Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 81

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 81

A Chapter by Yosh

What happened to Casimir's dad?


TW: This episode includes sensitive, distressing, and traumatizing themes related to death, murder, violence, bloodshed, racism, self-harm, etc. It is recommended that viewers exercise caution and refrain from proceeding if they are unable to engage with such content. Viewer discretion is advised.

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 81: 

The day is June 7th 2024. It’s a Friday nighttime.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in mournful shock.

She covers her mouth, giving Casimir a ghastly look.

Sotsona observes Casimir’s demeanor.

Line 1) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t imagine how hard this must be for him to tell me.

Sotsona stares at Casimir’s hands, noticing them shaking.

Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s trembling immensely.

She stares at his eyes, noticing the glistening moistness accumulating within them.

Line 3) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: His eyes look so dark.

Line 4) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: All the joy sucked out of them.

Sotsona rubs her head in distress.

Line 5) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: His poor father. What a tragedy.

Line 6) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Zephryn lost her love. They all deserve better.

Line 7) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir and Celestyn lost their precious father. They were all so young.

Casimir speaks in an agonizing tone.


Line 8) The worst part is that before his passing, dad and I got into a really bad argument.


Line 9) The first one we ever had, actually.


Line 10) To think that he died and I never got the chance to tell him I’m sorry.

Casimir bursts into tears, unable to contain his composure.

He covers his face, sobbing in his hands heavily.

Sotsona’s eyebrows loosen in concern, feeling immensely sorry for Casimir. 

She places herself in front of him, rubbing his arms to console him.

She wraps him in a tight embrace, laying her head on his lap.

She rocks back and forth, holding him in place.

Her face etches into an expression of heartache.

Line 11) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: My poor baby. He went through so much. 

Casimir speaks in a tone of remorse, continuing to cry in his hands.


Line 12) I couldn’t tell him that I loved him one last time.


Line 13) I didn’t even bid him goodnight that day.


Line 14) He died thinking that I hated him.


Line 15) I’m such an idiot. I wish I had said something back then.


Line 16) At least he would’ve died knowing that his son loved him.


Line 17) I ruined everything between us.


Line 18) It’s all my fault.


Line 19) That’s why Celestyn never talks to me.


Line 20) She hates me for what I did.


Line 21) We can never go back to the way things were.

Sotsona holds Casimir’s hands, speaking in a desperate tone.

Tears well in her eyes, feeling remorseful.


Line 22) Don’t say that, Imir. It’s not your fault.


Line 23) How would you have known how things would turn out that day?


Line 24) You’re not to blame.


Line 25) You were just a kid.


Line 26) Just because you guys got into an argument doesn’t mean he thought you hated him.


Line 27) The both of you loved each other.


Line 28) He could never stop loving you.


Line 29) Don’t think that way. You know it’s not true.

Casimir speaks in a shameful tone.


Line 30) But it was over something so stupid.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 31) I was my father’s right hand.

Line 32) I tagged beside him whenever I could.

Line 33) But, whenever I could was not enough for me.

Line 34) Many days of the week, I would come back home from school, anticipating to hang out with my father, but he was busy working.

Line 35) How I longed to finish my school days faster, only to be disappointed the second I got home.

Line 36) Sure, I had Celestyn by my side…

Line 37) But I still longed for dad.

Line 38) I wanted him to tell me a story.

Line 39) I wanted to go fishing with him.

Line 40) I wanted to play games with him.

Line 41) But his work came before me.

Line 42) He was the hardest worker I ever knew.

Line 43) But, I wished he didn’t act so harshly with himself, constantly forcing himself to work.

Line 44) Sure, all his work was for our sake, but why didn’t it feel like it? Shouldn't we have been his number one priority?

*Shot cuts back to 12-13 years ago, on a weekend night when Casimir walks into his father’s office at home.

The day is October 16th, 2011. It’s a sunday.

Casimir’s father is working on his desk, writing on some papers.

Casimir’s father diverts his attention to Casimir, watching him walk into his office.

Casimir’s father speaks in a curious tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 45) What are you up to, wandering around so late at night?

Casimir responds dryly, a disappointed expression etched onto his face.


Line 46) What are YOU doing, working so late at night?

Casimir’s father looks at Casimir in a playfully shocked manner.

Casimir’s father raises his hands into a spare me position.

Casimir’s father

Line 47) You caught me there, but as someone who lives rent-free in my home, can you really talk?

Casimir crosses his arms, pouting his lips out offendedly.

Casimir’s father

Line 48) What’s this about? I don’t have time for your silly games.

Casimir speaks in an upsetting tone.


Line 49) It seems like you don’t have time for me at all these days.

Casimir’s father sets his pen down, sensing Casimir’s tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 50) Alright. Talk to me. What’s the matter?

Casimir “hmphs,” continuing to cross his arms.

Casimir’s father laughs.

Casimir’s father

Line 51) We won’t be able to resolve the matter if you stay silent like that.

Casimir’s father

Line 52) Cut me some slack, buddy. It’s not like I can read you mind.


Line 53) The fact that you have to ask what’s wrong instead of immediately knowing just pisses me off even more.

