In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 96

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 96

A Chapter by Yosh

What's wrong with Talulla and why is she shouting at Calista?

Copyright ©2024 under United States Copyright office, Library of Congress. All rights reserved. This literary work is protected by the U.S. copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of the work without permission is prohibited. The offender will be traced and will face the full extent of the legal ramifications as stipulated by the law.

Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 96:

The day is May 3 1967. It’s late at night and Calista is asleep.

We get a flashback from Marvin reading that one letter Calista wrote him secretly.

Marvin goes to the kitchen and pours himself a glass of water.

He looks at Rex’s bowl and notices his water has run out.

He quickly fills it up.

He pets Rex as he drinks his water and from afar his notepad.

Upon closer look he realizes there's something written on it.

Marvin takes the notepad and sits on his couch to read it.

Line 1) Marvin: I must’ve written something on this before.

Line 2) Marvin: I wonder if it’s important.

The letter goes as.

Calista’s letter:

Line 3) Dear Marvin. Hopefully you have found this letter and will read through it.

Line 4) This is Calista writing by the way.

Line 5) If you find this letter, don’t let me know about it.

Line 6) Keep it a secret between yourself.

Line 7) I wanted to write a little something, before we say our final farewells.

Line 8) Throughout these 8 months, I have never bonded with a person such as you.

Line 9) I like how we met unintentionally and everything fell into place.

Line 10) Now I can’t imagine my life without you.

Line 11) You taught me how to love.

Line 12) The first time I ever felt such an intense emotion.

Line 13) Every second of the day, I’m left thinking about you.

Line 14) Even after a few seconds apart, I still miss you.

Line 15) I just want to shrink you in my pocket and keep you by my side forever.

Line 16) I’m all yours, if that wasn’t obvious.

Line 17) Thank you for all you’ve done.

Line 18) You have gone through some very hard times.

Line 19) However, stayed a stoic soul and gave everyone around you, nothing but the best.

Line 20) You inspire me to be a better person.

Line 21) Know that I love you to the moon and back.

Line 22) I hope to make you the happiest man in the world.

Line 23) From the bottom of my soul, I share the deepest regard for you.

Line 24) I hope that my actions show that greater than my words.

Line 25) I hope that I’m giving you my all in this relationship.

Line 26) I hope that I don’t take this little time we have for granted.

Line 27) You’ll always and forever be in my heart, Marvin Douglas.

Line 28) Even if I forget you someday.

Line 29) My memories never will.

Line 30) My heart never will.

Line 31) And my soul never will.

Line 32) Love, Calista.

*There’s a lipstick mark on the letter from Calista.

Marvin smiles happily at the letter.

Marvin’s narration:

Line 33) Just like you.

Line 34) Even if my mind forgets you. 

Line 35) The rest of me will remember you.

Marvin kisses the letter from Calista.

He goes over to his room and climbs into bed with Calista.

He props himself up on his side and traces his fingers across her face.

He gently caresses her cheek.

He kisses her forehead and cuddles with her into bed.

*We are back to the present day and Talulla is acting up.

The day is April 15th 2023. Again it's nighttime at the girls place.



The second translucent version of Talulla prowls to Calista.

Calista backs up in terror.

Talulla’s second version reaches Calista on a dead end and shakes her.



Calista’s narration:

Line 38) Why does she keep saying that?

Line 39) What’s going on?

Line 40) Why are there two versions of her?

Line 41) What’s up with the one back there?

Line 42) Is this a dream?

Line 43) This can’t be real!

Line 44) How is any of this actually happening?

Calista looks at her hands and she notices her nails changing color.

She looks at herself in the mirror and sees her hair changing lengths.

Her outfits change as well too.

Her makeup does the same.

Their whole apartment gets warpy.

Calista is caught up in her haze and she starts becoming warpy too.

Calista looks back to find Talulla but she isn’t there.

The whole apartment turns into a colorful tunnel of some sort.

Calista is getting sent through this tunnel.

As she gets to the end a door awaits her.

Line 45) Calista: This must be some dream.

Line 46) Calista: What am I supposed to do?

Line 47) Calista: If I open the door. What happens?

Calista opens the door and sees a tall man's silhouette *This is Marvin.

