Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 63

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 63

A Chapter by Yosh

Casimir and Sotsona reunite. What next?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 63:

April 5th 2024. The day is a Friday. It’s the nighttime.

After welcoming him home in a sleepy voice, Casimir hugs Sotsona while she’s lying in bed.

She hugs him back tightly, feeling happy that he’s back from his business trip.

In deep regard for each other's absence, they hug each other for a while.

Casimir speaks in a genuine tone.


Line 1) I missed you so much.

Casimir replies in a playfully defeated voice.


Line 2) You probably didn’t miss me though, right?

Sotsona shyly glances at Casimir.


Line 3) It’s slightly embarrassing to admit, but I really DID miss you.

Casimir unbinds from Sotsona, looking at her in a playfully offended manner.


Line 4) Hey! Why is that embarrassing?


Line 5) Every time I watch movies where couples say they miss each other, it always seems cringy to me. But here I am, admitting that I miss you.

Casimir crosses his arms playfully.


Line 6) Well, aren’t you fun at parties.

Sotsona laughs.

Casimir blushes hearing Sotsona, missing the sound of her laugh.

Line 7) Casimir’s inner thoughts: How much I’ve anticipated hearing that beautiful sound!

Casimir glances at Sotsona adoringly, as if caught under her spell.

He snaps into reality.


Line 8) Alright, then. I’m going to go to sleep.


Line 9) You’re probably tired. Get some rest.

Casimir gets up to leave.

Sotsona responds in confusion.


Line 10) No “Good night?”

Casimir continues walking away, dismissing Sotsona’s questions.


Line 11) Not even a “See you later?” You’re done with me?

Casimir abruptly turns around, looking at Sotsona.

He sassily responds, pouting his lips immaturely.

Casimir imitates Sotsona’s voice.


Line 12) You were supposed to say “Don’t go to sleep, Imir. Stay here and talk with me.” Not “Get some rest.”

Casimir speaks in an offended tone.


Line 13) I haven’t seen you in one month, and you’re already wishing me off?!

Sotsona laughs from Casimir’s reaction.


Line 14) Then why did you suggest you were heading to sleep?

Casimir passionately justifies himself.


Line 15) That was obviously a test to see if you would object!


Line 16) News flash! You failed!

Sotsona continues to laugh, missing Casimir’s antics.

Casimir awkwardly blushes at her, crossing his arms while trying to stand his ground.

Line 17) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I can’t stay mad at her when she’s laughing so beautifully.

Sotsona speaks in a playfully apologetic manner.


Line 18) I’m sorry, Imir. At least take a shower now that your up before we start talking with each other.

Casimir jumps to conclusions, misunderstanding Sotsona’s suggestion.

He responds in a playfully offended manner.


Line 19) Are you suggesting I take a shower because I stink from being out all day?

Sotsona passionately defends herself.


Line 20) No. In fact, you smell good. I caught a whiff of you when we were hugging.

Casimir blushes.


Line 21) I just thought you’d want to unwind a bit before talking with me.


Line 22) Plus, I wouldn’t want you to lay on this bed with your outside clothes.


Line 23) You seem tired. Are you sure you want to talk with me?

Sotsona speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 24) Sleep can wait. Tomorrow is the weekend, after all, so that we can snooze in. I’d rather talk to you now.

Casimir blushes from Sotsona’s remark.

He leaves her room, doing his nighttime routine.

Casimir comes back to Sotsona’s room, finding her slumped once again.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.

Line 25) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I knew she was going to be asleep when I came back.

Line 26) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I’ll leave her be. She’s must be exhausted if she’s falling asleep this easily.

Line 27) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I bet she’s doing really well at work. Just like I thought.

Line 28) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I just hope she doesn’t burn herself out.

Casimir approaches Sotsona, covering her with her blanket some more.

He intently glances at her, trying to restrain himself from pestering her based on how cozy she looks snuggled up in bed.

Line 29) Casimir’s inner thoughts: But I still feel like bothering her.

