Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 66

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 66

A Chapter by Yosh

After mentioning wanting to give Sotsona a prom date, Casimir gets the arrangements set into place, ready to surprise Sotsona and give her a good experience.

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 66:

April 6th 2024. The day is a Saturday. It’s the nighttime. 

Sotsona and Casimir drive home after their conversation at the view.

Sotsona thinks about Casimir’s date idea while they drive back.

She smiles, feeling excited.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 1) The prom experience I never had, huh?

Line 2) Only Casimir would think of something like this.

Line 3) It’s sweet how he tries to include me on stuff.

Line 4) I’ve just gotten so used to things not going my way…

Line 5) And now, it all of a sudden changes within a flash.

Line 6) I just feel overwhelmed with so many emotions. I’m truly touched.

Line 7) I feel so seen and cozy.

Line 8) Is this what healing feels like?

They finally arrive home and unwind.

Casimir gets tucked into bed.

He scrolls on his phone, reserving a private dance room for the prom date they’ll be having tomorrow.

Casimir charges his phone and places it on his nightstand.

He stares at his bedroom door, thinking deeply about Sotsona.

Line 9) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Will she be sleeping in her room today?

Line 10) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I can’t help but feel slightly disappointed.

Line 11) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I miss her even when she’s seconds away from me.

Line 12) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I want it to be normal for us to lay next to each other.

Line 13) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I hope that by tomorrow, we’ll be more comfortable around each other.

Line 14) Casimir’s inner thoughts: We’re at the stage of our relationship where everything is awkward and we get flustered easily.

Sotsona knocks on Casimir’s door.

He flinches abruptly, sitting up straight, not expecting her presence.

He speaks in a nervous tone.


Line 15) U-Uh. Yeah?

Sotsona speaks loud enough for Casimir to hear on the other side of the door.


Line 16) Uh. Imir? Can I come in?

Casimir tries to speak in a nonchalant tone.


Line 17) Sure. Of course.

Sotsona walks in and spots Casimir in bed.

She softly smiles at him.

He looks at her in confusion.

She walks over to him and gets herself situated in his bed.

Sotsona speaks in a shy tone.


Line 18) Is it alright if we sleep beside each other?

Casimir blushes immensely.

Sotsona bashfully justifies herself.


Line 19) This may sound strange, but I’m just more comfortable when you’re by my side.


Line 20) I hope that I’m not crossing any of your boundaries.

Casimir speaks in an anxious manner, stammering on his words.


Line 21) I-It’s not. You have a whole bed to yourself, so I don’t understand why you’re doing this.

Sotsona speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 22) I just feel safe around you.

Casimir looks at Sotsona flusteredly. 

She looks at him in desperation.


Line 23) I don’t think I snore, and I don’t roll around like crazy…


Line 24) So, is this okay?


Line 25) Is this going to be a recurring thing?


Line 26) I’d like it to be, but if you don’t want to share, just say the word, and I’ll be out of your hair.

Casimir covers his face, feeling immensely flustered.


Line 27) … It’s. Fine. I don’t mind.


Line 28) But I can’t promise you that I won’t snore or roll around in bed.

Sotsona offers Casimir a relieved smile.

She lays beside him, happily staring at his ceiling.


Line 29) Today was really nice.


Line 30) I’m glad we got to hang out. It was super fun.


Line 31) And plus, we now know how to make cookies and cake from scratch.


Line 32) I’m sure that skill will come in handy for us. It will be for me, at least.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona, feeling fulfilled by her enjoyment.


Line 33) I’m glad you enjoyed it so much.

Sotsona speaks in an appreciative tone.


Line 34) Thank you for taking me there. I really admire your consideration.

Casimir smugly responds.


Line 35) I should be thanking you for the idea. If you didn’t bring it up, we wouldn’t have had such a great time together today*.

*Refer back to episode 63, line 60.

Sotsona blushes.

Line 36) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir is always so modest when taking credit. He’s so humble and down to earth.

Line 37) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Does he realize how adorable he is when he acts like this?

Line 38) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: My heart is melting from his cuteness.


