In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 100

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 100

A Chapter by Yosh

What happened to Raymond after he lands in New York? What caused him to leave for 5 years?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 100:

Raymond lands in Brooklyn, New York. (he hesitates whether or not to send the message to Calista).

Raymond’s narration:

Line 1) Those messages I sent to Calista never got through to her.

He gets reminded of Calista’s face.

Line 2) I’m sure she’s worried about me. 

Raymond gets reminded of all his memories in Jersey.

Line 3) But, every time I think of her.

Line 4) I also think of everything else.

Raymond clenches her head in agony and crouches down.

A person nearby stops him and notices him struggling.

He crouches down next to him to help.


Line 5) Are you okay, sir?

Raymond looks up at the guy with tears in his eyes.

The person notices Raymond's fright and takes him somewhere private so they can be together away from the crowd.

The stranger buys Raymond some water.

He hands it over to him.

Raymond is hesitant to take it.

The stranger assures him otherwise.


Line 6) Take it. There’s no need to be hesitant, it’ll help you.

Raymond takes the water.


Line 7) T-Thank you so much.

Raymond drinks the water and is assured by the strangers kindness.

Line 8) Raymond: It’s so kind of him to go out of his way and help me out.


Line 9) Say, what’s your name?


Line 10) My name is Raymond. It’s nice to meet you.


Line 11) Just Raymond. No surname?


Line 12) You Americans are so strange. People abroad usually introduce themselves with their first and last names together.


Line 13) I have a last name. I just don’t feel comfortable using it anymore.

The person looks at him with sympathy.


Line 14) I’m sorry. I can tell you’re going through something. 


Line 15) My name is Parsifal Gorman. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Raymond looks at him diligently.


Line 16) Parsifal, huh? I’ve never heard of that name.


Line 17) I’m not from here.


Line 18) I’m just visiting New York for some time. That’s all.

Raymond’s narration:

Line 19) When I met Parsifal at the airport.

Line 20) I was somewhat restored of my faith in people.

Time passes by as Parsifal and Raymond get to know each other.

Line 21) But, that didn’t take away from what I was truly feeling inside.

Line 22) Everytime I glanced at those text messages, I couldn’t get myself to hit the send button.

Line 23) My fingers would just flinch away. Trembling as I got closer to the button.

Line 24) I just thought it was better if you didn’t know what I was up to, Calista.

Line 25) Although I received all your calls.

Line 26) I wanted to reply back, that's for sure.

Line 27) But, then those unwanted thoughts filled my head again.

Line 28) I felt like I was being suffocated by those negative feelings.

Line 29) I knew deep down that if I wanted to breathe again…

Line 30) I’d have to forget about my past and start everything over from scratch.

Raymond roams around New York.

Line 31) As I tried to get myself familiarized with the new area.

Line 32) I just couldn’t seem to fit in.

Line 33) Everywhere I looked, I was still reminded of it all.

Line 34) I sometimes had to check my back repeatedly to make sure I wasn't walking past someone that looked familiar to me.

Line 35) All of those thoughts would still haunt me here.

Line 36) They would loom and grow stronger every waking moment.

Line 37) To truly let go of my past, I felt it in my core that I had to move somewhere farther.

Raymond and Parsifal have a one on one talk one day.


Line 38) Where are you from again?


Line 39) Stuttgart, Germany. Why do you ask?


Line 40) When do you fly out of here?


Line 41) Well, I was supposed to fly out a while ago.


Line 42) But, I’ve delayed my leave until I know that you’ll be okay on your own.

Raymond looks at Parsifal feeling touched.


Line 43) It’s not everyday that you stumble into a person in the airport the way I did with you.


Line 44) I can’t just leave you while you’re still adjusting to the way things are. 


Line 45)  You need someone by your side.


Line 46) Why couldn’t you just say all of that earlier?

Parsifal looks at Raymond as he breaks down.


Line 47) Why couldn’t you just say that you were staying here because of me? I thought you had a schedule of your own.


Line 48) I promised myself that I wouldn’t tell you anything until you brought it up yourself.


Line 49) I thought that by the time you brought it up yourself, you were ready to be on your own.


Line 50) Now I see how heavily mistaken I was. You’re still unwell.


Line 51) What kind of logic is that?!


Line 52) Just leave already, I don’t need you by my side!


Line 53) I think because New York is close to Jersey, you’re still having feelings of dismay.


Line 54) You want to go somewhere farther, don’t you?


Line 55) There isn’t anywhere else I could go.


Line 56) You could come with me? Germany is approximately 4,000 miles away.


Line 57) Is that far enough for you?

Line 58) Raymond: 4,000 miles away you say?

Line 59) Raymond: To move to a country I have no connection to.

Line 60) Raymond: I could easily start things over.

Line 61) Raymond: I guess all this time all I needed was someone to push me.


Line 62) I-I don’t have a passport anymore.

Parsifal laughs.


Line 63) That’ll take a bit more time and money to get, but does that mean you’ll go?

Raymond assuredly shakes his head yes.

