In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 98

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 98

A Chapter by Yosh

How exactly did Talulla get ahold of Raymond?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 98:

On a random date in April. Talulla gets a text from the user she messaged about Raymond.


Line 1) Hello. This is Raymond responding to you from this user's phone. I just got your message. I know it was an urgent message, however, unfortunately it was sent from a requested pile. So, I didn’t know you wrote anything until I checked that recently. Thank you for telling me what’s happened to my sister. Could you please verify this information is true? I just want to make sure this isn’t a scam of some sort. Please call my number at xxx-xxx-xxxx. I hope to hear from you soon.

Talulla reads the message unamused.


Line 2) How can he write back so nonchalantly?!


Line 3) If I were him I would’ve booked my ticket right away.

Talulla aggressively calls his number.

She waits until he responds.

The line gets clicked.


Line 4) HEY A*****E!

Phone operator:

Line 5) The number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Press one to send a voice message.

Talulla aggressively presses one.

The line gets clicked.


Line 6) Hey a*****e! This is Talulla speaking to you.


Line 7) I’m the user that messaged you about how your sister’s in a coma.


Line 8) I repeat. SHE’S IN A COMA!


Line 9) Are you an actual idiot or something?!


Line 10) How the hell are you not worried for her at all?!


Line 11) Does she not matter to you anymore?!


Line 12) Oh! I get it!


Line 13) You live in Europe now!


Line 14) It’s been five years!


Line 15) You don’t give a s**t! Is that what I’m hearing?!


Line 16) Listen up, jackass.


Line 17) If you don’t pack your stupid belongings and book a ticket to Jersey within the next couple of days-


Line 18) I’ll give you something you won’t forget about!

Talulla clenches her fist.


Line 19) Are we clear?!

Talulla finishes the voice message.


Line 20) Frickin Coward.

Talulla waits a couple of hours and gets a call from Raymond.

She immediately responds.


Line 21) Hey you a*****e! Finally decided to pick up?


Line 22) C-Could you please not call me that?


Line 23) Listen, I’m sure you’re upset, from what you’ve heard about me.


Line 24) But, there’s more to the story than you think.


Line 25) And I’ll explain all of it. I promise.


Line 26) And for your information. I do care about my sister.


Line 27) From the moment I read your message I could not believe my eyes.


Line 28) Of course I’m worried about her.


Line 29) I just had a hard time wrapping my head around it, which is why I had to make sure you were telling the truth.


Line 30) I just finished booking my ticket to Jersey.


Line 31) I’ll be there Tuesday.


Line 32) Well it’s about damn time.


Line 33) I know. I know.


Line 34) I really think you don’t.


Line 35) I really do. Just hear me out-


Line 36) The only person you need to explain yourself to is Calista.


Line 37) I don’t need your half a*s “story time” on why you left your sister.


Line 38) I’ll send you my address. Make your way there as soon as you land.


Line 39) Don’t be late.

Talulla abruptly ends the call.

Raymond on the other line is distraught.

Tuesday comes around and Raymond knocks on Talulla’s door.

Talulla looks through the peephole and opens the door.

She looks Raymond dead in the eye.

Raymond looks scared, intimidated by Talulla’s cold aura.

Line 40) Raymond: She looks just as scary as the way she talks.


Line 41) U-Uh. Good day ma’am-


Line 42) Is this your luggage?

Raymond is caught off guard from how quickly he was cut off.


Line 43) U-Uh. Yes ma’am.

Talulla lifts it up like it’s lightweight.

She leaves the door open and Raymond just stands there.

Line 44) Raymond: That luggage is heavy. How is she carrying it like it’s no big deal?!

Talulla looks at Raymond.


Line 45) Well? Are you gonna come in or what?!

Raymond frantically comes in.

Talulla sets his luggage somewhere around the house.


Line 46) Calista’s also my roommate. So, all her belongings are here.


Line 47) She even kept all of your stuff.

Raymond looks upset but feels touched knowing this.


Line 48) You’re free to roam around.

Raymond sets foot in Calista’s room.

He looks around her room and notices a bedside picture of Calista and Talulla smiling together in a picture.

He picks it up and looks at Calista.