Line 39) Well, anyway. See you tomorrow. Goodnight.

Sotsona gets snuggled up in bed, closing her eyes.

Casimir speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 40) Goodnight, Ona. Sweet dreams.

The both of them eventually fall asleep.

The next day rolls around.

April 7th 2024. The day is a Sunday. It’s morning.

Sotsona and Casimir eat breakfast with each other.

Casimir speaks in a happy tone.


Line 41) Let’s go shopping to get some new clothes!


Line 42) Is that really necessary? I know you said you wanted to make me have the prom experience, but I’m sure I have a dress in my closet that will do.

Casimir passionately rejects Sotsona’s suggestion.


Line 43) Nope. You have to wear a “prom dress”.


Line 44) What’s the difference?

Casimir speaks in a honest manner


Line 45) Trust me. There’s a difference.

Sotsona wholesomely smiles.

Line 46) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: When he's excited about doing something he enjoys, I can't say no.


Line 46) If you insist. Let’s go then.

The both of them go to a clothing store, getting ready to part ways to do their shopping. 


Line 47) I’m going to look around and find my own stuff. You look around and find yours too.

Sotsona smiles.


Line 48) This reminds of when were preparing for our first date*. Do you remember?

*Refer back to episode 55, details in between lines 87 and 88, etc.

Casimir smiles, reminiscing about the day.


Line 49) I’m sorry if it seems repetitive doing something like that again. I just like how things played out that day.


Line 50) Don’t be sorry. There’s nothing wrong with doing the same thing again.

Sotsona smugly smiles at Casimir.


Line 51) Plus, things will play out differently today.

Casimir looks at Sotsona in curiosity.


Line 52) What do you mean by that?


Line 53) Well, it’s just that the dynamics are different today. 


Line 54) I’m sure we’ll be in the moment and maybe want to admit, or better yet, I should say confess to things*.

*Refer back to episode 64, line 67.

Casimir blushes.

Sotsona flirtatiously raises her eyebrows.


Line 55) Do you see where I’m going with this? I think we did enough easing into things yesterday.


Line 56) Now’s time to get down into the nitty gritty stuff.

Casimir tries to change the topic to prevent any awkwardness.

He speaks in a flustered tone.


Line 57) A-Alright. I think we should split up. Call me if you need me.

Casimir abruptly walks away from Sotsona.

Sotsona amusingly smiles, folding her arms as she watches Casimir disappear into the crowd in the store.

Line 58) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: To think that he’s still so tense from whatever happened that night*.

*Sotsona is referring to the night she blacked out (refer back to episode 39, details in between lines 93 and 94).

Line 59) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Good thing I’ll finally be able to know what happened that day.

Line 60) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I just hope I’m not killing the mood or making him dwell on admitting to whatever happened.

Sotsona looks around the dress selections and browses to find her options.

Sotsona nods her head in understandment, finally realizing what Casimir said earlier is true*.

*Refer back to line 45 of this episode.

Line 61) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: There ARE drastic differences when it comes to regular dresses and prom dresses.

Line 62) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Doing this suddenly feels slightly out of place, but I’m glad I’ll be able to fulfill whatever I missed out on years ago.

Line 63) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m doing this for younger me.

Sotsona smiles, feeling happy.

Line 64) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I wish I could give my past self some sort of signal that someone great would enter her life.

Line 65) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: That someone who wants to constantly include me and make room for me in their life.

Line 66) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m so deeply grateful that I met him.

Sotsona realizes she was spacing out and continues to browse the dresses.

*Shot cuts to Casimir looking for his suit.

He zones out, thinking about what Sotsona said earlier while browsing.

Line 67) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I wonder why she wants us to admit to our confessions so badly.

Line 68) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Of course, I have a hunch on what she might say*...

*Casimir can sense a change in Sotsona's behavior, he is alluding to her thinking she's in love with him (refer back to episode 62, line 52).

Line 69) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But I could be completely wrong.

Line 70) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Whatever the case may be, I must make today special.

Line 71) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I have to give her the best experience to substitute the hard times she went through.

Line 72) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I don’t want her to feel like she’s missed out on anything.

