In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 88

In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 88

A Chapter by Yosh

After their eventful day together, Talulla, Elouise, Marvin, and Calista reunite. However, the thought Talulla contemplated during her walk with Elouise rings in her mind loudly. What will she do?

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Anything in bold is narration.

Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices.

Anything in italics is stage directions.

Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene.

Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines.

Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene.

Episode 88:

The day is Wednesday. May 3 1967. It’s late at night.

As Elouise and Talulla make their way home they spot Calista and Marvin walking Rex.

Talulla waves at them so that they come.

They all gather around.

They all wave at each other.


Line 1) Hey guys. What are you doing here so late at night?


Line 2) Me and Elouise were hanging out all day.

Marvin snaps his fingers and realizes something.


Line 3) That’s right. Today’s your birthday, isn’t it, Elouise?

Elouise is touched hearing this from Marvin.


Line 4) You remembered?


Line 5) Of course. Twenty-eight, right?

Elouise nods her head.


Line 6) Well happy birthday! Congrats on reaching this big milestone in your life.


Line 7) Yeah, welcome to the club.


Line 8) I’m not a part of this club. I’m eighteen.

Talulla flips her hair.

They all laugh.


Line 9) Anyways. It’s really late. I’ll let you guys go.

Elouise pets Rex.


Line 10) Alright then. Have a good night. And happy birthday again.

Elouise walks off and the rest of them head back to their place.

Talulla lays on the pull out mattress.


Line 11) Jeez, I’m exhausted.


Line 12) What were you doing all day?


Line 13) I was learning how to roller skate.


Line 14) My whole body feels strained.


Line 15) Then head to bed. Go to my room.

Talulla whines.


Line 16) But, then that means I’ll have to get up.

Marvin and Calista are confused why she’s making such a big fuss over nothing.


Line 17) I’ll just sleep here. You guys take the bed. I’ve been hoarding it this whole time.


Line 18) Are you sure?

Talulla groans a yes, and they leave her alone.

Marvin whispers as she heads to sleep.


Line 19) Is it okay to leave her like that?

Calista nods her head.

The both of them get ready for bed and Marvin prepares the bed for the both of them.

He plops on it and hugs his pillow.


Line 20) Ahh. My bed. I’ve missed you so much.

Calista smiles.


Line 21) Isn’t it just so comfy?

Calista tucks herself in.


Line 22) You’re right. It’s like I’m laying on a cloud.


Line 23) In ten seconds of silence. I’m sure I’ll be able to fall into a deep slumber.

Calista watches Marvin as he nods off.

She kisses his cheek and heads out to check on Talulla.

She goes to the living room and checks on Talulla to see her sound asleep.

Calista fills herself a cup of water.

Talulla overhears Calista.


Line 24) Is that you, Calista?

Calista’s caught off guard.


Line 25) I thought you were sleeping. Go back to bed.


Line 26) I nodded off for a bit, but woke back up when I heard you.


Line 27) Sorry, was I loud?


Line 28) You weren’t. I was just listening in until you’d come.


Line 29) T-That’s a little creepy. Why’d you do that?

Talulla props herself up from bed and rubs her face.


Line 30) Truth is we need to talk.

Talulla turns her head and makes eye contact with Calista.


Line 31) Just the two of us.

They head to the balcony for a chat.


Line 32) What’s the deal? Why are you so serious all of a sudden?

Talulla looks solemn, and clears her throat without meeting Calista’s eyes.


Line 33) Is everything okay? You seem off.


Line 34) Do you want to know the whole reason why I stuck by Elouise?

Calista keeps her eyes perched.


Line 35) I was too stubborn to think she wouldn’t change.


Line 36) And since that ended up being true. I guess I was stubborn for all the right reasons.


Line 37) It occurred to me that since Marvin had a chance to redeem himself. It wouldn’t be late for Elouise to redeem herself too.


Line 38) I just assumed she needed someone like me to push her.


Line 39) And today I realized that I’ve pushed her all I can.


Line 40) She’s made her progress. I’m sure she won’t go back to her old ways.



Line 41) Therefore, my job with her is finished.

Talulla looks at Calista’s face.

Line 42) Talulla: It doesn’t seem like she understands what I’m hinting at.


Line 43) … Alright. Well I’m happy for you. You should be proud of yourself for helping.


