Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 78

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 78

A Chapter by Yosh

After preparing for their gathering, Casimir and Sotsona await Zephryn and Celestyn to arrive.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 78: 

Sotsona and Casimir finish prepping everything for the dinner gathering.

They get ready for the others to come over, dressing nicely.

Sotsona sets the last dish on the table, looking back to see the finished product of everything assembled.

She smiles, feeling immensely satisfied.

Line 1) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is the first time I've prepared something like this for guests.

Line 2) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It was quite fun cooking with Casimir.

Line 3) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: And now that I’m looking back at everything I did…

Line 4) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m so proud of myself.

Line 5) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I didn’t think I could pull something like this off.

Line 6) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, surprisingly, nothing went wrong.

Casimir exits his room, ready for the event, and spots the dining table set nicely.

He looks at the table in pleasant shock and beams.


Line 7) Wow! Everything looks amazing!

Casimir rubs Sotsona’s back proudly.

The both of them look at each other sentimentally and smile.

Casimir speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 8) You should be proud of yourself.


Line 9) You did most of the work, after all.

Casimir kisses Sotsona’s cheek.

Sotsona gets a good look at Casimir and notices the sling strap around him, thinking he’s wearing a bag.

She grabs the strap, looking at it in confusion.


Line 10) What’s this?

Casimir smiles mischievously.


Line 11) I was searching through the cubbies of the desk in my office and found my old Polaroid hidden in there.

Casimir shows his polaroid camera attached on a strap to Sotsona.

Sotsona beams, feeling excited.


Line 12) Oh my gosh! It’s so cute!


Line 13) How could you forget you have something like this?


Line 14) And it’s on a strap too? How convenient!

Casimir speaks in an excited tone.


Line 15) And guess what? There’s still some film in it.


Line 16) That’s why I brought it out. I want to take some pictures.


Line 17) Can you stand back so I can take a photo of you?

Sotsona gets timid and stands back.

Casimir places the camera peephole to his eye.

He speaks in an encouraging manner.


Line 18) Oh, come on. Let loose a bit.

Sotsona stands tall, placing her hands on her hips rigidly.

Casimir lets go of his camera and approaches Sotsona, positioning her into a pose after watching her struggle.

Sotsona stands awkwardly as Casimir poses her.

Casimir meets her eyes and she looks back at him shyly.

Casimir laughs.


Line 19) Relax your body. Why’re you so tense?

Casimir speaks in a smug tone.


Line 20) Do I need to give you a massage?

Sotsona blushes.

She tilts her head to the side in a mischievous and contemplative manner.

Line 21) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That IS something I would like…


Line 22) Come on~ Why are you so stiff all of a sudden?


Line 23) Give me your best model pose.


Line 24) You wouldn’t want this photo film to go to waste, right?

Line 25) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Even though there's no way this picture could go to waste because no matter how Sotsona poses, I'd love the picture either way since this is her.

Sotsona gives her best pose, leading Casimir under her spell.

He looks at her, feeling completely infatuated.

Line 26) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Wow! I didn’t know she could do something like this!

Line 27) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Has she been holding back this entire time?

Casimir places the camera peephole back onto his eye and admires Sotsona through it.

Sotsona notices how long Casimir’s hesitation.

She speaks in a confused tone.


Line 28) Have you taken the photo yet?

Casimir snaps back into reality and takes the picture.

The camera flashes the shot, leading the polaroid picture to come out of the top.

Casimir takes the photo out, fanning it around to develop properly.

Sotsona approaches Casimir, feeling curious about the picture. 

The both of them watch the photo develop.

Finally fully developing, Casimir happily looks at the polaroid.

He speaks in an adoring tone.


Line 29) Wow! That has to be the best polaroid picture I’ve ever taken!

Casimir kisses the photo while Sotsona looks at him disturbingly.

Casimir justifies himself, feeling unashamed.


Line 30) What? I’m just showing my affection to you.


Line 31) In fact, I’ll put this on the back of my phone case.

Casimir does just that, with the polaroid showing through his clear phone case.

Sotsona remembers something important.

She speaks in a worried manner.


Line 32) Wait, what if someone from work sees? How will you explain yourself?

Casimir says the first thing off the top of his head.


Line 33) So what if they see? I want to show you off.

Sotsona blushes, however, persists with her explanation.


Line 34) But you know we’re supposed to keep this a secret.


Line 35) Do we really have to anymore?

Sotsona looks at Casimir frantically.

