In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 95

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 95

A Chapter by Yosh

As they say their last goodbyes and get ready to initiate the ceremony, they savor their last moments together. Will the ceremony work?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 95:

The day is Saturday. May 6 1967. It’s the evening.

Marvin and Talulla have their private goodbyes before they initiate the ceremony.


Line 1) Talulla. You’ve been good to me from the start.


Line 2) Very welcoming, with an exciting presence.


Line 3) I never felt excluded, and I know that’s because of you.


Line 4) You always went out your way to include me.


Line 5) All of what you have done, has meant so much to me.


Line 6) If it weren’t for you. I would have never gotten the chance to be with Calista.


Line 7) Just know that you’ve played a huge role in my life.


Line 8) And I couldn’t be more grateful for you.


Line 9) From the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

Talulla and Marvin hug.


Line 10) I should be thanking you.


Line 11) You’ve brought so much joy in my life.


Line 12) So much thrill and excitement.


Line 13) After everything we’ve been through. There’s no way I’m not gonna miss you.


Line 14) We’ve become such good friends.


Line 15) It’s gonna be tough without you around.


Line 16) Did Calista ever tell you that you were my fortune?

Marvin is confused.


Line 17) When we were at the fortune telling site. The psychic told me I was gonna meet you.


Line 18) At first, I was disappointed when we first met.

Marvin is offended.


Line 19) But, you later proved your significance.


Line 20) I wouldn’t have wanted it to be anyone but you, Marvin.


Line 21) I’m glad we met.


Line 22) So am I.


Line 23) I love you dude. We’re gonna miss you so much.

They both hug each other again.


Line 24) I love you too.


Line 25) I’m gonna miss you guys more.

Calista watches from her point of view them arguing.


Line 26) That’s not true. We’ll miss you more.


Line 27) Nu uh. I’m gonna miss you more.

She smiles.

Rex is beside her.

She pets him and cuddles him.


Line 28) I’m gonna miss you too buddy.


Line 29) You and your frito smelling paws.

Calista kisses Rex.

Marvin and Talulla walk in.

They all look at each other melancholy but in peace.

They make their way to an empty room.

They all help out starting the ceremony by lighting candles and setting the stage.

As they finish Calista glances at Marvin and gives him an asurred look.


Line 30) I think we’re ready.

Talulla goes to Marvin to hug him for the last time.


Line 31) One last hug.

Marvin hugs her back tightly.

They are all very emotional.

She unbinds and ruffles Rex’s head.

Calista looks at Marvin from afar.

She runs to him and gives him a big hug.

He hugs her back super tightly.


Line 32) This is goodbye.


Line 33) I’m gonna miss you so much.


Line 34) I’m gonna miss you so much too.


Line 35) I love you.


Line 36) I love you too.

They unbind and Marvin wipes Calista’s tears.

They kiss one last time and embrace each other.

As they finish they unbind their hands as they leach on another until they pull apart.

Calista and Talulla sit on the floor.

They hold hands and get started on the ceremony.


Line 37) What if there’s no way for us to actually leave this timeline and all these tears would have been for nothing?

Calista and Marvin smile at each other.

Line 38) Marvin and Calista: If only things were actually like that.


Line 39) Goodbye, Marvin.


Line 40) Thank you for everything.


Line 41) Thank you guys for everything too.

Marvin winks at Calista.


Line 42) I’ll see you in another lifetime.

They start the ceremony.

The both of them close their eyes.

Talulla and Calista

Line 43) “Let time take its course.” “Let time take its course.”

Marvin looks at the girls upsettingly with tears in his eyes.

Talulla and Calista

Line 44) “Let time take its course.” “Let time take its course.”

Talulla and Calista

Line 45) “Let time take its course.”

They open their eyes and look at Marvin.

Again just like every other time nothing happens at first.

They smile at each other bittersweetly and wait until something happens.

After 20 seconds everything in the room starts floating again.

Calista’s narration:

Line 46) I wished that everything in the room wouldn’t start swirling.

Line 47) I thought then I would have an excuse to be with Marvin.

Line 48) But, just like the two other times we did this, it still worked.

Line 49) Just a delay at the start that always gets your hopes up.

Line 50) And as that blinding light for the portal opened up again.

Line 51) I saw Marvin’s face for the last time.

