Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 61

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh Episode 61

A Chapter by Yosh

After Sotsona and Casimir get back from vacation, how do their day-to-day lives operate? What unexpected thing happens?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 61: 

April 5th 2024. The day is a Friday.

Sotsona is at work thinking about her dynamics with Casimir. 

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 1) To think that it’s been a little over a month since Casimir and I got back from our trip.

Line 2) We’ve made quite a lot of progress together ever since then.

*The shot cuts to Casimir and Sotsona when they get back from their trip.

They unpack their belongings and get ready to wrap up their weekend to go back to work.

The day is Monday, March 4th, 2024. It’s the morning.

Casimir knocks on Sotsona’s bedroom door with a gift in hand (she’s continuing to sleep in the guest bedroom).


Line 3) Hey, Ona, are you awake?

Sotsona speaks loud enough for Casimir to hear her through the door.


Line 4) Yeah. I’m coming.

Sotsona opens the door for Casimir.

The both of them get a good look at each other.

Sotsona notices the bouquet of flowers Casimir is holding.

They blush at each other immensely.

Casimir speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 5) Good morning, gorgeous! These are for you.

Sotsona’s face flushes red from the sweet gesture.

Line 6) Sotsona’s inner thoughts: He just called me gorgeous and gave me a fresh bouquet of flowers!

Sotsona looks pleasantly surprised.


Line 7) Wow! Thank you. They’re beautiful. I love them.

Sotsona gets a whiff of the flowers, enjoying its delightful scent.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona lovingly.


Line 8) But, I’m a bit confused. Why are you giving me these?


Line 9) Just expect me to give you flowers every now and then.


Line 10) You deserve them. But, either way, I shouldn’t have to have a reason to give you them, right*?

*Casimir is alluding to Sotsona’s tangent about how people shouldn’t wait for special occasions to do things (refer back to episode 11, line 14, etc).

Sotsona smiles from Casimir’s sharp memory.


Line 11) But, if you want the specifics, this has to do with the date we had last Thursday*.

*Refer back to episode 56, 57, and 58 (this was the date Casimir won when the both of them raced each other by jetskiing. Refer back to episode 54, line 11).


Line 12) Since that day marks our anniversary, and I didn’t get you any flowers at the time…


Line 13) Consider this my compensation.

Sotsona’s eyebrow melt from Casimir’s thoughtfulness.

She speaks in an grateful manner.


Line 14) Aww~ You didn’t have to.

Casimir speaks in an assertive tone.


Line 15) No. It was highly necessary. You must’ve been confused as to why you didn’t receive any flowers that day.

Casimir sadly looks at Sotsona, feeling guilty.


Line 16) You poor thing. I’m sorry I didn’t give you them on time. I just didn’t think it would be convenient to buy you flowers when we were in Palau, because where would we pack them when we had to leave?

Sotsona laughs.

She speaks in a reassuring tone.


Line 17) Don’t worry about it. You made the right move. It slipped my mind that you didn’t get me flowers because I was thinking of other things.


Line 18) Plus, the vacation was enough of a gift for me. Please don’t get me anything else, or I’ll feel spoiled.

Casimir smiles at Sotsona.


Line 19) I’ll try not to. But, out of curiosity, what were you thinking about that day that distracted you from expecting to receive flowers from me?

Sotsona blushes, reminiscing at the moment.

She speaks in a flustered tone.


Line 20) O-Oh. I was just thinking about my feelings for you*. 

*Refer back to episode 55, details starting on line 97, etc.

Casimir’s face flushes red.


Line 21) Which led me to making amends with the fact that maybe staying together isn’t the right choice since I thought you could do better*.

*Refer back to episode 57, details starting on line 41.

Casimir sadly looks at Sotsona again.

Casimir speaks in an empathetic tone.


Line 22) Right. I’m sorry for bringing it up.


Line 23) So many thoughts must’ve rushed through your head.


