Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 62

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 62

A Chapter by Yosh

As Celestyn drives Sotsona home, she strikes up a conversation with her out of curiosity. But, what happens when this conversation leads Sotsona to figure out something huge?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 62: 

April 5th 2024. The day is a Friday.

Celestyn is driving Sotsona to Casimir’s place and talks to her on the ride there.

She speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 1) Sorry for mentioning Casimir earlier.


Line 2) I just slipped up. I keep forgetting that it’s a secret and shouldn’t be discussed at work.


Line 3) I’m the one that’s sorry. You shouldn’t have to deal with keeping out secret. It must be annoying.


Line 4) No. It’s fine. But I advise you not to get too distracted thinking about him.

Celestyn speaks in a smug manner.


Line 5) I wouldn’t want him to jeopardize how well you’ve been doing as an employee at Adair so far.

Sotsona replies in a flustered manner, feeling embarrassed that Celestyn caught her thinking of Casimir at work*.

*Refer back to episode 61, line 113.


Line 6) Sorry. I was just getting too caught up in my head.

Celestyn speaks intriguingly.


Line 7) Can I ask you a question?


Line 8) You’re my boss. You can ask me whatever you want. There’s no need for my permission.

Celestyn smirks.


Line 9) What do you see in Casimir?

Sotsona is caught off-guard with this question.


Line 10) What? I don’t think I understand.

Celestyn speaks in an interested tone.


Line 11) Well… It’s just that I’m curious about why you’ve been with him all these years*.

*Remember that Celestyn and Zephryn think that Casimir and Sotsona have been together for 3 years, refer back to episode 21, line 89, and episode 22, line 28).

Celestyn speaks in a skeptical tone.


Line 12) You’re truly an enigma. An outlier.


Line 13) Sure, I’m not close with my brother, but I know a thing or two about common sense.


Line 14) For some reason, my gut is telling me you don’t fit the timeline. But maybe I’m wrong because I don’t know Casimir like that.

A nervous expression engulfs Sotsona’s face.

Line 15) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Crap! She’s onto me!


Line 16) And I don’t think that my brother’s slick enough to keep a relationship hidden for three years. It just doesn’t seem like him.


Line 17) However, there is no denying the adoration you feel for everything about him.


Line 18) Like how you were thinking about him at work.


Line 19) That only confirms the legitness of your relationship with him, which leaves me even more confused.


Line 20) So, I want to know why you decided to fight for so much just to be with him.


Line 21) Because, in my opinion, he’s not all that special.


Line 22) And you seem like a smart person, so there’s no logical reason for you to go through the troubles of being with him.


Line 23) Or maybe you’re just a fool, and I’ve read you wrong.

Celestyn gets hit with a wave of realization that her demeanor is rude.

She frantically apologizes.


Line 24) Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry for being so blunt. I hope I didn’t offend you.

Sotsona nervously responds.


Line 25) No. It’s alright. I understand that you’re just curious.

Celestyn speaks in an apologetic tone.


Line 26) My apologies. Don’t feel obligated to answer.


Line 27) No. If anything I should be the one apologizing.


Line 28) Whether you’re close to Casimir or not, you’re his family and deserve an explanation.

Sotsona speaks sentimentally.


Line 29) Casimir was just the one who did things first.


Line 30) I tend to be the kind of person that’s more reserved. I don’t like advocating or speaking up about things. I usually just let people around me do that.


Line 31) As I grew older, I realized that if I were to continue going down that path, there would be no one willing to approach me first.


Line 32) And I was severely lonely. I just felt so excluded by everyone else. That led me to conclude that nobody cared about me.


Line 33) However, when out of the blue, someone suddenly sticks up for you…


Line 34) You’re caught off-guard and are extremely shocked. You even criticize the person for being so foolish in observing you when they could have their eyes set on someone better.


Line 35) But, I just couldn’t stop thinking about Casimir after he stuck up for me that day we met*.