Line 52) I’m not sure if he saw mine.

Line 53) But, I hope he got my message.

Calista mouths “I love you” to Marvin.

Marvin gets her message but can’t say he loves her yet since the portal engulfed them.

They get sent back to their time.

*It’s April 15th 2023 and Calista and Talulla are sitting on the bench they were at from the plaza way from the beginning of the story.

Talulla is talking to Calista but she is zoned out.

All of Calista’s memories get caught in her eye.

The shot zooms out from her eye as she reminisces about all she’s been through.

Talulla snaps her fingers.


Line 54) Hey. Are you even listening to me?


Line 55) T-Talulla?!


Line 56) Are you okay? You were completely zoned out. As I was saying-

Calista frantically gets up and is all panicky.

Talulla becomes concerned by Calista’s weird reaction.


Line 57) Woah. What’s wrong? Why are you so panicky?


Line 58) Oh my gosh. Why is my head so heavy?

Talulla stands up and goes to Calista.


Line 59) Maybe you got light headed from getting up so aggressively.

Calista rubs her head.


Line 60) Gosh. I’m so tired. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Calista looks around herself and everything gets all warpy.


Line 61) Let’s get you home. You must be under the weather.

Talulla puts Calista in her car and they drive home.

Calista’s narration:

Line 62) Why does everything feel so unfamiliar?

Line 63) As if I’m not supposed to be here.

Line 64) And my head is killing me.

Line 65) I’m sure I didn’t do anything crazy for me to feel like this.

Line 66) But, why does it feel like millions of thoughts are running through my head.

Line 67) Maybe I’m drunk?

Line 68) Under some drug?

Line 69) I’ve never felt this way before.

Line 70) What’s wrong with me?

Line 71) And why can’t I remember anything that’s happened at all?

Line 72) Is this what dying feels like?

Line 73) Am I dying?

Calista passes out and is found on a couch, with the exact clothes she wore before summoning Marvin, she also has a face mask on.

Talulla is waking her up.


Line 74) Hey. Sleepy head.

Calista hears Talulla’s voice.

She slowly pries her eyes open to see she is staring directly at her.

She flinches a bit, being caught off guard by Talulla’s face mask.


Line 75) What is it with you today?


Line 76) It was your idea to have a girls night.

Calista gets up and stretches a bit.


Line 77) Are you that tired?

Calista looks at her clothes and notices she’s changed.

She looks at the mirror from across the hallway and sees her face with a face mask.

She walks closer to it.


Line 78) Seriously. What’s wrong with you?

Calista’s narration:

Line 79) When did I get home?

Line 80) How did I get in these clothes?

Line 81) With my hair pulled back and wearing this face mask?

Line 82) Did Talulla do this?

Line 83) If she did. Why can’t I remember?

Line 84) All I remember was getting into her car. 

Line 85) And how I was in a plaza of some sort. The rest is all so fuzzy.

Line 86) Other than that this whole day has been a blur.


Line 87) Did you do this to me?


Line 88) Do what?


Line 89) Dress me in these clothes? 


Line 90) Put this facemask on me?

Talulla looks concerned.


Line 91) You’re freaking me out, Calista. What’s going on?


Line 92) Just answer the question. Did you do this?


Line 93) You did this to yourself.


Line 94) Don’t you remember?


Line 95) No. I-I don’t know what’s going on with me either.


Line 96) But, I’m being so serious when I tell you that I don’t remember what’s happened all day.


Line 97) Everything’s just so unrecognizable.


Line 98) Even our place looks different.


Line 99) I look different. And so do you.


Line 100) I really don’t know what’s going on, but something isn’t right.

Talulla gives Calista a blank stare.


Line 101) What’s with that face?

Calista walks closer to Talulla but she has no reaction, just gives her a blank stare.

She approaches Talulla and she is still positioned in the same way.

Calista snaps her fingers, but there’s no reaction from Talulla.


Line 102) If this is a prank, it’s not funny.


Line 103) What are you doing? Snap out of it.

Calista waves her hand across Talulla’s face.

Talulla pounces.


Line 104) WAKE UP!

Calista is left speechless.

It’s as if a part of Talulla’s soul escaped her body.

Calista is seeing two versions of Talulla.

She gets scared to the floor in terror watching her friend.



Calista is confused and terrified.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 95 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



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