Line 24) You must’ve been upset to part ways with me.

Sotsona releases a pleasant sigh.


Line 25) I was upset, but I was also very relieved when you objected my suggestions.


Line 26) Your fight to be with me makes me feel valuable.

Casimir smiles.


Line 27) Of course, you’re valuable. You don’t realize just how incredible you are, Ona.

Casimir happily opens his arms.


Line 28) Come, give me a hug.

Sotsona playfully teases Casimir by trying to look like she doesn’t want a hug from him.

He playfully pouts his lips at her, giving her puppy dog eyes.

She eventually gives in, embracing him into a tight hug.

They continue to hug each other for a while.


Sotsona looks confused as to why Casimir is still hugging her.


Line 29) Don’t you think that’s enough?

Casimir speaks in a yearnful manner.


Line 30) I don’t want to let you go. I wish time stopped right now.

Sotsona forcefully unbinds Casimir gently, assertively placing her hands on his shoulders.

She speaks in a reassuring manner.


Line 31) But, I’m right here. You’re not missing out on anything.

Casimir looks at Sotsona upsettingly.


Line 32) Yes, I am.

Sotsona’s eyebrows furrow in oblivion.

She speaks in a confused tone.


Line 33) What are you talking about?

Casimir speaks in a guilty tone.


Line 34) About that call I got yesterday, I only told you about your work information, but not mine.

*Shot cuts to Casimir getting a call from his assistant Yuvin and answering it.

The day is March 3rd 2024. It’s Sunday nighttime.

Casimir is lies in bed, scrolling on his phone before dozing off.

He gets an abrupt call from his Assistant Yuvin.

He answers it, speaking in an annoyed tone.


Line 35) Yes? What do you want?

Yuvin speaks furiously on the other line of the phone.


Line 36) What do I want?! Are you kidding me?!

Yuvin screams at Casimir.



Casimir flinches from Yuvin talking loudly over the phone.


Line 38) Ouch! You don’t have to scream.


Line 39) Didn’t you get my message? I was on vacation. Even mom got it. What’s your excuse?

Yuvin speaks frustratingly.


Line 40) My excuse?! You have got to be joking?!

Casimir speaks in a dismissive manner.


Line 41) Listen, I barely touched my phone the whole trip because I was trying to relax.


Line 42) So trying to reach me would have been utterly impossible.


Line 43) So, just tell me what you need, and we’ll be on our merry ways.


Line 44) Either way, I’ll be at work tomorrow.

Yuvin speaks in aggravation.


Line 45) Goodness, Casimir! Could you be anymore irresponsible than you already are?


Line 46) Do you know how much work has piled up for you?

Casimir rubs his head in distress, feeling contemplative.


Line 47) I’m well aware. It’ll all be done by the end of the week. What are you so panicky about?


Line 48) This also has to do with your “not girlfriend fiance”, whatever her name is, starting work.


Line 49) She was supposed to start work this week after getting a physical examination and taking drug tests.


Line 50) However, since the both of you were in la la land, she’s behind schedule too.

Casimir passionately defends himself.


Line 51) For crying out loud, Yuvin, don’t make a big deal out of nothing.


Line 52) Her mentorship is among the other employees' responsibilities*. She’ll be up to date in no time. Stop overreacting.

*Refer back to episode 29, details starting on lines 97, etc.

Yuvin continues to speak upsettingly on the phone with Casimir.


Line 53) Fine. Whatever. That’s for you to handle.


Line 54) On top of the many other things you have to do, let me remind you that a business trip for advertising is coming up.

Casimir sits up straight in bed, locking in on the information in shock.


Line 55) A business trip? But I just got back from vacation.


Line 56) That’s on you for being such a slacker.


Line 57) Yes. A business trip that you and I have to go on in a couple of days.

Casimir rubs his head in distress.


Line 58) Jeez. If it’s just for advertising why can’t we do it through a video chat of some kind?

