Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 76

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 76

A Chapter by Yosh

After they've spent around 4 months together, how is Casimir's and Sotsona's relationship progressing?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. 

Episode 76:

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 1) A month has passed since Casimir confessed his love for me.

Line 2) I’ve been with him for around 4-ish months since we first met.

Line 3) It’s crazy how quickly time has gone by.

Line 4) Although we’ve been dating for 3 of those months because he was away for 1 of them on a business trip*… 

*Refer back to episode 61, line 54.

Line 5) He is the closest person to me that I have ever known.

Line 6) Casimir has been constantly reminding me that he’s in love with me ever since his confession.

Line 7) I love hearing him say it. It just never seems to get old.

Line 8) We’re most definitely in the lovey-dovey stage of our relationship.

Line 9) The good thing about how this month has gone by is that Casimir has been off on the weekends*.

*Refer back to episode 69, line 27, etc.

Line 10) We've been able to spend more time with each other.

Line 11) So, far we’ve gone to the movies. Of course, watching some sort of rom-com.

Sotsona and Casimir at the movies leaning on each other while watching the big screen.

Line 12) We took a pottery class, then painted our pottery.

Sotsona and Casimir painting their pottery (it’s two vases).

Line 13) Went golfing, which is apparently a very prevalent rich-person activity.

Line 14) Casimir is really good at golf. He was constantly getting hole-in-ones.

Line 15) While I, on the other hand, kept whacking the golf balls out of bounds.

Sotsona and Casimir playing golf with each other.

Line 16) We went to a hockey game, even though I have no interest in hockey whatsoever.

Line 17) Neither does Casimir, but we had a great time nonetheless.

Sotsona and Casimir cheering at a hockey game, along with the other watchers.

Line 18) We also volunteered at a community center where we planted various fruits and vegetables in a garden.

Line 19) We got bit by multiple bugs, however Casimir, has some sort of magical ointment that leaves the bumps spotless the next day.

Sotsona and Casimir planting the produce at the community center garden.

Line 20) On top of all those things, Casimir has kept his promise to teach me how to play the violin*.

*Refer back to episode 74, line 88.

Line 21) He needed some time to get back on his drive, however, he caught on to his old ways quickly.

Line 22) So we’ve been starting with the basics, like music theory, which is incredibly hard for me to comprehend.

Line 23) We’ve also been getting an overall feel of the violin, like practicing how to hold it. Again, incredibly hard, definitely harder than it looks too.

Casimir teaching Sotsona music theory and showing her how to properly hold a violin.

Line 24) Learning an instrument is not for the weak.

Line 25) I thought I knew what to expect, but it’s a whole new world I’m completely unfamiliar with.

Line 26) But I want to learn this to get closer to Casimir.

Line 27) We’ve been spending quality time with each other as he’s been teaching me.

Line 28) He has become more and more admirable to me as I become more familiar with him.

Line 29) My respect is off the charts when it comes to him.

Line 30) He constantly blows me away somehow.

Line 31) My biggest fear is that I won’t get to know every possible thing about him.

Line 32) It breaks my heart because I want to know every possible thing about him so badly.

The day is June 7th 2024. It’s a Friday nighttime.

Casimir and Sotsona lie in bed next to each other, reading the books Casimir bought for her birthday together*.

*Refer back to episode 73, line 4.

Casimir gets a message on his phone.

Casimir speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 33) Sorry. Let me just take a look at this really quickly.

Sotsona nods her head in assurance.

Casimir checks his messages, noticing that his mother sent him a throwback photo.

Casimir laughs at the sight of the photo.

Casimir shows the message to Sotsona.

Sotsona beams.


Line 34) Is this you as a baby?


Line 35) I wouldn’t say baby, but close enough.

Sotsona looks at the photo adoringly.


Line 36) How old are you here?

Casimir notices the date written on the bottom of the photo.


Line 37) This photo was taken in 2006, which means I was around 7 years old.

Sotsona speaks in an affectionate manner.


Line 38) You’re so little here~


Line 39) You and your little buds of locs. How cute!

Casimir blushes from Sotsona’s compliment.


Line 40) I told you I’ve had them ever since I was 5*.

*Refer back to episode 65, line 56.

Casimir speaks in a curious tone.


Line 41) Do you have baby photos to show me?

Sotsona sighs in frustration.

Casimir observes her demeanor and caresses her face to console her.

He speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 42) Is it a sore subject? I’m sorry, I had no idea.

Sotsona reassures Casimir.


Line 43) No, you’re fine. I’m just frustrated, that’s all.

A wistful expression comes along Sotsona’s face.


Line 44) I didn’t think about all the photos I would be abandoning in my old home.


Line 45) The clothes, old art projects, stuffed animals, things along those lines.

Sotsona speaks in an annoyed tone.


Line 46) Everything is back in that wretched place. And there’s no getting it back.

Casimir looks at Sotsona empathetically.

He rubs her back consolingly, speaking in a somber tone.


Line 47) I’m really sorry to hear that.

Sotsona offers Casimir a bittersweet smile, feeling comforted by his presence.


Line 48) It’s nothing for you to be sorry about.

Casimir speaks in a shameful tone.


Line 49) No. It is. Perhaps, I pressured you to stay with me when you got “kicked out”*.

*Refer back to episode 16, line 37.


Line 50) Whether I got kicked out or not, it’s fine since I wouldn’t want to be back home anyway. I decided to leave myself*.