*Sotsona is referring to when they first met and Casimir gave her a generous tip, then slipped a note in her pocket about asking her out (refer back to all of episode 3, and episode 4, details in between lines 81 and 82).


Line 36) Someone opened their arms to acknowledge me and showed me that they cared.


Line 37) He was signaling to me that he was out there, and that he was ready to take me into his life.


Line 38) And I seized the opportunity to be with him, which was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.


Line 39) I didn’t think it would be possible for someone to take interest in me and shower me in all the care I could ever want or need.


Line 40) And I feel so appreciative for him doing that. I’m just so lucky and grateful.


Line 41) All I want to do now is repay everything he’s done for me back to him.


Line 42) I want to make him feel as good as he’s made me feel.

Sotsona makes eye contact with Celestyn and notices how uncomfortable she looks.

Sotsona senses the mood.


Line 43) I’m sorry I went off on a tangent. I’m sure you’re the last person in the world who wants to hear about this.

Celestyn laughs.


Line 44) I won’t lie when I say that was a tad bit hard to hear, but you still didn’t answer my question.

Line 45) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I guess she’s right. I still never told her what I see in Casimir.

Line 46) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I guess I sort of don’t know. It’s quite a hard question to answer.

Sotsona affectionately speaks.


Line 47) You say you don’t think Casimir is special, but I’d have to disagree. I see love in him. He just radiates it all around himself.


Line 48) Because I love him.


Line 49) You’ve got that right. There’s no sugar coating it.

Sotsona surprisingly looks at Celestyn and blushes.

She freaks out on the inside.

Line 50) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I said that without even thinking!

Line 51) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: It just slipped out so naturally!

Sotsona’s in disbelief.

Line 52) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I love Casimir?! No way!

Sotsona dismisses her feelings, trying to keep calm.

Line 53) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Line 54) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m a noob afterall.

Line 55) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m sure I’m just mistaking how I feel.


Line 56) I know I’ve mentioned that Casimir and I aren’t close, but I’m at least glad he has someone like you in his life.


Line 57) Maybe even bit jealous. I think you’re too good for him.

Sotsona passionately speaks.


Line 58) It’s quite the opposite. He’s definitely better than me.

Celestyn playfully smirks at Sotsona.


Line 59) Ew. You’re being all mushy gushy.

Celestyn speaks in a genuine manner.


Line 60) Anyway, I’m looking forward to us become in-laws.

Celestyn speaks in a flirtatious manner.


Line 61) But let me know if you ever change your mind and would rather make Casimir your brother in-law.

Celestyn winks at Sotsona.

Sotsona realizes what Celestyn is alluring to and playfully shakes her head no.


Line 62) Is it okay if I ask you a question now?

Celestyn nods her head yes.


Line 63) This may be a bit out line to ask, but I suppose it’s also out of curiosity.


Line 64) Why aren’t you guys close with each other?

Celestyn’s demeanor becomes serious.


Line 65) If you’re asking this, I suppose Casimir hasn’t told you about our dad then.

Sotsona freezes.

She replies in a somber manner, feeling guilty.


Line 66) I’m sorry. If it’s about that, I won’t pry.


Line 67) It’s just a touchy subject. I’m sure he’ll tell you sooner or later.


Line 68) I apologize. It’s not my place to know.

They arrive at Casimir’s pent-house.

Sotsona exits Celestyn’s car, thanking her in an appreciative tone.


Line 69) Thank you for driving me again. I hope you have a good weekend.


Line 70) It’s no problem. I suppose this is our last drive since Casimir will be returning later  today.


Line 71) But if you ever need me, don’t hesitate in reaching out.


Line 72) Or if you just need someone to talk to, I’m always here.

Celestyn speaks in a playful manner.


Line 73) Or if you want to run away with me, I’m not against that either.

Sotsona nervously laughs.

They bid each other goodbye and Sotsona enters Casimir’s place.

She flusteredly slides down the entrance door.

She looks around the place in disbelief.

