![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 101A Chapter by Yosh![]() How does Calista go about her life after realizing that everything that happened to her was just a dream?![]()
Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.
Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 101: Calista’s narration: Line 1) Day by day I was doing my recovery procedures, so that I could get on my feet again. Line 2) Since I hadn’t walked in 3 weeks, my limbs were weak and I didn’t have the strength to walk the way I used to. Line 3) After a couple days of trying to gain my balance again, I was successfully able to walk. Line 4) I was relieved to know that my muscle memory kicked in. Line 5) Same thing happened when I would do things like write or hold utensils. For some time I couldn’t even brush my teeth properly. Line 6) Besides physical therapy, I also partook in mental therapy. Line 7) I started seeing a psychiatrist and they’ve been helping me with my adjustments. Line 8) However, I still haven’t opened up to anyone about what truly happened to me. Line 9) I go through my days regularly, putting on this front so that everything seems okay to the people around me. Line 10) When in reality, I am actually depressed. Line 11) I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sad in my life, and it’s really been getting to me. Line 12) All I keep thinking about are the 'memories' I created in my head that turned out to be lies. Line 13) Some days Talulla wants me to go out, however, I just use that I’m not feeling well as an excuse to lie in bed all day thinking about those 8 months. Line 14) Reminiscing about all those things never ceases to make me cry. Line 15) To know that everything I held dear to my heart was just a figment of my imagination, hurts me to the core. Line 16) I know that if Marvin were real, he wouldn’t be proud about the way I’ve been handling things. Line 17) The time when he told me that I needed to communicate better so that we could go through our things together. *We get flashbacks to those scenes. Line 18) Those moments sting my soul. Line 19) How could all of that be fake? I even saw things from Talulla, Marvin and Elouise’s point of view. Line 20) He touched my face with his warm tender hands. Line 21) I’ve kissed his smooth lips several times. Line 22) Even ran my fingers through his thick coarse hair. Line 23) But, all of that didn’t actually happen. Line 24) How could my mind make up such a thing? Line 25) How did my mind make a face like his, with his voice, and his everything? Line 26) Because of all those reasons, there’s still a lingering part of me that believes I’m not in the real world. Line 27) It's hard for me to comprehend why I'm the only one who made this fake movie in my head. Line 28) How can I remember every detail so specifically? It makes me feel so alone. Line 29) Which makes no sense because all I ever wanted for so long was for Raymond to be in my life again. Line 30) And now that he is, I still don’t feel fulfilled because I’m suffering this agonizing heartbreak. Line 31) What did I ever do in my life to deserve such pain? Line 32) Is it because I’m not religious? Line 33) Because I ran away from my parents? Line 34) Or is it because I’m nothing but a hopeless girl who falls in love too easily? Line 35) Was I so desperate that my mind made this alternate reality to sooth my loneliness? Line 36) If so, why did it only make things worse? Line 37) If I close my eyes hard enough, could I slip back into that world I made? Line 38) Just take me back! That’s all I want! Line 39) Can I for once in my life get what I want? Line 40) I can’t live like this! Line 41) I’ll never get over this! Line 42) How will I ever move on from this? It’s impossible. Line 43) This never ending cycle of gut wrenching pain is just too much for me to bear! Line 44) I want him to hold me. With his warm hands around my body. Line 45) Where I’m close to his chest to the point where I can feel his heartbeat. Line 46) The way he smelled of fabric softener, mixed with Sandalwood, and his personal scent. Line 47) I’d give anything just to be engulfed in all of that again. Line 48) Even the smell of Rex’s frito feet. Line 49) I’ll do anything, just let me be with him. Calista cries herself to sleep. Talulla walks into her room and notices she’s asleep. Line 50) Talulla: Walking into this home, knowing she’s alive and well here, brings me so much joy. Line 51) Talulla: However, somehow she doesn’t seem like herself. Line 52) Talulla: It must be because of the trauma she endured going into a coma. Line 53) Talulla: It’ll take her a while to adjust. Line 54) Talulla: I’m so proud of how far she’s made it. Talulla puts a blanket over Calista and kisses her forehead. *Calista gets cast in her dream. In her dream, Marvin kisses her awake, they are in a grassy plane filled with flowers, (it is the date they went on that one time) Calista slowly peers her eyes open and sees Marvins face. Calista Line 55) Marvin? Marvin Line 56) Hello? Why are you so confused? Tears well in Calista’s eyes. Calista Line 57) Marvin, is it really you? She hugs him tightly, he hugs her back. Marvin Line 58) Of course it’s me. Who else would it be? Calista leans on his chest as he holds her near. She smells his scent and hears the vibrations of his heart beat. Line 59) Calista: There is it, his personal smell. Line 60) Calista: And his thumping heart. Line 61) Calista: Pinch me. I must be dreaming! Calista pulls back and looks at Marvins face. Calista Line 62) I’m so confused. What am I doing here? Marvin kisses Calista’s hands. Marvin Line 63) What do you mean? We’re on our date. Calista Line 64) Which date? We’ve been on so many. Marvin Line 65) Why are you acting so strange? I told you today we would go where Luna and I used to play as kids. Line 66) Calista: Oh right! That date we went on where we were on a boat out to this grassy plane. Line 67) Calista: But, if I know how things worked out. That just goes to show this is merely just a dream. Calista starts crying and Marvins is confused. Marvin Line 68) Why are you crying, my dear? Calista Line 69) This is another trick my imagination is playing on me. Marvin Line 70) What do you mean? We are actually on our date. Calista Line 71) I wish that were the truth. Calista Line 72) Let me just enjoy this dream while I’m having it. Calista hugs him back, and Marvin confusingly accepts her hug. Calista wakes up in reality. She stretches and finds herself in her room. Line 73) Calista: Too good to be true. I knew it was just a dream. Line 74) Calista: But, how I so deeply wish it were my reality. Calista upsettingly gets out of bed and opens her window. Line 75) Calista: I have plans with Raymond today. He just got back from Germany along with his husband. Line 76) Calista: On the bright side, I’ll be able to see him today. Calista gets ready and heads out to dinner with them. She meets Parsifal Gorman. She shakes hands with him and they warmly greet each other. Calista Line 77) It’s so nice to meet you. They have dinner and Raymond takes Calista home. Raymond Line 78) So, what do you think of him? Calista smiles. Calista Line 79) You guys are perfect for each other. He’s very nice. Raymond is touched. Raymond Line 80) I’m so happy to hear that. I’m sure the two of you will get along fast. Calista gets a bittersweet look on her face. Calista Line 81) Of course. After all, he’s my brother-in-law. Raymond Line 82) Based on our conversation from last week. What are you thinking about for your job? Are you gonna go back? You said you felt like quitting. *Flashback to them talking about her job as they met up some time. *Calista gets reminded about her talk with Marvin before she left 1967, (when she talks about how she will quit her job and sort things out to find something she wants to do). Raymond Line 83) Calista? Calista looks at Raymond. Raymond Line 84) I was calling your name. You weren’t saying anything. Did you space out? Calista Line 85) Sorry, I was just remembering something. Raymond looks at Calista bittersweetly. Raymond Line 86) I know I’m not in the position to say any of this, but ever since Talulla mentioned it. I can’t help but notice it too. Calista Line 87) Can’t help but notice what? Raymond Line 88) You’re severely sad. Raymond Line 89) Talulla and I were talking in private and she mentioned how gloomy you’ve been ever since you’ve awakened. Raymond Line 90) I kept telling her that it’s obviously because you were in a coma, but ever since that seed was planted in my head, I’m sure that’s not the reason. Raymond Line 91) Is there something we don’t know about? Raymond Line 92) I’m an idiot for not realizing it sooner, if Talulla hadn’t told me. But, there’s no fooling her. Calista looks at Raymond. Calista Line 93) I guess I wasn’t hiding it as well as I thought. Raymond Line 94) So, there is something going on? Calista looks at the ground. Calista Line 95) You won’t believe me when I tell you. Calista Line 96) You might even think I’ve actually gone insane. Raymond concerningly grabs Calista’s hand. Raymond Line 97) I promise you I won’t think anything like that. Just tell me what’s going on. We’re heavily concerned. Calista Line 98) Are you sure you’re ready to find out? Raymond shakes his head. Calista’s narration: Line 99) That night I told Raymond and Talulla everything. Line 100) I thought they would think differently about it, but they were very understanding. Line 101) After I’ve been so miserable ever since I woke up, I actually felt happy knowing I had amazing support around me. Line 102) I told them everything I could, but then I realized I was missing out on so many important details. Line 103) I would tell them one thing that happened one day, and then forget the full details of some parts, and then mention it another day. Line 104) That’s when I decided that I needed to say everything to them in an orderly manner. Line 105) I cracked open my laptop and sat for hours writing about all my visions. Line 106) From everything that led up to the moment we met. I included all that engulfed my memories. One year passes and Calista’s finished writing all of it down. She is sitting in her room and realizes she finished writing it. Calista Line 107) I can’t believe it! Calista scrolls through all the pages. Calista Line 108) I finally finished everything. Calista shows it to Raymond and Talulla later in the day. After a couple days of reading Raymond goes to Calista’s place. He is in tears. Raymond Line 109) Calista, this was so beautiful. Raymond Line 110) I feel like I really understand everything now. Talulla Line 111) It was truly touching. I felt like it was a love story from a novel of some sort. Talulla gets struck with an idea. Talulla Line 112) Say, you spent a year writing all of this. Talulla Line 113) I bet that if you published it, people would go