Raymond’s narration:

Line 64) That’s why I left you Calista.

Line 65) You know me, and how sensitive I can get.

Line 66) I thought coming out to our parents would be simple and accepting, but in reality it left me feeling completely and utterly hopeless.

Line 67) I convinced myself you didn’t need me, and that I would only burden you if I had stayed feeling the way I did.

Line 68) Either way, I wouldn’t be happy in Jersey. And now that I have this new opportunity to start things over.

Line 69) I have to seize it to feel better.

Line 70) For once in my life, I put myself first.

Line 71) I know it was selfish, but it felt like the right thing to do at the moment.

Raymond gathers his passport, and other belongings.

Him and Parsifal fly out to Germany together.

Line 72) Meeting and getting to know Parsifal gave me hope of a new beginning.

Line 73) He was kind and lent me a helping hand as I was going through this journey.

Line 74) I felt like I could lean on him, and he gave me his full support.

Line 75) I eventually found a job in Germany and settled in. Discarding everything that reminded me of my past, I changed my number.

Line 76) During my settlement in Germany, Parsifal and I hung out with each other a lot.

Line 77) We quickly became close friends.

Line 78) One thing led to another and I found myself head over heels for him.

Line 79) I was relieved when I found out the feeling was mutual.

Line 80) I had to sacrifice you, but I felt so welcomed in this new place I called my home.

Line 81) That I told myself it was okay to let go of the past.

Line 82) Which is why all these years I didn’t even bother to contact you.

Line 83) Deep down inside, I knew you were well off on your own, and didn’t need me.

Line 84) I kept a low profile on any sort of media to make sure that there was no possible way anyone from my past could track me down.

Line 85) Anyone from my past included you as well. I made no exceptions. And it was very hard to come to terms with that.

Line 86) All those years I felt like I did the right thing. That was until the moment I read that crushing message.

Parsifal shows Raymond the message and he reacts.

Raymond feels his heart drop to his stomach and his hands tremble.

Parsifal comforts him and tries to assure him.


Line 87) I could be a cruel prank. Just to be safe, I think it’s best you reply back.


Line 88) Who would do such a thing?

Raymond breaks down and Parsifal comforts him.

Raymond's narration:

Line 89) To think that all this time, I thought you were doing okay.

Line 90) My heart couldn’t take that there was a possibility you’d never wake up.

Line 91) I felt horrible knowing that all of this could’ve been avoided if I had stayed by your side.

Raymond flies out to Jersey and makes it there.

Line 92) I felt even worse when I came back to Jersey, and realized I felt completely fine.

Line 93) I swore in my past that I’d never set foot in Jersey, but I did.

Line 94) And I was shocked knowing that I didn’t feel the way I did all those years ago.

Line 95) It makes me feel guilty knowing that I could’ve come a while ago to be with you.

Line 96) In fact, it makes me regret leaving you as a whole.

Line 97) It was a very hard time for me, and I overreacted.

Line 98) I wasn’t thinking straight, and therefore, I made the rash decision to leave you with no strings attached.

Line 99) I should’ve sent those messages when I had the chance.

Line 100) I curse myself for being so hesitant.

Line 101) Everything would have been completely fine if I stayed connected to you.

Line 102) I made a mistake not thinking things through before leaving.

Line 103) I was stringing you along this whole time, not knowing the damage I inflicted.

Line 104) I was only thinking of myself.

Line 105) And I’m truly sorry for how selfish I was acting.

Line 106) I’m relieved to know that you found someone who has been there for you to fill the emptiness of my presence.

Line 107) There’s nothing that’ll change what was done.

Line 108) But, I’m here now, and I hope that there’s some way I can restore the broken pieces of your heart.

Line 109) I’ll do anything you want. Even if that means leaving you and never seeing you again.

Line 110) It’s been enough for me to see that you’ve awoken from your coma, and are doing well.

*We are back to the hospital scene and Raymond is crying as he confesses all he’s done.

Calista stokes his hair and comforts him. 


Line 111) I’m sorry for being a baby and crying all over you.


Line 112) I’m truly ashamed.

Calista smiles.


Line 113) I already told you that I forgive you.


Line 114) Now that I know the whole story, I understand where you were coming from.


Line 115) I’m glad to hear you were doing well all those years.


Line 116) Don’t blame yourself, you did what you thought was best.


Line 117) None of that is your fault. Everything will be okay now.

Raymond and Calista hug each other.

Calista’s narration:

Line 118) Finally, my brother and I are on the same page.

Line 119) I look back on those years that I suffered without him differently now.

Line 120) Knowing that he was okay with the support he needed back in Germany, makes my heart seem whole.

Line 121) He’s in my life again, and I’m so grateful.

Line 122) But, there’s still a huge void in my heart that someone else used to fill.

Line 123) However this time around, it’s completely different.

Line 124) I can't get any insight into the emptiness in my heart this time.

Line 125) Because he simply does not exist.

Line 126) And there’s nothing I can do about that.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 100 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