Line 74) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I can’t seem to move on after professing my love to Casimir so unintentionally in my head.

Line 75) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: If it’s something I said so nonchalantly, then isn’t that how I truly feel?

Line 76) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Casimir said it’s a feeling where “when you know you know.”*

*Refer back to episode 59, line 94.

Sotsona rubs her head in distress.

Line 77) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: But how do I know I know? I’m so confused. Just thinking about this is making me even more disconcerted than I already am.

In a panic, Sotsona pulls her phone out of her pocket and searches for information on her phone.

She searches on a website: “How should you confirm you love someone?”

She flusteredly reads one of the results.

Result: You feel a strong urge to be connected to this person, bringing new aspects to your relationship, such as emotional or physical intimacy, passion, and a desire to know everything about them.

Sotsona embarrassingly smacks her head.

Line 78) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’m a idiot! I shouldn’t trust the first result. That’s an unreliable source.

Line 79) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: … Even if the result matches exactly how I feel.

Sotsona tries to distract her mind by unwinding and taking a shower.

She frustratingly goes to the living room.

Line 80) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I haven’t been able to think of anything else after admitting how I stupidly hypothetically feel.

Line 81) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I’ll just turn on some TV. That’s bound to distract me from my lousy mind.

Sotsona turns on the TV, getting situated on the couch, watching a random movie.

The movie cuts to a love confession.

Character 1

Line 82) There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for some time.

Character 2

Line 83) What is it? You know you can tell me anything.

Sotsona tries to focus on the movie by avidly paying attention.

Character 1

Line 84) Truth is, I can’t keep it within me any longer.

Character 1 speaks sentimentally.

Character 1

Line 85) I don’t know when it started, but out of the blue one day, I became self-aware about my feelings for you.

Character 2 speaks in confusion.

Character 2

Line 86) Your feelings for me? What are you talking about?

Character 1 speaks passionately.

Character 1

Line 87) I-I’m… I’m so madly in love with you.

Character 1

Line 88) I can’t get you out of my head.

Character 1

Line 89) You’re all I think about.

Character 1

Line 90) I think about our lives together.

Character 1

Line 91) You’re all I want.

Character 2 blushes immensely, looking overwhelmed.

Sotsona watches the scene looking very touched.

Character 2

Line 92) That’s crazy because I love you so much too.

Sotsona squeals at the confession.

Line 93) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: How good it must feel to experience something like this.

Line 94) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: This is all I want. Is it too much to ask for?

Line 95) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Do I also think about my future with Casimir?

Sotsona beams and kicks her feet, feeling excited.

Line 96) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: Eek! I can’t wait to see him.

Line 97) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: I have to stay up until he gets back.

As the movie plays in the background, Sotsona lies down on the couch and drifts off to sleep.

Casimir enters his pent-house with his own key and luggage in hand. 

He excitingly enters, anticipating Sotsona to be waiting for him.

He enters the living room and notices her sleeping.

He smiles admirably.

Line 98) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Of course she’s sleeping. She must be tired from working so hard.

Line 99) Casimir’s inner thoughts: Luckily tomorrow’s a Saturday, so we’ll be able to hang out with each other.

Casimir finds the remote and turns off the movie.

He slides his hands under Sotsona’s body, picking her up in his grasp into an embrace.

He takes her to her room and gets her tucked into her bed.

He smiles observing her face.

He gently caresses her cheek, trying not to wake her, but can’t restrain himself from kissing her cheek.

He then gets up to walk away, but Sotsona reaches for his sleeve.

He freezes in this stance, surprised by Sotsona’s gesture since he thought she was asleep.

He excitingly turns around, seeing Sotsona reaching for him.

Sotsona looks at Casimir excitingly..

The both of them blush at each other.

Sotsona speaks in a sleepy voice.


Line 100) Welcome back, you!


Line 101) I’m sorry I slept through your arrival. I would have offered you a better homecoming.

Casimir happily smiles at Sotsona.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 9, 2024
Last Updated on August 9, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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