Yuvin frustratingly responds over the phone.


Line 59) Because it’s a conference where all the head managers that enforce Adair hair products around the world meet up to discuss marketing tactics.


Line 60) As the CEO, it is an obligation that you be there.


Line 61) For how long? And where?


Line 62) It’s going to be for around a month, since you have to do marketing management and business analytical stuff with the people that want to invest in Adair’s stocks.

Casimir’s jaw drops.

He speaks in a shocked tone.


Line 63) ONE MONTH?!

Yuvins clicks his tongue in annoyance.


Line 64) We’ve literally discussed this in a board meeting many weeks ago. How could you forget about what you have to do in Washington with the corporate staff?!

Casimir remembers the meeting.

He desperately complains.


Line 65) OH MY GOD!!! I can’t see Ona for whole month?!

Yuvin gets reminded on who Sotsona is.

He snaps his fingers in realization.


Line 66) Sotsona. That’s her name. She’s been interfering with your work heavily. You need to get back on track.

Casimir shuffles his feet in bed under his covers, feeling frustrated.


Line 67) Ugh! I can’t believe that’s coming up!


Line 68) Whatever. You better be at work tomorrow.

Yuvin abruptly hangs up the call.

*Shot cuts back to Monday, March 4th, where Casimir and Sotsona are discussing this information.

He speaks in a shameful manner.


Line 69) I know I only told you about how you have to take a drug test and do a physical…


Line 70) I just couldn’t seem to break the news that I would be gone for a month on a business trip. I’m sorry.

Sotsona tries to cheer Casimir up, speaking in a reassuring tone.


Line 71) Hey, it’s alright. It’s for work, so it’s very important you attend.

Casimir leans in on Sotsona’s chest for a hug.


Line 72) You’re more important to me than work.

Sotsona blushes.


Line 73) I don’t want to leave you for that long.

Sotsona smiles.


Line 74) I’ll get around just fine. Don’t worry.


Line 75) We could always call each other too.

Casimir snuggles into Sotsona’s chest.


Line 76) It’s not the same. I’m going to miss you so much.

Sotsona speaks in an encouraging tone.


Line 77) Just look forward to coming back then. It’ll go by a lot quicker than you think.

Casimir sadly looks up at Sotsona with puppy dog eyes.

Sotsona face flushes red, getting hit with a wave of realization of their intimacy.

Sotsona changes the subject to contain her composure.


Line 78) We should probably head to the appointment. If we don’t go now, we’ll be late to that and for work.

Casimir sadly responds.


Line 79) Yeah, I suppose you’re right.

Casimir and Sotsona gather their belongings for work.

Casimir leads Sotsona to his garage, picking the car he’ll use for the day.

The both of them get in, and Casimir drives Sotsona to her appointment.

After Sotsona gets her examinations done, the both of them head to work, getting caught up on the things they missed in their separate offices.

They finish work for the day and head home.

Finally, the day comes when Casimir has to leave Sotsona for his trip.

Sotsona helps Casimir with last minute packing as they gather his luggage.


Line 80) Did you get all your documents? Chargers? Laptop?

Casimir sadly responds.


Line 81) It’s all in my brief case.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 82) You sound so businessy saying brief case.

Casimir bittersweetly admires Sotsona’s laugh, replying in a somber voice.


Line 83) Boy, am I going to miss the sound of your voice.

Sotsona blushes.


Line 84) This will be good for us. We could use a break from each other.

Casimir offendedly looks at Sotsona.

He speaks in a defeated tone.


Line 85) How could you say that? Do you hate being around me?

Sotsona reassuringly speaks.


Line 86) Calm down. That’s not what I meant at all.


Line 87) I’m just saying that spending some time away from each other will help us strengthen our bond together.


Line 88) Oh. I suppose. But I’d still much rather be here with you.


Line 89) You have important business to tend to. Think about the company’s reputation.

The both of them make their way to the exit of Casimir’s pent-house.


