Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 72

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 72

A Chapter by Yosh

After revealing that Zephryn (Casimir's mother) has tickets to a symphonic concert, Casimir is left shocked but gets revealed about things he didn't know about Sotsona.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 72:

The day is May 4th 2024. It’s a Saturday. It’s the nighttime.

Casimir’s mother, Zephryn, just told him and Sotsona what kind of concert they’ll be attending.

Casimir looks at his mother dumbfoundedly.


Line 1) Like a symphony will be conducting things?


Line 2) A whole orchestra?

Zephryn nods her head.

Line 3) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I should’ve know that my mother would attend a concert like this.

Casimir releases a disappointing sigh.


Line 4) I didn’t know you were into that kind of music, mom.

Zephryn speaks in a nonchalant tone.


Line 5) Not really. My friend and I just chose a random listing they included on a website.

Casimir looks at his mother amusingly.


Line 6) That sounds like something you’d do.

Zephryn speaks in a playful tone.


Line 7) Who doesn’t love a good orchestra, though? Just go with the flow of things, try something new. Not everything has to be planned out, Mr. CEO.

Casimir smiles.

Line 8) Casimir’s inner thoughts: And things always end up working out for her in the end. I could learn a thing or two.

Zephryn speaks in an encouraging manner.


Line 9) Enjoy yourselves, you two. I’m sure it’ll be a fun experience. Don’t knock it till you try it.


Line 10) Yeah, we’ll go. I just thought that we’d be going somewhere less dignified to party.

Zephryn speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 11) It’s good that Sotsona loves classical music, though.

Casimir freezes in his stance, speaking in a nervous tone, not knowing about that information.


Line 12) S-She does?

Zephryn speaks in surprise.


Line 13) Of course, she does. Right, Sotsona?


Line 14) Who doesn’t, am I right?

*Shot cuts back to a time when during Casimir’s business trip to Washington for a month (refer back to episode 61, line 54), Zephryn, Celestyn (Casimir’s sister), and Sotsona were discussing wedding plans, when Sotsona mentions she likes classical music as a suggestion for the ensemble at their wedding (this was not explicitly written in the story. It is an extra detail).

Zephryn and Sotsona high-five each other happily.


Line 15) That’s the spirit!


Line 16) Anyways, you two, I’ll be out of your hair. Have a good night.


Line 17) Goodnight, Mom. Thank you for stopping by to give us the tickets.

Sotsona speaks in an appreciative tone.


Line 18) Yes, thank you, Mrs. Adair. The both of us appreciate this thoughtful gift from you, have a good night.

Zephryn speaks in a fulfilled manner.


Line 19) it’s my pleasure. I’ll get you something for your birthday ASAP, dear. Consider this as an early gift.

They bid their goodbyes to each other.

Casimir and Sotsona walk back to the couch to resume their movie.

Sotsona smiles, feeling happy about the interaction they all just had.


Line 20) I definitely should’ve asked what kind of concert this was going to be before she came.


Line 21) I thought it would be a normal concert, but this symphonic.


Line 22) I’ll most likely be snoring the whole time. Are you still up to go?

Sotsona examines the tickets, wondering what conductor will be performing.

Her jaw drops in shock when she realizes who the conductor is.

Casimir observes how intrigued she looks.


Line 23) Do you recognize their name?

Sotsona beams in excitement.


Line 24) Yes, Imir! You won’t believe it!

Casimir looks at Sotsona in excited curiosity.

Sotsona speaks in pleasant surprise.


Line 25) It’s the world-renowned conductor, Joseph Hayashi. This must’ve been crazy hard to get.

Casimir speaks intriguingly.


Line 26) Really? I wonder how my mom was able to get things so easily.


Line 27) How do you know him?

Sotsona speaks in enthrallment.


Line 28) He conducted the soundtrack to one of my favorite movies ever.


Line 29) Which is?


Line 30) Have you ever heard of the movie “My Tender Neighbor Toronto”?

The movie title rings a bell within Casimir.


Line 31) Wait. Isn’t that the cartoon?

Sotsona gets excited in response to Casimir's recognition.


