Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 70

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 70

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona go out for a picnic date with each other.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 70:

The day is May 4th 2024. It’s a Saturday evening. 

Casimir leads Sotsona to their picnic spot by holding her hand (both of them are carrying their picnic necessities, including the poetry book Sotsona found earlier in the day).

Their spot is on a grassy plain beside a flowing river within a forest.

Sotsona looks around the place in shock.


Line 1) It’s like we’re in a green wonderland!

Casimir smiles at Sotsona adoringly.


Line 2) It sure is pretty here, huh?

Sotsona looks excited.


Line 3) Yeah! It’s amazing! You always know the best places!

Casimir happily kisses Sotsona’s cheek as they continue walking around the area.


Line 4) You’re too sweet.

Sotsona snuggles into Casimir side, feeling affectionate.


Line 5) Just a thought, what happens if we run into a bear?

Casimir laughs.


Line 6) I don’t think there are any bears in Chicago.


Line 7) But if something like that happens, I know just the thing to do.

Sotsona speaks in a curious tone.


Line 8) And what would that be?

Casimir clears his throat, ready to get all nerdy with a bunch of interesting factoids.


Line 9) When you run into a wild animal, you never want to run away, or else they’ll get defensive, thinking you’re a threat.


Line 10) What you should do instead is stand your ground while making assertive eye contact with the bear, speaking in a calm tone, then slowly backing away, walking backwards.


Line 11) You also want to expose your hands to them, showing that you don’t have anything that can potentially hurt them.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in fascination by his knowledge.


Line 12) Boy am I lucky that you know that.


Line 13) I thought that scrolling past those videos where people share survival tips was going to catch up to me at this very moment.

Casimir laughs.

Sotsona speaks intriguingly.


Line 14) How do you know so much about things like that?


Line 15) I would read a lot of informative literary books when I was in school.


Line 16) In other words, you were a nerd?

Casimir looks at Sotsona in embarrassment.


Line 17) … I suppose, but at least I wasn’t acting cocky about it.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 18) Aw~ Did I hurt your feelings by calling you a nerd? All I’m trying to say is that you’re smart.

Casimir blushes from the praise.

Sotsona justifies herself.


Line 19) Being a nerd is better than being an airhead like me.

Casimir defends Sotsona.


Line 20) Don’t call yourself an airhead. You’re smart… in your own way, of course.

Sotsona laughs.

They finally set their picnic blanket down along with the items they brought, getting everything prepared to dine with each other.

Casimir pops the bottle of wine open with a cork screw, filling the both of their glasses up.

They extend their glasses out to each other.

Casimir speaks in a cheerful tone.


Line 21) Here’s to this weekend and to your birthday being just around the corner~

Sotsona smiles.


Line 22) Here’s to you too, for finally having some free time.


Line 23) Hopefully, we’ll be able to hang out with each other more often. Cheers!

They both clink their glasses together, sipping the wine.

Casimir looks at Sotsona bittersweetly

Line 24) Casimir’s inner thoughts: That’s what she wants, huh? For us to hang out with each other more often?

Casimir droops his head down in shame.

Line 25) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I should be ashamed of myself.

Line 26) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I know I have responsibilities, but I am my own boss, at the end of the day.

Line 27) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I should be able to easily switch things around, making more time for Sotsona.

Line 28) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I’ll make sure to keep that in mind further along.

Line 29) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Adair is important to me, but it’s not nearly as precious as Sotsona.


Line 30) How do you like it?

Sotsona speaks in a satisfied tone.


Line 31) It’s yummy~ You picked out a good one.

The both of them get comfy in their spots.

Sotsona looks at Casimir, beaming with curiosity.


Line 32) Tell me more about how you were when you were younger.

Sotsona leans on Casimir’s shoulder.

Casimir smiles observing how interested Sotsona seems.


Line 33) Well, as I mentioned, I would read a lot.

A wistful expression comes along Casimir’s face.


Line 34) But I wasn’t as social as I wanted to be.


Line 35) I kept to myself, not because I was shy…


Line 36) But because I had issues communicating with people.


Line 37) I thought people would get bored of me and then just leave me out to dust.


Line 38) So I just saved myself the worry and got encapsulated in the world of books.


Line 39) My motto was, “People come and go, but books will always be by my side.”

Casimir looks at Sotsona lovingly.


Line 40) I wish I could save myself all that stress by traveling back and time and telling my younger self that I would eventually meet you.


Line 41) I would tell him to be a bit more patient because all that loneliness would ultimately dissipate the moment I met the woman of my dreams, which is you.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona wholesomely.

She looks at him in pleasant shock, not expecting for them to think the same way.

She blushes from his sweet remark.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in interest.


Line 42) You look surprised. Is something wrong?

Sotsona speaked in a surprised manner.


Line 43) I-It’s like you took the words right out of my mouth.