She tries to calm herself down, explaining herself in a collected manner.


Line 36) I think we should hold off until we get closer to our wedding date.


Line 37) We haven’t planned that much, after all.


Line 38) And, if I’m being honest, I’d rather have you announce it after our marriage.

Casimir gives Sotsona a disappointed expression.

She notices his demeanor, feeling ashamed but continuing to assert her stance.

Line 39) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I wonder why she’s against making our relationship public.

Line 40) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Well, we have our disagreement. I’m sure we’ll come up with a compromise sooner or later.

Sotsona tries to change the subject, wanting to cheer Casimir up.

She speaks in a cocky tone.


Line 41) So I’m your lock screen* and phone case…

*Refer back to episode 76, line 84.


Line 42) I think some people would go as far as saying that you’re obsessed with me.

Casimir smiles, trying not to let their disagreement get to him.

He speaks in a flirtatious manner.


Line 43) But I am obsessed with you.


Line 44) You’re like my idol, and this is your photocard.

Sotsona laughs from Casimir’s analogy.

Their doorbell rings.

They prepare their demeanors for the occasion.

Casimir extends his hand out, motioning his head to the door for Sotsona.

Sotsona nods her head assuringly, taking Casimir’s hand while he leads the both of them to the entrance.

Casimir looks through the peephole to confirm that his mother and sister have arrived*.

*Refer back to episode 76, line 100, and episode 77, line 2.

Casimir laughs, noticing how disappointed his sister looks.


Line 45) Celestyn does not look happy to be here.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir nervously.

Casimir opens the door for his mother and sister.

All of them greet each other.

Casimir speaks in a cheerful tone.


Line 46) Mom! I’m so glad you could make it!

Casimir and Zephryn hug each other tightly.

Celestyn walks over to Sotsona, feeling somber.

Sotsona observes Celestyn’s demeanor, speaking in a consoling manner and offering her a welcoming smile.


Line 47) Hey, boss. Are you doing okay?

Celestyn speaks in a desperate tone.


Line 48) Please. We’re outside of work. There’s no need to be so formal with me.

Celestyn hands over Sotsona a gift-bag.


Line 49) Chocolates. For you guys.

Sotsona beams, feeling appreciative.

She speaks in a grateful tone.


Line 50) How thoughtful of you. We really appreciate it.

Sotsona takes the gift out of the bag, taking a look at the chocolate.

Sotsona beams.


Line 51) Wow! This looks really fancy! We got some chocolate for you guys too!

Sotsona rushes over to kitchen to get their gifts.

She returns, giving the bags to Celestyn.

Sotsona speaks in a cheerful manner.


Line 52) Here you are. I hope you and your mom like it.

A slight smile forms on Celestyn’s lips.

She responds sadly.


Line 53) You shouldn’t have.

Zephryn puts her arm around Celestyn’s shoulder in a comforting manner.

Zephryn responds warmly.


Line 54) Thank you for the chocolates!

Zephryn justifies Celestyn’s demeanor.


Line 55) Don’t mind Celestyn. She’s in a bad mood because some girl broke things off with her again.


Line 56) Which is why I brought her along, thinking it would cheer her up some how.

Line 57) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She must really be feeling down, and that explains why she would come here of all places.

Casimir speaks in an encouraging manner.


Line 58) You made the right choice, mom.


Line 59) Well, cheer up, Celestyn. I’m sure you’ll find someone better.

Casimir awkwardly extends his fist out to Celestyn, playfully punching her chest.

Celestyn looks at Casimir in confusion.

Zephryn breaks up the awkwardness by giving Sotsona a warm hug.


Line 60) You look so gorgeous Sotsona!

Sotsona engulfs Zephryn’s scent, cradled in her embrace.

Line 61) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: She always smells so good.

Zephryn pulls her back, getting a good look at Sotsona’s face.

She gently caresses it appreciatively.

Sotsona happily responds.


Line 62) You look great too, as always. Thank you so much for the gift!


Line 63) Please, let me do the honors by taking your coat off.

Zephryn speaks in an impressed tone.


Line 64) Aw~ You’re so polite.

Sotsona helps Zephryn take her coat and bag off, doing the same for Celestyn.

Sotsona takes the items, placing their coats on a coat rack and their bags on an entrance stand table for safekeeping.

Sotsona speaks in a welcoming manner.


Line 65) Let’s make our way over to the dinner table. You guys must be hungry.

Casimir happily smiles at Sotsona, feeling immensely proud of her.