Line 32) Yes! It’s the best movie in the world. He composed the soundtrack to it and a bunch of the other movies within that studio.

Casimir looks at Sotsona sadly.


Line 33) I’m sorry I didn’t know about your favorite movie sooner.

Sotsona speaks sentimentally.


Line 34) Don’t worry. The movie just holds a special place in my heart.


Line 35) I’m so pleasantly surprised that your mother had these tickets on deck so easily.

Sotsona gets hit with a wave of realization.


Line 36) Since he also produced the soundtrack to the other movies in Studio Jolly-


Line 37) That means we’ll be listening to all of his productions, including “My Tender Neighbor Toronto.”

Casimir happily smiles at Sotsona.

Sotsona happily speaks.


Line 38) This is such a golden gift. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday surprise.

Casimir playfully pokes Sotsona’s cheek, looking at her offendedly.


Line 39) Why didn’t you tell me that you like classical music?

Sotsona shrugs her shoulders in confusion.


Line 40) I thought I mentioned it. Sorry for the having the memory of a goldfish.

Casimir crosses his arms, pouting his lips playfully.

Sotsona speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 41) Sorry. We’ve said many things to each other. I can’t keep track of everything.


Line 42) Mention it to me next time.


Line 43) I want to know everything about you. Down to your music taste, favorite movies, etc.

Casimir droops his head down in shame, feeling guilty.


Line 44) I could tell that even my mom was shocked when I didn’t know, but she did.


Line 45) Promise to let me know everything about you from now on?

Sotsona happily smiles at Casimir, nodding her head agreeably.

She leans on him, hugging him from the side.


Line 46) Alright, I will. Don’t get so sappy.

Sotsona in unable to contain her excitement.


Line 47) This really is the most perfect birthday event though!


Line 48) I’m going to see my favorite composer perform live in front of me.


Line 49) I better bring some tissues. There’ll definitely be some water works on my part.


Line 50) I’ve watched other Studio Jolly movies, but I haven’t watched “My Tender Neighbor Toronto” yet.


Line 51) Do you mind if I put that movie on instead of this?

Sotsona speaks in an agreeable manner.


Line 52) Not at all. I’d love to watch it again. I’m always down.

Casimir smiles.

They get snuggled up together on the couch, ready to watch the movie. 

Some time goes by as the movie nears its end.

Tears stream down Sotsona’s face as she feels emotionally touched by the movie.

Casimir consoles her.


Line 53) Your crying is making me concerned. Are you okay?

Casimir gently wipes Sotsona’s tears.

She justifies herself.


Line 54) Sorry. Something about the soundtrack just makes me so emotional.

Casimir hugs Sotsona tightly, smothering her cheek in kisses.


Line 55) Don’t be sorry. I get what you mean. It’s definitely a really good soundtrack.

Casimir speaks in a thrilled manner.


Line 56) It’ll be even better when we go in person.

Casimir playfully boops Sotsona’s nose.

They finish watching the movie and get situated in bed, ready to sleep.

Casimir cuddles Sotsona’s back lovingly.

He ponders to himself about her birthday.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 57) She’ll be turning 24 tomorrow.

Line 58) It’s a big milestone to be that age.

Line 59) I hope that we’ll have many more years to come together.

Line 60) I think I know everything about Sotsona, but I really don’t.

Line 61) I should know about  things like her music taste, favorite movies…

Line 62) After all, she knows all those things about me.

Casimir’s eyebrows furrow in frustration.

Line 63) I feel bad. What if she thinks I’m not fully devoted to her?

Line 64) I guess I’ve gotten rusty since we haven’t had much time to spend together.

Line 65) But, that’s nothing but an excuse.

Line 66) I have to bring my A game.

Casimir wholesomely smiles.

Line 67) I feel like I’ve gotten a glimpse of what she was like as a kid, watching her favorite cartoon.

Line 68) It would be nice if I could reimburse her for her aspirations from that time.

Line 69) She’s let a lot of things go that she deserved to have.

Line 70) But, now she has me, and I’m able to give her those things.

