Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 71

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 71

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona chat while they walk the trail to his car after their picnic. When they get home, Casimir gets a call from his mother where she suggest something to him.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 71:

The day is May 4th 2024. It’s a Saturday. It’s the nighttime. 

Sotsona and Casimir wrap up their evening, heading back home after their picnic.

They walk the trail back, with both of them shining their phone flashlights to lead the way.

They hold hands with each other as they walk.


Line 1) I forget how dark it gets in Chicago.


Line 2) Doesn’t this remind you of the time when we visited that haunted temple during our vacation in Palau*?

*Refer back to episode 48, line 74, and all of episode 49.


Line 3) We were also in an eerie forest. The deja vu is kicking in like crazy.

Sotsona laughs, reminiscing at the memory.


Line 4) That was such a hectic day.

They hear shuffling in bushes beside them.

The both of them flinch, keeping their guards up.

Sotsona speaks in a concerned voice.


Line 5) We should keep our distance away from those bushes. I don’t like the sound of that noise.

Casimir speaks in a reassuring voice.


Line 6) Yeah, okay. But I’m sure it’s nothing dangerous. It could just be a bunny.

Sotsona imagines a bunny hidden in the bush.


Line 7) Aww~ That would be cute. But it’s still better to keep our guards up.

They continue to walk closely with each other when something comes out of the bushes.

The both of them scream, holding onto each other for protection.

They close their eyes in fear.

After a couple of seconds of silence go by, they open their eyes, feeling calm.

They spot a fox walking away from the bush.

They look at it in shock.

Casimir speaks in a relieved tone.


Line 8) At least it’s not a bear.

Sotsona looks at the fox in pleasant surprise.


Line 9) Aww~ How cute~ That red coat is gorgeous.

Sotsona moves closer to the fox, wanting to get a better view of it.

Casimir swiftly grabs Sotsona’s arm in a protective manner.

He speaks in a cautious tone.


Line 10) Don’t approach it. Anything that has teeth bites.

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 11) Relax. I just want to get a better view. As long as it doesn’t feel threatened, it won’t attack, right*?

*Refer back to episode 70, line 9.

Sotsona approaches the fox, crouching to its level.

The fox stops in its tracks, keeping their eyes on Sotsona.

Sotsona beams observing it.


Line 12) You wanna know something? My name means fox.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in surprise.

He speaks in a smug manner.


Line 13) That can’t just be a coincidence.


Line 14) We spot a fox a couple hours before your birthday?


Line 15) Sounds like fate to me.

Sotsona smiles, realizing the coincidence.


Line 16) I guess you’re right. How crazy is that?

Casimir speaks in a curious tone.


Line 17) Say, does your tribe believe in spirit animals?


Line 18) Reincarnation? Things along those lines?

Casimir realizes how rude his questions are.

He speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 19) Sorry if it seems like I’m being stereotypical.

Sotsona stands up, approaching Casimir for them to continue their walk on the trail to his car to head home.

She speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 20) Not at all. I’m glad to hear that you’re curious.

Sotsona holds Casimir’s hand.


Line 21) Well, yeah. It’s a whole world I have no clue about. I’m very interested to know what’s up.

Casimir speaks in a tender tone.


Line 22) If it’s a way to get closer to you, I’m all for it.


Line 23) If you couldn’t already tell, I’m into informative stuff.

The both of them happily smile at each other.


Line 24) We believe in spirit animals.


Line 25) We believe that God sent us certain animals to guide us along our journey in life.


Line 26) I feel like people are naive to think that we’re the only creatures in this world that fully understand something.


Line 27) We think that humans are the only ones who think the way we do, but I beg to differ.

Sotsona speaks in a passionate tone.


Line 28) The organisms all around us know more than we ever could.


Line 29) It doesn’t need to be spelt out for them to understand, though.


Line 30) It’s something deeply embedded within themselves.


Line 31) As for reincarnation, we believe that we will be connected back to our roots once our time comes.


Line 32) Since the foundation of life is derived from organisms, we will be rebirthed as them.


Line 33) One with nature, at last.


Line 34) Does that mean you’ll come back as a fox?

Sotsona smiles.


Line 35) I suppose, that would be nice.


Line 36) What do you think my spirit animal is?

Sotsona thinks to herself, squinting her eyes at Casimir, trying to come up with an answer.


Line 37) You seem like an otter to me.


Line 38) Did you know that they hold each other’s hands when they sleep to prevent drifting apart from each other?

Sotsona speaks in a wholesome manner.


Line 39) They’re also really playful, just like you.

Casimir gives Sotsona a playfully disappointed look.


Line 40) I thought you were going to say something cool like an eagle.


Line 41) Eagle are sharp animals. They don’t have time to fool around.


Line 42) I’d say that Yuvin is an eagle for sure. 

Sotsona reassures Casimir.


Line 43) But if you ask me, I prefer otters. At least they have a sense of humor.

Casimir smiles.


Line 44) As long as you choose me, that’s all that matters.


Line 45) If we get reincarnated as those animals, promise to find me in our other life?

Casimir extends his pinky out to Sotsona, wiggling it in front of her face for her to interlock her finger with his.


Line 46) I promise.

Sotsona interlocks her pinky finger with Casimir’s.


Line 47) You’re the one that said the moon and sun kiss each other every eclipse.


Line 48) The leaves and branches will eventually reunite stringed together.


Line 49) Nothing can keep you away from your loved one*.

*Sotsona is reciting the poem Casimir read to her (refer back to episode 70, details starting on line 54, etc).