She flinches but has nowhere to run.

Line 48) Calista: What is that?

Line 49) Calista: But, why does it feel so familiar?

Line 50) Calista: I’m not sure why I don’t feel scared.

Line 51) Calista: Why am I having no reaction, besides feeling relieved?

The silhouette puts his hands on Calista’s shoulders.

Calista is heavily confused.

Out comes a distorted voice.


Line 52) WAKE UP!

After the shadowy figure yells at Calista she is immediately sent into reality.

*The day is May 7th 2023. It’s early in the morning.

Calista is in a hospital room with a bunch of wires attached to her.

She frantically gasps and wakes up from her coma.

Talulla and Raymond go to hug her.

Talulla and Raymond

Line 53) CALISTA!

Calista is confused.

She is still not herself.

A nurse barges into her room.


Line 54) She’s awake!

The nurse rushes over to her.

Raymond and Talulla unbind from Calista.

The nurse shines a light on Calista's eyes and gives her a full body check.


Line 55) I’m gonna need you two to step out. She's gonna need some time to adjust, which means more rest.

Raymond and Talulla leave.

As confused as Calista is, she recognizes Raymonds face.

Line 56) Calista: Raymond?!

Calista reaches for him but the door gets shut before he can hear.


Line 57) Raymond?! Raymond! That’s my brother Raymond!

The nurse pulls Calista back.


Line 58) I know but you can’t go to him.


Line 59) We need to make sure you’re doing alright before you see anyone.

A bunch of nurses consult Calista to make sure she has her full body scan.

After they are finished, a doctor comes to talk with Calista.


Line 60) I’ll be assisting you for today.


Line 61) How are you adjusting? All the results we got back showed you’re healthy.

Calista’s narration:

Line 62) I’m at a hospital?!

Line 63) Wasn’t I just at my place though?

A flood of memories hits Calista.

She aches in agony from the assortment of information.


Line 64) Are you okay?

Calista covers her head.

The doctors and nurses look at each other in a concerning way.

Calista’s narration:

Line 65) I remember!

Line 66) I remember everything!

Line 67) So, none of it was real?

Line 68) It was all just a dream?

Line 69) No! That can’t be!

Line 70) It was all too real to just be a dream!

Calista starts crying from her realization.

The doctor and nurses console her.


Line 71) I’ll come back another time.


Line 72) Make sure she gets some rest.

Calista starts to heavily cry.

Calista’s narration:

Line 73) It’s been 8 months.

Line 74) How could I just be waking up if it’s been 8 months.

Line 75) It was real. I just know it.

Line 76) How could none of it be real?!

Line 77) Marvin is a real person!

Line 78) He’s not from my dream, he’s from 1967.

Line 79) And I left him there.

Line 80) Because I had to come back to this time!

Line 81) But, why am I in a coma?

Line 82) Every vision I had must’ve been real!

Line 83) Down to the details, there’s no way it was just a figment of my imagination!

Line 84) I felt every emotion. I physically touched Marvin. 

Line 85) I remember that feeling, there’s no mistaking it!

Line 86) So, then why is none of it true?

Line 87) Was it all an illusion?

Line 88) Something I made up?

Line 89) Why did I have to wake up?

Line 90) Why couldn’t I just be in my dream forever?

Line 91) I should’ve just died.

Line 92) I don’t want to be here!

Line 93) Take me back!

Line 94) Take me back to those times!

Line 95) I don’t want to live if I can’t be with him!

After some time Calista cries herself to sleep.

Talulla and Raymond are let back into the room so the doctor can tell them her deeds.


Line 96) She woke up very emotional.


Line 97) That’s quite a normal reaction for someone who’s just woken up from their coma.


Line 98) It’s a complete shock to their whole body.


Line 99) Will she be okay?


Line 100) Of course.


Line 101) Everyone around her should just continue giving her the space she needs until she comes around on her own.


Line 102) Will she be able to make a quick recovery?


Line 103) I can’t tell for certain.


Line 104) Some people can be fine after a couple of days.


Line 105) However, I’ve had patients where it’s taken them years to recover.


Line 106) All of those things depend on Calista herself.


Line 107) If she decides she wants to get better.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note


Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 96 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
