Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 82

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 82

A Chapter by Yosh

What happens after Casimir and his father get into an argument?


TW: This episode includes sensitive, distressing, and traumatizing themes related to death, murder, violence, bloodshed, and racism. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised.

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 82: 

The day is June 7th 2024. It’s a Friday nighttime.

After storming out of his dad’s office, Casimir locks himself in his room, crouching on his knees while he cries on the other side of the door.

Casimir’s father knocks on Casimir’s door.

He speaks in a desperate tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 1) When did you learn to lock the door so well?

Casimir’s father

Line 2) Open up, sweetheart. Can we talk, please?

Casimir talks from the other side of the door.

He speaks in a somber manner.


Line 3) Go away.

Casimir’s father shrugs exhaustingly on the other side of the door.

Zephryn walks by the hallway,  glancing at Casimir’s father in confusion.


Line 4) What’s going on?

Casimir’s father speaks in a defeated tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 5) We got into a “fight," I guess you could call it.

Casimir’s father air quotes, leaning his head on Casimir’s door apologetically.

Zephryn looks at him in disbelief.


Line 6) A fight? But you guys never argue. How did this happen?

Casimir’s father speaks in a shameful tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 7) I’m to blame for that.

Casimir’s father

Line 8) Casimir was addressing something that’s been upsetting him lately, and I said some things I didn’t mean. I didn’t approach the situation correctly.

Zephryn sighs.

Casimir’s father speaks in a guilty tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 9) I made him cry, Zeph. I’ve never done anything like to Casimir.

Casimir’s father

Line 10) I bet he’ll never forgive me for this. He’s locked his bedroom door shut, and he won’t let me in.


Line 11) Just give him some time. He’s asserting his stance by locking the door.


Line 12) If you continue to persist, that’ll make him even more upset than he already is.


Line 13) I’m sure he’ll be over it by tomorrow.


Line 14) Just think of some way we can make it up to him.


Line 15) Think of a compromise.

*Shot cuts to Casimir in his room, hugging his knees with his back to the door, listening to what his mother and father are talking about.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 16) I thought about opening that door and running into my father’s arms.

Line 17) The thought of him being concerned with me sparked so much joy. I finally got his attention.

Line 18) But I felt like getting revenge on him by holding a grudge until he'd make it up to me.

Line 19) At the time, my reasons for being upset felt very logical to me.

Line 20) The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve realized how much of an idiot I was.

Line 21) If I could turn back time and never mention the issue to my father in the first place, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Line 22) He would’ve kissed me goodnight like he always does, and that would be enough.

*Shot cuts to Zephryn and her husband lying next to each other in their bed, heading to sleep.

Zephryn gets herself situated in bed, noticing that her husband is wide awake, with a worried expression on his face.

She speaks in a concerned voice.


Line 23) Try to get some sleep. You’ve been up for a while.

Casimir’s father

Line 24) I’m trying to, but I just can’t seem to doze off.

Casimir’s father speaks in a remorseful tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 25) What happened between me and Casimir is really bugging me.

Casimir’s father

Line 26) We always bid each other good night, no matter what, and tonight is the only day we’ve skipped.

Casimir’s father

Line 27) I always told myself that I would do anything not to end up like my father, and here I am, repeating the same mistakes he did.

Zephryn hugs her husband, lying her head on his chest.

Casimir’s father hugs her back tightly, burying his face on her head, melting into her.

His eyebrows furrow in concern.

Zephryn speaks in a gentle tone to console him.


Line 28) You’re so harsh on yourself.


Line 29) You’re an amazing father. Don’t talk about yourself like that.

Casimir’s father speaks in a humiliated tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 30) No. I’m nothing better than mine.

Zephryn speaks in a desperate tone.


Line 31) How can you say that?

Casimir’s father speaks in an upsetting tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 32) Zeph, Casimir said he’s a loner*.

*Refer back to episode 81, line 71.

Casimir’s father

Line 33) He also said he has no friends at school.

Casimir’s father

Line 34) All he looks forward to is spending time with us, but we’re never there for him.

Casimir’s father

Line 35) We’re always working.

Casimir’s father

Line 36) Did you know he felt that way?

Zephryn stays silent, shamefully drooping her head down.

She speaks in a guilty voice.


Line 37) I didn’t know he was dealing with that.

Casimir’s father

Line 38) Well then we’re not looking like the best parents right now.

Casimir’s father

Line 39) Sure, work is important, but Casimir's is more valuable. Celestyn probably feels the same way as him too.

Casimir’s father speaks in disbelief.

Casimir’s father

Line 40) He’s already 13. He’s grown within the blink of an eye so quickly.

Casimir’s father

Line 41) If we don’t savor the time we have with him, he’ll be out of our lives before we know it.

Casimir’s father

Line 42) For the most part, my time has been consumed by making sure that work is going smoothly.

Casimir’s father

Line 43) It’s given our family loads of perks, and we don’t have to worry about financial issues.

Casimir’s father

Line 44) But, on the latter, our children aren’t receiving any sort of attention from us. I get to see you at work, but you’re always busy, then too. 

Casimir’s father

Line 45) None of us get to spend quality time with each other. We were attentive to them when they were younger because they were just kids.

Casimir’s speaks passionately.

Casimir’s father

Line 46) But they still ARE kids. Nothing has changed.

Casimir’s father

Line 47) Right now, they need us even more because they're at a stage in their lives where guidance is vital.

Casimir’s father places his hand on his chest, feeling immense heartbreak.

Casimir’s father

Line 48) They’re still our babies. We can’t just overlook how much they need us based on age.

Casimir’s father

Line 49) Family is more important than any of those things.