Line 71) I should give it my all. There’s no one else more deserving.

Line 72) I can’t bear to have her slip away from me.

Line 73) I wouldn’t want history to repeat itself.

The next day goes by and Sotsona wakes up.

The day is May 5th 2024. It’s a Sunday morning.

Keeping her eyes closed, Sotsona touches the other side of the bed in an attempt to find Casimir.

When she feels emptiness she opens her eyes, noticing that he’s not there.

Sotsona sits up straight, stretching her arms and letting out a big yawn.

She looks at the sun beaming out of the windows in their room.

Line 74) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m no longer 23.

Line 75) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Today’s my first day of being 24.

Line 76) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If my life hadn’t changed so much, I would go about this day like any other.

Line 77) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But, things are so different now, and I can finally look forward to my birthday.

Sotsona happily gets ready for the day.

She makes her way to the living room, spotting Casimir busy in the kitchen.

She intently observes him as he continues to focus on work, not noticing her presence.

Casimir opens the fridge, taking out a frosted cake.

Sotsona looks at the cake in shock,

Casimir spots Sotsona and flinches from her unexpected company.


Line 78) Jeez, Ona! You scared me!

Casimir speaks in a frantic manner.


Line 79) Ahh! Close your eyes! This is supposed to be a surprise!

Sotsona closes her eyes, acting as if she hasn’t seen anything.

Casimir puts the cake down on the kitchen counter, and runs over to Sotsona.

He picks her up, catching her off-guard since she has her eyes closed.

She speaks in a shocked manner.


Line 80) Imir! What are you doing?


Line 81) Sorry. I Just really can’t have you hanging around my work space right now. Keep your eyes closed please.

Casimir leads Sotsona back to his room.

He gently sets her down.


Line 82) Okay, you can open your eyes.

Sotsona opens her eyes, amusingly smiling at Casimir.


Line 83) What in tarnation are you concocting back there?

Casimir speaks in a smug manner.


Line 84) Let me live out my mad scientist fantasy.

Sotsona tightly hugs Casimir.

He’s caught off-guard from this gesture.

She speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 85) Good morning, you~

Casimir hugs Sotsona back tightly.


Line 86) Good morning, birthday girl~

Casimir speaks in an apologetic manner.


Line 87) Sorry for making you wait longer. I just didn’t think you’d be up this early.

Sotsona speaks in a curious tone.


Line 88) How long have you been up for?


Line 89) A while because I needed enough time to prepare everything for the morning.


Line 90) I’m still not done, so just hang tight a little longer.


Line 91) I need to add some final touches.

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 92) Take all the time you need. I can wait.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona, kissing her forehead before walking back to the kitchen.

Sotsona waits in Casimir’s room, scrolling on her phone, when he finally knocks on the door.


Line 93) Alright. I’m done. You can come on out now.

Sotsona excitingly walks out of her room.

She notices petals on the floor leading to the dining table.

At the dining table are many balloons in different colors, flowers, and gifts.

A big poster hanging from above the table wishes Sotsona a happy birthday.

Casimir puts on a party hat, places a party horn in his mouth, and grabs a confetti canon.

Casimir speaks in an exciting manner.


Line 94) Happy official 24th birthday, Ona!

Casimir pops the confetti canon and blows on his party horn.

Sotsona looks at Casimir touchingly, offering him an appreciative smile.


Line 95) You went all out, huh?

Casimir speaks in a smug manner.


Line 96) They say go big or go home.

Sotsona hugs Casimir tightly.

She speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 97) Thank you so much.

Casimir hugs Sotsona back tightly.

He speaks to her devotedly.


Line 98) No need to thank me. You deserve to have a big birthday celebration.

Sotsona speaks in a nosey tone, wanting to tease Casimir.


Line 99) So, what were you making earlier? I saw a cake.

Casimir puts his finger over his mouth, shushing Sotsona playfully.


Line 100) Just pretend you didn’t see anything, or I’ll hypnotize you to forget.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 101) Well? What are you waiting for?


Line 102) Open your presents!

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 14, 2024
Last Updated on August 14, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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