*Refer back to episode 17, line 48.

Casimir continues to justify himself.


Line 51) Still, if I had communicated with you more discreetly from the start, maybe we could’ve found a way for you to move in with me along with all your personal belongings.

Sotsona caresses Casimir’s face.

She speaks in a forgiving tone.


Line 52) That’s nothing for you to take the blame for. I was the one that didn’t want to open up about my personal life with you, to begin with*.

*Refer back to episode 7, line 87, and episode 9, contact line 5.

A thought comes to Sotsona.


Line 53) I wonder how my past self would view the current situation between us.


Line 54) My promise back then about not telling you about my past was very important to me at the time.


Line 55) I wanted to leave everything behind me.


Line 56) I guess I couldn’t help but tell you, regardless of how stubborn I was.

Casimir hugs Sotsona tightly.


Line 57) You eventually opened up to me because you must’ve felt comfortable enough. That’s all.

Casimir speaks in an encouraging tone.


Line 58) Your past is fully behind you.


Line 59) You’ve become your ideal self.


Line 60) Don’t be so hard on yourself, bearing all the blame.


Line 61) There are outcomes to things that you can’t control sometimes.


Line 62) I’m sure you’ll see those photos again some day. Stay hopeful.

Sotsona hugs Casimir back affectionately.

She buries her head into his chest.

Line 63) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s the best at comforting me.

Line 64) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I feel completely better.

Line 65) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Just hearing his soft voice, telling me everything is going to be alright…

Line 66) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Is enough to keep me going.

Casimir pulls back to get a good look at Sotsona’s face.


Line 67) I love you, Ona.

Casimir kisses her cheek.

Sotsona impulsively pounces on Casimir, smothering him in kisses.


Line 68) I love you more!

Casimir laughs and they continue bothering each other.

Line 69) Casimir’s inner thoughts: The quality time we spend together like this means so much to me.

Line 70) Casimir’s inner thoughts: This is like a dream come true.

Casimir caresses Sotsona’s face.

Casimir speaks in a flirtatious manner.


Line 71) How are you so gorgeous?


Line 72) They should make a statue of you and put it in a museum.

Sotsona blushes.

She kisses the hand Casimir caresses her face with.


Line 73) Who would come to see that?

Casimir speaks in a certain manner.


Line 74) Trust me. Many people. And if not, then just me.

Casimir leans in to kiss Sotsona.

They slip their lips into one another’s, savoring the satisfying sensation of their mouths intertwining.

They tilt their heads, continuing to pucker their lips as they continue their kiss, immersing into one another's mouths passionately.

Casimir pulls back, speaking in a smug manner, wanting to tease Sotsona.


Line 75) I bet you were quite the cutie when you were little~

Sotsona speaks in a shy voice.


Line 76) Let me double check my phone to see if I have any pictures at all.

Sotsona checks her phone.

Casimir lays beside her, cuddling her back as he places his head on her shoulder.

Sotsona searches through the photo files that she has downloaded to secure her photos on her phone.

She scrolls and scrolls until she conveniently stumbles upon the photo.

Casimir sits up when he sees it.

Sotsona looks at it in shock.

She speaks in a pleasantly surprised manner.


Line 77) Oh, wow! I didn’t think I would actually be able to find something.

Sotsona passes the phone to Casimir, and he intently examines the photo.

He smiles immensely.

He speaks in an intriguing manner.


Line 78) How old are you here?


Line 79) I think around 2 or 3 years old.

Casimir’s eyebrows soften in adoration.


Line 80) You’re so precious~


Line 81) You look so sweet~

Casimir pinches Sotsona’s facial cheek playfully.


Line 82) Can you send the picture to me?


Line 83) Sure, but why do you need it?


Line 84) I’m making it my lockscreen.

Sotsona blushes, feeling honored.


Line 85) I want to see your cute little face everytime I open my phone.


Line 86) Then send me yours.


Line 87) It will put a smile on my face everytime I open mine.

They send each other their baby photos, setting the pictures as their lock screens.

They place their phones side by side, comparing both of their photos. 

Casimir smiles wholesomely.


Line 88) If you could tell your younger self about the future, what would you tell them?

Sotsona smirks.

Line 89) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’ve had my answer on deck for a while.

Sotsona plays with Casimir’s hair.

She speaks in a sentimental manner.


Line 90) That becoming a princess is possible.


Line 91) And, that I would eventually meet my prince charming.

Casimir happily smiles.

Sotsona speaks in a curious tone.


Line 92) What about you?

Casimir thinks to himself.


Line 93) That dreams become your reality.


Line 94) There were countless times when I’d go to sleep hoping, dreaming, and wishing that I’d meet the perfect person for me.


Line 95) The only thing was that in my dreams, this person had a blurry face.


Line 96) Every time I lie in bed now, that face has become clear.

Casimir speaks in a genuine tone.


Line 97) It’s always been you.


Line 98) I’d tell my younger self to keep chasing my dreams…


Line 99) Because, in the future, everything will become crystal clear.

Sotsona smiles at Casimir touchingly.

She kisses his cheek.

Casimir receives another message from his mom.

The message reads:

Line 100) Can Celestyn and I come over to your place tomorrow? 

Line 101) Let’s throw a gathering. It’s been a while.

The both of them read the message and look at each other for assurance.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 16, 2024
Last Updated on August 16, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