Line 66) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She was so nervous when mom came over last time, feeling the need to put up a front since she was nervous about whether or not she was doing a good job*.

*Refer back to all of episode 25.

Line 67) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But now, it’s like she doesn’t even have to try.

Line 68) Casimir’s inner thoughts: She’s such a natural at this.

All of them make their way over to the dinner table.

Zephryn and Celestyn observe the decked out table in shock.

Zephryn speaks in a delighted manner.


Line 69) Wow! It’s even more extravagant than when I came over last time!

Casimir replies boastfully.


Line 70) Well, that’s because Sotsona prepared everything. She did a good job, didn’t she?


Line 71) Of course. Everything looks and smells so good. I bet it tastes even better.

Sotsona speaks in a shy manner.


Line 72) I can’t take all the credit. Casimir made the cookies, which are to die for.


Line 73) And, if he didn’t patrol me while I was cooking, the kitchen would have been a complete disaster.

Celestyn looks at Sotsona and Casimir frustratingly as they give each other mushy compliments.

She speaks in an annoyed tone.


Line 74) You guys are making me sick. Can we just eat the food?

Casimir’s eye twitches from Celestyn being a party pooper.

Line 75) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Sure she just got dumped, but there’s no need to rain on my parade.

Zephryn gentle parents Celestyn.


Line 76) Mind your manners, Celestyn. Sure, Casimir is your brother, but you should still speak to him politely.

Sotsona intervenes, trying to lighten up the mood.


Line 77) Make yourselves comfortable. I’m sure that a good meal will help cheer you up, Celestyn.

Celestyn looks at Sotsona appreciatively.


Line 78) Thank you for your hospitality.

Sotsona winks at her playfully.

They get seated, digging into their meals.

Casimir strikes a conversation with Celestyn awkwardly, hoping to be of help.


Line 79) Do you want me to set you up with someone new, Celestyn?

Celestyn speaks in a dry tone.


Line 80) I just need to a break from relationships in general. No thanks.

Celestyn speaks in a curious manner.


Line 81) Plus, who would you have in mind?


Line 82) I don’t know, but I’d find someone eventually. I have my ways, after all.

A person comes to Casimir’s mind.

He speaks in an encouraging tone.


Line 83) How about Nakari*? She’s in the same division as you, and she’s a hard worker.

*Nakari works alongside Sotsona, Celestyn, and the other sectional department employees who work with the COO (Celestyn). They are the main staff of Adair Hair products (refer back to episode 29, line 100).

Celestyn looks at Casimir in shock.


Line 84) Wow. I’m utterly shocked. I didn’t even think you knew about Nakari.

Casimir gives Celestyn an offended expression.


Line 85) Of course, I know who she is. What kind of CEO do you take me for?

Casimir passionately defends himself.


Line 86) I know who all my employees are by heart. I’m the one that hired them, after all.

Celestyn speaks in a bummed out manner.


Line 87) Fine. You win. But I don’t think Nakari swings that way.


Line 88) Although, she is giving me mixed signals.


Line 89) In my opinion, it is an unspoken word between us as a result of work protocols.

Celestyn speaks in a frustrated manner, cutting her chicken with a butter knife, purposefully digging the knife deeper into the plate to scratch it, and going back and forth abrasively.


Line 90) You’re lucky you get to be with such a bombshell like Sotsona under wraps.


Line 91) Want me to take her off your hands?

Casimir rolls his eyes in annoyance.


Line 92) You don’t stand a chance.

Celestyn glances at Sotsona with puppy dog eyes.

Sotsona tries to change the subject.


Line 93) Are you guys liking the food so far?

Zephryn chimes in, hoping to cease the sibling rivalry.


Line 94) It’s amazing. Is this your own recipe?

Sotsona speaks in a happy tone.


Line 95) I’m so glad to hear that, but no. I found this one online.


Line 96) Yeah. It’s really good. I never thought of mixing macaroni and masala together.


Line 97) You pulled it off very well.

Sotsona glances at Casimir.

He smiles back at her assuringly.

Sotsona blushes, feeling immensely flattered. 

Line 98) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It makes my heart so happy to hear these things from my future in-laws.

Line 99) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I wasn’t sure what to expect with all of us here together, but it’s really great.

Line 100) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir and Celestyn seem to be returning to their old ways of bickering.

Line 101) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Us together like this makes me feel like I have a family.

Line 102) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, this time around, it’s with the people I get to choose to let into my life.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 21, 2024
Last Updated on August 21, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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