Casimir’s father

Line 50) I’m sure if we take a couple of days off of work, that shouldn’t hurt.

Casimir’s father

Line 51) And, if we integrate more time dedicated to them out of our days, they’ll be more content.

Casimir’s father smiles just thinking about the idea.

Casimir’s father

Line 52) I’ll be more content too.

Casimir’s father

Line 53) I have to do everything I can to be the best father for them. You guys are all so precious to me.

Zephryn smiles at him.


Line 54) Let’s take a couple of weeks off of work then.


Line 55) We can ask the kids where they want to go for a trip.


Line 56) Wouldn’t that be nice? It’s been forever since we went on vacation.

Casimir’s father happily smiles.

Casimir’s father

Line 57) That’s a great idea, Zeph.

Casimir’s father beams.

Casimir’s father

Line 58) Now, you’ve got me all excited. I want to tell them all about it right now.


Line 59) I’m sure they’re sleeping, sweetie. They have school tomorrow.


Line 60) But if you really want to do it, go right on ahead.

Casimir’s father sits up, uncovering his blankets to get out of bed.

Casimir’s father

Line 61) Wait. Before I forget, let’s make a promise.

Casimir’s father

Line 62) Let’s promise to prioritize our family’s happiness above all else.

Casimir’s father extends his pinky out to Zephryn.

Zephryn smiles, happily interlocking her pinky with his, sealing their promise.

Casimir’s father gets out of bed.

He speaks in a thrilling tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 63) Ooh~ I’m pumped! I’m hoping they say we go somewhere new.

Casimir’s father

Line 64) I’m thinking somewhere in Asia. How about we go to China-

The cop, outside of their bedroom window, pulls the trigger of his gun, aiming it at Casimir’s father.

He pulls the trigger multiple times, all bullets landing on the Casimir’s father’s chest.

Casimir’s father falls to the ground, wincing in pain.

Zephryn frantically gets out of bed, screaming in terror.


Line 65) ADAIRIUS! 

She swiftly looks outside their broken window, wanting to see who shot her husband.

She speaks in a furious tone.



Zephryn gets on her knees, cradling her wounded husband in her arms.

She looks at the bullets lodged in his chest in disbelief.

Adairius starts to cough up blood.

Zephryn bursts into tears, wailing tremendously.

She speaks in a horrified voice.


Line 67) This can’t be happening.


Line 68) Can you hear me? Adairius? Say something.


Line 69) Keep your eyes open. 

Zephryn tears a portion of her nightgown off, trying to cast her husband’s wounds from bleeding any further.

He continues to wince in pain.

Zephryn speaks in dejected tone.


Line 70) I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I know it hurts.


Line 71) Help is on the way.

Celestyn and Casimir fearfully enter their parents’ room.

A horrified look comes over them as they see their father lying in their mother's arms, injured.

Celestyn covers her mouth in shock, her eyes widening in disbelief.

She covers Casimir’s eyes.

Zephryn speaks in a desperate tone.


Line 72) Celestyn! Please! Call 911 right now!

Celestyn fearfully tries to locate the nearest phone in the room, grabbing it swiftly when she spots one on the nightstand.

She dials 911, with the phone in her hand trembling from her fear.


Line 73) 911. How can I help you?

Celestyn speaks in a frantic tone.


Line 74) H-Hello, ma’am.

Celestyn bursts into tears, feeling distressed.


Line 75) We need emergency STAT. My father has been shot.

Casimir looks at his father in disbelief, feeling traumatized.

He walks over, crouching near him.

He bursts into tears, sobbing profusely.


Line 76) Dad, can you hear me?

Celestyn gives all the information to the 911 operator.

She desperately pleads at them.


Line 77) Please. Come as fast as you can. 

Celestyn ends the call.

She walks over to all of them, crouching to her father’s level.

Zephryn speaks in a tone of despair.


Line 78) Are they coming?


Line 79) They’re 20 minutes away.

Zephryn continues to wail, feeling hopeless.


Line 80) Twenty minutes is too long.


Line 81) What should we do?


Line 82) We need to put pressure on his wounds to stop the bleeding.

Celestyn touches her father’s bandaged wounds and puts pressure on them, getting blood all over her hands.

She witnesses her father wincing in pain immensely.

She takes her hands off his wound, looking at the blood on her hands, feeling disturbed.

Casimir speaks in a frantic manner.


Line 83) You’re hurting him.

They notices their father’s eyes getting weaker.

Zephryn swiftly swoops in.


Line 84) I’ll just make the bandages tighter.

Zephryn tightens the bandages, continuing to cradle her husband in her arms.

She speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 85) I’m sorry you have to see this kids.

Casimir speaks in a hopeless tone.


Line 86) Why can’t he say anything?

Zephryn breaks down.


Line 87) It hurts too much for him.


Line 88) Keep talking to him. We must do everything to keep him awake.

Celestyn speaks in a disconcerted voice.


Line 89) Mom, how did this happen?

Zephryn speaks in an assertive tone.


Line 90) I’ll get to the bottom of it. I swear.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 91) Those were the longest 20 minutes of my life.

Line 92) My fear of the situation kept me from remembering that I hadn't asked for my father’s forgiveness.

Line 93) I wish I had remembered so that I could tell him how sorry I was.

Line 94) He couldn’t talk.

Line 95) I remember the look on his face while he was trying to muster up the energy to say something.

Line 96) I think he wanted to apologize to me.

Line 97) I hate myself for not realizing that sooner.

Line 98) If only I had, then at least he would have died slightly at ease.

Line 99) But I just watched him slip away right in front of me.

Line 100) I’ll never forget the look in his eyes…

Line 101) The look in all our eyes.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 23, 2024
Last Updated on August 23, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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