In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 99

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 99

A Chapter by Yosh

How is Calista adjusting to REAL life? Why did Raymond never contact Calista after he got kicked out?

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 99:

The day is May 8th 2023. It is morning.

The doctor explains everything that happened to Calista.


Line 1) It’s been 22 days ever since April 15th.


Line 2) So, you were in a coma for a little over 3 weeks.

Calista is in disbelief.


Line 3) It hasn’t been 8 months?

The doctor is confused.


Line 4) 8 months? Where did you get that number from?


Line 5) More specifically. It hasn’t been exactly 8 months and 37 days?

The doctor is shocked.


Line 6) How did you think of such a specific date? As I said. It’s only been 22 days.

Calista’s narration:

Line 7) No way. It’s only been 22 days?

Line 8) That can’t be right. I felt through each day that Marvin and I spent together.

Line 9) There’s no mistaking that feeling of time. How could it only have been 3 weeks?


Line 10) Calista!

Calista didn’t hear the doctor calling her name.


Line 11) Sorry. What were you saying?


Line 12) Actually. I’m sorry.


Line 13) I won't overwhelm you with so much information in one day.


Line 14) I’ll save my questions for another time. You’ve heard plenty for today.


Line 15) Get your rest. I’ll come back again tomorrow.

 A couple minutes go by and Talulla and Raymond come to visit Calista.

Talulla rushes over to Calista.

She hugs her.

She is heavily emotional and cries on her shoulder.

Raymond smiles at them hugging each other.


Line 16) I never doubted you. I knew you’d wake up.

Talulla pulls back.

She caresses Calista’s face.


Line 17) How are you feeling?

Line 18) Calista: I wish I could tell her the whole truth.


Line 19) Just still adjusting.


Line 20) Of course. Take all the time you need.


Line 21) Tell us to scram if we’re bothering you.


Line 22) That’s alright. I’m really glad you’re here.

Calista looks at Raymond.

Raymond looks down.

Talulla notices.


Line 23) Actually. Is it possible for you to scram for just a moment, Talulla?

Talulla laughs.


Line 24) I see your sense of humor is still intact.


Line 25) I’ll let you guys talk.

Talulla leaves Raymond and Calista alone.

Raymond is still staring at the floor, afraid to make eye contact with Calista.


Line 26) Are you just gonna stare at the ground all day?

Raymond is caught off guard.


Line 27) U-Um. I’m far too ashamed to look you in the eye.


Line 28) That’s too bad. Look at me.

Raymond hesitantly looks at Calista.

They make eye contact.

Raymond looks ashamed.


Line 29) Could you come closer?

Raymond moves closer.


Line 30) A little closer than that. Please?

Raymond moves closer to Calista.

Calista raises her hands and puts them on Raymonds face.

She caresses his cheeks.

Raymond is ashamed, and starts getting emotional.


Line 31) Wow. I can’t believe it’s actually you.


Line 32) You’ve gotten older.


Line 33) What about me? How do I look?

Raymond looks at Calista with teary eyes.


Line 34) You look older too.

Calista leans Raymond in for a hug.

She hugs him tightly and cries.


Line 35) I’m so sorry, Calista.


Line 36) I’m so very sorry.

Calista holds Raymond's head close to hers.


Line 37) I’m just glad that you’re here.


Line 38) I forgive you.

They cry in each other's arms for a while.

Talulla looks at them from afar.

After some time has passed. They’re ready to talk.


Line 39) So, tell me. Where have you been all these years?

Raymond explains how he’s moved to Germany, etc.

They talk happily on their own.

Many hours have passed and it’s already dark out.


Line 40) I’m sure I’ve talked your ears off.

Calista holds Raymonds hand.


Line 41) That’s okay. I’ve been waiting so long for this conversation.


Line 42) There’s just so much I’ve wanted to tell you.


Line 43) I’ll get going. Get some rest.

Calista doesn’t let go of his hand.

Raymond is confused as to why.


Line 44) Then, why didn’t you tell me?


Line 45) If you've been meaning to tell me all of this for so long. Why didn’t you?

Raymond has a blank expression on his face.


Line 46) There was no sign of you at all for five years.


Line 48) I called your number several times.


Line 49) Looked you up everyday after work for 3 years.


Line 50) Tried to reach out to your friends.


Line 51) I even requested to look through your legal documents, to see if I could find any intel about you.


Line 52) At one point, I even went as far as filling out a missing persons report.


Line 53) I thought if there was no trace of you out there. 


Line 54) I assumed the worst, and thought you were dead.