Line 44) Would you believe me if I told you I thought the exact same thing as you?

Casimir’s eyes glisten is surprise, feeling touched.


Line 45) Of course, I would believe you.

Casimir gently holds Sotsona’s hands.

He speaks in a genuine tone.


Line 46) I’m so happy I met you.


Line 47) I’ve never been this connected to someone in my entire life.


Line 48) You get me. Only you.

Sotsona blushes at Casimir.

She places a peck on his cheek.

They continue to lean on each other, hugging from the side.


Line 49) In any case, I was shocked when you showed me that book earlier*since it was the one that I would return to regularly as a kid.

*Refer back to episode 69, details starting on line 65.

An expression of melancholy comes across Casimir’s face.


Line 50) This book makes me think about my dad. He gifted it to me.

Sotsona’s eyebrows soften sadly, feeling sympathetic for Casimir.

Casimir opens the book, searching for a specific poem.


Line 51) Let me see if I can find my favorite poem from this book.


Line 52) If you find it, can you read it to me? I like the sound of your voice.

Casimir bashfully smiles.

Casimir finds the poem he was looking for.

He clears his throat before reading.

Sotsona lays on Casimir’s lap, closing her eyes to visualize the poem.


Line 53) The poem is titled Like the Leaves.

Casimir starts reciting the poem at ease.


Line 54) “Trees. One of the oldest plants that surpass lifetimes.”


Line 55) “You can plant a sampling, and it would take decades for it to grow to its full size.”


Line 56) “After that, it can stay for years and years in its rigid structured shape.”


Line 57) “Although, trees stand their ground in this world, they’re cut off by the cruel and stubborn humans.”


Line 58) “We use them to build shelter, we use them for writing nonsense.”


Line 59) “Even though they give so much to us and we give nothing…”


Line 60) “They’ll always welcome us with open arms.”


Line 61) “Releasing the vital oxygen that keeps us alive.”


Line 62) “The only reliable connection they have by their side are their leaves.”


Line 63) “They become green and sturdy together.”


Line 64) “Then become coppery once the season of fall comes around.”


Line 65) “And then fall off one by one, accumulating on the ground, bringing us the satisfaction of stomping on them.”


Line 66) “The tree is bald for a while until it produces leaves for itself once more.”


Line 67) “Letting the branches and leaves reunite again.”


Line 68) “Like how the moon and sun kiss each other during a solar eclipse.”


Line 69) “Everything meant for you will come back in the end.”


Line 70) “It may require patience, grief, letting go…”


Line 71) “But if it’s worth being with your loved one…”


Line 72) “There are no mountains in the world that will keep you apart from them.”


Line 73) That’s the whole poem.

Sotsona opens her eyes, seeing Casimir smiling at her from above as she lays on his lap.


Line 74) What did you think?

Sotsona smiles.


Line 75) It’s cute. I can tell why you like it so much.


Line 76) I just like how tranquil it is.


Line 77) It gets the point across in a peaceful way. 


Line 78) The amazing thing about any sort of literature, entertainment, etc, is that no matter who consumes it, someone can always take away something from it.


Line 79) It’s based on the way you perceive it.


Line 80) There’s always some sort of connection. 


Line 81) It’s like taking a peak into someone’s soul.

Sotsona looks at Casimir amusingly.

Line 82) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I always love hearing his input on things.

Line 83) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He always knows the right things to say.

Line 84) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s such a pure soul.


Line 85) Who would’ve thunk that a simple poetry book could hold such powerful words inside.


Line 86) Doesn’t it blow your mind how much trajectory in life could change from doing something so simple as reading?

Casimir looks at Sotsona intriguingly.


Line 87) What do you mean?

Sotsona thinks to herself.


Line 88) It’s just… I think you indirectly communicated to me what’s deeply buried inside of you.


Line 89) Sure, it’s not your words, but the way you read it with such emotion showcased how you truly felt on the inside.


Line 90) You just said it’s like taking a peek into someone’s soul.


Line 91) I just did that with you.


Line 92) And, now I feel so much closer to you than I was before you read it.

Sotsona holds Casimir’s hand.

She speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 93) I’m so deeply into you.


Line 94) And I’m growing deeper and deeper each day.


Line 95) I’m so far in that I don’t think I can ever come out.


Line 96) And, if I somehow do, I’ll never be the same.


Line 97) You’re making such a lasting impact on me.


Line 98) I want you to continue.


Line 99) Because it’s been the best things that’s ever happened to me.


Line 100) You’re just my person.

Casimir tucks Sotsona’s hair behind her ear wholesomely.

He leans down to her, gently kissing her lips.

Sotsona places her arms on Casimir’s shoulders, holding his head lovingly.

The both of them savor their kiss, closing their eyes pleasantly.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

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Added on August 14, 2024
Last Updated on August 14, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