Line 90) Are you sure you got everything?


Line 91) I have an idea. I have a super big luggage somewhere in my closet that I think you could fit into.

Sotsona laughs.


Line 92) You’re being ridiculous. Just get going already.

Sotsona opens her arm for Casimir to hug.

Casimir leans in aggressively and embraces Sotsona tightly.

He lifts her up and spins her around.

Sotsona speaks in a shocked tone, being caught off-guard.


Line 93) Casimir! What are you-?


Line 94) You’re supposed to call me by my nickname.


Line 95) Ona, when I get back from my trip, I’m not holding back on you anymore.

Sotsona blushes, and Casimir puts her down.

Casimir speaks in an affectionate tone.


Line 96) I just want to be yours more than anything else.


Line 97) Stay in touch with me.

Casimir opens the door, grabbing ahold of his luggage.


Line 98) One more thing.

Sotsona looks at Casimir in confusion.

Casimir signals with his hands for Sotsona to come closer to him.

He leans into her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Sotsona is caught off-guard and blushes immensely.


Line 99) Don’t forget that I like you and you’re important to me. I’ll see you soon.

Casimir sets out to leave, leaving Sotsona surprised from his gesture.

He exits the door, making his way to his cab where Yuvin waits for him, as Sotsona flusteredly waves him off.

Yuvin gives the both of them a disgusted look.

*Shot cuts back to Sotsona working on Friday, April 5th, 2024.

Sotsona’s narration:

Line 100) Ever since then, Casimir and I have been staying in touch by calling each other and texting each other messages.

Sotsona and Casimir on face time with each other talking about their days.

Line 101) I’ve been getting accustomed to working at the head quarters and familiarizing myself with my co-workers.

Line 102) They all have been very kind in lending me a helping hand as I settle in to working dynamics.

Line 103) Even Celestyn* offered to commute me to and from work, even though I insisted on taking the bus.

*Casimir’s sister (refer back to episode 29, line 102).

Line 104) Life has been going by and I am processing everything that’s happening.

Line 105) I’ve been getting to know Zephryn* and Celestyn quite well, and they’ve been urging me to start planning my marriage with Casimir.

*Casimir’s mother.

Line 106) However, I’ve been postponing it until Casimir comes back from his trip.

Line 107) Which is today. April 5th. Around nighttime.

Line 108) Throughout this whole month, I’ve honestly been missing Casimir substantially.

Line 109) I’ve been yearning for his presence, even though I didn’t think I would.

Line 110) So, I’m looking forward to seeing him later today.

Line 111) And I’m a bit nervous about what he meant when he said “when I get back from my trip, I’m not holding back on you anymore”. I want to know what he was talking about*.

*Refer back to line 95 of this episode.

Line 112) What does that mean for the progression of our relationship?

Celestyn approaches Sotsona as she continues to do her work in a daze on her desk.

She speaks in a disturbed tone.


Line 113) Don’t tell me you’re thinking about my brother?

Sotsona is caught off-guard, with Celestyn popping up out of the blue. 

She blushes from her remark.

She speaks in a flustered voice.


Line 114) Hey! Shouldn’t we keep that on the down low? And how did you know?


Line 115) You usually have a focused expression when doing your work, but you look all smiley today.


Line 116) Which leads to one conclusion, you’re thinking about that short and egotistical brother of mine.

Sotsona tries to divert her attention to work, looking focused out of the blue.


Line 117) Do you need something from me?


Line 118) You’re done for the day. Let’s get you home.

Sotsona and Celestyn wrap up their belongings.

Celestyn leads Sotsona to her car, driving her to Casimir’s pent-house.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Hello, please let me know if you notice any grammatical issues. I hope you enjoyed reading. If you'd like a different format, check this story out on wattpad.

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Added on August 9, 2024
Last Updated on August 9, 2024
Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #richman, #CEO, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn

Hopelessly Yours by Yosh



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