Casimir’s father looks at him in shock.

Casimir’s father

Line 54) That’s not a nice word to use, Casimir, especially to your dad. 

Casimir’s father

Line 55) If you’re just gonna stand there moping all night, you can head on back to your room.

Casimir’s father

Line 56) Besides, it’s late. Sure, it’s the weekend, but staying up too late will ruin your sleep schedule.

Casimir’s father

Line 57) You have to go to school tomorrow morning. Get some sleep.

Casimir’s father

Line 58) You’re also distracting me. I have things I need to brush up on.

Casimir looks at his dad in fury.

He speaks in a frustrated tone.


Line 59) Wow! You really don’t know how to read a room, do you?!


Line 60) I’m obviously standing here upsettingly, and all you can think about is work?!


Line 61) That definitely shows where your priorities are!


Line 62) You wouldn’t be wondering what’s wrong with me if you were around.


Line 63) You just would know, but since you’re never around, then these are the consequences.


Line 64) This is the first time you've been back in a while, and you’re STILL doing nothing but work.


 Line 65) What about me, dad? Do you even know my name anymore?


Line 66) My favorite color, book, meal, birthday…?


Line 67) You used to know everything about me, and now it’s like we’re nothing but strangers.


Line 68) Besides that, mom isn't even around.


Line 69) And, of course, Celestyn doesn't want to hang out with her younger, wimpy brother.

Casimir’s father interjects.

Casimir’s father

Line 70) Casimir you’re not wimp-

Casimir passionately justifies himself.


Line 71) Yes, I am, dad! I’m a complete loner at school. I have no friends there and obviously no friends here either.

Casimir's lips quiver, getting emotional as tears stream down his face.

He speaks in a miserable voice.


Line 72) You were my best friend. What happened to us?


Line 73) Do you even love me anymore?

Casimir’s father’s eyebrows loosen in shame.

Casimir wipes his tears, looking at his father upsettingly.


Line 74) Even if you don’t, I hate to admit that I STILL do.


Line 75) No matter what you do, I can’t hate you, but I want to.


Line 76) Why did you start a family if you can’t even be with them?

Casimir approaches his father’s desk, giving him the death stare.


Line 77) What’s the point of living this way? I’m so tired!

Casimir bangs his fists on his father’s desk.

Casimir’s father rubs his head in distress.


Line 78) I can’t believe these stupid papers matter more than your own son!

Casimir shuffles with his father’s papers on his desk, then throws them around, scattering them around the room.

Casimir stomps his feet, feeling immensely frustrated.

He crouches to his knees, gripping his hands on his head in anguish.


Line 79) I’ve never been so unhappy in my life.


Line 80) I need you more than ever right now, and you still won’t bat an eye on me.


Line 81) Should I just cut myself up like paper? Will you notice me then?

Casimir’s father interjects, speaking in an assertive voice.

Casimir’s father

Line 82) I’ve heard enough. Never say such a horrendous thing like that ever again.

Casimir’s father speaks in an upset tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 83) You’re too young to understand how much I’ve dedicated my whole life for you to live so lavishly.

Casimir’s father

Line 84) I didn’t have a proper roof over my head when I was your age.

Casimir’s father

Line 85) My parents would yell and hit me all they like.

Casimir’s father

Line 86) My clothes were raggedy and I never went to sleep with a full stomach.

Casimir’s father rubs his temples in distress, reminiscing on his bad memories.

Casimir’s father

Line 87) Heck. I could barely bathe myself every so often. I was that poor.

Casimir’s father

Line 88) But look at you, Casimir. 

Casimir’s father

Line 89) You have everything I could never dream of having. What more do you want from me?

Casimir’s father

Line 90) You’ve gotten too spoiled.

Casimir’s father

Line 91) You only ever think about yourself. What about all the things that I do for you to live so happily?

Casimir’s father stops talking abruptly.

He gets hit was a wave of realization from what he just said.

He nervously tries to justify himself.

Casimir’s father

Line 92) O-Okay. I didn’t mean everything I said just a couple of seconds ago.

Casimir’s father

Line 93) But, Casimir, I’m doing all of this for my family to live good lives.

Casimir’s father speaks in a genuine manner, an expression of guilt engulfing his face.

Casimir’s father

Line 94) I want you to live the best life you possibly can.

Casimir’s father

Line 95) You’re my son, and I wish you all the best.

Casimir’s father

Line 96) But I can’t just drop everything to be with you whenever you’d like me to.

Casimir’s father

Line 97) If I give in, all of this will be gone.

Casimir’s father looks at Casimir desperately.

He speaks in an apologetic tone.

Casimir’s father

Line 98) Come here, you. Give your old man a hug.

Casimir’s father

Line 99) I’m sorry. Just forget everything I said.

Casimir’s father

Line 100) Let me hold you, sweetheart. Let’s look past this.

Casimir abruptly stomps his way out of his father’s office.

Before he exits the door, he looks back at his dad, tears forming in his eyes.


Line 101) You don’t understand me.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 22, 2024
Last Updated on August 23, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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