In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 91

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 91

A Chapter by Yosh

Marvin confronts Calista. How will she takes things?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 91:

The day is Thursday. May 4 1967. 

Marvin and Calista are at the entryway hugging each other as Marvin confesses he knows everything about them leaving soon.


Line 1) You mean you found out everything about your dad?


Line 2) That’s great! I’m glad you’re giving him another shot.


Line 3) That’s not what I’m talking about. And deep down you know that too.

Calista’s caught off guard.


Line 4) I know Talulla and you need to leave soon.


Line 5) I overheard you guys as I was leaving to walk Rex.


Line 6) When I was walking to my dad's, the lady from the psychic place stopped me and warned me that Talulla and you need to leave soon or something bad would happen to the world.

Calista looks shocked.


Line 7) The lady from the psychic place?

Marvin nods his head.


Line 8) How did she get here?


Line 9) If she’s the one that caused this time traveling thing in the first place, I’m sure she has her own ways.


Line 10) I tried to stop her, but she left so quickly that I couldn’t catch her.


Line 11) I wanted to ask her so many things, but she left us hanging just like last time. All she said was that we have until the sunsets on Saturday.

Calista is in utter shock.


Line 12) I-I don’t know what to say.


Line 13) We know what we need to do now.


Line 14) I just got carried away as we were spending our time together.


Line 15) That I forgot about what happens after all of this ends.

Calista looks upset.

Line 16) Calista: On top of dealing with his dad. Now he has to deal with this. I feel so bad.


Line 17) M-Marvin. I’m so, so sorry.


Line 18) I sorry things didn’t have better timing, so that you could at least sort things out with your dad.

Calista starts crying and Marvin hugs her.


Line 19) Don’t be sorry. None of this is your fault.


Line 20) How could you blame yourself for something you can’t control?

Marvin wipes Calista’s tears.


Line 21) Don’t worry about my dad. 


Line 22) Turns out. Talking to him actually helped.


Line 23) I think things between us will be better now.


Line 24) But, that’s all thanks to you.


Line 25) You were the one that helped me with my dad.


Line 26) If it wasn’t for that conversation the both of you had in the balcony.


Line 27) I wouldn’t have gotten this far.


Line 28) So, thank you, sweetheart.


Line 29) Thank you so much.

Calista starts getting teary eyed again.

Marvin looks at her with so much love in his eyes.


Line 30) I didn’t do anything. There’s no need to thank me.

Marvin kisses Calista’s cheek.


Line 31) Everything is gonna be okay.


Line 32) We’ll sort things out.


Line 33) It’s only Thursday.


Line 34) If the lady said we have until Saturday.


Line 35) That means we still have around 2 days to spend with each other.


Line 36) She said until the sunsets, so we can say our goodbyes then.


Line 37) That would officially mark 3 weeks together in this timeline.


Line 38) I’m sure a couple more days together, won’t put the whole world into jeopardy.


Line 39) In total we’ve spent around 9 months together.


Line 40) Which is around 280 days.


Line 41) Which equals to 6,720 hours.


Line 42) 403,200 minutes.


Line 43) 24,192,000 seconds.

Calista is shocked.


Line 44) Wow. I’m so impressed with your quick math.

Marvin laughs.


Line 45) I’m just as impressed as you.


Line 46) When you break it down like that. It’s such a lengthy amount of time.


Line 47) But, it’s all gone by so quickly.


Line 48) Every millisecond. No microsecond. 


Line 49) No nanosecond. Means so much to me with you.

Calista laughs.


Line 50 All the time we shared. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Marvin leans his forehead on Calista.


Line 51) Let’s make this short amount of time we have together count too.

They hug each other and embrace in each other's silence.

Calista’s narration:

Line 52) Marvin and I hugged for so long that night.

Line 53) It felt like our energy was meshing into one uniform thing.

Line 54) As if we were mixing together.

Line 55) If only we were actually able to mix together.

Line 56) Then I’d always have him by my side.

Line 57) And he’d also have me by his.

Line 58) But, we’ll have to make the most of what we can from these next two days.

Line 59) Two days. 48 hours. 2,880 minutes.

Line 60) 172,800 seconds. 172,800,000 milliseconds.

Line 61) 172,800,000,000 microseconds.

Line 62) 172,800,000,000,000 nanoseconds.

Line 63) I did the math. 

Line 64) Broken down. All that sounds so long.

Line 65) In actuality two days is not nearly enough for me to spend my last moments with the person who I love most in my life.

Line 66) How will I ever move on?

Line 67) From the one person whom I share my heart and soul with?

Line 68) All of this sounds unbearable. Impossible. 

Line 69) All the things I want to do with him.

Line 70) All the things I want to experience with him.

Line 71) Is just simply impossible.

Line 72) Does he give up his lifetime to be with me?

Line 73) Do I give up my lifetime to be with him?

Line 74) Either way, it can’t happen, since the world is at stake.

Line 75) Because that’s not the way nature intended it to happen.

Line 76) Because the whole future of humanity rests on our shoulders.

Line 77) If we put our priorities first.

Line 78) Neither of us will get what we want.

Line 79) But neither of us will get what we want this way either.

Line 80) It was a lose lose situation from the start.

Line 81) The only thing I’ll gain was to be able to love Marvin for all the times we shared.

Line 82) And for him to love me during this time too.

Line 83) But, I still won’t have him.

Line 84) And he still won’t have me.

Line 85) It just makes me wonder when I’ll actually get what I want in life.

Calista strokes Marvins face as they lie in bed next to each other.

Marvin has his eyes closed and is smiling.

He kisses Calista’s arm.

She smiles.

He opens his arms for her to snuggle into his chest.

She snuggles into his chest and they embrace each other.

They smile as they cuddle into each other.

Calista smells Marvin.


Line 86) Mm. I love the way you smell.


Line 87) What do I smell like?


Line 88) Soap, Sandalwood, and a tad bit of fabric refresher.

Marvin smiles.


Line 89) That’s oddly specific.


Line 90) But, the cherry on top is your personal smell.


Line 91) Which is?


Line 92) It’s indescribable.


Line 93) It’s like your personal perfume that your body creates to make you smell like yourself.


Line 94) You’re making me self conscious. Do I stink or something?


Line 95) Of course, not. 


Line 96) You smell good.

Marvin looks at Calista and caresses her face.


Line 97) That’s all.


Line 98) If you ask me.


Line 99) It’s the best smell in the world. 


Line 100) My most favorite.

Marvin leans in to kiss Calista.

She kisses him back.


Line 101) You’re the best thing in the world.


Line 102) You’re my most favorite thing in the world too.


Line 103) So, suddenly I’m just a thing?


Line 104) Not a person?


Line 105) Come on. You know what I mean.

Calista smiles.


Line 106) Yeah. I know.

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 91 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