Line 55) So, tell me. Does it make sense that all this time you’ve wanted to talk to me, but never did?


Line 56) If I didn’t have this accident. Would you have even come at all?

Raymond is distraught.


Line 57) Don’t get me wrong. I forgive you and all.


Line 58) But, I just want an explanation as to why you left me.

Raymond sits down next to Calista.


Line 59) I know what I’m about to say won’t mend all these lost years.


Line 60) It’s all just a lame excuse in actuality.


Line 61) But, it’s what I convinced myself at the time was the best thing to do.

Flashback to Raymond after getting kicked out from the house.

He is walking in a park feeling alone.

Raymond’s narration:

Line 62) Why did I lie to Calista?

Line 63) I told her I was gonna stay with a friend for the time being, but I have no one to stay with.

Line 64) I’m broke as hell. How am I going to afford paying rent for a place with Calista?

Line 65) Why did I promise her that we were going to move in together?

Line 66) I have no idea what I’m talking about.

Line 67) I have no idea what to do.

Line 68) And I just hate Jersey!

Line 69) This whole place reminds me of how unwanted I am.

Line 70) If my own parents won’t accept me as I am. Who am I to think this whole place won’t either?

Line 71) I want to leave. I can’t stand it any longer.

Line 72) I just want to leave this s**t hole of a place behind and start fresh.

Line 73) I don’t want to be reminded of this place and its unwanted memories ever again!

Line 74) I want a new life.

Line 75) I want to move to a place I have no connection to.

Line 76) A place where no one knows my name.

Line 77) A place where I can be myself.

Line 78) But, what about all those promises I made?

Line 79) Could I just leave Calista on her own?

Line 80) Who the hell am I to think she’s not capable of taking care of herself?

Line 81) She doesn’t need me.

Line 82) I’m the one who needs her.

Line 83) But, if I decide to move in with her.

Line 84) I’ll still be stuck in Jersey.

Line 85) There’s nothing left for me here.

Line 86) I want to move somewhere completely new.

Line 87) She has a stable job here and everything.

Line 88) She can’t drop all of that just to be with me.

Line 89) But, I should at least tell her what I’m thinking about. I can’t leave her hanging.

Raymond sends a message to Calista.

Line 90) Hello, Calista. Turns out I don’t have anyone to stay with. I really don’t want to stay in Jersey any longer. However, if you still want to get a place together, let me know. I think you’re more than capable of living on your own, but if you want me to stay by your side, just say the word.

Raymond sends the message and sleeps outside on the park bench.

The next morning he opens his phone to check that the message is undelivered.

Line 91) I could barely sleep, I was so on edge.

Line 92) D****t! Why won’t this message send?!

Raymond looks all around him and gets overstimulated by everything around him.

Line 93) I’m still stuck here. Nothing has changed.

Raymond covers his ears in frustration.

Line 94) Everywhere I turn. Everywhere I look.

Line 95) I’m reminded about how I’m not accepted as I am.

Line 96) My heart is stuck in my throat. I-I can’t breathe.

Raymond starts to hyperventilate and makes his way to the nearest bathroom.

He enters a cafe and goes to the bathroom.

He washes his face in there trying to calm himself down.

Line 97) One thing I know for certain is that I have to leave here immediately.

Line 98) I’ll just tell Calista that I moved and she can decide if she wants to come with me.

Line 99) I’m sure she’ll understand where I’m coming from.

Line 100) It’s not like I’m never going to see her again.

Line 101) She could always visit me.

Line 102) But, there’s no way in hell I’ll ever come back to this place.

Raymond comes out of the bathroom and asks the staff for wifi.

She connects him to the wifi and he tries to resend the message.

Line 103) Hey, Calista. This is Raymond again. I’ve been feeling terrible in the last few hours. I really can’t stay here any longer. So, I’ve decided that I’ll be moving. I’ll tell you where I moved to when I get there. I hope you understand where I’m coming from. Please let me know when you get this message.

Raymond makes his way to the airport.

He goes to the staff lady there.


Line 104) Excuse me ma’am. What’s the next flight out?

The lady looks up the info on her computer.


Line 105) The next flight out is to Brooklyn, New York.


Line 106) Are there any seats left?


Line 107) Yes there are. Would you like to book a ticket?


Line 108) Yes please. 

Raymond books the ticket and sets out to Brooklyn, New York.

He looks at his messages to see that they’re still undelivered.

Line 109) Raymond: Still undelivered.

Raymond really thinks to himself.

Line 110) Raymond: Maybe all of that is for the better.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note


Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 99 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
