![]() In Another Lifetime By Yosh Episode 87A Chapter by Yosh![]() Talulla and Elouise continue to hang out with each other after eating lunch.![]()
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Anything in bold is narration. Anything highlighted in yellow is inner voices. Anything in italics is stage directions. Anything in bold and italics is context to the scene. Anything highlighted in blue is numbered lines. Anything highlighted in red is more information to the scene. Episode 87: The day is Wednesday. May 3 1967. Elouise and Talulla walk around for a bit. Elouise points out the skating rink nearby. Elouise Line 1) Have you ever been skating? Talulla Line 2) Like on roller skates, or ice skates? Elouise Line 3) Ice skating is not in season. Talulla Line 4) I’ve only ever been ice skating. Not roller skating. Elouise Line 5) Seriously? It’s so popular nowadays. And it’s fun. We should go. Talulla Line 6) This isn’t my twelve year old birthday party. Elouise Line 7) Why not? Out of everyone, I thought you’d be the most on board with this. Talulla Line 8) If I’ve never been. What makes you think I’d automatically know how to skate? Elouise Line 9) Because you just said you’ve been ice skating. Talulla Line 10) Two totally different worlds! Elouise Line 11) Maybe, but since you already know how to ice skate. How hard could it be for you to learn how to roller skate? Elouise Line 12) If I can do it, so can you. I’ll help you out. Talulla Line 13) Ugh, I don’t want to use one of those roller skating trainy things. Talulla Line 14) I’m way too old for that. I can’t be caught using one of those. Elouise Line 15) How old are you? Talulla Line 16) Eighteen. Elouise’s jaw drops. Talulla rolls her eyes. Talulla Line 17) Don’t believe in everything you hear. Talulla Line 18) In actuality, I’m eighteen, plus ten. Elouise Line 19) Just say that you’re twenty eig- Talulla Line 20) NOOO! I refuse. Talulla pleads. Talulla Line 21) Give me back my young years, God! Please! Talulla Line 22) Why can’t I go back to my younger year? Talulla Line 23) I’ve already found 2 gray hairs in my head! Elouise laughs. Elouise Line 24) Aging is a privilege. Elouise Line 25) Don’t be dramatic. Just embrace it. Talulla Line 26) Maybe you’re right. So, how old are you? Elouise Line 27) Well, I just turned twenty eight today. Talulla’s jaw drops. She grasps Elouise. Talulla Line 28) YOU JUST TURNED TODAY?! Elouise Line 29) Calm down. And yes. Talulla smiles. Talulla Line 30) You should’ve said something. Elouise Line 31) There’s no need. It’s no big deal. Talulla Line 32) It is a big deal! It’s your birthday for crying out loud! Talulla clasps her hands and starts singing. Talulla Line 33) Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday- Elouise blushes. Elouise Line 34) There’s no need for all of that. Elouise Line 35) Let’s just go to the roller skating rink. Talulla Line 36) I’ll go, but only because it’s your birthday. They head to the roller skating rink and get their shoes. Elouise Line 37) You want to size up. The skates tend to be very tight. They get their shoes and put them on. Talulla’s having trouble. Elouise Line 38) Here. Let me help you. Elouise bends down and helps Talulla put them on. Elouise Line 39) Were you really planning on putting them on without unraveling the laces? Talulla Line 40) That’s too much work. I’m more of a slip on kind of girl. Elouise rolls her eyes in disbelief. She unravels the ties and places them for Talulla to wear. Elouise Line 41) You can put them on now. Talulla Line 42) Are these my glass slippers? Elouise Line 43) Let’s go to the rink, C1nd3r3ll@. Elouise drags Talulla by the arm. Talulla Line 44) W-Wait! I’m not ready! Elouise Line 45) You’ll never be ready until you jump in. Stop making excuses. Talulla gets on the slippery slope and freaks out. Talulla Line 46) Ahh! It’s so slippery! I’m gonna fall! Elouise catches her before she falls. Elouise Line 47) Don’t flail like that. How do you expect to skate normally when you’re panicking? Elouise Line 48) Keep your legs sturdy. If you worm around too much, you’ll fall over. I can tell the rink has been freshly glazed. Elouise Line 49) Now watch and learn, chump. Elouise does a cool skating trick along the rink. She comes back around all flattered as everyone applauds her. Talulla Line 50) Show off. How am I supposed to learn if my sensei’s a total narcissist attention seeker? Elouise Line 51) This isn’t martial arts. And I’m not your sensei. Talulla Line 52) You know what sensei means, but you said homozygous as your sexuality earlier. Elouise Line 53) Whatever! Let’s just get to learning. Elouise leads Talulla to the center of the rink and shows her some tips. Talulla copies in a hesitant way. They get to doing some tricks and Elouise pushes Talulla a bit for her to