He immediately gets emotional.

Raymond’s narration:

Line 49) D****t! I’m such a coward.

Line 50) How did I ever convince myself that leaving her was the best option?

Line 51) I just keep running away.

Line 52) I never handle things correctly.

Line 53) And now she’s in a coma.

Line 54) And it’s all my fault.

Line 55) I don’t think I could ever make things right with her ever again.

Line 56) All I do is ruin things. I’m so ashamed.

Talulla barges in on Raymond crying from seeing Calista’s photo.


Line 57) I know I said I didn’t want to hear your side of the story.


Line 58) But, now that you’re actually here. You’ve got me curious.

Talulla makes Raymond some tea and they have a heart to heart about his side of the story.

Things get emotional and he starts crying.

Talulla becomes empathetic and gives him a tissue.

At the end of Raymond's story, Talulla touches his hand to show that she finally gets where he’s coming from.

He gets emotional from this.


Line 59) You should go see her.

Raymond makes his way to the hospital.

He goes by to the staff and gets checked in.

He finds Calista’s room and his heart drops to his stomach as he sees her lying there unconscious.

He rushes in and is in shock seeing her in this state.

He sits beside her and bursts into tears.

Raymond’s narration:

Line 60) How could things go this far?

Line 61) How did I let things get this bad?

Line 62) If only I was here for her. I’m sure none of this would’ve happened.

Line 63) I’m her older brother for crying out loud?!

Line 64) What kind of older brother does this to their own sister?

He holds Calista’s unconscious hand.

Line 65) Please. Wake up.

Line 66) I’m begging you. Wake up.

Line 67) Let me make things right with you.

Line 68) I can’t lose you.

Line 69) If you never want to see me again, so be it.

Line 70) But, just come back to life. That’s all I want.

Line 71) I’m so sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you.

We get back to May 8th 2023 and Calista’s in shock that she’s alive. 

She’s still in denial about everything that she thought was true.

The nurses knock on the door to bring her breakfast.

They come in with a cart of food.

The nurse is bright and tries to cheer Calista up.


Line 72) Good morning there.


Line 73) I’m sure you’re hungry. I brought you some breakfast.

Calista turns her head and looks at the nurse. She gives her a soulless stare.

The nurse gets chills from her spine.


Line 74) U-Uh. How are you feeling?

A moment of silence passes between them.


Line 75) How do you think I feel?

The nurse stands there in silence.


Line 76) U-Um. Should I come back another time?


Line 77) No. I’m sorry.

Calista rubs her face.


Line 78) Just do what you need to do.

The nurse hesitantly places her breakfast in front of her.


Line 79) The doctor will be in with you shortly.

Calista grabs the nurse's hand.

The nurse is caught off guard.


Line 80) Could you do me a favor?

The nurse is frightened but hears Calista out.


Line 81) S-Sure. What do you need me to do for you?


Line 82) Punch me in the face.

The nurse is caught off guard.


Line 83) I-I’m sorry. What?


Line 84) Punch me in the face!


Line 85) I-I can’t do that.


Line 86) Fine, don’t do it. 

Calista looks at the nurse dead in the eyes.


Line 87) P-Please. Calm down. I’m just trying to do my job.


Line 88) I know you’re going through a hard time right now. But, how can I as your nurse inflict harm onto you?


Line 89) Please, don’t hurt yourself.


Line 90) Why not?

The nurse gets a chill down her spine.


Line 91) Listen, it’s not the right move.


Line 92) I’ll have a nurse keep an eye on you.


Line 93) You can’t be hurting yourself, Calista. You just woke up from your coma. You were given another chance at life. How can you be feeling this way?


Line 94) Then, how else am I supposed to know if I’m actually alive?

The nurse gives Calista a terrified look.

The doctor walks in.


Line 95) I can prove that to you.

Calista looks at the doctor.


Line 96) If you simply let me explain what’s happened to you, I’m sure you won’t need any more evidence that you are, in fact, in reality.


Line 97) Calista. You’re alive for crying out loud.


Line 98) Do you know how slim your chances of waking up were?


Line 99) It’s a miracle that you survived your accident.


Line 100) Don’t you want to know how that happened?

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note


Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 98 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