Line 44) If that’s all. I’m gonna head to bed.


Line 45) You try going back to bed too, okay?

Calista starts walking away.


Line 46) Goodnigh-

Talulla grabs Calista’s arm.


Line 47) Don’t you get it?

Calista’s caught off guard.


Line 48) G-Get what? 

Talulla looks upset.


Line 49) I said she redeemed herself.


Line 50) It was Marvin first and then Elouise.


Line 51) They’re done. They’ve served their purpose with this whole time traveling gimmick.


Line 52) All we’re doing now is extending our time with them.


Line 53) But, the longer we do that. The harder it’ll be to depart.

Calista’s face becomes blank.


Line 54) Calista. We all knew this would happen someday.


Line 55) It’s time we plan this out. Don’t you think?

Calista goes silent.


Line 56) I-I’m sorry. I really am.


Line 57) I didn’t want to be the one to say it.


Line 58) But, how long are we going to play this game? Pretending like what’s coming to us, won’t?

Calista’s face goes blank.

All of Talulla’s words become muffled for her.

Calista’s narration:

Line 59) It’s time to go?

Line 60) No. No. No. No.

Line 61) H-Has it already been two weeks?

Line 62) J-Just two weeks?

Line 63) All of that time just ended within a blink of an eye?

Line 64) No. No. No. No.

Line 65) Just a little more time. That’s all I need.

Line 66) That shouldn’t hurt, just a little more.

Line 67) All of this can’t be gone.

Line 68) I- I can’t move past this, and just forget everything.

Line 69) I can’t let go of this.

Talulla shakes Calista.


Line 70) Calista! Can you hear me?!

Calista snaps back into reality.


Line 71) Are you okay? You were completely out of it.


Line 72) I-I don’t mean that you should rush things now between the two of you.


Line 73) Just keep in mind that we need to be aware of how long we’ll be doing this for.

Talulla hugs Calista.


Line 74) It’s gonna be okay, alright?

She peels back to see Calista.

She looks very upset.


Line 75) I’m sorry, I shouldn't have said this so late at night.


Line 76) The second it hit me. I just couldn’t keep it to myself any longer.


Line 77) Take it easy, alright?


Line 78) Get some rest.

Talulla leaves and Calista is left stunned on the balcony.

She returns back to Marvins room, where he’s sleeping.

Calista’s narration:

Line 79) Take it easy?

Line 80) How can I take any of this easily?

Line 81) I’ve been so preoccupied with savoring my time with Marvin.

Line 82) That I completely got swayed for the impending doom of our relationship coming to an end.

Line 83) I’m in the 60s for crying out loud!

Line 84) This isn’t my place, nor my timeline.

Line 85) Marvin and I are not meant to be together.

Calista covers her mouth and gets emotional.

Line 86) I knew this stupid day would come, I knew it.

Line 87) But, it was a lot harder than I ever imagined.

Line 88) My heart can’t take this.

Line 89) I can’t handle this.

Line 90) Marvin isn’t on good terms with his dad.

Line 91) I can’t be having this crisis just yet.

Line 92) Until things are sorted out with his dad, I won’t leave his side.

Calista gets a bunch of unwanted thoughts about her making this an excuse.

Line 93) I don’t want to put him through heartache after heartache.

Line 94) I don’t think I can hide my feelings from Marvin about this.

Line 95) But I’ll try to sway the topic to him focusing on his dad.

Line 96) If he doesn’t think something like that can be easily worked through.

Line 97) I’ll have to tell him despite.

Line 98) It’ll be the worst to break it to him.

Line 99) But, this is what I knew I was getting myself into.

Line 100) I could’ve avoided this from the start if I never came to this time.

Line 101) But, I just couldn’t do it.

Line 102) But, did I think I’d be able to handle this?

Line 103) I’ve only made things harder for myself.

Line 104) How will all of us get through this?

End of episode.

© 2024 Yosh

Author's Note

Please ignore any grammatical errors as this was written a while ago. If you would like to read a more current version, please head over to Wattpad and search, "In Another Lifetime by Yosh (Wattpad formatted version)." From there you can find 88 episodes that are updated and formatted for the reader to better understand. Thank you for reading! :)

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In Another Lifetime By Yosh



Someone that found a way to express themselves through writing. more..