nuts. Calista brushes the idea off. Calista Line 114) Publish it? My intention in writing all of this was not to publish a book, but to write a story on what I dreamt about while I was in my coma. Calista Line 115) It was to show you everything that I went through. Talulla Line 116) Of course. But, just think about all the people you could show this story to. Talulla Line 117) Do you know how much of a sensation this could become. Raymond agrees. Raymond Line 118) This is truly the best thing I’ve ever read in my life. Raymond Line 119) I think that everyone should get the chance to read it. Talulla Line 120) Calista, I know this is from the heart, but that’s why you should let the whole world know about it too. Calista’s narration: Line 121) It was a long and emotional journey writing all of this down. Line 122) I spent hours on end, pouring all my memories into my fingertips as they pushed down the keys to my laptop when writing about my experiences. Line 123) If I could show the whole world the love I have for you, Marvin. Line 124) I would do it in a heartbeat. Line 125) Which is why I did. Calista is editing her book and skips to the beginning page. She writes that she dedicates this book to Marvin. Then writes the book title as “in another lifetime” *We get a flashback to when Calista said “See you in another lifetime”. Calista publishes her book and becomes a worldwide sensation. She becomes a famous author and is sent in on many interviews. Calista’s narration: Line 126) Just like that, what I promised you about finding my niche, eventually worked out. Interviewer Line 127) Tell us, how did you come up with this novel? Calista smiles. Interviewer Line 128) And on the first page, the book is dedicated to someone named “Marvin”. Could you please explain who that is? Calista is let out from the interview and makes her way home. She stops by Teresa’s cafe and grabs her drink. Teresa gives it to her. Teresa Line 129) I can’t believe world renown author, Calista Turner, is still ordering her coffee from this place. Calista smiles. Calista Line 130) How could I not? This place is the best. Teresa smiles. Calista notices an establishment date over Teresa’s head. Calista Line 131) Say, what’s that date hanging above you. Teresa looks over. Teresa Line 132) Oh, that. It’s the date this place was established. Line 133) Calista: Is it just a coincidence that the date is 1967? Teresa Line 134) Why are you asking? Calista Line 135) It’s nothing. I’ll be on my way, thanks for the drink. Calista leaves but her heart feels heavy. Calista’s narration: Line 136) The only people that know the whole truth are Raymond and Talulla. Line 137) To everyone else I just tell them I came up with the story out of thin air and that Marvin is some random guy's name I put. Line 138) I changed up the names and dates of everything that occurred, just to make it publishable. Line 139) But, seeing that establishment date, strikes me to the core. Where else have I seen that? Calista is so in a daze, that she bumps into a guy who is walking with a group of people. Guy Line 140) Oh, sorry. Calista Line 141) Sorry. Calista’s face goes blank. Line 142) Calista: Wait, but that voice?! Line 143) Calista: There’s no mistaking it. Line 144) Calista: Could it be? Tears well in Calista’s eyes as she turns to look at who’s behind her. She looks and so does the guy making sure she’s okay after bumping into her. Marvin Line 145) I didn’t mean to bump into you. Marvins friend notices Calista as a famous author. She notices them for being Marvins friends. Her eyes are in shock. *Flashback to Calista getting a cafe earlier in the day a year ago on April 15 2023. She is waiting in line with people and her phone dies. Line 146) Calista: Crap! I didn’t charge my phone all night, so it died midday. She puts her phone in her pocket and waits in line. She overhears the people in front of her being lousy. Teresa is talking to Marvin. Teresa Line 147) I hear that your dad’s forcing you to get married. Is that true, Marvin? Marvin Line 148) It’s true, but there’s no way I’d let something like that happen. Marvin Line 149) He wants me to marry my best friend Todd's younger sister, Elouise. Teresa Line 150) Wouldn’t that be nice? He could be your brother in law. Russell Line 151) That’s crazy talk. Elouise is fully obsessed with Marvin, but doesn’t realize it’s unrequited love. Marvin Line 152) All of my friends, Russell, Jax, Cady, even Todd, her brother, think it’s a crazy idea. Calista overhears the conversation. Line 153) Calista: This Marvin guy seems to be in quite a pickle. Calista looks at the establishment date. Line 154) Calista: I wonder what that date’s for? Employee Line 155) Next in line! Calista goes to order her drink. Calista Line 156) I’ll have the usual please. Calista heads out of the cafe and locks eyes with Marvin. She sees the two psychics advertising their fortune telling site. Front desk lady Line 157) Ma’am please come to our site. Psychic Line 158) You won't be disappointed. She gets handed a pamphlet and accepts it. *Calista gets strung back to reality. Line 159) Calista: All of those things, must have caused me to dream about Marvin and our life together when I went into my coma. Marvin Line 160) Do we know each other? The end of another lifetime! © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on August 4, 2024 Last Updated on August 4, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author