![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 97A Chapter by Yosh![]() What happened to Calista?![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Episode 97: The day is May 4th 2023. It’s a Thursday. A couple days ago from the actual reality, Talulla gets a call from the doctors that Calista’s showing signs of brain activity. Talulla’s phone rings. The title of the phone caller shows it’s from the hospital. She accepts the phone call frantically. Talulla Line 1) H-Hello?! Hospital Line 2) Hello ma’am. Am I speaking to Talulla Faletutu? Talulla Line 3) Y-Yes. You must be calling about my friend Calista Turner? Is she doing okay?! What’s wrong?! Hospital Line 4) Please calm down ma’am. I’m calling upon good news. Talulla is in shock. Talulla Line 5) I-Is s-she awake?! Hospital Line 6) Not yet, however she is showing signs of brain activity which means she could be waking up any time soon by now. Hospital Line 7) She’s been brain dead for weeks, so this is very good news. Hospital Line 8) The nurses say they’ve noticed her hand twitching, and her eyebrows quivering from time to time. Talulla is crying tears of happiness. Talulla Line 9) I’ll make my way there as soon as possible. Thank you for telling me. The call hangs up. Talulla dials for Raymond. Raymond answers his phone. Raymond Line 10) Yes? Talulla? Did something happen to Calista?! Raymond overhears Talulla’s sniffles and thinks of the worst. Raymond Line 11) A-Are you crying?! W-What happened?! Talulla Line 12) I got a call from the hospital that she’s showing signs she’ll be waking up soon. Raymond is immediately relieved to hear this news. Raymond Line 13) S-So, she could wake up any moment? Talulla Line 14) Yes. She’s even showing physical reactions too. Raymond is relieved and starts crying tears of joy. Raymond Line 15) I’m so glad. Raymond Line 16) Let’s go wait for her. They go to the hospital and wait for her to wake up. A couple shots go of them noticing her movements. They spent 3 days waiting for her. As Talulla and Raymond rest on each other's shoulders, they get beeping noises of big activity from the monitors. This wakes up Talulla and Raymond. Raymond Line 17) What’s that noise? Talulla Line 18) It’s her heart monitor. Raymond notices the strikes going up. Raymond Line 19) It’s off the charts! Talulla Line 20) That doesn’t look normal. Talulla Line 21) Get the nurses attention. Raymond presses the emergency button. Suddenly Calista starts flailing in her bed. She twitches left and right. This brings fear to Talulla and Raymond. Raymond Line 22) W-What’s going on?! Talulla Line 23) She’ll hurt herself! They try to hold Calista down from flailing too much. They are scared to the point of tears. Raymond goes out and calls for help for the nurses. Calista suddenly stops twitching. They wait until she gives them another reaction. Calista wakes up. They rush to her. *We get a flashback to the plaza. *We get a flashback of the whole day they spent. The day is April 15th 2023. Talulla Line 24) Let’s get going. Calista Line 25) Let’s have a girls night. Talulla Line 26) Yay. That sounds fun. Calista Line 27) I’ll race you to the car. Calista Line 28) Last one there has to clean the house for 2 weeks straight. Talulla Line 29) Well then be prepared to clean the house loser. They start the race and Calista’s in the lead. Talulla is runner up and sees Calista running. Calista runs and turns to Talulla running backwards. Calista Line 30) I’m in the lead, so just take your L. Calista takes another step and accidentally falls into a construction site. Talulla notices that Calista’s made the wrong move. She gets frantic. Talulla Line 31) CALISTA! WATCH OUT! It’s too late, because she falls into the construction site. Calista falls into a sink hole with a bunch of caution signs around. Talulla runs to the hole and hears the thud of Calista falling. Talulla Line 32) CALISTA! She immediately calls 911 and the emergency vehicle comes to get Calista. Talulla sees her body. She’s in terror. Talulla Line 33) Is she dead?! EMT Line 34) She’s still breathing. Just unconscious. EMT Line 35) She suffered a severe concussion. Talulla starts crying. Talulla Line 36) Will she be okay? EMT Line 37) We can’t say for certain. Talulla breaks down. Talulla Line 38) This is all my fault. Talulla Line 39) I shouldn’t have been so reckless. EMT Line 40) It’s not your fault. The patrol for the sinkhole should’ve been guarded and constructed to avoid situations like these. EMT Line 41) I’m not sure why it’s left open like this. A couple days go by. They take her to the hospital and Talulla waits as she gets results from the nurse. Talulla holds Calista’s hand. Talulla Line 42) What’s the verdict of her condition? Nurse Line 43) She’s suffered tremendous head trauma which caused her to slip into a coma. Nurse Line 44) That’s all I can say for now. Talulla Line 45) When will she wake