Line 30) Casimir’s inner thoughts: What if I prank her?

Casimir spots a pen on Sotsona’s nightstand.

He mischievously picks it up and draws a manly doodle on her face.

Line 31) Casimir’s inner thoughts: That should do the trick. Now I’m satisfied.

Line 32) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I can’t believe she still looks pretty with that on.

Casimir heads to his room and gets into bed.

He stares at the ceiling, feeling happy to be home.

Casimir’s narration:

Line 33) I want to tell her so much.

Line 34) Sure, I could’ve said the things I wanted to by calling her…

Line 35) But there was only so much I could say before one of us had to end the call since we were so busy.

Line 36) I wonder what happened to those words that I couldn’t get to use?

Line 37) I’m frustrated I can’t remember what I wanted to say in those moments.

Line 38) Would they be substantial enough to change any trajectory in our relationship?

Line 39) I guess I’m still subconsciously holding back on some things.

Line 40) But I promised that I wouldn’t when I got back*.

*Refer back to episode 61, line 95.

Line 41) I’m such a coward. I must have chickened out, like always.

Line 42) Or maybe it still feels too soon for me to do anything?

Line 43) Sure, it’s been a month and a half since we’ve met…

Line 44) But, at the same time, I’ve only known Sotsona for two weeks.

Casimir rubs his head in distress.

Line 45) I’m probably getting way ahead of myself.

Line 46) But it doesn’t really feel like I am.

Line 47) If this is how I’m truly feeling, why should I hold myself back just because the timing seems early?

Line 48) Sure, I should be patient, but a few moves here and there shouldn’t taint any progression between us.

Sotsona abruptly barges into Casimir’s room.

Casimir jolts in the shock, sitting up right.

His eyes widen in surprise as he glances at her.

Sotsona gives him the death stare.

He responds in confusion.


Line 49) What are you doing up? Go back to sleep.

Sotsona replies upsettingly.


Line 50) You wouldn’t have known that I feel asleep unless you checked up on me. Why didn’t you wake me up?


Line 51) What kind of person wakes someone up who clearly needs some sleep?

Sotsona walks over to Casimir’s bed.

Casimir speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 52) Don’t force yourself to be awake just to talk to me. We have the weekend for that.


Line 53) No yeah. I’m going to sleep.

Sotsona gets herself tucked into Casimir’s bed beside him.


Line 54) But at least let me sleep beside you.

Casimir’s face flushes red.

He shyly speaks.


Line 55) Sleep in your own room.

Sotsona pouts her lips, replying in a sassy tone.


Line 56) Didn’t you hear me when I said I miss you?

Casimir looks away from Sotsona, feeling flustered.

Sotsona replies in annoyance.


Line 57) If you really want me to go, then so be it.

Sotsona sits up right, ready to crawl out of Casimir bed, hoping that he’ll hold her back.

She replies in a furiously defeated tone.


Line 58) I see how it is then.

Casimir reassures her.


Line 59) Just stay. Don’t trouble your tried self from getting up again.

Sotsona gets back into bed.

They lie next to each other, facing the opposite sides of the bed.


Line 60) Cooking classes.

Casimir replies in confusion.


Line 61) What’s that?


Line 62) The main reason we went on vacation was because we initially wanted to go to Paris to take cooking classes*.

*Refer back to episode 33, details starting on line 26, etc.


Line 63) Specifically, because we wanted to learn how to make croissants. Do you remember?

Casimir blushes, feeling touched by Sotsona remembering.


Line 64) Of course, I do.


Line 65) Then why doesn’t it seem like it?


Line 66) Are you saying we go to Paris?


Line 67) I’d love to eventually. But obviously not right now. You just traveled places back to back, and I need to keep grinding for work.


Line 68) But let’s at least take some cooking classes together. Think about how much we could learn.


Line 69) In that case, why don’t we go together tomorrow?

Sotsona smiles.


Line 70) I’d like that.

They blush at each other then fall asleep.