Line 73) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I want her to be able to look back on her memories fondly.

Line 74) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I guess I’m just not looking forward to admitting to what happened that night.

Line 75) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But I guess now’s the time to say it.

Line 76) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I hope she won’t be upset with me when she knows the truth.

They pick out their selections and make their way home (the outfits are covered in protective plastic, so they don't know what outfits they picked out).

Sotsona and Casimir get ready for their prom date.

Sotsona puts on some finishing touches, giving herself one last glance before heading out.

She is wearing a lime green dress that is iridescent, along with rose gold accessories and shoes.

She deeply inhales and exhales before walking over to see Casimir.

She exits her room, making her way to the living room thinking he’s there.

She looks around and notices that he’s not in the living room. 

She starts walking to his room, then hears the entrance door opening, halting in place.

Sotsona spots Casimir at the entrance, holding flowers.

She smiles at him appreciatively, and observes his attire (he’s wearing a regular tux with a corsage in the chest pocket).

Line 77) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He always knows what looks best on him.

Line 78) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He’s so dapper and classy today.

Casimir looks amazed seeing Sotsona in her dress.

She shyly does a little twirl in front of him.

The both of them blush at each other.


Line 79) What do you think? Do I look prom ready?

Casimir steadily walks over to Sotsona, caught in a trance-like state from the way she looks.


Line 80) I was supposed to walk in like we were seeing each other for the first time like a prom date would.


Line 81) Oh, I see. We can reenact that if you want.

Casimir nods his head and walks back out.

He closes the door and knocks on it.

Sotsona talks loud enough for Casimir to hear from the outside.


Line 82) I wonder who that could be~

Sotsona opens the door for Casimir and plays along with their first impression charade.


Line 83) Hey there, fellow prom date of mine. Are these flowers for me?

Casimir blushes and smiles eagerly.


Line 84) Yes, fellow prom date of mine, there flowers ARE for you.

Casimir hands them over to her.

Sotsona takes in the smell.

She speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 85) They’re beautiful, thank you.

Casimir shyly speaks.


Line 86) Well, a beautiful girl deserves beautiful flowers.

Sotsona blushes.

Casimir reaches down to the side of the entrance floor outside and presents a corsage in a container to Sotsona.

Sotsona’s eye widen in pleasant shock.

Line 87) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t believe he had all of this prepared.

Casimir takes Sotsona’s corsage out of the container and puts it on her wrist.


Line 88) Based on prom traditions, it’s customary we wear this.

Sotsona blushes when Casimir puts the corsage on her.

Line 89) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He really went all out. His attention to detail is very spot on.

Casimir reaches down again to the side of the entrance floor outside, pulling up the promposal poster he made for her.

He shyly speaks.


Line 90) I know it’s a bit late to show you this, but I just had to…

Casimir reveals his poster to Sotsona.

Sotsona happily looks at the poster, feeling pleasantly surprised.


Line 91) Oh my gosh! You made this for me?!

Casimir shyly nods his head.


Line 92) It was nothing. I just had some unused supplies lying around in my office so I thought I’d make this for you.


Line 93) I want you to have the full experience.

Sotsona observes the poster sentimentally, feeling touched.

She reads out what the poster says.


Line 94) “For prom. Can I be the Krist0ff to your Ona?”

Sotsona laughs, understanding the reference.


Line 95) I see what you did there.

Sotsona gets emotional receiving the poster and flowers.

She speaks in a genuine and appreciative tone.


Line 96) Thank you so much. I love it all.


Line 97) This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.

Casimir notices Sotsona’s eyes tearing up.

He swiftly takes out his handkerchief (in his tuxedo’s chest pocket) and gently dabs the inner corner of her eyes.

He speaks in a comforting manner.


Line 98) I wouldn’t want the makeup you worked so hard on to be distorted from your tears.

Casimir pokes his arm out to Sotsona for her to grab.


Line 99) Let’s get going to the dance floor.


Line 100) The party is just getting started.

They bring all the gifts inside, making their way to the rented dance site.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammar issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 12, 2024
Last Updated on August 12, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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