up? Nurse Line 46) That much we don’t know. Nurse Line 47) There’s numerous factors that determine that. Nurse Line 48) At the moment, she’s just brain dead. Nurse Line 49) We’ll let you know if she shows signs of any activity. Nurse Line 50) If a lot of time goes by and she’s still not showing any signs… Nurse Line 51) Her guardian’s can determine whether or not they want to take her off life support. Talulla’s face goes blank. Talulla Line 52) No. T-They c-can’t. Talulla gets emotional. Nurse Line 53) If you’re her guardian. You make that decision. Talulla Line 54) I’m not her guardian, but I’m her best friend. Talulla Line 55) She’s not close with her parents. She hasn’t talked to them in years. Talulla Line 56) Not even her brother. Talulla Line 57) Shouldn’t I be the one to decide whether she lives or not? Nurse Line 58) Unfortunately, since you’re not her guardian. You can’t. Nurse Line 59) Do you know her parents' contacts? We need to tell them about this news. Talulla Line 60) She doesn’t have any of her family's information. Nurse Line 61) Please find a way to get in touch with someone from her family. Nurse Line 62) It’s crucial they know what condition she’s in. Talulla gets home and sees the empty apartment. She’s visually upset. Talulla’s narration: Line 63) They don’t know for certain if she'll wake up? Line 64) How can that be? Line 65) How can I live without her until she wakes up? Line 66) The apartment is already so quiet and empty. Talulla starts crying again. Line 67) My poor friend. Line 68) All she was trying to do was goof around. Line 69) Why did things end up this way? Line 70) She wouldn’t want me to contact her parents, or even try. Line 71) Although she’s given up on searching for her brother. Line 72) Is there a way I can reach out to him? Line 73) She told me they were always on good terms. Line 74) If I can find him. They can reconnect. Line 75) Calista would like that. Line 76) I need to do this for her. Line 77) It’s the least I owe. Days go by and Talulla searches the internet for Raymond. She’s completely stumped. Talulla Line 78) How many days has it been since I’ve started searching for Raymond? Talulla Line 79) It feels like it’s been so long. Talulla Line 80) Why is there no word of him? Talulla Line 81) Not even a bit of a trace. Talulla Line 82) What’s the point in being this secretive? Talulla Line 83) Does he not want anyone to find him? Talulla Line 84) What a jackass! Talulla Line 85) He left my homegirl without saying anything. Talulla Line 86) It’s been five years and there’s still no sign of him. Talulla Line 87) What kind of idiot does something like this to their sister? Talulla Line 88) I thought they had a good relationship. Talulla Line 89) If things were so good between them, why did he leave like this?! Talulla stumbles upon a post on social media. She looks through it, and reads the location. Talulla Line 90) Stuttgart, Germany?! Talulla Line 91) How did I end up on this irrelevant crap? None of this has anything to do with Raymond! Talulla looks through the comments. She reads: “You and Raymond look so good together!” By shelly3Y_%*& . Talulla stands up from seeing Raymonds name. She claps. Talulla Line 92) RAYMOND! IT’S RAYMOND! Talulla scrolls up and looks at the post. She criticizes if the guy in the picture looks like Raymond. Talulla Line 93) Ugh. But, how do I find out if this is THE Raymond?! Talulla remembers she has a fingerprint on Calista’s phone and looks through it. Talulla Line 94) I’m sorry Cal. I didn’t want to look through your phone, but I really have to. Talulla looks through Calista’s photos until she finds a picture of Raymond. She finds the picture and holds it up in comparison to the picture on Calista’s phone. Talulla snaps her fingers. Talulla Line 95) This has to be him! Talulla sends a text to the user. Talulla’s text: Line 96) Hey, you don’t know me, but I urgently need to know if the man beside you in this photo is Raymond Turner. My best friend, his sister, has recently slipped into a coma due to an accident. I need him to know about what state his sister is in. I’m sure you know that they haven’t been in contact with each other in a while. I don’t care if he doesn’t want anything to do with her. Do all you can to pass on this message. Thank you. Talulla Line 97) That ought to do the trick. Talulla Line 98) Now all we have to do is wait until we get a response. Talulla Line 99) Come on! Respond soon. Talulla gets a notification from her phone. Talulla Line 100) That was fast! She excitingly checks it hoping she gets a response from the user. She checks and sees that it’s only a message from her job. Talulla’s head hits the table. She sighs. Talulla Line 101) I won’t let you down, Calista. End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on August 2, 2024 Last Updated on August 2, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author