away all your worries.

Line 93) This only makes me want to be with you a lot more.

Line 94) I’m not backing out of this.

Line 95) I need to be here for you, Casimir.

Line 96) I want to be here for you, Casimir.

Line 97) I’m yours. There is no other for me.

Line 98) I accept all of you…

Line 99) And you accept all of me.

Line 100) We’re latched onto each other.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 24, 2024
Last Updated on August 24, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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