The next morning rolls around with Casimir and Sotsona waking up face-to-face with each other in bed.

April 6th 2024. The day is a Saturday. It’s the morning.

The both of them stay in place, not wanting to move their positions.

Sotsona smiles affectionately at Casimir.

They blush at each other immensely.


Line 71) Good morning~


Line 72) Hey there.

Sotsona laughs.

Casimir looks at her in confusion by her sudden laughter.


Line 73) You’re not even trying to hide how awkward this is. 

Sotsona imitates Casimir’s face.

Casimir gently smacks her with a pillow.

Sotsona speaks in a smug tone.


Line 74) Aren’t you glad to be home?


Line 75) Of course, I am.


Line 76) Did you have to wake up seeing Yuvin’s face every morning on your business trip?

Casimir chuckles.


Line 77) Did you think we were sharing a bed together?


Line 78) There’s no way he would agree to that.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 79) But it’s something you wouldn’t be against, right?

Casimir shakes his head yes.


Line 80) See? I knew there was some bromance between you guys.


Line 81) It’s definitely unrequited.


Line 82) At the moment, I'm sick of seeing his face since I had to see it every day during our trip.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 83) I wouldn’t say it’s unrequited.


Line 84) How come?


Line 85) Just trust me when I say he cares about you a lot more than he’ll ever show.

Casimir replies excitingly.


Line 86) Well, hot damn! Why is he continuing to hide his feelings? We could’ve been best friends all this time?

Sotsona shrugs her shoulders in confusion.

Casimir speaks in a flirtatious tone, wanting to tease Sotsona.


Line 87) Is he not the only one hiding his feelings?

Sotsona blushes and nervously responds, feeling put on the spot.


Line 88) W-What do you mean?

Casimir speaks in an affectionate manner.


Line 89) There’s something different about you. 


Line 90) Are you sure you’re not hiding anything from me*?

*Casimir can sense a change in Sotsona’s behavior, he is alluding to her thinking she’s in love with him (refer back to episode 62, line 52).

Sotsona stays silent.


Line 91) Don’t make me bring up what happened the night I blacked out in Palau*.

*Refer back to episode 39, details in between lines 93 and 94.

Casimir drops the speculation, feeling flustered by Sotsona bringing up that night again.


Line 92) We’re even then.

The both of them get ready for the day.

Casimir waits for Sotsona to finish so that they can eat breakfast together.

Casimir scrolls on his phone as he waits.

Sotsona finishes getting ready and abruptly approaches Casimir, snagging his phone away while giving him the stank eye.

Casimir smiles at her.


Line 93) Is everything okay, Ona?


Line 94) Why do you have the humor of a middle schooler?


Line 95) What makes you say that?

Sotsona folds her arms and tilts her head to the side.

Casimir admits to his prank.


Line 96) So I drew on your face, are you mad at me?

Sotsona pokes Casimir’s cheek playfully.

She speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 97) I can’t be mad at you for some reason.

Casimir blushes from Sotsona’s remark.

Sotsona sits with Casimir at the table to eat breakfast and gives his phone back.


Line 98) When did you even do it?


Line 99) When I checked up on you, noticing you had dozed off.

Sotsona playfully rolls her eyes.


Line 100) You sly fox.


Line 101) Just to let you know, there are no cooking classes scheduled today regarding main dishes.


Line 102) I was only able to find pastry classes.


Line 103) We should take advantage of that. They say baking is harder than regular cooking.


Line 104) Alright then. I didn’t know you’re a sweet tooth.

Sotsona happily responds.


Line 105) Yes, of course. It’d be such a good thing to know how to bake my favorite desserts.


Line 106) Then I’ll be able to bake them all the time.

Casimir smiles lovingly at Sotsona.

Line 107) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Well, then, this is good for me to know too, since I’ll be able to find a way to Sotsona’s heart through cooking.

Line 108) Casimir’s inner thoughts: I suppose I have my work cut out for me then.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 10, 2024
Last Updated on August 10, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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