Casimir smiles, feeling touched by Sotsona’s remembrance.

He brings Sotsona closer to himself, leaning on her shoulder devotedly as they continue to walk on the trail.


Line 50) I’ve never had anyone listen to me as intently as you do.

Casimir speaks in an appreciative tone.


Line 51) Thank you. It means a lot.


Line 52) It’s healing for the lonely kid inside me.

Sotsona gives Casimir a bittersweet smile.

She snuggles into his side, holding him close as they walk.


Line 53) It’s my sincerest pleasure.

Line 54) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It’s healing for the lonely kid inside me too.

They finally make it back to Casimir’s car, getting in to drive home.

They arrive home and unwind for the night.

Sotsona meets Casimir in the living room after doing her nightly routine, spotting him lounging on the couch waiting for her.

He smiles spotting her.


Line 55) Hey, did you have a nice shower?

Sotsona smiles, getting herself situated on his lap on the couch.


Line 56) Yes. It was very steamy, so I feel extra refreshed.


Line 57) Would you like to watch a movie?


Line 58) Sure. We haven’t watched any sort of entertainment in a while.

Casimir speaks in an agreeable tone.


Line 59) Right. We need to catch up.

Casimir puts a romance movie on the TV.

They watch it together, snuggled up on the couch.

Some time passes as they continue watching the movie when Casimir gets a call on his phone.

He speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 60) Sorry for the interruption, but I need to take this.

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 61) No worries. Answer away.

Sotsona pauses the movie.

Casimir accepts the phone call, speaking with his mother.


LIne 62) Hey, mama. What’s up?


Line 63) Good evening, Casimir. Are you busy right now?

*Casimir’s mother’s name (refer back to episode 6, line 25).


Line 64) Not necessarily. Is everything okay?


Line 65) The thing is, I made plans with my friends to go to a concert tomorrow, and something came up for the both of us, so we can’t attend.


Line 66) I was wondering if you wanted to go with Sotsona, perhaps.


Line 67) You mentioned it was her birthday tomorrow. So, I thought it would be a good event for you guys to attend if you don’t already have plans.

Casimir speaks in a thrilled tone.


Line 68) A concert? That sounds fun!


Line 69) Are you sure you can’t go? Why not refund the tickets?


Line 70) Yeah, we tried to tweak our schedules, but nothing seemed to work, so we’ll have to miss out, unfortunately.


Line 71) It’s also too late to refund the tickets. So, are you up to go with Sotsona?


Line 72) Of course. We wouldn’t miss out on an opportunity like that.


Line 73) Alright, then. I’ll drop by sometime soon to give you the tickets.

Casimir speaks in a happy tone.


Line 74) Thank you, mama. We really appreciate it.


Line 75) Of course. Anything for you two.

They end the call.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confusion.

He speaks at her excitingly.


Line 76) How do you feel about going to a concert for your birthday tomorrow?

Sotsona’s eye widen in enthrallment.


Line 77) I’d love to go! That sounds like such a dream!


Line 78) Then it’s a plan.


Line 79) Did you ask what artist will be performing?

Casimir gets hit with a wave of realization.


Line 80) I’m a idiot. Why did the most important detail slip my mind?

Sotsona speaks in a forgiving tone.


Line 81) Aw. Don’t beat yourself up. I’m sure it’ll be a good one.


Line 82) What’s your mom’s music taste like?

Casimir looks stumped.

Sotsona laughs at his reaction.


Line 83) I guess that’s somewhat of a hard question for you to answer.


Line 84) Then, we’ll just have to wait and see.


Line 85) Are you okay about going to a concert tomorrow?


Line 86) Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?


Line 87) Well, I just thought maybe that you had something else planned to do for your birthday.


Line 88) I honestly just planned to spend the day with you.

Sotsona looks at Casimir happily.


Line 89) But now we have somewhere else to go.


Line 90) It’ll be my first time attending a concert.


Line 91) I’m sure we’ll have a blast.

Casimir happily looks at Sotsona.

Someone rings their doorbell.

Sotsona and Casimir look at each other in confusion.


Line 92) Is that her? That was faster than I thought.

Sotsona’s eyes widen in shock.


Line 93) It really was. Let me greet her with you.

Casimir agreeably nods his head.

The both of them get up to answer the door.

Casimir looks through the peephole, spotting his mother waiting outside.

He opens the door, greeting his mother in pleasant surprise


Line 94) Do you have superpowers or something? How did you teleport here so quickly?

Zephryn laughs.

The both of them hug each other.

Sotsona greets Zephryn welcomingly.


Line 95) Mrs. Adair. It’s so nice to see you again.

Zephryn leans in for a hug, feeling happy to see her.


Line 96) It’s nice to see you guys. Happy early birthday, Sotsona.

Sotsona gives her thanks to Zephryn in an appreciative manner.


Line 97) I was just around the neighborhood, so dropped by to give you these now. I’m sorry for stopping by so late at night.

Casimir speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 98) Don’t worry about it. You just never fail to surprise me.


Line 99) I won’t disturb you any longer, just take the tickets.


Line 100) Are you sure you wouldn’t like to come in for a cup of tea?


Line 101) It’s quite late right now. Let’s do it another time.

Zephryn hands over the tickets to them.

Casimir reads what’s written on the ticket.


Line 102) I forgot to ask you, but what kind of concert is this?

Zephryn looks at Casimir in confusion.


Line 103) I thought I told you over the phone.

Casimir smiles.

Line 104) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I guess being forgetful runs in the family.


Line 105) It’s a symphonic concert.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 14, 2024
Last Updated on August 14, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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