skate. She shakes her head after Talulla’s not getting it, and pushes her fastly across the rink. Talulla screams. Talulla Line 54) AHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I’M GONNA FALL! STOP! Elouise Line 55) Just trust me, this will help you! Talulla Line 56) DON’T LET GO! IF YOU LET GO! I’M GONNA KILL YOU! Elouise Line 57) I’m gonna have to! But, you’re just gonna have to trust me! Elouise lets go and Talulla goes flying across the rink. She does what Elouise taught her and finds herself actually skating. Line 58) Talulla: Huh? I’m actually skating! Line 59) Talulla: I guess her tips really did help! Elouise looks proud at Talulla. Talulla roller skates over to Elouise in an annoyed way. She almost slips on her way but Elouise catches her. Elouise Line 60) See? You got it! Talulla Line 61) But, still. What you did was cruel. I thought I was gonna die. Elouise Line 62) Come on. Don’t be butt hurt. Talulla Line 63) I won’t. But, only if you promise we get you a cake and sing happy birthday. Elouise blushes. Elouise Line 64) Fine. If that's what it takes. Elouise brings her hand to Talulla for her to accept it. Elouise Line 65) But, before that, let’s skate some more. Talulla rolls her eyes and accepts it. They go off to the rink and do all sorts of things. They even do limbo and Elouise wins. They sit at a table and get their prize cake from Elouise winning limbo. Talulla Line 66) Who would’ve thunk they would give us a cake for you winning limbo? Talulla Line 67) Today couldn't be more perfect for this. Talulla Line 68) Now for the annual traditional birthday chant. Talulla calls over the waiters from the bar. Elouise Line 69) Talulla, stop- Talulla Line 70) Too late. Can you guys sing happy birthday for my friend? Waiters Line 71) Let’s get her some candles. They place the candles on the cake and light them up. They start singing Elouise Happy birthday. Elouise’s narration: Line 72) A year ago, I wouldn’t have thought a day like this was possible. Line 73) I would have just gone through this day, like any other. Line 74) My bitterness never allowed me to celebrate. Line 75) Who would’ve thought that all I needed was a little push. Line 76) For my heart to open up. They finish the chant and Elouise blows her candles out. They make their way home, very late at night. Talulla Line 77) Oof. What a night! Elouise Line 78) Sorry I kept you up so late. Talulla Line 79) I’ll only let it slide just because it’s your birthday. Talulla Line 80) If only you had told me earlier. I would’ve gotten you a gift. Elouise Line 81) You can be my gift for today. Talulla blushes a bit. She laughs. Talulla Line 82) I didn’t think you’d ever had the confidence to say something like that. Elouise Line 83) It’s the truth though. Elouise Line 84) I couldn’t ask for a greater gift than you hanging out with me. Elouise Line 85) Quality time means more to me, then all those other things. Talulla Line 86) I guess we’re more alike than I thought. Talulla Line 87) But, still. I can’t imagine a birthday with no gifts. Talulla smiles. Talulla’s narration: Line 88) It’s crazy how much a person can change in such a few days. Line 89) At first I thought that it was too good to be true. Line 90) But, everything about Elouise’s change seems genuine. Line 91) Her growth has been impressive in such a short period of time. Line 92) She’s ready to be on her own, to continue blossoming into this new person. Line 93) Forgiveness gives people a chance to redeem themselves. Line 94) Since Marvin and Elouise redeemed themselves… Line 95) Doesn’t this mean our time here is done? Line 96) It’s been more than two weeks since we’ve gotten here. Line 97) Something like that isn’t a choice for me to make. Line 98) But I feel like we’re stalling our inevitable truth. Line 99) Is it okay for me to bud in just a bit? Line 100) If I don’t, we’ll be stuck here forever. Line 101) But, that also means all of this will be behind us. Line 102) Which means Calista won’t have Marvin. Line 103) And Elouise and I won’t be friends. Line 104) But, we’ll forget everything, right? So, it should be fine? Line 105) But, it’s not fine. It’s upsetting. Line 106) It's only been a short while since we've known each other. Line 107) And I’m already attached. Line 108) I’m sure Calista feels this ever harder. Line 108) Sure, Elouise was a bulldozer at first. Line 109) But, then she became a breath of fresh air. Line 110) That’s exactly what I was searching for. Line 111) But, now everything has to come to an end? End of episode. © 2024 YoshAuthor's Note
Added on July 30, 2024 Last Updated on July 30, 2024 Tags: #romance, #mentalhealth, #1960s, #action, #drama, #adventure, #charming, #enjoyable, #oldschoollovenewjersey, #lovelanguages, #fluff, #friendstolovers, #comedy, #original, #originalstory, #slowburn Author